A/N: So, this here was a really random thing I wanted to do for awhile, loosely based off of Kelly Clarkson's song 'You Found Me'. Some light IchiGrimm (In that order) and even lighter UlquiHime. Since I don't want to drag it out or try and squeeze the whole thing into one, I decided on making it a twoshot. And it's an AU. And my first real attempt at a hand to hand combat scene, so I apologize if it's not the best, but I like it ^_^ Also, some bad language ahead, just a fair warning.

(BTW, Vocaloid is like a drug, no lie.)

Okay. Enough of my rambling please read and enjoy!

You Found Me

"Hey." A tall blue haired teen turned to face the owner of that all too familiar voice.

A somewhat shorter teen with long black hair approached him, a small lunchbox in his hands.

The two quickly moved to a nearby tree, seating themselves in the shade of the branches, opening their bento lunchboxes. "You got extra chopsticks?" The blue haired man asked, turning to look at his friend who already had pulled a fresh pair out of his lunchbox and was handing it to the other.

They ate in silence for several minutes before the black haired man spoke. "Is something wrong Grimmjow? Your often much chattier than this." He said monotonously, picking a piece of sushi out of his lunchbox and popping it in his mouth.

"Nah, I just didn't do so hot on my English test…and those punks were messing with me again this morning, it just kinda pissed me off a bit." He muttered, chewing on a piece of egg.

The black haired man sighed loudly and put down his lunch on the grass. "Again? You didn't start it did you?" Grimmjow turned to his friend, a scowl on his face. "Hell no, I never start it, can you remember the last time I started a fight Ulquiorra?" Ulquiorra scratched his temple and shook his head.

"It's been awhile." Grimmjow nodded. "Exactly, it's those assholes that always try and pick fights, not me." Grimmjow said angrily, baring his teeth. Ulquiorra, sensing his friend was getting a little too riled up, gently placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault Grimmjow; it's never been your fault." "I know that! But sometimes….sometimes I wish I had never come out, and then I wouldn't get a good majority of the bullshit I receive on a daily basis…it's just so damn irritating." Ulquiorra nodded. "But the fact of the matter is Grimmjow, that's just how this world is and you do an all to excellent job of dealing with it more than half the time. I'm not nearly as strong as you and I know that if I were ever placed in your situation, I wouldn't last a day, trust me." Ulquiorra said lightly.

"Yeah….I know…you've told me….." Grimmjow grimaced, running his hand through his hair. "Whatever, I can handle it, so enough about me, how's your life?" Grimmjow said, trying to brighten up a bit. He picked up his lunch and started eating again.

"Well, I hate to brag, but I aced the English test and I've got a date tonight." He said, grinning slightly. The blue haired man scoffed.

"Fuck you, you know that? Why are you so damn smart? You hardly even have to study and you pass all your class with straight A's for crying out loud!" Ulquiorra grinned wider.

"How did you score a woman like Orihime anyway? Isn't she like 25 or something? And she's hot; even I have to admit that!" Ulquiorra waved his hand in a dismissing manner. "The secrets to my success…..shall remain a secret." The black haired man said quietly, pressing his forefinger to his lips.

The bell rang seconds later, signaling the end of the lunch period.

"A friend of hers' is dropping her off around seven at my place." Ulquiorra said as he packed up his lunchbox. "Wait, why at your place? She's got a car right?" Grimmjow questioned, Ulquiorra nodded. "Yeah, but her friend wants to meet me. He's kinda the overprotective type and she said he wants to check me out and make sure I'm alright" He shrugged, Grimmjow smirked.

"Yet another test I know you'll pass with flying colors." "You know me so well." They both fell silent before Ulquiorra spoke. "Speaking of, do you know when your mom is coming home from her business trip? I don't mind you staying at my place in the meantime but it's been awhile so I'm just wondering." Grimmjow sighed.

"I just talked to her the other day. She's not gonna be back from America for at least another few weeks." He sighed again. "Hey, it's alright, so don't worry about it okay? I've got the room and what kind of friend would I be if I threw you out into the streets?"

"Thanks….again, you're always looking out for me…." Ulquiorra shrugged. "It's my job, anyway, let's get going, I don't want to be late to class." Grimmjow nodded, packing up his lunchbox. "I'll see you at home."

The day dragged on and on and on. By the time Grimmjow had sat down to his last period class, all he wanted was to go home and take a nap.

As the teacher droned on, he felt his eyelids grow heavy and they soon closed shut.

He laid his head down on his desk to try and catch a few minutes of sleep if he was not so rudely interrupted before he even had the chance to drift off into dreamland.

He felt a sharp sting on his neck, making his head shoot up from its place on the desk. Bringing his hand up, he grabbed the back of his neck and picked off it a small wadded up piece of wet paper, a spitball. He turned his head, knowing immediately who had done it.

He locked his eyes on three guys sitting in the back of the class.

The first was a very tall and lanky teen, known as Nnoitora. He acted as the somewhat leader of the three. The next guy was smaller and had short black hair, he was Aaroniero. And the third was a man with silver hair and seemingly slits for eyes, also known as Gin Ichimaru.

Grimmjow and Nnoitora locked eyes. The black haired menace brought his hand up and slid his thumb across his neck. Grimmjow flipped him off and quickly turned back to face the teacher.

