Finn Hudson - is watching 'The Little Rascals' with Noah 'Puck' Puckerman and his little sister.

(Tina Cohen-Chang, Santana Lopez, and 10 other friends like this)

Santana Lopez- Badassery points just went down. Like way down.

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- Dear Finn, I hate your stinkin' guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes. Love Puck.

Tina Cohen-Chang- I smell movie quote.

Santana Lopez- Freaking hates the rain. Why am I all wet?

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- Don't worry, San. Finn used to have the same problem.

(Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry, and 3 other friends like this)

Finn Hudson- Quinn! Rachel! Not cool.

Finn Hudson- would just love to know who Blaine Anderson is Kurt Hummel

Kurt Hummel- He just moved into my dorm Finn.

Sam Evans- His father probably just bought the oil refinery.

(Santana Lopez likes this)

Mercedes Jones- That explains why he's so refined!

Finn Hudson- Yeah, and so oily!

Santana Lopez- Brittany S. Pierce B, you sure know how to make a sandwich...

Artie Abrams- Yeah, Last time I ate one of yours it tasted... grainy.

Santana Lopez- Oh god.

Tina Cohen-Chang- Tell me that she didn't put actual sand in the...

Brittany S. Pierce: That wasn't sand, that was kitty litter.

Santana Lopez- *puking*

Tina Cohen-Chang- You put Charity's used kitty litter in a sandwich?

Artie Abrams- OH MIEH GAWSH. *grasps for toothbrush*

Brittany S. Pierce- Don't worry, it was pretty fresh.

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- is not going to let Sarah use Finn Hudson and my's old clubhouse!

Rachel Berry- Aw, c'mon it's so cute!

Finn Hudson- And how exactly would you know Rachel?

Rachel Berry- Well Finn, I do babysit Sarah Puckerman every other weekend since I was 14. I thought you'd know since we spent quite some time together no?

Finn Hudson- ...

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- Pwned.

Mike Chang- Finn... dude. Really?

Rachel Berry- Purple wood is expensive. :(

Sam Evans- Wood doesn't grow on trees!

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- I. Hate. All. Of. You.

Kurt Hummel- Did you and Dad have to scare Blaine that bad? Finn Hudson, I am so mad at you right now.

Wes Harris- Blaine's still shaking. Oh god it's price-

David Williams- *wait for it*

Wes Harris- less!

Finn Hudson- I don't like him. His hair is way too gelled.

Kurt Hummel- Finn Jacob Hudson!

Santana Lopez- You're just lucky the rest of ND wasn't there to do it ourselves Kurtie.

Finn Hudson- Oh man, I should've called you guys

Kurt Hummel- Friendship terminated!

Wes Harris: Oh c'mon guys. You're a team, like Bert and Ernie, Superman and Clark Kent, Milli and Vanilli.

(11 people like this)

David Williams- What you say Wes?

Wes Harris- You only meet a once in a lifetime buddy, once in a lifetime.

(11 people like this)

David Williams- What is going on?

Santana Lopez- Kurt... I like your friend ;D

Wes Harris- Why hello there. ;)

David Williams- You just broke up with Amy a week ago!

Wes Harris- Hush David!

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- Screw you all, and your mothers!

Quinn Fabray- Someone's a bit bitter.

Rachel Berry- *nods head in agreement*

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- *flips everyone off*

David Williams: Guess what everyone. Wes Harris and just I found a dollar! We've got a dollar, we've got a dollar, we've got a dollar, hey, hey, hey, hey.


Wes Harris- Ha, that means I get to be Porky if you're Buckwheat.

David Williams- So?

Mercedes Jones- Well... he is the cutest one.

(2 people like this)

David Williams- Ha, but my mom is Whoppi Goldberg. Suck it Wes.

Santana Lopez- *says nothing because come on. it's too easy*

Wes Harris- Thanks a lot David...

Santana Lopez- Still wanky... ;)

Wes Harris- Why thank you ;}

Rachel Berry: doesn't get the lumber part of clubhouses...

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman: Sigh... What kind do ya need Berry.

Rachel Berry: Wood.

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman: You know, you're starting to get on my nerves...

Wes Harris- OMA, suprise movie quote!

