The Trinity: Family, Love, and Scandal

[Season Three Remix]

Author's Note: Hey everyone. It's me again. I know you haven't enjoyed the hiatus, but I'm writing for The Little Prince, which I put off while writing for this story. I know a lot of you have been wondering if I would write a third, so I guess the speculation is over because I will be writing a third installment to this series. Have to admit that I was a bit skeptical because as a writer I know what this third installment will include, and I was a bit worried that it might not be receptive since we are all on a DAIR high right now, but overall I've gathered up some storylines for this third installment because as you know this series is multi character storyline driven but it will all end up effecting Dair in some manner. I'm a bit eager to write this story because I think the best thing about writing a love story is giving it the layers to show why this couple works and showing the struggles of a relationship so when they make it to a cerain point you know they're battle tested. It's like our Dair on the show, out of all the couples they have a journey to coincide with their relationship. So I'm proud to ship them, and will enjoy the time immensly. So I will break down the story by character to give you a taste of what you'll be getting before the actual written sneak preview.

Tyler Waldorf- As you know, he's Eleanor and Harold's long lost son. I had always heard of him in the books, but I thought it would've been cool if they actually had him on the show, so I just decided to put a personality to him. Don't judge Tyler, I think he will appear one way but will be another. He's going to be that character you have to see him through to the end to really know if he's good or bad, and I think he will enjoy being that mystery to his newfound sister and friends. He's 25 years old, and a reporter trying to be a serious journalism, so he will walk that fine line of using his connection to Eleanor circle to release damaging information on what goes on in the elite's life. So he's sort of my Georgina for this story, but not so much.

Dair- Dan and Blair have separate storylines that will put them into the real world pretty quickly. As a couple they will deal with a lot, and really have to determine are they the real deal type of love or are they just high school love. I think this story will bring them back to the foundation of what makes Dan and Blair, which is their friendship. So expect a lot a angst ahead for our couple, but as someone who knows how the ending will be for this story ahead of time, just know that the angst will be worth it.

Blair- Blair will have a Devil Wears Prada storyline that will force her to choose what type of woman she wants to be.

Dan- Dan has had to bear the brunt of the struggle since the last story, but when we met Blair in the first story [From the Beginning] we were at the middle of her overall struggle as a character. With Dan we've touched on the beginning of his struggle, and now we're getting to the middle. His story line will deal with a theme that Alison always told her son, which was "Dan will never belong in that world", which fuels Dan in a lot of his issues. He's in this phase of blaming everyone else for his problems, and we'll see how that will effect him and his relationship.

Multi Character- Now I want to warn everyone again, I like to write multi character storylines because TV writing is something I want to get into as a career, and I use this series as my practice for it. So come for Dair, but try to find another couple or character to read for as well to make this story enjoyable because everyone will be dealing with some shit. This story is still all about Dair though, but others will be joining in as the B storylines or eve C storylines.


The Trinity: Family, Love, and Scandal

Looking on at the finished product that was her dorm room, Blair wore a smile from ear to ear as she looked on at her styling expertise. Though she could've done more with the extreme amounts of cash she had for her allowance, Blair felt the early restrictions of what it meant to have a roommate. Blair could've choked herself months ago for buying into the full college experience that included having a roommate, Blair found that she would have to adjust to the changed life style sooner than later. Walking over towards her desk, where it resided on her side of the room, Blair adjusted the picture frame that sat on the desk that held a picture of Dan and her. A smile came to her face as instant feelings of missing her boyfriend had flooded her all at once. Letting out a laugh, Blair remembered having to force Dan into taking that picture so that she could have semblance of being in a relationship. Dan wasn't big on pictures, but he knew that Blair would use any picture of them as her token of love for him. Smiling proudly at the memory of this picture, Blair was soon brought back to reality once she heard the sounds of the door opening. Turning quickly, Blair adjusted her attire as she prayed that her new roommate would be that of someone with the same tastes as her. Wearing her million dollar smile, Blair's smile quickly faded once she saw the chubby, gothic looking girl making her way into the room. Throwing down her locker of what was presumed to be clothes, Blair felt as if she had entered into a prison cell as nothing about this girl screamed fashion, let alone regular sanitary conditions.

"Hi….my name is Blair. Blair Waldorf" Blair said nervously as she forced herself to smile at the atrocity that was her roommate.

"My name is Sid" Sid replied no showing any emotions that would resemble being normal.

"Oh, that's a depressing name" Blair replied trying to appear interested in a moment of awkward silence, Blair began to ponder as to what conversation the two of them could engage in.

I need another story
Something to get off my chest

"Explain to me how it's perfectly normal for Jenny to run off to…." Dan began to say as he looked on at the post card "London" he filled in the blank as Rufus sighed

"I had no choice Dan" Rufus replied

"She's sixteen, I believe you have plenty of choices, one being the law on your side" Dan exclaimed as Rufus ran his hand through his hair while sighing in frustration.

