If anyone is interested, if you put all 3 parts together plus the epilogue, this story is 565 pages long...=S

As I said before I hope everyone enjoyed the story! And thank you!


Raphael wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Give me the Apocalypse. Give me Fae wars. I'll take them any day over having to change poopy diapers." He said as the object of his ire looked up at hims and smiled angelically. "You're a god, how do you even have poopy diapers?" He asked the little green eyed, dusky haired girl who looked back at him.

She just cooed at him.

He sighed. "It's a good thing you're cute." He said as he picked her up and studied her. Her black feather wings stretched wide as she giggled. "Sure, it's funny for you." He said to her.

"Da." She said holding out her pudgy arms.

Raphael smiled and his heart went all mushy when he looked at his daughter.

"See Raph, I knew you'd make a good father." Leonardo's voice said from over his shoulder.

He looked over his shoulder at his brother who was holding Silverstar tucked into his arm, the other held the hand of Ryu, Donatello's 3 year old daughter.

Michelangelo walked into the bedroom. "Come on girls, who wants a story?" He asked happily as Ryu smiled up at him, violet eyes twinkling in excitement. Her white hair glistened as she tucked her white, membranous wings closer into her back, her white serpentine tail lashing back and forth.

"Me!" Ryu said with enthusiasm.

Michelangelo grinned and held his hands out for Silvermoon. Raphael handed his 7 month old daughter to Michelangelo, who then held out his other hand for Silverstar, Silvermoon's twin sister, and Leonardo's daughter. The only difference Raphael could destect in the sister's appearance, was that Silverstar's eyes were a rich, dark, nearly black-brown, like Leonardo's.

Raphael watched them walk away and knew he would join them in a moment, but he wanted a private word with his older brother. "You know, it's funny." He began as Leonardo turned to him, sensing that he wanted to talk. "I thought I knew what was going to happen, because of what happened in the other world. We all married Darkness, only she calls herself Chaos, and I thought that we would have Starlight and Starbright, but that didn't happen at all." He said with a shake of his head. "Instead Donatello's daughter Ryu was born first, and she is the goddess of Dragons. Then Silverstar and Silvermoon were born and they are the Goddesses of the stars and the moon. And we know Chaos is pregnant with twins again, and that they are Mikey's, but they won't be Trick and Treat."

Leonardo looked at him thoughtfully. "I know Raph, I did too. But I think it is because Donny needed Ryu." He said softly. "Donny is Maō, God of Demons, and the only one of us who has a godhede so far. He's been through so much, but he's managed to claw his way back from the darkness that he had to cling to, to survive and protect Nightmare for all those years."

"I know." Raphael said softly. "Donny's eyes are even brown again, except when he's really angry. Then they go all red-gold, which still creeps me out." He said with a shake of his head. "But I think you're probably right. I think he needed his daughter to bring him back, because Chaos couldn't do it all on her own."

Leonardo nodded his agreement and continued with his original thought. "As for why our daughters aren't Starlight and Starbright, I think it is because this world needs more gods than Darkness' world. Most of the gods and magical creatures of this world left, leaving a huge power vacuum. It's why Donny has had to put down so many demons trying to attain a godhede." Leonardo shook his head, but paused in thought. "But I'm glad that our daughters are our daughters and are unique to us. Silverstar is my daughter, Chaos is my wife. Starbright was my counterpart and Darkness' daughter." He said softly. He gave a half smile. "But I suppose we still ended up with twin daughters with you and I as their fathers."

Raphael smiled then and chuckled. "Yeah."

Leonardo turned and paused. "You happy Raph?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah Leo, I'm happy." He said as he clapped his hand on his brother's shoulder.

"You sure Raph, even knowing that one day Chaos is going to take Death as lover, and most likely Gabriel and Samael as well?" Leonardo asked.

"Even then." He said with a nod. "I know we've only been married for 4 years, which is really only a drop in the ocean compared to eternity, but I love her Leo. And I know she loves me with everything that she is." He said as he studied his brother. "You?" He asked.

Leonardo smiled. "Same." He said as they began to walk to the door. "Speaking of Love, Shadow and Ryven's wedding is this weekend." Leonardo said with a smile.

"I know. We get to go down and smooze with the mortals and demons, and of course Ba'al. Formerly known as the demon Bael, and now god of this that and the other thing." Raphael said with a chuckle.

"Think Ba'al is going to faint or run when Chaos walks in?" He questioned.

"Faint." Raphael said with a chuckle. "Having the scariest god on Earth walk in on his son's wedding is going to be priceless."

Leonardo grinned as they walked out the bedroom door.