So I know it has been awhile but, Junior year is kicking my but. So winter break is the only time I could work on this so I hope you are still with me and are still supporting.

See you at the bottom!


I opened my eyes and looked up at the now familiar ceiling that I had inhabited. The ceiling had swirls that turned into elegant curls that then turned into a designed of sorts that I don't recognize. It was beautiful in many ways and yet it seems so out-of-place in this dreary, dark, and depressing room. It felt so out-of-place underground, yet it seemed apart of it and complete. I sigh softly and get up and shake my head taking away all the thoughts that cluttered my infested head. I make my way to the bathroom that adjourned my bedroom and quickly took a shower. I didn't stay and enjoy the warmth or appreciate thing like I use to do. If I did I would think of things of the past. Things that were no longer important or were too important that would make my heart yearn and ache.

I changed and then made my way to the hall, as Envy came to call it. There I found Wrath and Envy waiting for me, to walk me to "Father". He had us call him that, saying that was the name given to him by those he use to know and of course his children. He told me that technically I was his child as well so I should begin to call him that from that day forward. I felt hatred and didn't speak or make eye contact at all. I held my head down and just listen to what the man had to say. He told me of the new role I would be playing within his little family and what was to be expected of me. I clenched my teeth wanting to scream and make an escape but then I remembered that I didn't know where I was or what they would do to my family if I disobeyed them. So staying quiet was the only choice I had.

I walked with Envy and Wrath, making our way to where Father sat on his throne all day. Wrath and Envy talked about things that concerned them and their kind, while I just walked along not saying a word. We made it into the throne room and then I bowed my head slightly and then looked up emotionlessly. Father gave me a slight turn of his lip, which could be considered as a smile.

"Welcome daughter, did you sleep well?" Father asked resting his head on his fist. I gave him a sharp nod, and said nothing.

"That's good. I have a mission for you and the boys." He told us nonchalantly. I raised an eyebrow in question. He smirked and lifted his head staring down at us.

"Envy will take you and will explain. Someone will also be joining you while you are there so don't be too harsh on his daughter. You may know him, you've met him once or twice as he has told me before. He is quite a powerful man. " I felt dread spread through my whole core.

"Is it King Bradley?" I asked quietly, hoping he would say no, but I already knew.

"Yes, he one of my oldest children." I closed my eyes and cursed inside my head. I nod to him giving him my understanding.

"You leave now, Envy has gotten thing ready for you and here." he throws something at me. I catch it easily. I look at it and my eyes go wide. I look at him in confusion.

"You are apart of this family so you need to dress like you are." He simply says and waves his hand signing us to leave. I nod and walk out the room with Envy and Wrath. I walk and look at the clothes more closely and it was all black just like everyone else, but it had openings where it showed some of my skin and it was a dress too. I noticed that no one within the family wore shoes so I assumed this was worn with out shoes. I also noticed that this had no sleeves, also that it would show a lot of cleavage. I cringed softly not wanting to wear the atrocity, but I knew that I needed to if I wanted to keep on their good side. I sighed softly and kept walking through the tunnel that had come familiar but hated. Everything was quiet as it always was no sound but, you knew something crept behind the bars and in the darkness. Something that kept your skin crawling with disgust and anger. I hated it and I wish I could leave, but once again I had to stay, for them.

I felt an arm come and wrap around my waist, and I felt like barfing. I hated him with a passion, yet he was so attached to me for some unfathomable reason. I snapped my fingers and got him away from my body.

"Keep away, or I will kill you." With that I let go of Envy and keep moving. I hear Envy laugh maniacally. I roll my eyes and look at the suit again. I growl in hatred and cover myself in my shadow and change into the new clothes. I step out of my shadow and let hair out of its braid. I snap my fingers and had my shadow take them back to my room. It returned to me quickly and it disappeared. I heard a whistle come from behind me and I just rolled my eyes I hated him and all those around me. I just wanted to go home.



I looked out the window and sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time. We were now in a house where Mustang, Ling and his bodyguards, and myself had gotten medical treatment. Ling was a prince from a far away kingdom that we had met a few months back while roaming Central, he was here trying to find a way to gain immortality for their father. We all had a run in with Gluttony. Everyone had gained injuries but not as much as what Ling's most loyal bodyguard, Lan Fan, she had lost her arm. Everyone was quite depressed, but something good came out of all of this. Ling had captured Gluttony we had him secured in on of the rooms in the house. We escaped quickly and made our way to the house of Dr. Knox. From there we came here. I made my way to where Lan Fan was sleeping with her injuries treated. She opened her eyes and smiled up at me. I smiled back down at her.

"It seems I will be needing automail." She said quietly with a strain in her voice. I nod and stare down at my automail arm.

"Don't worry I know someone who can make you a wonderful automail." I say to her moving my fingers. She nods everyone makes their way outside of the room giving Lan Fan the rest she needed. Mustang motioned for myself and Al to follow him. He quickly introduced himself to Ling and the we made our way to where we held Gluttony imprisoned. I stare down at him in disgust. He was a blob and grotesk. I hear people behind me yelling and start arguing. I feel myself roll my eyes and then widen as I see Gluttony begin to stand. This get everyone to shut up and then I see it. The eye. The eye that I saw when I went through the portal. A horrible scream comes through Gluttony and we all jump out of the way as part of the house is blasted away. From outside we hear Hawkeye yell.

