Chapter 5

A/N: Two chapters in less than a week, I'm suprised. Due to the response I got after I uploaded my last chapter (8 favourites/story alerts/reviews in about as many hours) I've realised I should probably update this story more frequently than I have been I just need to decide where I want to take this story. I haven't really thought further than this. Once again, thanks for all your support, whether you've favourited, put this story on alert, reviewed or just read it. Thank you

When Martha arrived later that day, there was much discussion to be had. The first port of call for the Doctor was to reacquaint himself with Martha, and discuss the situation at hand.

'Doctor, it's you!' Martha beamed, hugging him tightly. 'You've got a new face?' looking puzzled.

'Oh yes. I regenerated. Sorry about that.' He smiled.

'But it IS still you isn't it?'

'Yes it is, don't worry about that'

Jack cleared his throat. 'We do have a lady-friend waiting for us…'

'C'mon then!' the Doctor leaped off, Jack and Martha, with her equipment, following close behind.

When they reached the medical bay, Romana was restlessly sleeping.

Martha and Jack hung back as the Doctor tried to wake Romana up. As he gently shook her awake, she woke up shouting, arms flailing as the Doctor struggled to hold onto her.

Martha took a step back, gasping, before her and Jack rushed over to help calm Romana down.

After she had, she apologised, 'I'm sorry about that, I don't know what came over me…'

'It's alright. I understand.' The Doctor cradled her.

Romana sighed heavily and changed the subject, 'anyway, is this her?' looking at Martha.

'Martha Jones, at your service' the Doctor remarked, indicating to Martha.

'Pleased to meet you. I used to travel with the Doctor' Martha held out her hand to Romana.

Romana shook it. 'Romana. Pleasure.'

'Don't worry. You're in safe hands with Martha. She's good,' He looked at Martha, smiling, 'one of the best.'

'I trust you,' she smiled, watching Martha take out her equipment.

'It'll be easier if you weren't hovering over me, Doctor.' She remarked, glancing over at the Doctor.

Before the Doctor could protest, Jack interrupted. 'Don't worry, we have things to discuss.' As he steered the Doctor towards the door, he shouted back to her, 'let us know when you're done.'

As the Doctor slumped down on the chair, he let out an exasperated sigh and put his head in his hands. Jack had very rarely seen him like this. Jack perched on the table opposite him. 'Doctor, what I can do to help you?' Jack urged him.

The Doctor slowly lowered his hands from his face and looked up at Jack.

'I- I don't know what to do.'

'Look, you need to stay strong, for her sake. She's weak and vulnerable and she needs you'

The Doctor sighed, 'I know, but-'

Jack interrupted him. 'But nothing. You help people, she needs your help. She needs your support. God knows what she going through right now.'

The Doctor smiled. 'Thanks Jack'

'Anyway, we need to sort out what we're gonna do about her' Jack said.

The Doctor stared at him darkly. 'What do you mean?'

'Well, U.N.I.T for starters, and where she's going to stay.'

The Doctor looked puzzled.

'You don't think Martha came down here without them noticing, did you? Now they aren't a big fan of Torchwood, but considering you've been such a help in the past, they're willing to look the other way, so long as you two aren't here. They have a small estate not far from here where she can recover in peace.'

'Peace? With U.N.I.T sniffing around? Pffh!' the Doctor got up.

'Don't knock it. They understand her importance to you. You do know you're technically still on the staff? They want to help you. Just not whilst you're here. U.N.I.T looks after its own. As soon as Martha can do what she can, and Romana's well enough, we can arrange somewhere to properly nurse her back to health. And besides, U.N.I.T can just as easily arrange who happens to be there. They're in contact with a number of your friends. Take it Doctor, it's the best thing for her at the moment.'

'I suppose you're right…' he sighed, slumping down in the chair.