"Mother Fucker, I'm not in the mood to fight today." Grimmjow thought to himself. He knew from past experience, that whenever Nnoitora, Aaroniero, or Gin were in an especially bad mood, one of them would usually assault him with spitballs in 6th period and that would later result in a fight after school.

Grimmjow knew he was an excellent fighter and could easily bring each of them down if it was a one on one match, but that usually was not the case and he often had to fight all three of them at once.

Ulquiorra, also an excellent fighter, would sometimes jump in to help him if he needed it, but Ulquiorra was most often not around at those times.

No one else ever helped him; he had no one else he could call on. He had no friends aside from Ulquiorra and he was avoided by the majority of the student body anyways.

Before he had come out, he had girls drooling over him on a daily basis due to his good looks. His general popularity with the ladies attracted guys to him, but none of them ever were sincere enough to want to be friends with him. After he had come out, the girls lost all hope and started avoiding him, and as such, the guys did too.

Then assholes like Nnoitora and his gang popped up and they started attacking Grimmjow, physically and verbally because of whom he was. Grimmjow was grateful he had Ulquiorra there for him and his mom when she was home, but he wished sometimes he had a little more, just one more someone who could have his back in a time of need.

He knew it was wishful thinking, but he still hoped someone would just appear one day.

"I guess I'll just have to deal with it today." Grimmjow thought to himself, his head slumping down onto his desk again, an occasional spitball hitting the back of his neck.

At long last the bell rang. Grimmjow leaned back in his desk and stretched as the room emptied. He stood, stretching out his legs and slipping his arms into his backpack straps. Stepping out of the classroom and moving down the hall he felt his cell phone go off in his pocket.

It was Ulquiorra, but then again, who else could it be? "Hey, what's up?"

"You're fighting today aren't you?" Grimmjow cursed. Nnoitora and his gang must already be waiting in the parking lot waiting for him.

"Yeah, I kinda have to, why?" Ulquiorra was silent for a moment before speaking. "You want me to get a teacher?" He asked. "Hell no, I don't want them thinking I'm that much of a wuss that I'd go running to a teacher for help" Grimmjow responded. Ulquiorra sighed.

"Then I guess I'm gonna have to jump in and help out today." Grimmjow grinned. "You sure?" He asked, already knowing the answer. "Yeah, they seem pretty pissed and I can't leave you to deal with that on your own." He fell silent. Grimmjow waited for some kind of response.

"So count me in, I'll be waiting outside the main doors." "Right, I'll be there in a jiff." Grimmjow said quickly, hitting the end button on his phone. Slipping it into his bag, he took off down the hall, with only one thing in mind.

Wiping Gin's stupid smirk right off his arrogant face.

Once Ulquiorra and Grimmjow had met up, they quickly made their way to the parking lot.

"You take Aaroniero, I'll take Gin, and we take Nnoitora together, good?" Grimmjow muttered, hands in pockets, not taking his eyes off the pavement in front of him. Ulquiorra nodded.

"Grimmjow, I know how worked up you can get so you need to promise me now, If you start losing control you let me know and I'll get us out okay?" Ulquiorra asked as the parking lot came into view. "I promise, now let's kick some ass." He replied.

They walked the rest of the distance in silence, coming to halt when Nnoitora was just meters from them. He smirked when he saw them, showing his teeth.

"So you came after all and you brought a friend with you too." He laughed loudly and derisively, Aaroniero mimicking his example, Gin just continued to smile.

"Let's just cut the small talk today and get down to brass tacks shall we?" Grimmjow asked loudly, readying his fists still in his pockets. Nnoitora grinned again.

"As you wish princess, just be wary that I'm feeling especially pissy today so don't get cry when I beat the living shit out of you." He said venomously.

"This is pointless, why would you fight with no reason?" Ulquiorra asked loudly. Nnoitora turned to him, his teeth bared like a wild animal. "Shut up bitch! No one asked for your opinion so just keeping your fucking mouth shut! If you hate fighting then why don't you run away like the pussy you are!" Nnoitora screeched.

Ulquiorra stared intently at him, his face still calm, before bringing his hand up and undoing the top button on his dress shirt.

"Fine, since you're so intent on bloodshed, I can only oblige your barbaric request." He said icily, flexing his hand menacingly.

Grimmjow felt the tension about to split any second. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a split moment before he heard three sets of loud footsteps quickly approaching. "Good luck." He heard Ulquiorra mutter as his eyes snapped open just in time to dodge a kick from Gin.

He twisted around as Nnoitora's fist appeared in his line of sight.

He ducked and heard a loud crack seconds later.

Swinging his legs around he knocked Nnoitora off balance who recovered seconds before his head would have hit the ground.

Jumping to his feet, Grimmjow saw Gin's nose gushing blood although the silver haired man hardly seemed to notice as he jumped and delivered a hard kick to Grimmjow's side, causing him to double over in pain.

A fist connected with his stomach and Grimmjow was once again on the ground, his head now throbbing in pain once it connected with the ground.

He saw the flash of Ulquiorra's green eyes above him and a loud 'Oof' met his ears as he saw Ulquiorra knee Nnoitora in the stomach.

This small respite gave Grimmjow enough time to get back on his feet just in time to throw himself in front of Ulquiorra as Aaroniero came running at him, fists raised.

He quickly and effortlessly blocked the blow and then proceeded to take hold of Aaroniero's shirt, pulling him in close as possible and smashing their heads together.