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- I'm leaving this wall post.

Tina Cohen-Chang- You so should have seen that coming though.

(3 people like this)

Tina Cohen-Chang- The girls and I got slushied, not once, not twice, but three times today. My face hurts. Plus, I'm wearing my football jersey =(

Mike Chang: I'm usually a lover, not a fighter, but in your case, I'm willing to make an exception...

Tina Cohen-Chang- Oh Mike, I love you

Mike Chang- I love you too.

Santana Lopez- Just get married already!

(2 people like this)

Brittany S. Pierce- I thought they already were!

Tina Cohen-Chang- Oh Glee club...

Rachel Berry- Are you kidding me right now? Brittany S. Pierce got a freaking 98% on that English exam last week. I only got a 96%!

(Artie Abrams and 4 others like this)

Artie Abrams- That's my girl, yo!

Santana Lopez- Oh Wheels, haven't you learned? She's our girl.

Brittany S. Pierce- Actually Rachel, I've always had a rather extensive vocabulary, not to mention a phenomal grasp of grammer and a superlative command of syntax. I just choose not to emply them. Until then of course.

Sam Evans- From the girl who thought that Broadway was an extra wide street and that's why people like going there so much.

Brittany S. Pierce- Ahh!Bite me :P

Finn Hudson: Hey, guys, me and Brittany have an idea.

(Brittany S. Pierce likes this)

Brittany S. Pierce- Uh-huh

Kurt Hummel- Keep it, you might need it when you grow up

Brittany S. Pierce- Oh-tay.

Finn Hudson- Who won Regionals again? Oh my bad, that was us.

(13 other friends like this)

Quinn Fabray- Party at Lopez's house!

Kurt Hummel- I would crash but Wes is sobbing into his gavel and David is weeping, we may have to keep them from going all "Velma and Louise" over here.

Blaine Anderson- Its quite a sight.

Wes Harris- Shut up Hummel! You're used to losing!

Kurt Hummel- Ignoring that...

Santana Lopez- Bring them, we have could always have some Warblers over. Rachel made out with one, but now that my work is done... I would love a turn.

David Williams- I have a girlfrieeeeeeend. And Blaine's probably the only Dalton student that has clothes outside of our uniform.

Wes Harris- And I just want to die here. Alone.

Kurt Hummel- Blaine...

Blaine Anderson- I'll get their coats.

Rachel Berry- It tasted like pink! Where is it? This new one tastes like somebody poured it through an old boot!

Noah 'Puck Puckerman- Can I please escape the movie that is the Little Rascals at least tonight?

Brittany S. Pierce- NUH-UH

Santana Lopez- TIKE. Someone get them out of my closet!

Mercedes Jones- OH. So that's where Tina went.

Quinn Fabray- Dear god, its deja vu.

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- Nope, I made sure Chang was loaded up.

Quinn Fabray- Would it have killed you to load yourself up about a year ago?

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- NO COMMENT.

Mike Chang- Panda hair tea again. Yay. -_-

Tina Cohen-Chang- Grosser than gross.

Wes Harris- Very, very, gross.

Wes Harris- had a very good time at a party last night...

Santana Lopez- Oh, you're welcome.

Kurt Hummel- Oh. No. You. Didn't.

Santana Lopez- Whaaaaat?

Kurt Hummel- Santana Margerita Lopez...

Santana Lopez- Ok... maybe Tike wasn't the only one getting it on.

Tina Cohen-Chang- SANTANA!

Santana Lopez- You were in my coat closet!

Kurt Hummel- You mean, you and Wes...

David Williams- Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.


Rachel Berry- Hey!

Mercedes Jones- Yeah, but c'mon Rach... that was not good.

Rachel Berry- True.

Wes Harris- What's a St. Berry?

(Blaine Anderson likes this)

David Williams: You're not thinkin about Santana, are you?

Wes Harris- No, of course not *shifty eyes*

Kurt Hummel- Good.

Wes Harris- Wonder if she's not thinking of me too...

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- *stabs self* This is not funny anymore!

Sam Evans- is watching Mean Girls with his preteen sister. Someone kill me.

Santana Lopez- That is so fetch.

(15 people likes this)

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman- And the herpes are back. Enjoy LadyLips.