Hello, hello, hello for the last time on this story *cries*! So here it is, the last chapter, and I know some of you didn't want it today... so all I can suggest is not to read it until you want to ;D Oh my goodness you guys have such beauties and I am so happy with the feedback you have all given me. There aren't a lot of Bori fans out there (when you compare them to Bade fans), so to have you all review this story in such a positive way was just... incredible. I cannot thank you all enough for all the support, but I've done my damned hardest by putting it at the beginning of almost every new chapter. This being my first Fanfiction and having people love it is the best feeling ever. Soooo REVIEW PLEASE! I would love to name you all individually, but I don't want to leave any of you out accidentally!D: I will just say that TorixBeckfan121 reviewed THREE TIMES on ONE CHAPTER! Now that's dedication! But seriously, every single person who has reviewed this story, added it to Story Alert and Favourite Stories... and added ME to Author Alert and Favourite Author is so fantastic, and you have all amazed me. I hope you'll think this ending was appropriate - it's not the greatest, unfortunately, but it's satisfying and leaves it open to a sequel. I love you all, enjoy!

Tori's POV

I paced the front of Beck's RV, pondering on whether to go in or not. I'd spent the last couple of days overthinking about our whole situation none-stop, but it was only now that I knew it wasn't enough. I needed more time. I had absolutely no idea what I was going to say. I should probably just go in and blag it, but I know the moment my eyes lock with Beck's that I'll just forget everything. My brain will turn to mush and my legs will turn to jelly and I will turn, well, smitten.

"Are you just going to stand out here all evening?"

I wasn't aware that the door had swung open, leaving a perfect outline of Beck leaning in the doorway. That lobsided grin fell so easily on his face; he knew he'd caught me out He ran a single hand through his incredible hair and used the other one to help me into his RV. He was such a gentleman. How was I going to do this to him?

"Hey, I got you something," he said, reaching behind me. He was so close to me that I wanted to collapse; he smelt wonderful and there was definitely an electric current running through my veins. He was hardly touching me but I'd gotten shivers all over my body, and they showed no signs of going anywhere. They were quite nice actually.

He reached behind me, his cheek brushing mine as he passed. Sparks, actual sparks. He pulled away with a smile that clearly meant he was satisfied with my reaction. His tanned fingers were loosely holding a string of real daisies all attached to each other like a headband.

"What's this?" I asked, shocked. Beck once said I never ceased to captivate him. Well, Beck never ceased to amaze me.

He slid the daisies onto the top of my head and pulled my hair around them so you could only see the few at the top.

"You like daisies, right?" he whispered in my ear. I almost melted. They're my favourite flower. How he'd have known that was beyond me, well, unless he'd asked Cat. But would Cat really remember? It was only a brief conversation we'd had, and it was months ago that I'd said I loved daisies.

I nodded, unable to speak. Beck, on the other hand, was better than it than I was.

"You're here for a reason, aren't you?"

Again, I nodded.

"Are you going to tell me, then?"

"Right, sorry," I gave my head a shake and Beck took my hand as I gnawed at the skin around my thumb. Beck sighed and bit his lip, carefully moving it away from my mouth.

"It's never a good sign when you do that," he said. "You're always depressed or nervous when you bite your nails."

Wow, he was good. He must've been so observant to pick up on every little thing I did. Beck seemed to know everything about me. I was really going to miss this, miss him. I took a deep breath and traced my fingers around his jawline. He caught hold of my hand and kept it to his face for a moment, before slowly moving it down and combining my fingers with his. This was where I belonged, but there was no way it could happen.

"Tori, you're killing me here," Beck whispered. "Tell me what you're thinking."

I must've swallowed three times before I mumbled the five words that I knew I would probably regret for the rest of my life. "I can't be with you."

Beck raised his eyebrows. He didn't look angry, no, I could've dealt with the anger; it's what I'd expected. What I couldn't deal with, however, was that horrible look of pain that was plastered on his face.

"Let me finish before you say anything," I pleaded, tightening my grip on his hand so he couldn't let go. "I thought I could handle Jade, but not knowing where she is or what she's plotting is destroying me. I'm so uncomfortable and on edge all the time and I can't be like this. I want to be with you more than anything, but Jade won't give up until I give you up."

"Well I'm the opposite," his eyes met mine. They'd softened slightly in a nice way that made my insides go all gooey. "I gave up everything for you, and I won't go back."

His hands were suddenly on my face, he pushed me backwards and we crashed into the freezing metal walls of his RV. Our lips connected for the third time, his hands wandering all around my body; up my arms, down my back, in my hair. I don't know how, but the daisies stayed firmly in their position, despite Beck's fingertips scrabbling wonderfully through my curls. I shut my eyes tight and felt as though I was spinning, caught in a world that I never wanted to leave. In this world, we were surrounded by a million daisies, and there were only the two of us. There was no jealous girlfriend, no interruptions, just Beck and me. His lips tasted incredible. One of my hands twisted in his hair, the other grasping the material of his shirt in order to pull him closer to me. We fell against each other, our lips pulling apart but our foreheads tumbling together as we breathed in and out heavily but in sync, desperate for air. Beck caught the beat quicker than I did because he'd started kissing my neck delicately, hundreds of breath-taking kisses trailing between my earlobes to my shoulders and back again. My shivers returned more violently this time. I wound my arms around Beck's neck and lightly moved him away from me so that we were at speaking distance.

The room fell silent, both of us waiting for the other one to say something. Neither wanted to ruin the moment, especially when we both knew exactly what the other was thinking.

"If you hurt me, Beck Oliver, so help me God," I whispered. Beck knew what I meant. He knew that basically I was saying there was no way I was giving him up. I couldn't. He'd shown me that I could be happy, and I knew he had no intention of hurting me.

"Hurt you?" he breathed. "Tori, I'm never letting you go."

I smiled, a single tear sliding down my cheek. Beck caught it quickly.

"So this is it? We're, like, together now?"

"What do you think?"

Beck planted another dazzling kiss on me, and I knew there and then that the end for Beck and me was nowhere in sight. I'd fight for him, and I'd definitely fight Jade if I had to. How I even considered giving him up, I'll never know. The chemistry between us was frightening; his personality caught me so I could barely breathe when I was anywhere near him. To say I was in love would be far too soon, but I'd get there. Possibly by the time I go home tonight. Who knows?

Please, please, PLEASE don't be disappointed with the ending. I know it's not great but I didn't want to leave it on a huge cliffhanger because surely that would annoy you all more? Especially if I didn't do a sequel, then it's just be a cliffhanger for no reason D: Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for reviews - PLEASE don't forget to review, I appreciate every single one of you taking time to read my story. You're all just... wow. There are actually no words.