A.N. To those who are reading this story for the first time, welcome! To those who have read Time of Need before, I would suggest not skipping over anything because I have started updating the chapters. For now it is only the first two. There are mainly only small changes but later I think they may get a bit more important.

Thanks for reading!


Bring! Bring! Bring!

The bell signalling the start of lunch brought me out of my daydream or should I say nightmare. I was reliving the first time my father hit me, I was only nine years old. Charlie came home from work drunk and angry because my mother had died in a car accident earlier that week when she had been coming to pick me up from a friend's house. He has always blamed me for her death and over time I have grown to accept that and realise that it was my fault she died. If I had just stayed home instead of going to my friend's, then maybe my mom would still be here. Seven years later and I am still being abused by my father daily. Since my 14th birthday I have been planning the day that I am going to run away. Early in the morning of my 18th birthday, before my dad wakes up, I plan to pack a bag and just leave. I don't care where I go as long as it is far away from here.

As I was thinking about all of this the classroom was slowly emptying until I was the last in the room. No one was waiting for me to join them at a lunch table when I walked into the cafeteria, I was considered the school outcast and a loser, and no one would dare hang out with me, unless they wanted to destroy their reputation.

No one has any idea that I am being abused. I'm sure no one cares and who would believe me anyway. My father is the chief of police in Forks. There is no one to tell. I am also bullied daily at school by Lauren and her best friend Jessica. Everyone else just stands by and watches me get bullied.

The table I sat at everyday was empty just the way I liked it. People avoided this table like the plague which I was grateful for. When I was settled into a somewhat comfortable position I put my worn out, well loved bag on the floor and got out my dying copy of Wuthering Heights. I had nothing to eat and no money to spend. Charlie didn't let me eat anything except two slices of stale bread a day. He says I am too fat. As it is I am already 38kg. People call me anorexic all the time but Charlie just calls me fat. I starve myself daily hoping to please him but it never works, he still finds a reason to hit me.

Sooner than I would have liked the bell for the end of lunch was ringing. I packed up my bag as slowly as possible waiting for everyone to leave the room before heading for the door and onto my next class which was biology. The class passed quickly and before I knew it, it was time for gym, my last class of the day. I hate gym so much, it was horrible. Not only did my body protest enough from the beatings but I was also very clumsy. This meant I was always falling over nothing. Whenever it came time to play dodge ball I always ended up being used for target practice. Today was not my lucky day it turned out. We were playing dodge ball.

People throw hard and even if they can't see them I think they all have x-ray vision and know exactly where all my worst bruises are. By the end of lesson I was in more pain than I had been when I woke up. Waking up with sore ribs and a throbbing wrist, not to mention the bruises and cuts that are littered all over my body, is not fun.

Charlie doesn't let me use the car so I have to walk to and from school every day, rain or shine. Since this is Forks after all it is normally raining. My luck was starting to change when I came out of the gym, it was only sprinkling. After putting on a load of washing when I made it home I went upstairs to my plain room and got started on my homework. Before long it was 4.45pm and I had to start Charlie's dinner before he got home. I decided to make steak and potatoes. He hadn't had it for a while and I thought it might make him happy.

Just as I was finishing up I heard Charlie's police cruiser coming up the driveway and a minute later the front door slamming shut as he made his way to the kitchen. Quickly I put his dinner and a knife and fork on the table. I got ready to greet him. As soon as he walked in I asked him how his day was. The only response I was given was a grunt, which has never been good before. It meant he had a bad day at work and would probably be taking it out on me later that night. It wouldn't matter how much I sucked up to him now.

When Charlie finished his dinner he went into the living room to watch some sports, without another word to me. I took that as my queue to leave the room. Once the dishes were washed and put away, I went up to my room to finish my homework and get ready to go to bed.

I was just getting comfy, thinking about how I had managed to escape punishment for the night, when I hear Charlie's heavy footsteps on the stairs. I am praying that he will walk straight past my room to his, my prayer was not granted. When he came into my room he didn't walk, he stumbled, and he was obviously drunk. What scared me most though was the lustful look in his eyes.

Charlie made his way over to my bed and pulled me to my knees by my hair. I screamed out he opened some of the scabs that were on my head and I could feel the blood going down the back of my neck.

"Undo my pants you slut and start sucking!" Charlie slurred.

I was in too much shock to move. Charlie grabs another handful of hair and pulls me closer to his lower region. He is angry now as well because I disobeyed him. For this I am slapped in the face. Charlie undoes his pants and makes me pull out his thing. I start to cry and plead with him to not make me do this but he pays no attention. To shut me up he slaps me hard in the face again and I can taste the blood in my mouth as my vision blurs for a few seconds. In that time Charlie grabs my head and pulls me to his erect member. I have no choice but to suck on him. I choke on him and feel like I am going to vomit. But he doesn't care as he moans and pants. Soon the man I call my father unloads in my mouth and tells me to swallow. I refuse by spitting it back at him.

It definitely wasn't the right thing to do because next thing I know I am on the floor and Charlie is punching and kicking me. Every hit and kick is another bruise. Just when I think I can take no more, he steps on my ankle and I hear an audible snap. I scream out because the pain is unbearable, this causes Charlie to laugh harshly before leaving my room. I feel my consciousness slipping.

As I continue to lay there I keep crying and soon I start to cough up blood. He had been kicking me in the chest so I knew to expect it but the sight and smell of the blood starts to make me feel faint and sick. It took a while but at last I made it into my bed. I had to crawl because there was no way to walk on my broken ankle. The pain there wasn't too bad at the moment; it was starting to feel almost numb. Somehow tomorrow, when I was sure I would feel everything, I was going to have to find a way to walk, I have school.

With that I fell into unconsciousness.

A.N. Well that is the first chapter updated. I would love to hear what you thought of it. Chapter 2 is already updated and it will be going up next, not sure when the others will be done but should be soon.

Glad to see so many people have stuck to this story even though I haven't worked on it for almost a year!