The Death of Orihara Izaya

"Nee, Shizu-chan, you should really learn how to control your temper."

"Shut up, you parasite!"

"Oh, is Shizu-chan in a bad mood today?"

"You're the one who puts me in that mood…"

"That's not a nice thing to say, Shizu-chan. Does that mean that from now on, you will be always in a bad mood?"

Oh fantastic, now this parasite was even snickering. How he hated him, when he did that…

"Would you be so kind to shut the fuck up, Izaya? I'm getting a headache."

"I really would like to do that, but then I would have to do other things to keep myself from being bored…"

Another snicker and Shizuo's face turned bright red as one hand slowly opened the pants of the bodyguard.

When will this lowly life be out of this world completely? Will that ever happen? The chances are pretty low, Shizuo thought. If only he had not killed that informant. Then he could still live a normal life. Yeah that peasant was dead. He still couldn't believe it, but the crushed body, the one he always wanted to hurt, simply didn't move anymore after being pierced by the lantern he threw at Izaya. In the first few seconds he was delighted. Finally the flea couldn't dodge.

Then the questioning: Why couldn't he dodge? He always dodged everything he threw at him and even though he once hit him with a vending machine, Izaya wasn't hurt at all. There was no situation in which Shizuo had actually hurt him. So why was it so easy this time? What was wrong? Was Izaya only playing to be injured and would start jumping around a few seconds later, slicing Shizuo up with his flick-blade?

Shizuo decided that he should at least take a look at the one lying on the ground. The pest didn't start to attack him. A sea of blood was running out of the raven haired guy, he had problems breathing and even opening his eyes seemed to be a hard thing to do.


Izaya's voice was only a whisper. The informant was really living his last moments.

"Oh fuck, why didn't dodge, you -"

A light smile brightened the delicate ones face and without losing another thought on it, the blond one broke the heavy lantern in pieces, lifted the injured person like a princess and ran off to the one doctor who could help him. While Shizuo was running, the dying one took his last strength together, mumbled a "Shizuo" in the air and waited for the bodyguard to look at him. As he did, the informant placed a kiss on the other ones lips. It took Shizuo a while to realize that he stopped running, he was in a small dark street and that the small being with the most beautiful crimson eyes in his arms was no longer alive.

How long it took Shizuo to get to Shinra – he was not able to recall it anymore. Shinra opened the door, saw the life-long enemies behind it with one holding the other and wanted to clear it out right away. Shizuo sunk to his knees, hands full of blood as he let go of the body whom was once Izaya.

After that Shizuo's memory skipped, not only some hours but 3 days. When he got to the doctor's house again, Shinra told him that he took care of Izaya as Shizuo instructed. Fearing the meaning of it, he did not dare to ask what happened in those three days. Izaya was gone for good.

"Say, Shizuo… Shizuo?"

It took a while for the bodyguard to recognize that Shinra was trying to speak with him.

"Hmm…? What is it?"

"Are you… are you okay? Today you are kinda more like yourself… but are you maybe regretting what happened to him?"

"You can say how it is… Do I regret killing him? I don't know myself for sure. The last days went by without me noticing. I never thought that my first action after him collapsing were to bring him here."

Lightening a new cigarette with his right and the left hand running through his hair, leaning backwards and letting out a sigh, he continued:

"The 'me' last week thought of throwing a 6 months salary worth party. Maybe it's because I lost my goal for life? Maybe I need to comprehend that I no longer need to watch out for knives, his snicker and everything? By the way do you have some Sake? I think I need to get drunk at least once just thinking of this long awaited victory for being able to enjoy it truthfully."

"I do have some. But don't you think you should eat something first? Your growling stomach gets on my nerves."

"Okay, got it."

Shizuo searched for the phone in his pocked and called Simon.

"Hey there, can you bring me 2 times menu 1 and 4. Oh and 3 bottles of sake, too. To Shinra's place, please. Thanks, bye. "

"How the hell can you eat this much? And how can you pay it?" Shinra asked.

"Of course you get some, too. Where is the problem? And for the money: I have waited long enough to have this feast. I don't care about how much it will cost me."

A few hours later Shizuo and Shinra were quite drunk. Nothing of the food or the sake was left and after a few parting words the blond one was on his way home.

As he took a shortcut through a silent, dark street, he was startled. Was he hallucinating or did he lose his mind? Whatever it was, to be hearing the voice of his most hated enemy definitely was everything but normal!

