Disclaimer: I don't own any part of the TMNT franchise or the characters in it. Or House.

A/N: Here's another chapter, it's a little different though. Enjoy and leave a review. :)

I love it when I'm doing something sooo normal but something horrible happens anyway. Like I'm going out for ice cream or something when a street gang, say the Purple Dragons, decide it's a good idea to kidnap me.

But I love it even more when I get kidnapped with Leo. No, I'm serious. Stop laughing. Now.

First off, Purple Dragons are mostly stupid... and a little bit dumb. It's fun to see 'em mess something as simple as a kidnapping.

Then there's Leo. Once you've got him figured out- but, I'll get back to that.

Most people think I just jump into a situation fists flying without thinking first. They'd be right, but that's not the point. (Shut up.) I'm just trying to say I've got a bit of strategist in me too.

Leo and Donny can't have all the fun. And no, Mikey doesn't count. Now stop interrupting!

As I was saying earlier, once you've got Leo figured out you're pretty much taken care of in kidnapping situations. What Leo needs more than anything else to do something is motivation.

Now you're saying, "You idiot, Raph. Leo lives for honor and ninja stuff!" Well, you should shut up all ready.

Honor, lectures, and the like are what motivates him to fight the Foot, lead our family, and brush his teeth in the morning. If it weren't for motivation he'd be playing dominoes in a corner somewhere with his teeth. For some reason he really likes dominoes.

But sometimes he needs a little help to get going, just a little extra motivation.

"Donatello put what in my tea?"

Twenty minutes later I'm sittin' nice and pretty in front of the TV watching House. Leo's sitting next to me picking at a new blood stain on his mask.

He sniffs it. I just sort of roll my eyes.

"Who were you talking to back there?"
