I own nothing but Renee Reanna, Marisa, and Alexander!

Warning! If you have not read my Narnia Chronicles: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Narnia Chronicles: Prince Caspian yet, you might want to turn back now! And if you haven't see Voyage of the DawnTreader yet, then don't get mad at me ruining it for you! ;)

Chapter One

Welcome Back

"You know what? Sit boy! Play dead!"

"Stop treating me like a dog!"

"But you are a dog!"

"Am not! I'm a wolf. A WOLF!"

"You both sniff butts- what's the difference?"

"ARGH! I'm gonna kill you!"

"Catch me if you can, butt-sniffer!"

Caspian X slapped a hand to his face as the Head Knight of his army and one of his Advisors decided to chase each other around the deck of the Dawn Treader. The King of Narnia was tall and muscular, though slender and handsome. He held wavy, dark brown hair and matching eyes with some stubble and a short beard and was dressed in a pair of black slacks and a white shirt.

Turning to watch the two of them playing 'mouse', Caspian finally grew tired of it. They hadn't been on the ship for too long and the two of them were already tired of each other.

"Marisa, Alexander," Caspian called out. "Stop playing. You're going to break something."

Both figures paused in their running and looked at each other before making their way to the man. Marisa was a young woman with long, braided blonde hair and a set of blue eyes as she was dressed in dark brown pants, black boots, and a large, blue shirt as a sword hung at her hip as an emerald choker rested on her throat. Alexander was a tall man, well over 6-in-a-half feet with long dark grey hair and shining, golden eyes. Dressed in a pair of black, baggy pants and a long, silver jacket that was furred in grey along the inside with a golden chess piece on his left ear. He wore no shoes and no shirt.

"Aww c'mon, Caspian!" Marisa sat down beside the young man. "We're just bored."

"Yes well, your boredom is going to wreck the ship and/or my crew. Just settle down." Caspian responded.

Marisa gave a nod and sat down beside him. "So, did you follow my directions?" She asked.

"Yes but…" The young King looked worried. "I'd feel better if you told me where it was that we were going."

"It's a surprise," Alexander had taken a seat beside the two of them as he gazed over the map they were looking at. "You'll see when we get there."

He still looked worried. "I need to hurry and find my Father's Seven Advisors."

"Come on Caspian, trust me," Marisa told the man beside her. "The one we're leading you to meet is going to be a big help! With them, they'll help us a lot and quickly!"

"I do trust you…it's just that you refuse to give me their name." He replied.

"Just give him the damn name!" Alexander barked as he took a drink from the goblet now in his hand.

"No! I want it to be a surprise!"
There were calls from the front of the ship now about men being overboard. All three of them immediately stopped talking and ran forward, looking over the railings of the ship to see three people in the water, gasping for breath.

There was only one set of people that could be out in the middle of the ocean like they were.

Marisa smiled.

A few men jumped overboard to grab them, Caspian included. The moment that they were back aboard, she jumped on Lucy, not caring if she was wet or not.

"Marisa! It's so good to see you again!" The teen cried, hugging her back.

"The same to you, Lu." The young woman continued to grin. The teen girl had long brown hair and matching eyes as she was dressed in some kind of strange dress and shoes. Marisa had never seen clothes like that before.

"Look at just how much you've grown," Lucy turned to Alexander. "I remember when we first met. You were a child! Now look at you!" The teen glomped the wolf-man and that left Marisa to see Edmund.

"Well, look who it is here," She grinned. "It's been a while, Edmund."

The teen turned to look at her as a blanket was wrapped around his own shoulders. He had grown taller, her height now, with short brown hair and eyes like his sister's. He was dressed in his own strange clothes but there was a leather cord around his neck that caught her attention the most. It was a small wooden carving of a horse. Marisa had made that for him before they had left last time.

Thinking that he had kept it, let alone wore it, made her want to cry as she gave him a big hug.

"It's good to see you again, Marisa." He greeted with a hug back.

"Damn," She pulled back from him with a smile. "I can't make fun of you for being so short now, can I?"

"No you can't!" Edmund grinned happily.

"No, but I sure can," Alexander popped up behind the young Pevensie and placed his arm on his head. "You're still short as hell." ~How pissed would he be if I told him Peter was taller still?~ He asked himself.

"Alex," Edmund chuckled as he pushed the arm off of his head. "I'm glad to see that the two of you are doing just fine."

"That we are, though these humans can be a pain in the ass sometimes." The wolf-man claimed as he crossed his arms again.

"So are you, butt-sniffer," Marisa crossed her own arms.

Edmund laughed.

Everyone now had blankets around them, and Caspian put an arm around Lucy's shoulders. "How in the world did you end up here?"

"I have no idea," She admitted truthfully. "Didn't you call for us?"

"No. Not this time."

"Well, whatever the case," Edmund decided to say after a silent moment. "I'm just glad to be here."

Marisa went to speak when a scream beat her to it. Raising an eyebrow, everyone turned to see the other young boy that had been pulled out of the ocean with the Pevensies, Reepicheep climbing all over him.