"Nee, Shizu-chan. You seem to be pretty excited over my death feasting and drinking like that."

Doubting his hearing ability, thinking of the possibility that a drunk person could hear voices instead of seeing double, he looked around him and when he knew he saw that he was alone, he couldn't stop himself from asking:


"Yay, Shizu-chan can hear me now. It took you quite some time. But I always knew that you weren't one of the quickest."

"Where the hell are you, flea?"

"Oh so you didn't figure that one out. Because my body was beyond help, I placed my soul in yours. And I have to say it was a good decision. So much free room in your head for me. It seems like you were made for me."

"Shut the fuck up, you worm! You wanna tell me that you are in me? And that you don't have any intention of vanishing at all? Are you fucking with me? Just die once and for all!" the bartender shouted.

"Shizu-chan is so mean. Aren't you at least a bit glad that I am still here? Ah and because others can't hear me as long as I don't take over your body, they might start thinking that you are insane…"

Even though the possessed man looked like he could care less about what others think, he lowered his voice quite a bit in his next sentences.

"Tell me. How can I get you to disappear? You are irritating me out even after dying…"

"Well, I don't know. Maybe it's impossible?"

"It's not impossible. I will find a way even if it's the last thing I do. Probably my mind just couldn't take it to be that happy about you being gone for good. The next thing I will do is visiting a psychologist. That's it!"

"No I think, you won't do that next. It is night right now and weekend at that. What about visiting your sweet little brother? He said that he was free tonight."

"Y-y-you met Kasuka? When? Why? While using my body?"

"Yes, two days ago. And do you really want to know what happened then? I don't think so~"

"What the hell did you do?"

"Telling you would spoil my fun. But you will know it right away when you'll meet him. I left you a present, my dear Shizu-chan."

The informant couldn't keep himself from laughing and the bartender – impatient to know what happened and fearing of what it might have, he went to the hotel his brother was at.

For Shizuo, the short way from the reception to the room seemed to be long like an eternity and short like a second at the same time. His enemy did something to his brother. The only thing he ever feared... But what did he do to him? After having questioned Izaya for about half of the way to the hotel, Izaya was nice enough to tell him at least that Kasuka isn't injured in any way. Although Shizuo would think of it as a relief, he couldn't. Not with Izaya being involved. Words were the most dangerous weapon of this parasite after all. Standing in front of the door he decided to knock right away. Delaying it wouldn't help in any way and was over his capability.

Kasuka opened.

"Nii- san?"

Shizuo, unable to keep his cool, entered the room as soon as the door opened, got a hold of Kasuka's shoulders and asked:

"Is everything alright with you?"

"Ah, so it's really you. Yeah, I'm fine," was Kasuka's statement.

"Why do you say that it's really me?"

Even though Kasuka seemed to be fine and like him, the older brother couldn't relax yet. This first sentence echoed alarming in his mind.

"Then let me ask a question first: Is Izaya-san with you?"

Shocked at the stated question, Shizuo could only answer:

"W-what do you mean? I came alone, right?"

Kasuka couldn't keep himself from rolling his eyes but otherwise his expression stayed the same. Watching the whole thing through Shizuos eyes, Izaya couldn't help but to admire the actor standing there. If he really would do what the informant wanted, it must be really hard for the younger to even face older brother.

"I take your reaction as a 'yes'. That makes it way faster. Izaya-san and I have a little… agreement. This agreement includes the task I am about to do and I need you for it because Izaya himself isn't available anymore. It is really important for me. Therefore please sit down – the armchair is right around the corner – and don't do anything. This is a thing between Izaya- san and me. You don't have anything to do with it. Alright?"

'So that's how you want to do it. Nice idea.' Izaya snickered.

Hearing the parasite ones enjoyment Shizuo wanted to avoid doing what Kasuka asked but he couldn't find a reason to deny it either and sat down on the chair.

"Wanna drink something? The mini-bar has some good things in it."

"Okay… I guess I want a beer."

"I'll get us some glasses. Wait a second."

While sitting there Shizuo thought, that it was quite weird for him to get something to drink instead of just getting over with whatever. On the other hand he thought that he might not be able to cope with it and it would be better to be as drunk as possible. The last thing he wanted was to lose control and hurt Kasuka.

"Here's your beer."

Kasuka sat down on the couch and drank his own drink and Shizuo did the same.

"And what are we doing now, Kasuka?"