Now praise God Grimmjow had a very hard head or that would have hurt a lot more and sure enough, as Aaroniero dropped to the ground unconscious, Grimmjow only swayed a bit in place from dizziness.

Once he regained his balance, Grimmjow spun on his heels just in time to see Gin's fist make contact with Ulquiorra's chin.

He didn't have enough time to see what happened afterwards as Nnoitora was running at him, his face contorted into a mask of pure malice.

Grimmjow rushed at him, meeting him halfway as their fists met. He winced slightly as his skin split and his knuckles began bleeding.

Ignoring this, Grimmjow brought his leg up, Nnoitora quickly mimicking him. But the blue haired man was quicker and, putting as much force as possible into it, he kicked his assailant in the chest, knocking the wind out of him.

He took this moment as Nnoitora gasped for breath to bring his arm up and he slammed it against his opponent's bare neck, knocking him out cold.

He heard a sickening crunch behind him and saw Gin fall to the ground as well. They had won.

"What did you do to him?" Grimmjow asked incredulously as his eyes searched the silver haired man for bleeding.

"Cracked one of his ribs." Ulquiorra said as casually as possible, bending over, trying to catch his breath. "C'mon lets go before a teacher gets here." Ulquiorra said loudly, taking a vice-like grip on Grimmjow's arm and dragging him toward his car.

Now that the fight was over, Grimmjow was able to feel more accurately where he would have bruises in the morning.

One on his side where he got kicked, definitely, and another one probably on his stomach. As he got into the passenger's side of the car and slammed the door shut, he realized his knuckles were bleeding like crazy where the skin had split.

"Ulquiorra, you got something I can wrap around this?" He asked as the black haired man started up the car. He glanced over at Grimmjow's injury and shook his head. "No, but tear off a piece of your shirt and wrap it tightly around the area to stem the bleeding until we get home." He said quietly as he zoomed out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

Doing as he was told, Grimmjow tore his shirt sleeve and wrapped it tightly around his wound.

He glanced down to his now bare arm and saw a bruise already blossoming on his upper forearm.

He fell back into his seat and sighed, his chest beating wildly, blood and sweat dripping down his face. "Well…..that was fun." He muttered, Ulquiorra did not respond. "Aww, c'mon, you had to of liked it just a little bit, when was the last time you had let lose like that anyway?" He asked the still silent Ulquiorra.

"It was…exhilarating….I'll say that…..but I don't think I want to do it again anytime soon." He responded at last. Grimmjow sighed. "I guess…but I still liked the rush…..I haven't gotten that high on my own adrenaline in awhile." He murmured, remembering the moment his head had made contact with Aaroniero.

He felt his heart start racing and breathing quicken and the incredible urge to punch something almost overwhelmed him. "Grimmjow…listen to me…you need to calm down, you're getting too worked up. It's over now so just drop it." Ulquiorra murmured.

Grimmjow took a deep breath. "Good…now when we get back I have to start getting ready for my date, so you can wash off in the kitchen sink." Grimmjow nodded. "Fine, but it's still pretty early, do you really need that much time to get ready?" He asked.

"Well, normally no, but after our little tussle I need extra time. If she's sees me all beat up she'll freak and I don't want that tonight." He responded, not taking his eyes off the road. "So you can take care of yourself for tonight right?" Ulquiorra asked and Grimmjow scoffed.

"Psh, I'm not so helpless that I need you babysitting me, I'll probably just make something to eat, shower, and then go to bed, so don't spend your time worrying about me." He muttered, scowling into the darkness. "Fine."

Once they arrived at Ulquiorra's apartment, Grimmjow made a beeline for the kitchen while Ulquiorra headed for the bathroom.

Switching on the light switch and turning on the sink, Grimmjow ran his clumsily bandaged hand under the sink before tenderly undoing the blood soaked cloth, wincing as the ice cold water hit his exposed skin.

He opened the cupboard above the sink with his free hand, fishing out some gauze bandages from the back.

Drying his hand, he wrapped the gauze around it and secured it with a piece of tape. He suddenly realized how hungry he was and turned to the refrigerator.

He found some leftover rice from dinner the other night and heated it in the microwave. Filling a glass with water, he proceeded with his food and drink to the sitting room, grabbing the TV remote as he went. He turned it on and flipped to a random channel which turned out to be some kind of quiz show.

He downed his meager meal in minutes and stretched out on the couch, listening to the sounds of the shower running on the other side of the wall combined with the low voices and sounds issuing from the TV.

He felt a combination of contentment and foreboding. Content that he had won his fight so handily without sustaining any terrible injuries,content that he was safe at Ulquiorra's house where he could relax and let loose if he wanted, and content that he had food in him even if it had only been a little bit.

Then he felt that pain in his abdomen where he knew bruises were forming as he lay there.

The pain reminded him of what he would have to deal with once Nnoitora, Aaroniero, and Gin recovered and that stressed him out and dare I say even scared him a little.

But he did not have to worry about that right now. He was here and that was all that mattered at the present time. He closed his eyes, hoping to get a few moments of rest if a loud hacking noise hadn't interrupted him.

His eyes flew open and he saw Ulquiorra standing before him clad in only a towel around his waist. Grimmjow felt himself blush lightly and then he grinned.

"Can I help you?" Grimmjow asked still grinning like an idiot. "Oh stop that, I need your help with something." He said quickly, turning around and showing his back. "I can't quite turn enough to see my backside and it's been stinging a bit, I just wanted to ask you if there's a cut or bruise there or something."

