Chapter 5

"So, Harry," Hermione said as she prepared for bed that night, "What gender would you like our baby to be?"

"I really don't care. All I want is to have a healthy son or daughter with you." Harry said as he walked up to Hermione and kissed her softly.

Hermione blushed a little bit as Harry pulled away. Harry held her hand and, while looking into her grey eyes, said, "You are very beautiful, Hermione."

"You think so, Harry?"

"Yes Hermione, I really think so. I've always thought so, ever since I first laid my eyes on you."

Hermione smiled and kissed him. "The feeling is mutual," she whispered as she pulled away.

"So," Tonks said as she entered the room, "Are you two gonna get married or something?"

"What makes you think that?" Harry asked with a chuckle.

"Well, Hermione's pregnant and you're the dad, so therefore, I thought you two were gonna marry to raise the kid properly."

"Maybe sometime in the future, but right now we just want to go steady."

"Not on my watch!" a man said as he walked into the room with a grin on his face.

"Dad!" Hermione said as she launched herself into Sirius' arms.

Sirius hugged her back. "Hello, sweetheart." He said as he let go of her. "So, you found out, haven't you?"

"Yes, the letter was a dead give-away." Hermione said.

"You look so much like your mother." Sirius said as he turned his attention to Harry. "Harry! Long time no see!"

Harry hugged him. Then he said, "I thought the Ministry was after you."

"Not anymore." Sirius said as he looked at the two teens. "Pettigrew was stupid enough to get caught on London's streets. In human form. He was arrested without much of a fight, as he was always a weak wizard. After that, he was interrogated on how he survived. He confessed to everything; how he betrayed Lily and James, and how he killed twelve Muggles and my wife and framed me. In short, I'm pardoned and he's in Azkaban for a long time. I then registered myself as an Animagus because I'm pretty sure Peter told them about that."

"I'm glad my father has just gotten his name cleared." Hermione said as she hugged Harry and Sirius.

"Oh yeah, and Remus told me I'm going to be a grandpa soon. My little girl is growing up."

Just then, they heard the door burst open and Arabella yell, "LANCELOT SIRIUS POTTER! I SWEAR I AM GOING TO KILL YOU AND THROW YOUR CORPSE IN A DITCH!" as she entered.

"Hey, you know what? That queer at the bar was attempting to force you into a relationship you didn't want to have. I was defending your honor!" Lancelot said in his defense.

"What's going on?" Sirius asked as he, Hermione, Harry, and Tonks entered the living room to see a fuming Arabella glaring at a somewhat annoyed Lancelot. Remus stood behind them with a stern look on his face.

"He started a brawl." Arabella said, pointing at Lancelot.

"Do you know whom you've attacked?" Remus said as he crossed his arms.

"Some random Death-Eater with breath that smells like road-kill and wolf-like features?" Lancelot asked.

"No, you idiot!" Arabella said as she slapped him. "That was Fenrir Greyback!"

"Fenrir who?" Lancelot asked as he rubbed the cheek Arabella hit.

"Greyback, the most savage WEREWOLF alive. He attacks anybody and will especially go after those that offend him. Which makes youat the top of his hit-list." Remus said.

"Well, bring it on, Greyback!" Lancelot said with a goofy grin on his face. Which earned him another smack across his face.

"Do NOT underestimate him!" Arabella said as Lancelot once again rubbed his sore cheek.

"Why? Why must I not underestimate him?" Lancelot asked.

"Because of his magical abilities!" Remus said as he sat down. "He may be a werewolf, but that doesn't mean he's not a wizard. I've seen him in many duels during the last war and he is one of Voldemort's top duelists. I've seen him take down many of the best duelists the Order had. I just wish I could kill that son of a…"

"This Greyback character… You seem to know much about him." Lancelot observed before his eyes widen in realization. "Tell me he wasn't…"

"The werewolf who bit me?" Remus said. Lancelot nodded and everyone crowded around Remus hoping to hear an answer.

Remus looked down as he said, "Greyback was indeed the one who bit me."

Sorry for the wait. I was kinda busy with other stuff. Please RR.