"We play the waiting game."

"Ha? I thought that pest instructed you with something?"

"Yeah, but it's not the right time for it... yet."

A few moments later, the blond one knew why his little brother had to wait. He put some kind of drug in the beer.

The room was moving. Shizuo had problems looking straight. He tried to stand up and get away but it was no use. He couldn't even stand up anymore or try to stop Kasuka binding his hands behind his back and starting to undress both of them.

"What the hell are you doing now? Stop it right away!"

"Keep quiet. That's part of Izaya-sans plan."

At the point when Kasuka started licking Shizuos member, the bartender could only think of one thing:

"Izayaaaaa I am so gonna KILL you!"

The answer that popped up in his mind was:

"Too~ bad. I am already dead. At least try to enjoy it as much as possible. Kasuka is working rea~lly hard right now, you know?"

This was followed by heartily laughing on Izaya's side and even though the bartender tried various arguments to stop his little brother, it didn't work. So he tried to think of ways to kill this plague called Orihara Izaya and with that he came to the only conclusion left: If he wanted to kill the pest inside him, he had to kill himself. Right at this point the voice in his head began speaking again.

"I bet you are thinking about how to kill yourself by now because you can't think of a way how to kill me without killing yourself at the same time. Let me tell you that even if you do that, it wouldn't work. How can you guarantee that I won't take over your beloved brother's body before you are able to finish your work? Do you really want me to live inside of Kasuka?"

"… Fuck you!"

"You are always so gentlemanlike, Shizu- chan."

"Y-you try to threaten me with Kasuka, I can always do the same with your sisters."

"You wanna hurt Mairu and Kururi?"

"That's right! I'll kill them if you don't make Kasuka stop right away!"

"Are really that stupid? You wanna hurt those sweet, cute little devi- ehm… girls? Even though Shizu-chan is a monster, I don't think that you are able to do that. And even if you were, you wouldn't succeed. Those two are scarier than hell if they want."


Shizuo had no way but to agree with that argumentation. After all, Mairu and Kururi were girls and Izaya's sisters at the same time. But how could he get Izaya to cancel this 'agreement'?

"What about stop thinking? You can't do anything so perhaps you should start enjoying your brother's l-o-v-e. Oh, but if you don't want it you can simply imagine someone else giving you this kind of service…"

"The only one I wanted to crawl in front of me is you. But with my shoes in your face."

"So you want me to give you a blow job?"

"Don't ignore the rest of what I said."

"I didn't really ignore it. You know there is a thing called SM. And considering your fable for going on rampages, it fits perfectly."


In fact, now that Izaya had mentioned those things, Shizuo really started to imagine how it would be if a certain flea - instead of Kasuka - was licking and sucking his dick.

And shockingly it turned him on quite a bit. Until then he could control himself to a certain degree and thought of it as nothing but disgusting. His only wish had been to make his bro stop. Instead he was thinking of Izaya sitting there, a slight blush on his cheeks, without (or maybe still with?) the wicked smile on his face and the amazing crimson eyes looking up to him while concentrating on doing a perfect job. Like the real person in front of him now, that sly demons tongue would glide over his length as if licking a Popsicle and when he reached the tip he would look up as if to ask if it was alright to dig in and without waiting for the answer, together with a sneaky smile start taking in Shizuos member in whole.

Then the part to start hating this person would come again. The reason for that would be that Izaya would move his head teasingly, slowly and without the slightest intention to obey the ex-bartender's wishes or needs. Even though Shizuo thought that it must be heaven to get a blow job done by Izaya. As an informant he probably knew every single technique necessary.

Thinking about all that made Shizuo extremely embarrassed and horny at the same time. Of course Izaya could directly see (maybe even feel) the effects their earlier conversation had resulted in.

"Oh, so it's true, you really want to fuck me?" I feel rea~lly honoured, you know… And because of that I decided to give this little pervert a special service."

Alarmed by that, Shizuo tensed up quite a bit.

When Izaya spoke again, the bodyguard blushed in a red comparable to the eyes that once belonged to the so called flea.

"Imagine again, Shizu-chan. Imagine me sucking you dry. Think of me licking the tip of your dick while using one of my hands to massage your balls. Of course the dirty sounds aren't missing either."

As if to underline the last words that no one but Shizuo could hear, Kasuka's mouth left Shizuo's member with a sweet plop.

Izaya ignored it and continued with his one way conversation.