Grimmjow stood, feeling laughter rumbling in his chest. A large bruise had spread across Ulquiorra's lower back, something he certainly wouldn't be able to see in a mirror.

"Oh yeah, a nice big one right there." He snickered, pressing his forefinger right onto the darkened skin. "Are you serious? Damnit….." Ulquiorra murmured, rushing out of the room and running to his bedroom. "What's the big deal anyway? It's not like anyone is gonna see it, least of all your girlfriend….." He fell off, coming to a not so shocking realization.

"Oh…duh." He muttered to himself, falling back onto the couch. He figured now was a good a time as ever to shower, especially if Orihime was coming she were to freak out over a few cuts and bruises, the she would definitely have a fit over blood.

"Hey Ulquiorra! Are you done in the bathroom?" Grimmjow shouted. "Yeah, go ahead if you need it." was his response. Grimmjow went to his room and grabbed a towel out of his closet.

He undid the buttons on his torn shirt and dropped it on the floor and made his way to the bathroom, towel in hand.

He started up the water and stripped off the rest of his clothes and gauze bandage, examining himself in the mirror.

Sure enough, he had one huge bruise streaking across his upper abdomen and another on the left side of his upper body, where Gin had kicked him.

"Fuck…" He murmured, running his hand along his darkened skin before stepping into the hot water. He spent a few good minutes scrubbing his face to rid it of dried blood and then at least ten more scrubbing the rest of his body, trying to rid himself of the noxious combined scent of dirt, sweat, and blood.

Once he had finished, he dried himself and went back to his room. He searched though his drawers for clothes, deciding on a simple pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt.

Once clothed he made his way back to the sitting room where Ulquiorra was adjusting his hair in a mirror on the wall.

"You look hot; she won't be able to keep her hands off you." Grimmjow said grinning, leaning against the door frame.

Ulquiorra had dressed himself in a pair of black dress pants and a white dress shirt which had left unbuttoned at the top and over which he wore a simple black dress jacket. His hair was combed down and he shook it a few times to muss it up a bit. He wore a pair of black dress shoes and he had put a small white bandage over the cut on his , he was definitely going the extra mile to look his best that was for sure.

"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you Grimmjow." Ulquiorra responded. "No problem." He responded, dropping back onto the couch. Not seconds later the doorbell rang.

"She's here." Grimmjow sighed, picking himself up off the couch and following Ulquiorra to the door. "Ulqui-chan!"

A large breasted, red haired woman threw herself at the black haired man making him stumble a bit as her weight crashed down on him.

"Miss Inoue, It's truly a pleasure to see you again." Ulquiorra said warmly into her ear making her blush. "Oh, Ulquiorra, don't call me that, I know I'm somewhat older than you but please just call me Orihime." She said happily. He nodded. "If that is what you wish." He whispered just loud enough for Grimmjow to hear.

He gently held her chin in his hand and pressed his lips to hers. She made an 'Eep' sound as he made his move but soon relaxed into his embrace and kissed him back with much vigor.

The broke apart and Orihime turned to Grimmjow, smiling. "You must be Grimmjow; Ulquiorra has told me so much about you. Thank you for always taking care of him." She said warmly, coming forward to hug him.

"It's a bit of a chore, but you're welcome." He said jokingly as she kissed his cheek, making him blush slightly. She returned her attention to Ulquiorra who held her in his arms and whispered something into her ear.

She nodded and laughed and then he kissed her again. A small hacking noise from the hall brought the two lovers back to reality.

Orihime freed herself from Ulquiorra's arms and stood upright allowing Grimmjow to get a good look at her. She had her hair straightened out with a small ornamental flower decorating it. She wore a western style dress that accentuated her overlarge breasts and made her skin almost sparkle in the light. She had a pair of black high heels on and a small black handbag on her arm. Even Grimmjow had to admit, she was stunning, but not nearly as stunning as the person standing behind her.

"Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, I'd like you to meet my very best friend, Ichigo Kurosaki." She said turning and gesturing to the man who just stepped through the door. The moment Grimmjow saw him; he felt his heart skip a beat…...scratch that, two beats.

His breath stuck in his chest and he was unable to breathe.

It was such a reaction to a person he had never experienced before and he was reduced to staring at the man like an idiot with his mouth hanging open.

The first thing Grimmjow identified about him was his deep brown, honey colored eyes. His hair was a bright flaming orange; so much so Grimmjow was sure he bleached it. His skin was lightly tanned and muscled, evident from the tight shirt he was wearing. His legs were long and lanky, covered by a slim fitting pair of jeans and on his feet he wore a pair of solid black sneakers. He had a big grin on his face, a smile that could melt even the coldest heart.

He was perfect. So perfect.

Grimmjow looked down at himself and immediately wished he had worn something less casual than sweatpants and a loose T-shirt. He cursed to himself silently and causally brought his hand up to try and straighten his hair a bit.

The man named Ichigo stepped forward, turning to Ulquiorra first and holding out his hand.

"It's nice to finally meet you, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." Ulquiorra grasped his hand firmly and shook it. "Likewise, and I am Ulquiorra Schiffer." He said quietly. "Thank you for taking care of Orihime when I can't, we've known each other for years and she's such a klutz sometimes that I worry about her, so I'm very glad she has you looking out for her." He said as Orihime lightly punched his shoulder.

