A/N: Well, I went and read the little side story around chapter 57 of FMA. I loved it so much and it kind of gave me this idea, if you haven't read it then you should read it before reading this (link will be on my profile). Basically a drabble I had to write down.

The Lessons we Learn


It was a very quiet and peaceful day in the Elric household. Edward was playing outside with his friend Winry, while Alphonse was helping his mother make supper.

"What do you want for lunch Alphonse?" Trisha asked her little boy, even though he couldn't talk, Trisha knew what he would want.

"Stew?" She asked while looking down at him. Alphonse's eyes lit up as he shook his head in agreement. She smiled slightly and ruffled his hair. Seconds later, Edward ran into the house and into the kitchen.

"Edward? Weren't you playing with Winry?" Trisha asked, making sure to somewhat shield Alphonse from his older brother who loved to pick on him.

"Hungry!" The little boy exclaimed; his eyes slowly trailed down to his younger brother, who was standing there looking scared.

"I'm making stew for supper, it'll be ready in a while, why don't you go play for a while?" Trisha asked.

"Okay!" He yelled loudly and went over to Alphonse. Just went Trisha thought that he would bully his younger brother like he always does, he grabbed Alphonse's hand and quietly dragged him away to play with him. Trisha had a confused expression on her face, wondering why Edward was suddenly nice to his brother.


"Edward, Alphonse! Come get your supper!" Trisha said after she finished making the stew.

She was surprised when Ed and Al came running into the room giggling, they must have had fun while playing together. Hohenheim soon came into the room as well. As the family ate, Edward was talking about what a good time he had playing with Alphonse. It was a first for the family, Trisha couldn't figure out what had gotten into him to make him act this way.

After dinner was over, Edward went off to play with Alphonse again, which Alphonse was delighted with since he also liked playing with his big brother.

"What's gotten into Edward lately? He suddenly likes Alphonse now, dear." Trisha asked her husband.

"I may have given him a talking to, but a master never reveals his tricks," Hohenheim said.

She smiled at him, and shook her head. "Well, good job dear. I'm glad they don't fight anymore." She said as she was cleaning the dishes.

Hohenheim also smiled at this, he was thankful for his family and that they all got along.