Let's just say this is continuing from where the books left off, even though Lucious Malfoy made it pretty clear in A Very Potter Sequel that, "He [Harry] marries Ginny, they live happily ever after. There is literally no way to move forward from this point." But alas, I shall try. This isn't happy for Hermione and Ron, and possibly not even a happy ending at all. The name is somewhat significant, later. But I hope you enjoy!

"Ron," I whispered, shaking him slightly to wake him from his slumber. "Ron, you have to wake up, we're taking Rose and Hugo to Kingscross station today…"

I walked away, impatient, not wanting to wake the kids up until their own father was up. Then the anger snapped in me, so I turned around and stormed right back into the room not hesitating to yell, "Ronald! You better get up right now! This is important!" Suddenly his huge figure sat upright in bed, a surprised look spread across his face.

"What are you doing? Are you mad?" He looked at me incredulously like I had a dementor on top of my head or something.

"Are you mad? I told you we were waking up early so you could help me with breakfast! This is the last time I will have a Hugo in the house all the time! Don't you understand? Are you not sad at all?" I hate having fights with him, I do. But lately, that's all we have been doing. He doesn't do anything anymore, and it's making me sick and tired.

"I'm sorry, all right? Let's go make breakfast." He looked at me with those puppy dog eyes, and got out of bed to fall over to me. He pulled me into an embrace, and whispered into my hair, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." What was he talking about? Then I realized a tear had fallen down my cheek. Curse these stupid tears, they always betray me. In my anger I swiftly pulled away from him.

"Come on then." I padded down the stairs, already dressed for the day. Ron stumbled behind me, and I huffed, grabbing my wand from a small table and turning on the downstairs lights. I insisted last night we cook everything by hand, seeing as how Molly had proved to me things went by faster when they were enchanted, but this was special. Ron seemingly forgot this, though, and immediately grabbed his wand from the kitchen table to begin. "Ron! We're cooking by hand, remember?"

"Oh, right." He blushed a deep red as he halted the jug of milk in the idle of the kitchen, and then went to grab it. He turned, walked over to the kitchen table, held up his wand to me, and then set it down. I smiled in response and he walked back over to me to wrap his arms around me once more. He leaned in and kissed me, like he always did, and I just kissed him back. Awkwardly stepping away, we giggled at each other, and then turned to our posts.

I introduced "muggle-things" into the house long before we were even married. I told him during our engagement, right when we had first moved in with each other, that we had to blend the two cultures together, something he couldn't quite grasp. I would wake up to find him trying to light a fire with his wand in the toaster, or using the remote as some fighting object. It was quite humorous, if I do say so myself, but he soon got the hang of things, and our kids grew up as the only children (probably) to have a television and a broom they could fly on.

This morning, though, was a morning for toast, eggs, pancakes, and a treacle tart, which Uncle Harry introduced to the kids long ago. I left Ron to the toast, buttering it up and putting it in the toaster, an amazing feat for him when it came out brown. And I did the eggs and pancakes. After Ron was done with the toast, I was only starting on the pancakes, he turned and pulled the treacle tarts out of the refrigerator. He stared at them lustfully but I tsked at him.

"Go set out the plates with toast and a tart each, then go get the kids please."

"Yes, mom." He frequently called me this to make me upset, I assumed, but I just learned to laugh it off.

I heard the plates clatter onto the table, I cringed, but he got all of them on there, and set it up nicely. Just as I finished the pancakes he was upstairs waking Hugo and Rose. As I was putting the eggs and pancakes onto their plates I heard screams coming from upstairs, then fits of giggles. All the sudden, what sounded like a million horses, they came running down the stairs, first Rose, then Hugo, and following up the lead was Ron. He picked them both up in sweep and tickled them in his arms while they flailed in mid air. To say this was a normal thing was an understatement. Ron was practically my other child, but it was adorable. I wasn't a strict parent, and I did get pulled into a game of tag, hide and go seek, and the occasional dog piles. But I could admit that I am nothing like Ron when it comes to parenting. He's so carefree and childlike, that I am the one who hands out the punishments, and gets the bulk of the silent treatments. I was used to ugly stairs and dinner, and rolled eyes behind my back, but these happened few and far between now. My kids weren't bad kids; they were just kids growing up. But I never got reports of them acting out in Hogwarts as I had done over nineteen years ago with my husband and our best friend.

My children know about my "glory days" and never have to ask questions because Ron always has a beefed up story tell them whenever he fancied. One dragon became five dragons, and the three-headed dog became an eight-headed dog. I always shook my head behind his back and held up the real number behind him as well. But my children were smart, so they went along with his stories "oooh-ing" and "ahhh-ing" whenever it became necessary. Uncle Harry would join in the stories too, but he always told the very modest versions of them, so my children didn't ask as often as they used to anymore. But they love the company of all their aunts, uncles, and cousins; completely spoiled by all grandparents involved.

When Ron finally set them down, I waved my hand towards the table, seeing their faces light up at all their favorite things laid out for them to eat for breakfast. We sat down and Hugo immediately takes a huge bite of his tart and says through a full mouth, "'re 'ese 'ncle 'arry's?"

"Yes, him and your aunt Ginny made them special for you guys; one for breakfast, and one each for the train ride over there. Be sure to thank them on the platform."

"Yes mom," Rose and Hugo said in unison. I thought I heard Ron mumble in there too, but I didn't look at him when I responded.

"Thank you guys. Are you sure you got everything packed, especially you Rose?" I stared at her, a gaze she hates, and I felt so motherly.