"Hey! I'm not a klutz." She protested and he just smiled and nodded. "Yes, yes whatever you say." "So how old are you again? What kind of work do you do? If you don't mind my prying that is, I'm sure Orihime told me at some point, but please forgive me for forgetting." Ulquiorra asked searchingly.

Ichigo laughed. "Of course I don't mind, curiosity isn't a sin"

"Yeah, but the things I want to do to you might be." Grimmjow thought for a fleeting second, his mouth quite dry and his brain still in a state of shock.

"Well, if you really want to know, I'm twenty-six, just one year older than Orihime, and I work at a daycare actually, during the day." He responded.

"Taking care of kids, it's what I do." He said smirking. "Interesting, I thought you would have been employed in the same line of work as Miss Inoue." She turned and clamped her hand over his mouth at this.

"Sorry, Orihime." He corrected himself. "Well, sure were close, but we had different career paths we choose. I went into childcare and she went into publishing. Despite that, I wouldn't say were any less close than we were before." He muttered, scratching his chin.

"Actually, I'd say were closer nowadays then we ever have been." She nodded. "It's true."

After this small exchange, Ichigo finally turned to Grimmjow who was ready to respond to anything the orange haired man threw at him. "So then you must be Grimmjow." Ichigo said warmly.

Said blue haired man opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

He reveled in how his name simply rolled off his tongue and he had been totally unprepared to hear it issue from the other mans' suspected Orihime had told him.

He felt a quick blow to his undamaged side, bringing him back to his senses. His turned his head slightly to see Ulquiorra standing beside him with a searching look.

"Don't be rude Grimmjow, please greet our guest." Ulquiorra offered. "Oh..right….uh, sorry about that, I just kinda spaced out there for a sec, so no offense or anything." He said quietly, turning back to Ichigo who just nodded.

"No problem, anyway, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, it's nice to meet a friend of Ulquiorra's." He offered his hand which Grimmjow took almost immediately. "Nice to meet you too, I'm Grimmjow Jeagerjaques." His skin was warm, like a bright sunny day.

Inching only slightly closer, Grimmjow was able to catch the smell of strawberries radiating off the man. "Typical…but strangely enticing." Grimmjow thought to himself, resisting the almost overwhelming temptation to get closer and take in more of the man's delicious scent.

"So, you're still in high school right? Like Ulquiorra? How old are you? Same age or no? I'm sure Orihime told me at some point…..but I forgot" He said, lightly smacking his forehead.

"If you don't mind me asking that is." Grimmjow listened intently as Ichigo spoke.

"Damn…..even his voice is sexy." Grimmjow thought to himself. "Yeah, I'm still in high school, but graduating this year so not for much longer." He responded. "Oh, and I'm 18, me and Ulquiorra are the same age. We've known each other since we were kids and were only a few months apart so we tend to celebrate our birthdays together some time in between." Grimmjow continued.

"That's cool, you two seem real close, like brothers almost." Ichigo responded. Ulquiorra nodded. "Pretty much."

"So what happened to your guys faces? I saw you both got a couple cuts and such. Did you get in a fight or something?" Orihime piped up, tracing a cut on Ulquiorra's cheek with her finger. "Nah, just rough housing, was having a little fun." Grimmjow said quickly and Ulquiorra nodded again. "That's right, and it just got a bit out of hand is all, so please don't worry." The black haired man said quietly, reassuring his girlfriend.

"Putting that aside, shouldn't we get going? I don't want to be late for our reservations." Ulquiorra said to Orihime. She nodded. "Yeah, we should." He offered his hand to her and she took it.

"I'll be back later tonight Grimmjow, so take care of yourself until then." Ulquiorra said, turning his back to the blue haired man. "Yeah, yeah, have fun you two." He said dismissively as they exited the door and into the hall. "It was nice meeting you Grimmjow." Ichigo said happily, Grimmjow nodded. "Likewise."

The orange haired man turned to exit the door but stopped and spun on his heel to face the blue haired man once again.

Then something totally unexpected came out of said carrot top's mouth, something that would surely knock Grimmjow into a daze….again.

"You wanna hang out sometime?" He asked grinning sheepishly. And sure enough, the wind flew out of his lungs, his eyes grew wide, but thankfully, his jaw did not drop.

Grimmjow was out of it…again When he got no response, the orange top turned and started smacking his forehead with his palm.

"Stupid…stupid…..stupid…..of course he wouldn't want to…."

But it's not that Grimmjow didn't want to; his mind had just been sent back into shock so it would take a few minutes for him to regain his logical thought process.

As the blue haired teen stood there, desperately trying to find his words, he heard snitches of what the orange haired man was saying to himself as he started hitting his head against the door frame, like 'Just a kid…..' 'I'm too old…..' and 'We just met for god's sake…..'. And at long last, Grimmjow found his voice.

"…..What?" Grimmjow asked, his initial shock finally wearing off. Ichigo glanced up, looking extremely relieved that he had gotten some kind of response.

He stood upright, flattening his hair against the red mark on his forehead, and cleared his throat."Well, you seem like a good guy and all and there's just something about you…." He fell off, giving the teen a searching look.

"You just seem lonely to me I guess and like you could use a friend. From what Orihime told me about Ulquiorra, it seems like you two are almost each other's only friends" He said quietly. "Pretty much….."Grimmjow muttered, Ichigo nodded slightly.

