A/N: The 11th Doctor only landed in Cardiff to refuel, and yet becomes embroiled in something unexpected. Jack shows him somebody who shouldn't exist, she should be Time-locked on Gallifrey during the Time War.

'Ah there we go, landed!' remarked the Doctor to nobody in particular. 'Cardiff' he said, looking at the scanner. He looked around. Empty. It was only him and his TARDIS today. He had been travelling on his own for a bit now, mainly to give Amy and Rory some space. After all, they had recently got married. He'd go and find them again, once he'd got bored, but for now he was relishing the peace and quiet.

'Right, well.' He paused ' I think I'm probably surplus to requirements for now dear, well at least while you're refuelling. I think I might just nip out to lunch, and then I can get to work on some maintenance after I get back. I should probably do some while I've got the time, and I'd rather not work on an empty stomach.' He said, grinning at the console.

' Back soon dear!' he called back as he reached the door.

He started to open it. 'Ah, local currencies in a jacket pocket. Where did I put my jacket?'

He turned to close the door and retrieve his jacket when he stopped in his tracks.

'Doctor?' He couldn't mistake that American voice.

'Jack!' He leapt out of the TARDIS and shook the man's hand enthusiastically. 'Long time, no see, eh?'

Jack looked at him, surprised. ' So, you've regenerated?'

'Yes, pretty soon after I last saw you as you could probably tell.' He wandered forward, past Jack, to study where he had arrived at. ' I was feeling- well, anyway' he sighed.

He paused ' So I'm assuming this is Torchwood, Cardiff?' He remarked, looking round. ' Big place like this, where is everybody?'

' Gone.' Jack was stony-faced.

' Ah well, I only came for the pit-stop and some lunc-' The Doctor started.

' Something's happened' Jack interrupted.

' Look, about the 45-'

'It's not about that.' Jack said shortly

' Oh, okay then' The Doctor said, slowly.

' Something came through the Rift that might interest you…'

' If it's going to be some alien dev-'

' I know what she is, that's the prob-'



' If you know what she is, why do you want me?'

' Because she shouldn't exist'

He paused, thinking. ' Alright, you've got me interested.' the Doctor grinned ' I'll get my coat'.

A short time later, after Jack had admired the new TARDIS layout, commented on the Doctor's new dress sense and the Doctor reminded Jack to the perils of keeping a pteranodon, the Doctor and Jack made there way down to the holding cells to inspect the woman.

' Okay, so who is this woman? Where does she come from?' the Doctor asked following after Jack.

' Umm...' Jack started.

' Jack, what's going on here, I -' He stopped in front of the cell door.

As he stood in front of the cell, he could not help but draw an intake of breath. The woman was sitting in the cell had her face covered by her hands, but he could tell exactly who, or rather what, she was. She was sitting in a full set, albeit bloodied and tattered but recognisable, Gallifreyan robes, head-dress lying disregarded next to her.

A/N: Not a great first chapter, I know, but will improve. Suggestions and tips most welcome!