An: Okay, it's been forever again, but I've been really busy. Please don't be angry(: Anywho. I don't own Twilight, never have, never will.(:

Previously on The Death, Rebirth, and Love of Isabella Swan:

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." Alec kissed me as though his life depended on it.

Alec and I stayed about three days after the wedding then went on the honeymoon. He wouldn't tell me where we were going, so as the plane was about to land, he put a blind fold on me.

"So, Mrs. Volturi, would you finally like to know where we are?" I nodded, "Well, welcome to Rio De Janeiro!" Alec said with a smile on his face.

"Oh Alec, I love this place! I always wanted to come here. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you so so so so so much! It's worth the jokes from Felix and Demetri! Jeeze, I never knew I could love anyone this much!" As you could tell, I was happy.

"So I was thinking that we could stay in the hotel for the days then at night go to see the sights and stuff. Is that okay?" I nodded and he continued. "Well, were staying at the Marriott. It happens to be one of my favorite hotels in all of South America. Jane and I have stayed here over 100 times. The staff knows better than to check up on our penthouse unless we tell them to. Anywho, let's get to the hotel room before the sun rises. I love you!" Alec said as he grabbed our bags and walked at human pace to a dark alley. After we got in the alley, we started running vampire speed.

We stopped near an alley, proceeding to walk human speed. We got to the counter and Alec said, "Room 919 for Alec Volturi please?"

"Oh, yes, here to go Mr. Volturi. Have a nice time at the Marriott." Said the receptionist, a pretty blonde. Alec nodded and we continued to our room.

When I say the room was perfect, I mean it. There was a general blue, beachy theme. The walls were a beautiful aqua while the floor was sandy colored. I assumed that the furniture was beautiful, but Alec didn't let me see it. He picked me up and started kissing me. They weren't sweet, tender pecks, but I want you, now, kisses. He carried me to the bed and through me on it. I had a feeling that the Honeymoon would be amazing. Thank you Aro, Marcus, and Caius.

So, I guess that I have one screwed up story. First my 'love' leaves me and I go to die and now, I'm on a Honeymoon with my true soul mate. I should really thank Eddie one more time.

I've learned that love comes in many shapes and sizes. It started with me loving Edward, then brought me to Alec. Love creeps up on you, gradually, but it still happens. If you ever get the chance, follow your heart.

A/N: So what'd you think? The story is finished. I personally like the ending. I guess that's just wishful thinking. Haha. Anywho, sorry that the publishing took so long, but I've been trying to figure out how to end it. So, thank you to all of you that reviewed and read! I love you all! Be sure to look at my other stories.(: There may be a few one shots about Bella and Alec, but probably no multiple chapter stories.
