A/N: WOW!!! I got reviews!!! I didn't think I'd get any! Okay here's chapter 2. Hope u like!!!

Disclaimer: anything u recognize from the hp series belongs to the great and wonderful jk rowling and the wb. Everything else is mine.

Chapter Two-Summer Blues

Lily was in the middle of a very pleasant dream when she heard a faint whispering above her head. She figured it was a part of her dream, so she tried to make it go away. But it still continued. The disturbance continued till she was finally awake with her eyes closed and fully out of any dream sequence she was previously in. and even then she could still hear it. She finally turned on her back and opened her eyes; and she screamed bloody murder. Because what she saw was enough to make any seven-year-old child scream. She saw four young boys, three were unbeknownst to her, and one was a person whom she didn't seem to like or get along with, towering over her.

"Wow James, you didn't tell me she was pretty." said a boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes that twinkled with the same laughter Lily's eyes had. He actually looked remarkably like James except his hair looked like it was actually combed.

"Yup, I have to agree, she is quite a gem." said another one, a bit shorter and stubbier than the first, with light blonde hair and pale blue eyes.

"Um.guys?" said a third, with light brown hair and hazel eyes. "I don't think she wants us to be here." he continued nervously glancing at Lily, who was sitting up now and, at the moment, was looking very angry, and VERY dangerous.

"James Mathew Potter, you and your crackpot friends had better get out of my room NOW!!!" she shouted.

"Wow," said the one with brown eyes. "and she's got a mouth!" she glared daggers at them all, especially the brown-haired one. He gulped, realizing the danger he was in and said, "I agree with Remus, we should leave." the blonde stubby one began to stutter uncontrollably.

"Y-yeah J-J-James. L-lets g-g-g-go." he stuttered. The three left quietly leaving James to Lily's wrath.

"C'mon you guys! She's harmless!" he called after them. He then turned around to look at her when there she was, standing in front of him, dressed, and really angry.

He gave her a weak smile and nervously muttered, "Heh, heh. Just kidding?" she then gave him an uppercut punch right in the jaw. He fell backwards onto the floor, blood trickling from the side of his mouth. He groaned as she walked past him and out of the room. The boys outside watched her leave. When they were sure she was gone, they walked into the room to see James sprawled out on the floor bleeding.

"So much for the term 'harmless'." said the one called Remus.


After breakfast, the boys saw Lily go outside to the garden. They saw their chance, and the three boys came up to her, dragging James along. There was an awkward silence at first. James rolled his eyes. Some one finally broke the silence.

"Before we get started, I'm Sirius Black, the blonde one is Peter Pettigrew, and the other hazel eyed kid is Remus Lupin." Another silence broke out upon them.

"Um. look," said the Remus kid. "We're all really sorry about the whole 'wake up with a bunch of strangers hovering over your head' thing. So are we even?" He sounded sincere. Lily almost considered forgiving them when her thoughts were interrupted.

"Hey, since when do I get a say in this? I'm not sorry at all." James said in an obnoxious manner.

"James, we're trying to make a truce here." said Remus.

"Well, I'm not apologizing."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are!"


"YES YOU ARE!!!" they all cried in union.

Lily watched in amusement as they quarreled. Then a sudden idea popped into her head. She picked up a handful of dirt and summoned a pouch. She sprinkled the dirt in carefully, while repeating, Veda Funnietco Explodacious. As the dust fell from her hand, it changed from a brownish- blackish to a crimson color. When all the dirt in the pouch was fully colored, she tied the pouch, shook it up, threw it at the boys, and ran. As soon as she thought she was far enough, she looked back to watch the spectacle.

"Payback time." She whispered ginning meschievieously.

"Now as soon as we-hey what's that?" Remus asked, bending over a small pouch that had landed by his feet. Then, suddenly, it exploded, spewing a crimson colored dust on them all. They all began to cough, eyes burning. As the air cleared, they all looked to see what had happened. When they saw each other, they began to laugh hysterically.

"R-R-Remus, y-you look l-like th-th-the jesters at my p-parents' last ball, b-but f-f-funnier!" James managed to say between laughs.

"YOU LOOK LIKE A GIRL!!!" Remus shouted back. Suddenly they stopped laughing when they looked at themselves. Remus was wearing a blue body suit with green polka-dots and a matching jester's hat completed with bells dangling at the ends. Sirius was dressed like a teddy bear, stuffing included. Peter was dressed somewhat like a piggy with a nose and ears to go with it. James had to be the worst by far. He was dressed in a pink dress and his hair was longer and. blue?

"WHO DID THIS TO US?!?!?" James shouted.

But before anyone could answer, they realized someone was watching, as well as laughing her head off. It was Lily. When she finally got control of herself, they watched as she took out a scroll with the royal Italian seal on it. Then she walked up to them in an airy manner and cleared her throat.