"Anyway, don't you have friends your own age you'd rather spend time with?" Grimmjow asked, sneering. "Well, a few…..I guess, one of them being Orihime, but can't I try and make new friends if I want?" He asked grinning. "Plus, being around a younger crowd makes me feel younger, that's why I'm in childcare." He muttered, scratching his head awkwardly.

Grimmjow felt his mind racing.

A really hot older guy suddenly asked him if he wanted to hang out….but the question was did he want to. Well, the guy was a close friend of Orihime's so he couldn't be that bad, and he had come to Grimmjow instead of Grimmjow going to him so the man did want to spend time with him for whatever reason….how could he say no?

"Sure." Was the blue haired man's single word response. Ichigo smiled big. "Sweet, give me your cell number so I can call you or text you when I have free time." Grimmjow extracted his phone from his pants pocket and recited his number for Ichigo from memory.

He put said carrot top's number in his cell as well.

"Awesome, I'll get in contact soon then." Ichigo said pocketing his phone and turning to the door. "See ya later." Grimmjow said in goodbye as the orange haired man exited into the hall, shutting the door behind him.

Grimmjow shuffled across the floor, his mind to numb to think. He slipped off the light in the kitchen and sitting room and went to his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. "Okay…let's just slow down and think for a second." He whispered to himself, switching on his lamp and laying down on his bed, closing his eyes.

He either had incredibly good luck, which was unlikely, or whatever higher power there might be was playing a nasty joke on him, or he was just easily fooled by others, or this man Ichigo was being sincere.

And not only did he have this new development to worry about, but he also had to worry about when Nnoitora and his cronies recovered and came after him again, which they would do so undoubtedly.

And in addition to both these, he also had a multitude of fresh new injuries which still twinged painfully when he was least thinking about it.

"Fuck this, I'm going to bed." Grimmjow murmured, turning on his side and flicking off the lamp on his bedside table. He slept surprisingly well that night, enjoying a deep, dreamless, and restful sleep.

Grimmjow awoke the next morning to the sound of his alarm clock…which was unusual.

On a normal school day like today, Ulquiorra would usually get him up almost fifteen minutes before his clock went off.

"Weird…." The blue haired man whispered, sitting up in bed and yawning loudly. He stood and stretched, and immediately wanted to sit back down as his bruises stung like crazy.

He couldn't though as he had almost less than a half hour to get ready for school. Grabbing fresh clothes and a towel out of his closet, he exited his room and proceeded to the bathroom, stopping at the door to Ulquiorra's room.

He knocked. No response. He knocked again. Still no response. "Hey, Ulquiorra, you in there?" He asked loudly. No response, again. He grabbed the door handle and entered.

Clean and orderly as always, not a hair out of line…..even the bed which was still made-up. "He's not here?" Grimmjow murmured, exiting the room, closing the door behind him.

He walked into the bathroom and dropped his clothes and towel on the sink top. Starting up the water, he quickly stripped and examined himself once more, seeing that the bruises were now turning a wonderfully nasty shade of purple, green, and yellow.

He grimaced but put it aside for now, and stepped into the shower. He was done in a flash and quickly dried himself, put on his clothes, brushed his teeth, grabbed a piece of toast, and was out the door in less than ten minutes.

As he walked, he flipped open his cell phone, seeing he had a text message, no, two text messages. One was from Ulquiorra.

'Won't be home tonight, staying with Miss Inoue. Make sure you get yourself to school on time tomorrow. I'll see you there in the morning. Ulquiorra."

Okay, so that explained that. Grimmjow couldn't help but wonder what the two love birds had gotten up to last night but he was sure he could drill Ulquiorra about it later.

The next text message was from…..Ichigo? "Who…?" Grimmjow thought to himself as the memories of yesterday evening came rushing back to him. A tall, good looking, orange haired man. The scent of strawberries, skin like a summer day, a smile so warm that it could melt ice, a voice like an angel, and those incredibly sexy jeans that made just looking at him worthwhile.

Grimmjow felt his face flare up as he remembered all these things about the man named Ichigo Kurosaki, Ulquiorra's girlfriend's best friend.

And then he remembered said orange top asking him out. Well, not like on a date, but a friendly get together, despite his older age.

Twenty-six years, an eight year difference between them. A little odd, but hey, he's hot and he came to Grimmjow, so of course he said yes.

Opening the text, Grimmjow read.

"Hey, it's Ichigo, the guy you met yesterday. Sorry this is so sudden but I get off work early today so I thought maybe we could get together for some coffee or something after you're done with school, just get to know each other. If you don't want to its totally fine, just let me know. Ichigo"

Grimmjow stared at the tiny screen for a minute or so, reading through the message almost five times before it totally sank in. Hr felt his heart flutter and his blush grow deeper.

So this guy really was serious. Flipping his phone open, he typed out a reply text.

"Sure, I got nothing better to do. Meet me outside the school gate at 2:00, assuming you know where that is. Grimmjow."

He did his best not to sound eager, despite being excited as hell.

Taking a few deep breaths, he was able to calm himself down, not wanting to fall to the level of a lovesick little girl.

He looked up and saw his feet had carried him directly into the school gate and before he knew it, he was taking his seat in his first class.

Glancing up at the clock on the wall, Grimmjow saw he still had almost fifteen minutes until class started, and he was about to get up and go walk around a bit until he saw Ulquiorra enter the room.

