Logan didn't want to admit that he liked boys. Especially his best friend. Not in a million years would he say it out loud. It was to be kept a secret, in his dreams and mind. He couldn't let anyone know of his preference. It would just make it awkward and weird.

Logan sat at the table, having trouble concentrating on the math problem in front of him "Carlos?" Logan asks quietly. "Hm?" Carlos doesn't look away from the television, his thumbs moving quickly on the controller.

"Turn that down." Carlos ignores his request, making Logan narrow his eyes at the smaller boy.

Logan walks over to the whiter console, and clicks the power button. "Logan!" Carlos shrieks, his helmet falling back a little. "I asked you to turn it down," Logan raises an eyebrow and shrugs, trying to ignore Carlos' now adorable brown eyes staring at him.

"I didn't hear you." Carlos pouts, standing up and walking over to the table that Logan was just sitting at. "What's this?" Carlos asks, picking up a paper that was filled with calculations and notes.

"Math." Logan tries to grab it from the Latino's hand, but Carlos jerks back and grins.

"Looks tasty." Carlos licks the paper, making Logan twitch. "Stop, that took forever to do."

When Carlos licks it again, biting it a bit, Logan groans. "Carlos! Seriously, give it back!" Logan takes a step closer, and slips. He falls onto the smaller boy, and they fall onto the floor. They look at each other for a minute, Carlos squirming awkwardly under Logan's still body.

Logan hushes the thoughts that come to his brain, whispering to him about how cute Carlos looks, or how nice he smells, even how wonderful his caramel skin looks.

"Uh," Logan breathes, reaching out to grab the math paper. He manages to snatch it back, and starts to get up when Carlos stops him with his legs. "Carlos," Logan says, his body starting to get heated with this closeness. He swallows, embarrassed at the all-too-familiar feeling between his legs as it begins to form against Carlos' thigh. It's obvious Carlos feels it, because he throws his head back and chuckles.

"Logie, are you—"

"No!" Logan blush deepens, and he squirms out of Carlos' legs and stands.

"You don't have to be embarrassed…" The Latino murmurs, mimicking Logan and standing.


"I said, you don't have to be embarrassed. I think it's cute."

"Stop, Carlos, I get it. You don't need to make fun of me." Logan tries to turn, but Carlos grabs his arm and swings him around. "I'm not making fun of you, I promise." He leans closer to the pale boy, and stand on his toes. "Do you like me? Honestly?"

Logan's head is swimming, his member throbbing with anticipated excitement. "I'm not gay." Logan states, though his shaky voice doesn't convince Carlos. "Yeah, and I'm as tall as James."

Logan grits his teeth, damning his throbbing erection. "Come to the couch." Carlos pulls Logan, pushing him to sit. "Ah, Carlos?" The paler boy's eyes widen with surprise when Carlos' lips are only inches away from his.

"Do you like me?" The Latino's breath is hot against Logan's lips, making Logan whimper.

"Uh, maybe a little, if that's okay."

"That's fine. I like you too." Logan doesn't have any time to respond; Carlos mashes his lips against Logan's, moving them in a rhythmic way. Logan feels Carlos' hands grip at his belt, fumbling with it and trying to take it off without breaking the kiss. He manages to undo it, and pulls away just to pull it off. "Carlos?" Logan whimpers quietly. "What are you doing?"

Carlos grins, and kisses him again. "Just help me take off your pants."

Logan immediately complies, unbuttoning and pulling down his jeans that were just getting a little too tight for his liking. "Fuck, you're so cute." Logan lets himself mutter as Carlos nips at his neck.

It wasn't until he felt Carlos rub the bulge in Logan's boxers did Logan squeal.

His cheeks were pink, his nostrils flaring from the pleasure. "Is this okay?" Carlos whispers as he sucks on Logan's earlobe. He wasn't an expert in this department by any means; he was simply going by what he's seen in movies and what he does to himself.

"Y-Yeah." Logan bites down on his lip, finding himself bucking against Carlos' touch.

"Can I take it off?" Carlos whispers next. Logan doesn't speak, but nods. He lifts his hips off the couch to let Carlos easily slide off his boxers, letting his extremely hard erection bounce into freedom.

The paler boy bites his cheek, shifting uncomfortably. "What?" Carlos asks, wrapping his hands around his friends erection.

"I've never done this." Logan squeaks when Carlos adds pressure and begins to pump his wrists.

"Not with Camille?" Carlos asks, his eyes lingering over to the beautiful member he was touching.

"N-Nope." Logan shakes his head feverishly before letting his eyes close and a small moan escape his lips. "Do that again," Carlos pleads, moving his hands faster.

Logan moans again, making Carlos groan in anticipation. His own member was twitching underneath his jeans, begging to be free. After a few more minutes of squirming and moaning from Logan, Carlos wraps his lips around Logan's head.

"Ngh, Carlos…" Logan's eyes open and widen to the sudden warmth.

Carlos hums something, and puts as much of Logan as he can into his small mouth. "Mm," Logan let's his hand rest of his Latino's raven hair, feeling a bit more confident when he hears Carlos hum a moan.

It all happens so fast after that. Logan is moaning louder and louder, warning Carlos that he is close. The Latino doesn't stop, licking and sucking on Logan's twitching member.

The sudden liquid in Carlos' mouth makes his eyes close, tasting the odd flavor of Logan. He swallows it quickly, before releasing Logan from his mouth his an audible pop.

Carlos stands, leaving Logan shivering and whimpering half-naked on the couch. "Kendall and James will be back soon. I'm going to the bathroom."

Carlos turns on the ball of his heels, going down the hallway, leaving Logan in complete love for the Spanish boy.