She handed the scroll to Sirius and said, "Good day."

And she walked away, struggling with stifling her laughter. They all stared at her, jaws dropping. Sirius opened the scroll, read it, and chuckled. They all looked at him strangely. He showed the note to Remus, then to Peter, and they started to laugh too. As soon as James came over to look at it, he began to laugh as well. The contents read, in kinda neat kinda sloppy writing: Now We're Even. They all looked at each other, all thinking the same thing; She's way in over her head.


Lily walked through the winding halls, desperately trying to remember where the kitchens were so that she could visit Nicola. Suddenly she heard something. It sounded like some scuffling and some whispering. It was coming closer. She became suspicious. The only reason she could hear these sounds was because it was one of her special powers. If she wanted, she could magnify her hearing 1,000,000 times her normal hearing, or she could become deafer than deaf. If she hadn't had this power, what came next would have surprised her completely. A bucket of what seemed to be cold water splashed over her and, from behind, someone blindfolded her, spun her around, and tied her hands behind her back. She sighed. Boys are complete idiots. she thought. She heard the laughing voices of four boys.

"Did you really think that you, a girl, could get away with that little prank? Ha! I think not." said a voice she recognized as James.

"Hey Lil," said another voice that sounded like Sirius. "Now we're even."

She then heard more laughing. She rolled her eyes. The thick rope was tied so tightly that any other person would take days to free themselves alone. Lily on the other hand also had super strength, so she could beak through it as easily as if it were thread or a strand of hair that held her captive. And she did, too. They watched in amazement as she easily broke out of the ropes, un-blindfolded herself, and dried herself magically without a spell or a wand.

"H-how did y-you . huh?" stuttered a dumbfounded James.

"Potter, I'm a witch. I can do magic. I mean, can't you?"

"Not without a wand." he replied. Being seven years old, she did not comprehend it's importance. So she blinked a few times, shrugged, and walked away. They all stared after her in disbelief.

The rest of the day continued full of explosions, shouting, thrown objects, and a few body parts that Lily either bruised or broke. Of course they were mended easily, but that wasn't the point of it. At the end of the day Lily sighed as she looked around at her room. Last night she was too tired to notice that it was full of dolls, lace and ribbons that matched the pink walls. And this morning she was a little, err, preoccupied. She shuddered at the thought of sleeping here again. She took out her wand that had been lying forgotten on her bed the whole day. She muttered a spell and the room blinked a few times, then it finally became identical to her room at home. Green, messy, and full of junk all over the floor. She was indeed very messy, or 'organizationally challenged' as she would term it. She smiled contently at her surroundings. She sighed happily and put on an overly large silk men's blouse that belonged to her father. She always slept in them ever since she could remember. She crawled into bed and as soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell to sleep.


James crawled into his bed with thoughts of some new pranks to play. He decided that he should go to the next level. Magic. He was really good at it, especially transfiguration (A/N: hint, hint. nudge, nudge.). She's not gonna know what hit her he thought. He was glad that his friends were there to spend the summer with him. He yawned and went to sleep dreaming of all the horrible things he could do to the great and wonderful Princess Lily.


The rest of the summer continued just as the first. Lily would always wake up with the four boys towering over her, thus waking up the rest of castle with her blood-curling screams. Up until the twenty-ninth of July, which happened to be her birthday. She woke up to see the same four faces that came to greet her every morning. She got the same "G'morning Lil!" from Sirius, but instead of screaming her head off she just sighed.

"Good morning Sirius. Now please leave, it would make things a lot easier." she said weakly.

"What, no shouting? No death threats? Are you sick?" asked a worried James as he checked her forehead. Slightly annoyed, she knocked his hand away and sat up.

"No, I'm fine, it's just that it's my birthday and. *sigh* never mind." she said sighing.

Sirius sat next to her saying, in a 'caring' tone, "Our wittle Lily Wily is turning eight today. Aww!" hugging her a little too tightly. She squirmed a little.

"Air, S-Sirius, p-p-please." she said, gasping for air. He smiled sheepishly and let her go. Suddenly an idea popped into James's head.

"C'mon you guys, let's give her some space." he said, holding the large wooden doors open. They all looked at him strangely. This was highly strange because it was unlike James to care about whether or not Lily was happy. They eventually got up and left.

As Sirius was leaving, he muttered, "Are you sure there's nothing wrong with you?"

James rolled his eyes and muttered back, "I have a plan, trust me." And he left. Lily watched them leave. She knew to be extra careful today. She had heard what James said and she was ready.

A/N: ok that was it. Next chapter is a lot more detailed (and a lot longer, unfortunately. .). But after chapter three, the next few will be about what happens when she come for the winter season. Until then, bye!