While his face was as stoic as ever, his hair was a bit more messy than usual and Grimmjow could of sworn he saw some kind of brownish mark on his neck that may have been a bruise, but it certainly wasn't there last night when he left.

There was something different about the way the black haired man carried himself. "Morning." Grimmjow said as Ulquiorra took a seat in front of him.

"Good morning, did you get my text?" Ulquiorra asked, turning around to talk to the blue haired man. "Yup….but what was the occasion? You're not the type to sleep over at anyone else's house, most of all on a school night." Grimmjow muttered thinking confrontation would be the best way to approach the subject he wanted to ask.

"Did you get laid?" The blue haired man asked as casually as possible.

Ulquiorra cleared his throat loudly, as though to cover up what Grimmjow had just said, even though there were only two other students in the room and they were engaged in a loud discussion of their own on the other side of the classroom.

"Nothing to be shy about, I was just asking. Anyway, I see that hickey on your neck, it's kinda hard not to." Grimmjow murmured.

Ulquiorra pressed his hand against said hickey and cleared his throat again, louder this time.

"So….did you then?" Grimmjow asked again, wanting confirmation. "Well, putting it in crude terms, yes, I did indeed get laid." The black haired man said quietly, with a hint of smugness to his voice.

Grimmjow smiled, glad that his best friend had finally gotten some.

"Good for you man, how was she? How was it in general?" Grimmjow asked, punching the black haired man's shoulder in a playful manner.

"She, certainly knew what she was doing for a woman who has only done it one other time in her life…let's just leave it at exhilarating for now, shall we?" Ulquiorra mumbled, not wanting to go into the dirty details in a classroom.

"Sure sure, but geez, only one other time huh? With a body like hers, I'm surprised." Ulquiorra made a slight nodding motion with his head.

"So how was your night then?" The black haired man asked quietly as students began filing into the room.

"Pretty good, pretty normal, oh, except Ichigo asked me out last night after you guys left, that was pretty unexpected." Grimmjow said casually, waiting for Ulquiorra's response.

"He asked you out? Like on a date? Like a boyfriend-girlfriend kind of date?" Ulquiorra asked.

"Nah, not a date date, like boyfriends and girlfriends do, just a friendly, get to know you kind of date. He texted me and said he got off work early today so after school, were meeting up and going somewhere I think, don't know where." At this, Grimmjow felt a soft rumble in his pocket indicating he got a new text.

"So, he just asked you? Like what did he say last night?" Ulquiorra asked, appearing quite interested.

"He said like he likes being around younger people cause he feels younger that way, and he says I seem pretty lonely which I guess is kinda true. He said he actually doesn't have too many friends either and that he'd like to get to know me better." Grimmjow mumbled, fishing around in his pocket for his phone.

"I think he's acting more out of pity than anything. Apparently Orihime tells him a lot about you and by some extent me, so that's probably why. Eh, who knows, maybe we'll be best buds for life, or maybe well end up hating each other's guts, or maybe even….." He fell off, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"You like him don't you?" Ulquiorra asked quietly. Grimmjow slowly nodded.

"A bit maybe…..yeah sure, he's the absolute hottest thing I've seen in like ever, but he could be a total jerk for all I know. I just met him yesterday."

"But he does work with children, and you said he asked you, so his intentions must be good." Ulquiorra whispered as the classroom was now nearly full.

"I guess…" Grimmjow fell off, reading the new text, which was from, Ichigo, no surprise there.

"You really want to? Sweet…..I know exactly where the high school is so I'll be there at 2:00 sharp to pick you up. I know this really great café on the other side of town that I wanna show you. Ttyl, Ichigo."

Grimmjow felt his heart leap and he couldn't help but smile a bit. "Was that from him?" Ulquiorra asked as the teacher walked in.

Grimmjow nodded. "Don't worry about driving me home after school, I got plans." He responded.

Ulquiorra nodded and turned to face the front. As the teacher began taking roll call, Ulquiorra couldn't help but smile a tiny bit, happy that Grimmjow may now finally have a chance at happiness.

Orihime Inoue had the day off after calling in this morning, saying that she was too tired to come in, which was partially true considering what her action packed evening last night.

She was slowly making her way to her friend's Ichigo's, workplace (Also known as a daycare) since he was getting off early today.

She thought the two of them could spend the day together. She opened the front door upon reaching her destination and stepped inside the building to come upon a quaint, kid friendly lobby area with books and toys and a manner of other things.

"Can I help you miss?" A bored voice drawled from the reception desk in front of her. A small white haired boy sat there, flicking through a book that he was holding.

If Orihime didn't know any better, she would have thought this boy was one of the kids who came to the daycare, but she did know better and knew that this kid was the manager of the whole facility.

"Hey Toshiro, is Ichigo here?" The long haired woman asked warmly. The boy looked up. "Oh, it's you Miss Inoue, yeah he's in the cafeteria, finishing cleaning up, feel free to go see him if you want, you know where it is." Toshiro mumbled, looking back down at his book.

"Thanks Toshiro, see you around." She said cheerfully, as he waved lazily. Orihime made her way past a set of double doors into a small corridor.

She took the first door on her right into the cafeteria and spotted her orange haired friend wiping down the counters with a dish cloth.

