so this is my second story and this is a character that i have created from my own imagination :P

'Where am I?' 'Am I dead?' I think to myself as I slowly open my eyes. My vision was fuzzy, everything looked blurry. My head was in pain. I feel my head roll to the side and stare at something on the floor. I focused my vision on the object.

"AHHHH!" I scream as I realize what was on the ground. Tears filled my eyes. 'No we failed.' I think as the carcase starts to move. I slowly get up and look around.

"Ugh... uh...ha." I hear from somewhere beside me. I lay my eyes on something I didn't expect. Tears welled into my eyes as I moved to where Edward lade on his stomach holding his now missing right leg.

"Edward?" I ask slightly pushing him.

"Give him back!" he yelled at no one.

"What?" I ask him.

"He's my little brother. Give him back!" he yelled as a suit of armor fell next to us. I grab Edward by his hand and I slap him. He looked at me, finally realizing I was there. More tears came out of his eyes. He hugged me with happiness.

"Where's Alphonse?" I asked him.

"Ugh." he said as more tears came out of his eyes. He points at where the creature lade not moving now. Comprehension dawn over me.

"Equivalent exchange." I whisper quietly as tears come out of my eyes. Edward pulled himself out of my arms and made his way to the suit of armor. I moved to see what he was doing and realized that he was going to bind Alphonse's soul to the suit of armor. I looked around to look from something sharp. I found a pen. I stabbed the pen into my hand and wrote over the sign Edward had made with his own blood so I could help with the process of bringing back my big brother. Edward drew another transmutation circle around the suit of armor. I position myself on one of the side of the circle.

"Give him back!" Edward and I yell together as we clap our hands together and we transmute Alphonse soul to the suit of armor.

Something from a different world pulled on me and dragged me through something. So many things flashed through my head. Many thing became clear to me. When it was finished I was dropped outside a door.

'Now you've seen thing beyond your understanding child.' something says from somewhere.

"Please show me again, I need to know how I can get Alphonse his body, I saw it in that information, please show me again!" I yell at the unknown voice.

'Sorry kid, I can't now let me get my prize for showing you that.' the voice says as I feel pain shoot up my back. I fall forward.

"AHH!" I scream as I close my eyes. I slowly open my eyes to find myself back home. I look over to where Edward laid, no longer with a left arm. I notice he was being carried by the suit of armor. Tears welded in my eyes.

"Alphonse." I whisper before darkness over took me.

I really didn't want to wake up, but I knew they were waiting for me to awake. I slowly opened my eyes to find it to be light outside. Everything was blurry but after blinking my eyes a few times my vision came back to me. I rolled my head to the side and found grandma and Winry looking at me. I smile slightly. Both of them gave me a slight smile as well. I heard a knock on the door we all looked as the door opened and someone pocked their head in.

Tears welded in my eyes as I watch Alphonse comes in. He stood behind Winry and grandma.

"Alphonse?" I questioned him with a very teary voice.

"Yeah." he said. More tears spilled out of my eyes. I draped an arm over my eyes not wanting to see anyone now.

"Where's Edward?" I ask without looking at anyone.

"He's in the other room."grandma says.

"I want to see him." I say to her.

"At the moment he doesn't want to see anyone."Winry says with a sad voice. I remove my hand from my face and look at all of them. I tried to sit up but I couldn't. I look at them all with a worry expression. I try to move my legs and couldn't. I looked at all of them, with a questioning expression. Winry looked away. Alphonse just stared at the ground and granny stared at me with eyes filled with sadness.

"What's wrong with me?" I ask my voice cracking as my voice is filled with tears.

"Equivalent exchange." granny says.

"Which part?" I ask trying to keep my voice stern.

"Part of your spine." Winry says. I try to keep my tears back, but did not succeed. Tears ran down my face.

"You can still move your arms because not all of your spine has gone missing but you can't move your legs because your spine is no longer connected to your neck." granny explains. More tears run down my face. Not wanting to see any ones face I turned my head any cried silently.

