Disclaimer: I do not own Despicable me.

A dark shadow landed on top of the bank in the middle of the night. Using very new technology, he managed to get inside undetected. Usually fame would be a great help, but not today.

If his acquaintances knew he was down to robbing banks, he would never live it down. Stealing the moon would just barely cover him for it. Real villains had a lot of money, look at Cruella da Ville or- many others that do not like having their names referred to. Real villains did not go around stealing or robbing banks for money.

Forget the bag, money actually comes in huge flats and big stacks. Hooking up the right equipment, the entire bank vault was empty mere moments later. Up in his helicopter, the money was safely brought aboard and counted on the way home.

Gru was teaching Edith how to shoot her new mini freeze-ray gun. She was almost a natural. They were in the living room, and the freeze ray was set to merely mark it's target with a small speck of blue powder.

Luckily, or he would have had a winter wonderland in his house. Edith liked to take out her targets but shooting many times in one direction. It made escaping pretty difficult (as the minions found out), but did a lot of damage to the surroundings.

With a little more practice, Gru was certain that she would be able to take out a target with only one shot. Or at least somewhere under a dozen.

"Gooood guuurl, now you can tuuurn the laser on. Eeet weeell tell you were da shot 's goeeeng togo."

"Alright da-err." Edith felt Gru shift quickly looking down. "David moved!" She recovered.

Gru looked at the target again, "Dat is what he ees supposed todo. And David is down de stairs, dat is Tim we are tryeeng to hit."

"Yeah sure," Edith put a dozen marks on him.

"Good Gurl, but aim more centrally to his person-"

A stranger headed up the street, taking his time to observe the security on this large house. Too much security for a 'retired' felon that had learned from his mistakes. That's what Mr. Gru was supposed to have done ten years ago.

Two young girls sat on the porch. They didn't look related, but if they were Gru's they could have multiple mothers. After all their would-be father traveled the world and only settled down when he retired.

The Stranger watched them for a while, making sure he didn't spook them off. Or set off the security. The oldest seemed a little too uncomfortable to belong there, she was too uneasy to belong to Gru's world.

The little girl singing a kid version of an opera song was more Gru's style. Classic and energetic. He would be shocked to learn if she wasn't a Gru. A new idea struck him as he watched the older girl attend her; a nanny!

"Hey girls, is this the Gru Residence?" He finally called up the sidewalk.

They both looked up at him. Seeing the younger one's excitement, he was suddenly quite glad he wasn't wearing his cape. The older one book marked her page.


"We didn't order a superhero, so you can go back home. It's no one's birthday today," the older girl told him sternly. She obviously, wasn't a fan of Superheros.

"Alright, but I still need to see Gru, is he home."

"What business do you have?" The girl glared at him.

"We're old friends. We just need to catch up a bit," He rubbed his chin. If he didn't have a weakness for kids, he would have just blasted his way through the house and grabbed Gru to get some answers.

Kids made everything more difficult here. The girl told her charge to clean up and helped her gather up her crayons.

The Hero frowned, but went up the steps as close as he could get to the door.

"Here, let me help you," the older girl jumped, glaring at him.

"We don't need it, thanks."

"No need to be rude, but I have to talk to Gru today. Right now, actually."

The girls glared at him, backs to the door.

"Listen, whatever you think I'm going to do, whatever Gru told you-"

"Mr. Gru hasn't told us anything, I know what you are. You save some people within your own community and put bad guys into asylums."

"Sometimes into jails," the hero told her. well, it looked like he didn't have to worry about adding kidnapping to the list of things he needed to talk to Gru about.

"Listen, I'm a good guy, I just want to talk to him."

The hero stopping when he noticed the handle behind the girls freeze up. The frost crawled up the wood and across the porch towards the girls. Reaching out, he pulled them both away before they ended up being kid-Popsicles.

"Hey," the nanny yelled, slapping his hands and kicked his shins simultaneously.

She looked calm though, not scared or angry. So he explained himself.

"The door was freezing up! that's all I was doing." Both girls looked at the door, watching as the ice melted off the hinges before their eyes.

"Thanks," the girl muttered.

"What's your name?" the hero asked.

"Margo, and this is Angus."

The sound of a kid's laughter came from the house.

Ding dong.

Gru sighed, heading out to get the door.

Edith shot the door with the actual freeze ray part turned on. Gru rose an eyebrow.

"What? It's not like it's not annoying."

"Hmm," Gru headed over to see who was at his door now. "No officer, I deed not rob de bank. Yes, I do have an alibi," he practiced under his breath.

Gru set his ray to unfreeze (something they had only needed after Edith started playing with rays.) and hit the door with it.

"It's probably, just Margo. The door sometimes automatically locks," Edith told him.

"What does Margo do out dere?" Gru asked walking down the long hallway.

"Reading, she likes to read outside sometimes," Edith skipped down the hall. "And Agnus likes to draw pictures out there sometimes."

Gru frowned, wondering why he hadn't known this before now. Really he should know where they are at all times.

Gru grabbed the handle and shockingly dropped it and started jumping up and down when he burned himself. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, Yes, I am commeeeng!" Gru inspected his fingers, "right after I see to my poor fingers."

The sound of laughter made Gru blush. At least someone was enjoying themselves, Edith was having trouble standing laughing that hard.

"Thank you Edith," With the help of a scarf, the door opened. And Gru was shocked to see who was standing there.

Review please. and tell me what hero you want in here, or this hero to be. I was going to make him batman, but Gru isn't his type of villain. . . so tell me who you want to see please, we have

Justice League (this hero would be The Flash)

The Incredibles (Bob)

Spiderman (Golumn who was brought back, yay)

static shock (the girl)

Kim Possible (Ron) future

New Hero with another known hero.