"Don't come any closer!" Mustang yells. Just then Gluttony lets out another one of those noises and another attack set out. We all move out of the way. I grunt as I land outside and look out on the destruction.

"Get everyone out now!" I yell as I make it outside with Al. I watch as Gluttony's form is engulfed in flames as Mustang comes to stand beside us. I feel myself go into shock as Gluttony eat the flame. I looked around and everyone was also in shock.

Everyone turns and begins to run as fast as we can away from Gluttony.

"Split up!" Mustang yells as we hit the tree line of a forest that surrounded the house we were in. I go right while Al goes left and Mustang goes straight. We all get to the car that had everyone in it and get Mustang inside. We had gotten Gluttony lost in the forest so we were safe for a few minutes.

"Get everyone to safety we are staying behind to deal with Gluttony." Ling says staying behind with me and Al. We all nod and then turn to face the being that went rampage through the forest.



I stood on a branch and made my way through the forest that surrounded us. We had come to do a rescue mission as Envy had informed me. I didn't know who or what we would be facing and I really didn't care I just wanted to leave and get away. I jumped from branch to branch following Envy in his animal form. Wrath had left to do something else so it was only Envy and I. It was torture. I heard screams run through the forest and stopped momentarily to listen closer. I knew these screams. They were Gluttony. I quicken my pace and make my way to where Gluttony's screams came from. I halted when I saw him.

" Now now, Glut you can't eat them. Neither Mustang. We need them alive and well, you know that." Envy says stopping Gluttony from feeding. I feel my body seize up as I hear their voices and his name. Edward and Alphonse are here.



We watched as Envy reforms into his human like form and smiles his disgusting smile. He puts an arm around Gluttony's shoulder and smiles at us.

"But Mustang killed Lust!" Gluttony rang out in outrage and hurt.

"Yes but we need them and him alive." He says with a smile.

"You bastard!" I yell going for a swing at Envy. He jumps out of the way and land somewhere behind Gluttony. He jumps away when I go to swing again.

"Hey I'm just here to get Glut and then get out." he says bringing his arms up in surrender.

"Heh, sure Homunculi. Now tell me how many human souls do you have within you." I see Envy's face harden in slight anger and then went back to that smirk.

"Hmph your the kid that Wrath spoke about."

" I am not a kid! I am the twelfth son of-"

"You can eat him Glut." With that Gluttony began chasing Ling. I felt my head begin to throb and I put a wall between Gluttony and Ling.

"Take care of Envy!" I yell as I clap my hands and begin to attack Gluttony.


I feel myself have a mini panic attack. What was I suppose to do? Help my brothers or help Envy and secure my place within Fathers family. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around myself. What should I do?

I heard Envy yell in pain and I saw as the strange man stood over him with his sword and one of Envy's arms. I breath deeply and then snap my fingers wrapping my shadow around the man and throwing him through the wall. I heard him collide with someone. I jump down and and clap my hands bringing down the wall that stood between us and Gluttony. I kept my face emotionless as I stepped through the rubble and looked at Envy as he finishes regenerating.

"Get up. Gluttony let's go." I say not even looking in the direction of my brothers. I hear Gluttony whine and come to my side. Envy also came to my side and then I turned to them. Edward stood there in shock and he was trembling slightly. I said nothing and waited.

"Eli..." I heard him whisper.

"Be lucky, he would of eaten you. Let's go boys." I say turning and walking away.

"You're not getting away so easily scum!" I heard Al yell as he clapped his hands and attacked, me. I turned quickly and snap my fingers deflecting the attack quickly. I run up to him and hold him by his armor.

"Attack me once more and I will hurt you. I am not the same anymore." I say in anger. He grunts and pushes me off. I quickly land on my feet and flip my hair out of my face. I turned to Ed and try to keep my face neutral but it was difficult with the amount of pain that flashed across his face.

"El..." I heard him whisper once more. I closed my eyes and got a hold of myself. 'This is for them.' I repeat to myself. I open my eyes and heard him breath in sharply. It pained me to do this to him but it had to be done.

"Keep him in check Pipsqueek." With that I turn and began to walk away once more.

"Don't call me pipsqueek!" He yelled clapping his hand quickly and hitting me, throwing me across the the forest. I cursed softly and got up and quickly ran to where everyone stood. But I was too late, he had triggered Gluttony.

"DON'T. HURT. MY. LILI!." He yelled as he charged towards Edward. I quickly made my way to where Edward stood and pushed Al out of the way who had stood in front of Ed to protect him I then went to push Ed but it was too late. Gluttony had open his mouth and we were sucked in. I felt arms wrap around me and I was pulled away from Edward but still falling into the vortex that Gluttony had created. I then only saw darkness and that the only thing I welcomed. Because hey death was a good thing right?

I hope that you all enjoyed the story. Yes there was a time skip, but with me when is there ever not a time skip? lol I hope that you are happy with the update and I will try to update my frequently but it's getting harder. Know that I have not given up on this story and that I will keep going.