My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess

"I want out" Carter pleaded as it took all of him to not act as scared as he was in that moment "I will do anything, but please…I can't live this life. I just want out" he continued to plead his case as Nikki did all he could to avoid eye contact with Carter in this state

"You don't get out in these scenarios. Either you pay your debt or you die, but either way….you'll always be tied to this life" Nikki replied as Carter shook his head in complete horror as he would've given anything to get himself out of the mess he was in.

"I have her blood on my hands. I clean my hands twenty to forty times a day because all I see, all I feel is her blood on my hands" Carter replied somberly

"And that's no one's fault but your own" Nikki told him after a moment of silence had come between them

'Til all my sleeves are stained red

"Okay, your turn. Take it off" Blair laughed as she looked on at Dan. Though he found himself getting turned on by his girlfriend through a computer screen, Dan couldn't help but miss and want the real thing. They had tried different methods of keeping things fresh in their relationship while she was away, but it only made him want to see her even more. "Humphrey, you still have clothing on. You're defying the purpose of video sex" she then said, noticing that Dan did little to add to the new form of sex they were trying.

"I can't do streams. I need the actual thing. I need the body" Dan sighed as he massage his head in frustration of their circumstances. Realizing his frustrations, Blair felt a sense of hopelessness as she found the methods to keeping them both happy during the separation were growing increasingly difficult for them because the ultimate difficult was that of distance. Not wanting to give up on the alone time that she had in her dorm room, Blair came to a conclusion that she hoped still had the same effect on Dan.

"Okay, you won't strip…then I'll just strip for you" Blair said

"It's really not necessary…is that Victoria Secret?" Dan began to reason before noticing the black laced lingerie she was wearing

"It was" Blair smiled before she unsnapped her bra to reveal herself completely to Dan. Smiling proudly, Dan turned his head to an angle to look on the very peaks that he missed so very much.

"Oh, this is torture" Dan said to himself as he continued to look with excitement growing within him. Lost in his reverie of the twin peaks, Dan was quickly caught off guard once he heard Rufus make his way into the room. "Dad!" he squealed while trying to cover his computer screen

From all the truth that I've said

"They won't accept this, which is why I don't think it's a bad idea for us to stay" Chuck said as he intertwined his fingers with Jenny's as they lay so peacefully within the white sheets "We have everything we need here. We could stay here and get away from the madness…you and me" he told her as she looked on to see the sincerity in his eyes.

"Ugh…that sounds so tempting" Jenny groaned as she hid her face in the crook of his neck, making sure not to let go of his hand "But everything we've ever known is in New York" she sighed

"Everything I know is in a office building, and I'm not exactly desiring to get back to that" Chuck quickly replied "I mean you have your family, but if your dad let you…" he said

"He's not going to let me stay in some unknown country. He's expecting me to return…and you forget the other news he might not be so happy about" Jenny said as she sat up in the bed while rolling the sleeves of her shirt up before she looked on at Chuck

"If I said that they would understand, do you think that sounds believable?" Chuck asked as he popped his face up from the pillow to look on at her

"Not a chance" Jenny quickly replied before Chuck dropped his face into the comforts of the hotel pillow.

Come by it honestly I swear

"Why'd you come from me?…I mean it's been some time…" Eleanor began to say as she stumbled for words

"You mean twenty five years later?" Tyler asked filling in the blank of confusion she wore on her face "I just…I just thought I should at least know the woman, who gave me up for a better life" he said trying not to become overly emotional before he looked on at the extravagance that was the penthouse, in which she lived in "You've done well. Rich even…" he said

"There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about you" Eleanor quickly reasoned

"But yet it was never enough for you to inquire about me" Tyler quickly fired back "I was your first born and you gave me away, for what? So you could live in laps of luxury?" he questioned

Thought you saw me wink, no

"Ness, please. Talk to me" Carter pleaded as he just hoped Vanessa wouldn't hang up on him "It's not what you think. It's complicated" he sighed

"You work for my father. You're on the damn payroll!" Vanessa yelled in frustration

I've been on the brink, so

"Sooner or later, the late night study sessions and the endless keg parties will grow old for you. College is stepping stone to the real world, and I'm giving you the short cut to bypass the endless worry over if I'll be successful because I will make you successful" Bex said with much confidence as she leaned towards Blair "All you have to do, is say yes" she told Blair as all Blair could do was look on at the contract that Bex was offering her

"I've wanted this for so long" Blair said as she looked at Bex

"Now you've got a choice, Yale or work for me?" Bex smiled knowing that Blair was caught in between a rock and hard place

Tell me what you want to hear

"Just answer this, the reason you hired me…it was because of him, wasn't it?" Dan asked as he leaned forward in his chair to look on at Eleanor "It was because I looked like Tyler" he concluded as Eleanor took a moment to access what she should say

"I don't want you to quit. There is much work for you to do, and I….I need you around. You're family" Eleanor said trying to string along words that would make Dan understand, while she did all she could to not cry.

