Last chapter. It isn't very good or funny or long (sorry!); it just tells us what happened after prom.

The aftermath of the prom wasn't nearly as much fun.

It turns out that when Black*Star kicked Soul in the face, Soul's tooth got knocked out. He spent the next day in the dentist's office getting it fixed. He refused anesthesia, however, because it's cooler to take the pain like a man. He passed out from fear within five minutes.

Maka stayed by Soul's side, but refused to take off her prom queen crown. As she put it, "It's not my fault you and Black*Star were acting like apes. Why should I relinquish my glory?"

Kid had a hangover from hell and stayed in bed for three days, recovering from the asymmetry (and embarrassment) of it all. He later apologized to Crona, who simply blushed and nodded. He also apologized to his father, Shinigami-sama, for getting drunk and running the prom into the ground.

Aless was seriously pissed about not being there to be prom queen, but of course her anger was directed at Kid more than Crona. But she has been working on being calmer and not making a scene about little things. Therefore, she did not punch Kid in the face. Instead, she wrote about The Incident for the school newspaper. Crona had to explain to her that psychological torture isn't very good either.

Crona was more confident after the prom, and has been accepted by his friends for who he (or she) is. While he is trying to subdue Aless, she is trying to help him become more outgoing. Neither has made much progress.

Ragnarok got a stomachache after eating so much. When he tried to eat the next morning, he puked on Crona's head. Apparently demon vomit, while smelling horrible, stains whatever it touches black. Black-haired Crona stayed in his room until Maka brought him some pink hair dye. Ragnarok has yet to apologize.

Black*Star suffered no adverse effects from the alcohol. He spent the days after prom annoying everyone who was not so lucky.

And so our little story has come to an end. Thank you to all my readers, especially the ones who took the time to review it, I really appreciate it!

What's the lesson?

Excuse me, Aless?

In English class we learned that there's a lesson in every story. It's called a theme. So what's the lesson?

I didn't write this to teach a lesson, Aless. I wrote it to have fun.

So then what was the point?

Um… you got to dress up and have a cute romance scene? Be happy you got that much.

Arsenic, I am disappoint.

Oh, go away. Anyways, thank for reading! Now I'd like to know: was this story funny or not? Should I write more Soul Eater humor? If so, PM me with ideas and I'll try to turn them into something. Sayonara!