"Hows Edward?" I ask crying.

"He's missing his left arm and right leg." Alphonse says quietly. My tears stop as I remember what had happen the night before. Everything was my fault, if I hadn't been so depressed then none of this would have happen. That thing wouldn't have appeared, Alphonse would still have his body, Edward would still have his arm and leg and I would still be able to move around. Silent tears left my eyes once again.

"Elizabeth, we're going to get our bodies back to the way they use to be." A voice says from the door. I turn my head to see Edward in a wheel chair looking at me. More tears run down my face.

"How do you intend to do that brother?" I questioned him with a stern voice.

"Alchemy." he says. I stare at him with a pain expression.

"Alchemy?" I questioned him.

"Yes Alchemy." he says.

"Brother are you stupid?" I questioned him with a hard expression.

"No, I'm not." he says.

"Brother look around, look at what Alchemy has done to all of us!" I exclaim with hatred towards Alchemy.

"I know." he says quietly.

"Then what makes you think that Alchemy will return Alphonse his body, or you arm and leg, or my spine to the way it use to be, what makes you think that fucking Alchemy will return everything back to normal!" I yell at him with venom in my words.

"Elizabeth you need to calm down, let brother explain." Alphonse says with his hands up. I look at him with disbelief.

"Elizabeth we're going to use auto-mail so we can all move around and get our goal of getting our bodies back to normal." Edward explains.

"And what leave me here?" I questioned him.

"Elizabeth we have created an auto-mail for you as well." granny says. I look over to her and look at her in surprise.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes, we have created a spine for you, but we have to operate on you for a long period of time." granny explains.

"I don't care just please make me walk again!" I say with hope in my voice.

"Elizabeth Elric, I presume?" someone says from behind Edward.

"Yes, and can I see who you are sir?" I questioned the unknown man.

"Of course." the man says as he comes into view. He was tall, he had black hair, he was very handsome , and you could tell he was in his mid twenty more or less. He wore a military uniform.

"You're a dog of the military." I say as more of a statement than a question.

"Yes." he answers with a smile. I roll my eyes.

"Ms. Elric -" he begins

"Was my mother, you can call me Elizabeth." I say cutting in.

"Ah sorry." he says. I roll my eyes again.

"Elizabeth will you like to join the military?" he asks. I look at him with a surprised face. I open my mouth to respond, but close it instantly not knowing what to say.

"Why?" I ask finally.

"Well with the information I have received on your family I know that you and your brothers can all use Alchemy I have already asked your brother Edward, but I could not ask your brother Alphonse because of the state he is in." he explains. A sad expression crosses over my face as I remember how Alphonse was.

"Edward what was your response?" I ask him.

"What do you think?" he asks with a small smile threatening to cross his face. I try to force my self to not smile, but did not succeed.

"Well sir I guess you have two new dogs." I say smiling up at him. He returned the smile.

"Well I'll be seeing you two at the capital in three months, I hope that's enough time?" he says looking at granny. She took a puff of her pipe and looked at the man.

"Of course that's more than enough time." she says.

"Good." he says his smile growing. I really didn't trust this man and I wasn't planning any time soon.

"Before you go sir, can you give me your name?" I ask him.

"If you make it to central and pass the test to get into the military then I'll tell you my name, until then I bid you a goodbye." he say as he leaves. A scowl forms on my face.

"I don't think he and I are going to be the best of friends." I say to everyone. A quite laugh spreads through the room. I turn my head to look at granny. She looked at me with a serious face and I return the look.

"Everything will be prepare by the end of the day." she says understanding my look. I nod understanding her meaning.

"Edward I hope what we are doing is going to help us get our bodies back." I say with an expressionless face. He looks at me with eyes full of determination, and mostly hope.

"Yes it will." he says.

So yeah hope you enjoyed it and please tell me if you liked it so I can continue this story!