"Yes mom. I packed everything this time, even my caldron." I remembered this happening to her last year, getting fits of giggles from everyone who knew about it. She was so embarrassed she threatened in her letters that if she didn't run away that year, she wouldn't come back the next. So this year I made a checklist that they were to double, and triple check. Ron told me I was completely mad, but I had to remind him how much it sucked to get made fun of by the wrong sort at Hogwarts. The boy who made fun of her the most, and made a lot of her letters home have dried tear drops on them, was none other than Draco's son, Scorpious. It disgusted me to know they were all the same, Slytherins, that is. But I nodded my head at Rose, suddenly coming back from my flashback.

"I was just checking, sweetie. Did you help Hugo check his?"

"Mom! I'm eleven now! I can check my own bags for myself, don't you think so dad?"

I eyed Ron carefully, but he didn't even look my way until he'd already opened his mouth to talk, "You know, he has got a point Hermione. I mean, he is going to Hogwarts, and Rose can't just go and take care of him all the time. That would totally embarrass him. Rose got on by herself her first two years; I suppose Hugo could do the same thing. Dontcha think?"

I stared at him, I know my jaw fell slightly open, and I know I made a small squealing noise. But I couldn't help it, he was being ridiculous.

"Ron, I don't care if Rose got on fine, well I do, I just mean if I tell them to do something, they should do it, no questions asked. I get it that Hugo is growing up, but –" I stopped, remembering we had an audience. "We should talk about this privately, later."

We all went straight back to eating, silently of course, the awkwardness overwhelming. As I finished and scooted back my chair I waved my wand an all the plates flew to the sink and sponge went to work. Ron snorted at me, attempting to suppress a laugh and I just looked at him incredulously, "I said we'd make breakfast by hand, not clean it up."

"Whatever makes life easier honey." And with that they all rose before he started to chase them upstairs one last time before they left us.

Before I knew it, we were walking past platform 5, speeding up to get to platform 9 ¾ as soon as possible. Rose and I went flying through the enchanted wall first, filling the tingles as we passed through it. She pointed out her aunts fiery red hair in the crowd, and we waiting for Ron and Hugo to pass through before we made our way over there to say our goodbyes. Hugo passed through in Ron's arms', laughing, and Ron had a huge grin on his face. He set Hugo down and ruffed his hair as they walked over, silently wondering if we found the Potters.

"Over there, Rose found them." I jerked my head their way, and started making my way through the crowd. Faces turned in Ron and my direction, but we ignored it, making our way to Harry. There was a considerable amount of space left around Harry, Ginny, and their three children. It was normal behavior, seeing as he is still "The Chosen One" and still recognized as "The Boy Who Lived" even still today. People constantly gawked at us three being together, the "Golden Trio Reunited" was the headline of any newspaper that snapped a shot of us together. We all laughed over our tea's reading it, because we were always together. We never "reunited", heck, we were related! But apparently we were still royalty, and needed to be treated as such.

"The circle never leaves you guys does it?" I whispered in Ginny's ear, receiving the hilarious reaction of her jumping four feet into the air before she turned around to hug me.

"You are mad! And of course the circle never leaves! We have our own bubble!" She said, laughing. Then I turned to hug Harry, but when I looked off into the distance I saw Draco staring at us all. I frowned at him, but immediately put a smile on when Harry pulls me away.

"Uncle Harry?"

"Yes, Hugo?"

"Thanks for the treacle tarts; they're better than mommy's." I looked at him, and I couldn't believe he really just said that… Was my cooking that bad? Ron was pitching a giggle fit behind me while Hugo slammed his hand over his mouth before turning to look at me, "I am so sorry mommy. I didn't mean to say that. It slipped…"

"Its okay sweetie," I leaned down to caress his cheek before standing back up. "You four have to get on the train." I smiled at all of them, seeing Albus and Hugo looking terrified. "You'll both be fine." They turned all shouting different goodbyes to each family member there. I turned to look at Harry and Ginny, holding hands, and their daughter Lily right at Ginny's side. They were a beautiful family, and looked so complete with each other. I didn't even know where Ron had even gone to, and I felt empty. Then I noticed Draco walking by, staring at me, again. I looked around for Ron, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. He was saying his last goodbyes to the children through a train car window.

I walked up to him and grabbed his hand and leaned in to whisper in his ear, "Come on, we have the house to ourselves now."

He immediately said his last good bye, and turned towards the enchanted platform entrance/exit. He let go of my hand in his haste, but I turned to say goodbye to Harry, Ginny, and Lily then trailed behind him. On our way out my purse ripped from my shoulder and spilled all its contents on the platform. Ron was already through the enchanted wall, so I bent down to clean it myself. Then another set of hands joined my, just throwing the stuff carelessly in my bag. I rambled my thank you's and apologies, but was stopped short when I looked up to see who it was.


"Yes, Granger, or I suppose you're a Weasley now aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. Thank you for helping with my bag."

"You owe me…" He sneered at me, and I didn't know how to respond. "How about coffee? Isn't that what you muggles like to have?"

"Uhm, yes. But I don't understand where this is coming from Draco. I thought you hated me?"

"Whatever, Granger. See you later." Then he walked away, and I was left on platform 9 ¾ wondering what on Earth just happened….

I literally thought this all up in a dream, woke up in the middle of the night, and texted my fellow fanfiction…person, friend, thingy… ? my best friend Loo-McAllister, and told her about it. This wouldn't be possible without her (seeing as she's my 2 AM, so if I didn't have a 2 AM this idea would've been lost forever, seeing how I didn't even remember texting her til I woke up and saw it like 6 hours later). So I dedicate this to you! (: And it's your fault I like DraMione stories now… Curse you.