Madoka gazed up dreamily. Millions of white pinpricks dotted the sky, littered across a back drop of black. It was so peaceful at night, when the rest of the city was asleep. The park was quiet and calm. Madoka was glad she had accepted Gingka's proposal to go star-gazing together. For a while, they had laughed and pointed out constellations to one another. They had talked about their lives before they had become friends, with Gingka sharing stories about Hyouma and Madoka explaining her life at the shop.

After a while, they had simply just watched the sky, each deep in their own thoughts. Madoka was wondering whether or not this moment could be considered a first date. Gingka, well, Gingka's mind was far away in the realm of dreams.

Madoka glanced over at Gingka, then put a hand to her mouth to smother her laughter. Gingka was asleep, but what else could she expect? Gingka was always one of two things; tired or hungry. Madoka studied the features of her best friend. Gingka's eyes were shut but she knew the lids covered beautiful hazel eyes. His red hair was mussed from laying in the grass and the blue band that usually kept it in place was askew. His face was peaceful and Madoka thought it made her friend look younger and more vulnerable. Perhaps in his dreams he wasn't so burdened.

Madoka turned her attention back to the sky once more. She could feel her lids drooping and was vaguely aware that she was falling asleep in the park next to Gingka, her best friend, whom her feelings for were not entirely platonic. With the night sky blazing behind her eyelids, Madoka drifted off into a gentle slumber.

The pale dawn greeted Madoka when she woke. From the fresh, pure feeling of the morning, Madoka guessed it was early. Madoka stretched out and stood up, staring in surprise at her ginger haired friend still slumbering on the grass. The events of the night before rushed back to her and Madoka blushed, feeling satisfied that she had managed to take a step away from friendship with Gingka. Regrettably though, Madoka had to leave. Her dad would be expecting her to open the shop. There would be time to talk with Gingka later.

The walk home from the park was long but Madoka enjoyed the time to think it gave her. Her life seemed to be so busy, so full, lately, that she never could find a moment to herself. Madoka relished the solitude.

Nearing the store front, Madoka noticed a lone figure leaning against the door. On closer inspection, Madoka recognized the pine colored hair and bare midriff. Madoka stopped in front of the ex-face hunter, Kyouya. Crossing her arms over her chest self-conciously, Madoka took in his casual appearance and felt her heart stutter over how utterly good-looking he was. Madoka internally scolded herself for this thought. "What's up Kyouya?"

Kyouya took in her disheveled appearance. He smirked. "Wild night?" This only caused Madoka's blush to deepen. His smirk widened. He held out his hand, revealing a green bey. "Leone needs some work done. I was hoping you could get it done quickly for me. According to Gingka, you're the best there is." He smirked even further as her blush darkened.

Madoka was fuming. How dare he ask her for help after humiliating her! But...it was for his beyand if there was one thing Madoka couldn't stand, it was a neglected bey. Uncrossing her arms and willing her blush to die down, she reached out to pluck Leone out of his hand. "Fine, I'll take a look at Leone for you." Madoka slipped the emerald bey into her pocket gingerly, turning to unlock the shop door. Looking over her shoulder, she added, "Don't expect it to be done quickly though. I have other beys to look at!" With that said, Madoka marched into her comfort zone, closing the door in Kyouya's face.

Kyouya, for his part, was just amused. She was so easily flustered. Slipping his hands into his pockets, Kyouya turned in the direction of the warehouse district. He had to find Benkei.

Gingka woke with a snort. Shaking his head and rubbing his eyes, he sat up. People were strolling around the park and Gingka took a few moments to straighten his hair and clothes before joining them.

Gingka accepted greetings from different people, some of them bladers, as he made his way towards Madoka's shop. He wondered when she had gone home last night. Probably after he fell asleep. Stupid, I'msostupid. Ican'tbelieveIfellasleep. That was the general tone to his thoughts as he entered B-Pitt. Glancing around, Gingka continued down to Madoka's workshop.

Madoka's brunette head was bent over a bey and she was carefully plucking debris out of its spin track as Gingka entered. "Hey Madoka."

"Hey Gingka." The brunette didn't even look up to acknowledge his presence. Gingka was only mildly offended. Plopping himself down on the couch, he apologized, "Sorry about last night. I didn't mean to fall asleep. I was just so-"

"Yeah, yeah. It's alright. Listen Gingka, I'm working on Leone for Kyouya and you're distracting me. I'm not sure how he managed it but Kyouya absolutely filledhis Leone with dirt, ya followin' me? So that means hours of concentration on my part removing all of it. Which means, we can talk later. Go find Kenta or Benkei." Madoka didn't even look up from her work. Gingka thought he was going to explode. Stupid Kyouya ruined everything, even when he wasn't actually there.

Without another word, he left.

"Finished." Madoka stood up and stretched. Hours later and she was finished with Kyouya's bey. Leone had been in really bad shape. Packing the bey carefully into a box, she carried it up the stairs and was surprised to see Kyouya's lean figure casually resting against the counter. He was facing away from her, and something fluttered in her stomach as she gazed at his profile. The last step creaked and Kyouya stood to face her.

His face was covered in poorly concealed anxiousness. He cared about Leone more than she realized. "Here's your Leone. Good as new." Madoka set the gray box on the counter and opened it, revealing a shining Leone to Kyouya.

Reaching out, he plucked the bey from the container. "Thanks...Madoka." Her heart stuttered for a few moments.

"Oh...uhm, it wasn't a problem."

Kyouya turned to walk out, stopping at the door. Glancing over his shoulder, he added, "You shouldn't give poor Gingka such whiplash. Jealousy doesn't suit him." Chuckling, Kyouya left Madoka standing there staring.

A blush spilled across her cheeks. Madoka sighed in frustration. She really should get around to talking to Gingka. About last night and where they stood. Madoka sighed in pleasure. Now she just had to find Gingka.

Outside the shop, the air was cool with the coming night.

A/NSo I'm dabbling in different fandoms while I work on my own work. Updates may or may not be frequent depending on my mood and schedule but reviews are appreciated. My apologies for any mistakes. I sincerely dedicate this lovely little Kyouya/Madoka short story to RinnyEjito12 for getting me hooked on the pairing to begin with. Virtual props go to her.

Ciao Chaos