"Ichigo, hey." She said loud enough for him to hear. He glanced up at her voice and smiled. "Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked surprised, folding up the cloth and placing it in a nearby sink. "I took off work today and I thought we could spend the day together, just like old times, so I came to find you and see if you wanted too." She explained.

"You could of just called or texted or something you know, would of been a lot easier...….but anyway, I'm sorry I can't…I have…..plans." He said quietly. Orihime wasn't terribly saddened by this, but was mildly surprised.

"Oh? You're hanging out with Chad today?" She asked and he shook his head. "Uryu then?" He shook his head again. "He still kinda hates my guts after that one incident." Orihime pondered for a second. "Umm…..Renji?" She asked. "He has a date today, texted me this morning ranting on and on about it, it was annoying as hell." Orihime huffed. "Well who then? I think I've exhausted the list of your closest friends…." She murmured.

Ichigo reached around his back and undid the tie on the white apron he was wearing, folding it and placing it on a pile of other aprons on a shelf above the sink.

"It's actually….." He fell off. The orange haired woman nodded, signaling him to go on. The male red head huffed. "Grimmjow." He said quickly. "I'm sorry, who? I didn't hear what you said."

Ichigo did another huff. "It's Grimmjow alright? Your boyfriend's best friend, yeah him." Ichigo said quietly. Orihime, at first, smiled. Then she frowned. Then she smirked. And then she looked worried.

"Ichigo…..you just met the boy the other night, isn't this taking this a little too fast, I mean especially for you." She muttered.

"I know that! I hung back after you and Ulquiorra walked off and I told him I wanted to hang out sometime. Then he didn't respond and I hit my head against the doorframe until he did talk and after we talked a bit more he said sure. Then I texted him this morning asking him if he wanted to do something after he got done with school and he said yeah so I'm going to pick him up at 2:00 and were going to that coffee shop in town I like so much and I really want to make a good first impression on him and who knows, maybe he'll hate my guts or maybe we'll hit it off, so please don't get mad." Ichigo said with the speed of a cheetah so Orihime could barely keep up but she barely caught it all.

"I see." She responded. Ichigo stared at her, waiting for her to say more, which she did.

"God Ichigo, from the way you're talking it's like a twelve year old school girl with her first crush. Be a man and calm down okay?" Ichigo was surprised by the boldness of her words but nodded.

"Okay then…well it definitely seems like you really like him and I know you've only had one other boyfriend before in your life but I think we need to quickly revise what happened there." She said quietly, sitting in a nearby chair and motioning him to sit as well. He did.

"Now I really hate to trudge up old memories you'd rather forget, but I want to ask you Ichigo, what happened with your last boyfriend? What happened with Kisuke?" She asked, taking his hand in hers.

"We broke up." He responded, not meeting her gaze. "Yes and why was that?" "Because I was moving too fast and being too forceful." He responded again, head hanging.

"That's right." She murmured, trying her best to keep the mood calm.

"Now, there is some good news." She spoke after several minutes of silence. The orange haired man lifted his head, looking up at her kind gaze.

"I can confirm, with Ulquiorra as my source that Grimmjow is indeed, umm...how should I put this, is playing for your team." She said as Ichigo's whole face lit up like a kid at Christmas.

"And that he has never been in any sort of romantic relationship." His face went even brighter at the prospect of possibly being the teen's first boyfriend ever.

"But that Ichigo is why you need to approach the situation with as much care as you can muster. One wrong word or action could sour any relationship you two may develop." He nodded, noting the serious in her voice.

"I don't want to see you end up heart-broken again because of rushed or rash actions that you yourself take. So I'll be here cheering you on from the side, but you need to be very very careful alright?" She asked and he nodded vigorously.

"Good, I'm glad we've come to an understanding." She smiled and he did too.

"Now I have to know…..why did you even ask him out in the first place? Sure he's good looking but you're not shallow enough to go on that alone….." She asked, genuinely curious.

"I can't say exactly, but I just felt like I had too. You know like with you and my other friends. We all feel it don't we. Some connection, something that binds our souls together. Something that allows us to come together again and again in each of our lives that passes us by. Well I think he's a part of that connection, to me at least. I know you think of Ulquiorra like that, you used to talk about it all the time when you two first met. Well, I just get this vibe from Grimmjow that makes me feel like I've known him forever. Whether we were best friends, worst enemies, rivals, or maybe even…." He paused as his face went a light shade of pink. "Lovers, I just have that feeling we've met before and will keep doing so forever." He finished lamely, but Orihime nodded nonetheless.

"I know, I get it, and I did talk a lot about that before didn't I? Well if you feel that strongly about him after one meeting and a few texts…I say good luck." She smiled, leaning over to give him a big hug which he returned. "Thanks, it means a lot." He said warmly, getting to his feet, Orihime following suit.

Checking the clock on the wall, Ichigo saw it read 1:53. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and saw that it also read 1: 53.

"Damn, I'm gonna be late." He muttered. "Go get 'em tiger." The orange haired woman said, giving him a thumbs up. He nodded, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before racing out the cafeteria door.

He threw a quick "Bye Toshiro" over his shoulder as he sprinted toward the door and was in his car and off to the high school not a minute later.

A/N: Oooooh, what's gonna happen next? Will Ichi get his man? Will Orihime meddle? Will she drag Ulquiorra into it? What happened to Nnoitora and crew? You'll see in part two of 'You Found Me' coming soon. Please favorite and review, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside ^_^