Rhyme's Boyfriend

Joshua was quite bored. Ever since he ended the Game in the UG, he's had found very little amusement. He even reopened the UG for the Game just to be entertained, but since Neku and his gang became alive again, the Game no longer gave him any joy. He would simply find something else to do like…Rhyme had just left class when…"Yo, Sis! Wait up!" cried Beat "We're still hangin' wit Phones and Shiki at 104, iight?"

"Of course! I'm looking forward to it" Rhyme replied cheerfully.

"Sweet! I'll check on ya later then. If I'm late again, my bitch 'o a boss will kill me" Beat laughed.

Rhyme smiled. "See you later Beat" She called after him. He waved back.

She walked for awhile until she reached the park. This was her favorite place to be when she wasn't hanging out with her brother or the others. It was so quiet and peaceful that she would just sit around for hours either watching the wild life, meeting new people, or just sitting back and thinking things through. Usually, she would look for someone to talk to, but this time was different….

"Hello there" said a calm, cool voice.

She looked up to see non other than….."J-Joshua!" She cried as she looked at his ash colored hair and then into those deep purple eyes. "I-I wasn't expecting to see you."

"Oh? And why is that, little Raimu?" Joshua asked as he smirked.

"I'm not little, Joshua. And please call me Rhyme" Rhyme said politely. "I was just surprised to see you since you usually only show up when everyone is together, like on Neku's birthday."

"Very well, Rhyme" said Joshua with a hint of a smirk "I came to see you since the UG hasn't been very interesting lately and the others are busy. Beat is busy with his taxi service and I believe it would freak out his customers quite horribly if I were to appear out of nowhere. Neku and Shiki are having their alone time." Rhyme blushed thinking about those two's relationship especially since she had never been a relationship herself. "While I would enjoy angering Neku by interrupting, but I prefer to stay on Shiki's good side." Joshua laughed. "So that leaves you as my only friend to visit and you seemed like you needed company"

"Really? Well, thanks, Josh." Rhyme replied. "Oh! We're getting together later. Wanna come along?"

"Why not? I'd enjoy a conversation with Neku and Beat" He said with a snicker.

Rhyme laughed too. Once she calmed, she let at a little sigh.

Joshua noticed it and asked "What's wrong, Raimu?"

"I-it's nothing Joshua" Rhyme was so embarrassed by the question that she didn't even notice him calling her Raimu. "You don't need to-"

Just then, Joshua toke the tip of her chin between his index finger and thumb and tipped her chin so that she was looking up right into those concerned purple eyes. "Raimu" Joshua said calmly, lovingly. "Please don't lie to me. I can tell when you're lying. I rather not have to resort to scanning your mind. So, please let me know what is upsetting you're cute face."

Tears were running down Rhyme's cheeks. She had been hiding it for so long. She pulled down her beanie to hide her face in it while she cried. She slid the tree truck she been leaning against and sat with her knees bent and her chin resting on her knees.

Joshua sat down next to her. "Rhyme, I didn't mean to upset you. I should been more gentle."

"No" Rhyme sobbed "I j-j-just never told anyone before. Not even Beat or Shiki.

"Why? I thought why you had friends for, so that you wouldn't break down this bad." said Joshua

"I-I can't!" Rhyme said, as she cried "They often rely on my assurance."

"You can tell me anything, Raimu" Joshua said "I won't ever tell anyone without your permission. I swear by my status as Composer."

"Okay" muttered Rhyme. She had calmed down by now. "It's actually kinda stupid, which another reason why I've never said anything." Tears were leaking again.

"Rhyme, anything that's making you this upset is not stupid or silly" Joshua said calmly, trying to comfort her. He wasn't used to people opening up to him. Rhyme suddenly grabbed his shoulders and hid her face in his shirt and sobbed loudly. Joshua, unsure what to do, ran his fingers through her short blonde hair and rubbed her back.

"I-I'm sorry, Josh" sobbed Rhyme "I can't hold it any longer" Then she just cried into his shirt. Joshua was surprised. Raimu was usually calm and so mature about things unlike her friends even do she was the youngest. "It's just I feel so alone sometimes." Rhyme said "Nobody in my classes want to be my friend since I always make better grades than them. It's not like I shove it in they're faces or anything. They're always pushing me around and call me a nerd or poor since my clothes are old and hand-me-downs."

"Doesn't Beat know about this?" Joshua asked

"Of course he does. That's why he gets in trouble a lot since he gets into fights with bullies." Rhyme explained "It's all my he has such a bad record. I just feel lonely a lot. Neku and Shiki have each other and Beat even has a girlfriend every now and then…..I mean! I didn't mean for it to sound like that!"

Joshua eyes widened. She was alone alright, but not in the way she said she was. "Raimu" Joshua asked "Are you like cause you're single and the others have been in aren't?"

Rhyme blushed, which Joshua found cute. "Well, I really don't have any friends other than you guys, but I've also never been in a relationship." Rhyme suddenly grew very shy and scooted away a bit. She actually a crush on Joshua, but she never she would ask him.

"You don't have to be alone, Raimu" Joshua said as he scooted close enough that their thighs were touching.

"Y-You don't mean…?" Rhyme asked, her face blushing red.

"Of course I do" Joshua said slyly. Then he grabbed her by the chin again. Rhyme heart was beating furiously as she looked into those beautiful purple eyes. Joshua pulled her lips closer to his. Their lips met gently. Rhyme closed her eyes pushed into his lips a little harder. Joshua held her head in one hand and had his other hand on the small of her back. After a few seconds they finally separated in order to breathe. They just stared at each other for a while. Then Rhyme let her lie on Joshua's shoulder and all was good.