"Now calm down, sir." The large mouse told him.

"Get that thing off me!" The boy cried. "Get that thing off me!" The mouse was flung through the air and Marisa glared before dashing forward to catch her friend. "Hey! Watch it, brat! Don't go throwing him like that!"

The mouse was greeting Lucy and Edmund as Marisa watched Alexander move. "Who the hell are you?" Alexander was standing over the boy, hands on his hips. He was ignored though as the boy claimed something about Reepicheep trying to claw his face off.

The mouse turned as he took his place on Marisa's shoulder(like always). "I was merely trying to expel the water from your lungs, sir."

The boy was standing now, gripping the railing. "It talked! Did you see? Did anyone just hear that? It just talked!"

"HIS name is Reepicheep," Marisa glared at him. "And there's a lot of things that can talk here in Narnia." She could understand why he was shocked though. He had come from Lucy and Edmund's world. She was sure that Peter and then had been scared themselves the first time they had come face to face with the Beavers. Not scared, but shocked of course.

"He always talked." A crewmember decided to add.

"Actually, it's getting him to shut up that's the trick." Caspian decided to say, arms crossed. They all gave a laugh; even Marisa.

"The moment there is nothing to be said, Your Highness," The mouse defended himself. "I promise you, I will not say it."

"I don't know what kind of prank this is, but I want to wake up right now!" The boy claimed.

"Perhaps we could throw him back?" Reepicheep sounded rather hopeful before he flushed and turned away at the look of Marisa's face. Edmund looked rather hopeful before the other boy decided to move to another set of men.

"I demand to know, just where the blazes am I?"

"You're on the Dawn Treader…" A Minotaur made the enraged look on the boy's face turn to one of horror. "The finest ship in Narnia's navy." Th boy fainted and most of the crew gave a laugh; Marisa and Alexander frowned. "Was it something I said?" The Minotaur asked Marisa.

"Nah, he's just afraid." She answered him.

"See too him, will you?" Caspian asked.

"Your Majesty." The creature gave a head-bow.

The young King moved forward and turned to the crew on the ship. "Men…behold our castaways…Edmund the Just and Lucy the Valiant…High King and Queen of Narnia." The crew looked amazed that two young ones could be two of the High Kings and Queens of old but everyone took a bow while Alexander, Marisa, and Caspian grinned.

"So, how's Susan doing?" Alexander decided to ask.

"She's in America right now," Lucy answered. "On a trip with our parents."

"America?" Marisa asked as she and Caspian joined into the conversation as the rest of the crew continued on with their jobs on the ship. "What's that?"

"It's a different country in our world," Edmund explained to her. "There are several. Australia, America, Africa…" He continued listing them off to her and it struck a chord in Lucy's mind.

"Hey," Lucy took a step towards Marisa, glancing around the ship. "Where are Peter and Renee? And Reanna?"

"Peter?" Caspian raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

"Did the three of them not stay in the castle with you?" Edmund asked. They both were greatly happy to seeing their brother again but from the reaction they received they knew something was off.

Marisa and Alexander shared a look before the woman sighed at Lucy. "Lu, no one but me and Alex knew about your brother staying behind. It was a secret."

Lucy clapped her hands over her mouth in surprise, begging for forgiveness. Caspian pulled a face. "What are you talking about?"

Alexander crossed his arms. "High King Peter never returned home with his sisters and brother last year; he stayed with Renee and Reanna. That's why you haven't seen the mother and daughter since the Pevensies left."

"That's also why they both refused the offer you gave them to place them in the Kingdom," Marisa told her friend. "Renee knew that Peter was going to stay and she didn't want to have a fight start out over you and Peter being Kings. So, the three of them, and Maugrim, left last year."

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Caspian demanded, taking a step towards the young woman. Alexander cut him off by stepping in between them.

"Renee asked us not to say anything…and no offense Caspian, but Renee is still my Queen, whether she wants to wear her crown or not. I'll follow her orders before I follow yours."

Caspian looked at them for a moment before sighing and nodding his head. "Yes, I know that. My apologies, I was just…surprised, that's all."

"I'm sorry, Caspian." Marisa told him.

"There's no need to be," He grinned, back to his good mood. "Marisa, Alexander, get Edmund and Lucy into some dry clothes, will you?"

Marisa nodded and grabbed Lucy's hand as Alexander shoved Edmund off somewhere else.

"I'm really sorry, Marisa! If I had known, I wouldn't have said anything!"

"Calm down, Lu." The woman in blue smiled. "It's all right. Caspian was bound to find out anyway. I'm sure that you and Edmund would like to see Peter again before you go home."

Lucy nodded. "Renee and Reanna, too."

"Well," Marisa grinned, handing her the clothes that she had picked out from her own clothes. ~They might be a little big on her,~ She told herself. ~But we can fix that later.~ "Let's hurry up and do that then, shall we?

And so, Voyage of the Dawn Treader begins! :) Enjoy

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