"I'm not mad, I'm being honest on that. I just don't think I can work for you anymore" Dan replied knowing that his torn feeling about the situation wasn't going to help because Eleanor was all ready in a hell of her own by her past actions. Rising from his seat, Dan reached into his pocket to pull out the collection of checks that he had together "I won't be needing this" he said handing the checks over to Eleanor

"Don't…" Eleanor began to plead with Dan as she sat in shock

"I don't want your money" Dan said as he placed the checks on the table in between them.

Something that will light those years

"What's the one place we can all come together without the back ground of the city behind us?" Nate asked with a smile from ear to ear as he walked through airport with bags in hand "C'mon, you know you want to say it? Say it, say it, say it" he said trying to coax the blonde into answering him with enthusiasm

"The Hamptons" Serena muttered

"I'm sorry, what did you say? I don't think I heard you, quite right?" Nate asked as he wanted to hear a bit more enthusiasm from her

"The Hamptons!" Serena screamed before all eyes had turned to her as she forgot that she was in the student squad. Hearing Nate's laughter in the back ground only infused how embarrassing this was for her "Sorry" she then said as she began to gather her books.

Sick of all the insincere

Making his way through the airport, Dan looked on at the map to see if he was going to the right terminal. Normally this would've been easy for him to find the terminal, but Dan felt the anxiety of the moment finally seeping in as the smallest things became a task for him to complete. Needing the break of the city, Dan found that he was welcoming the idea of going to Hampton's even more. Since Blair had set up their travel arrangements, Blair had arranged for them to meet up on connecting flights, which only made Dan more anxious to see his girlfriend as he walked through the airport. Passing through the oncoming crowd of people, Dan had to check himself to make sure no part of him had gone off with the sea of people he had to get through. Finally reaching the conclusion that he was in tact, Dan looked up to see the very thing that calmed him. Wearing a smile from ear to ear, Blair dropped her bags before she ran over to Dan to jump into his arms.

"No drama. That's the motto of this weekend. Friendships, relationships…all working and getting along smoothly. I mean this could be the healing process that's necessary to fix all the problems of a couple of months ago" Jenny declared as Chuck pulled out his bus ticket to check it "What are you doing?" she asked

"I thought we were going to a new location because if we're going to the Hamptons, then you'd understand why that statement would be so false" Chuck quickly replied

"Seriously? The sarcasm. I need you to be optimistic, not Mr. Pessimistic. Is this what I have to look forward to for years to come?" Jenny asked

"Are we talking about the Hamptons or…" Chuck began to ask

"The Hamptons. I need a spoiler alert on that" Jenny said as she began to panic

So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

"You ruined my life! I can't forgive that!" Dan yelled as Carter lay helplessly in the pond while Dan looked down at him

"I'm sorry" Carter breathed just wanting some sort of forgiveness from his friend

"No, you're not because if you were, then you wouldn't have screwed up the one dream that I worked my ass off for since I was a kid" Dan replied

"I will do whatever it takes to make this right. We will be friends again" Carter said trying to hold his emotions in check while Dan laughed at him in disbelief

"No, I really don't see that happening because I've gone past anger with you…" Dan replied "….I hate you" he told him

This time, don't need another perfect lie

"I've missed you" Blair said as she rested her hand on top of Serena's while the two girls just smiled at each other

"I missed you too" Serena replied before the two girls were hit with a string of emotions

"Aww, this is nice. We're becoming all reuniony right now" Jenny smiled happily as she looked on at the two girls and how they were reacting with each other "Are we going to cry?" she then asked as she saw the water works begin to form in each of their eyes.

"Yes" Blair and Serena both replied as they both fanned their faces to stop the tears from coming but only managed to spread the emotions towards Jenny as she began to tear up as well.

"Why are you crying?" Blair asked Jenny as she noticed the tears coming down her cheeks

"Because I can't help it" Jenny replied through the tears

Don't care if critics ever jump in line

"You can live in this fantasy all you want to, but as soon as we make it back to New York…this bubble of happiness will get popped" Carter laughed as he took a sip from his drink "Happiness doesn't last long. I know that better than anyone" he said finishing off the rest of his scotch.

"Thanks for the support" Chuck replied sarcastically as a few moments of silence came between them "Just how much trouble are you in?" he then asked as he looked over

"Too much that God can't even save my soul" Carter replied as breeze from the ocean passed by them.

I'm gonna give all my secrets away

"We've all got our secrets. I'm just beginning to wonder, what's yours?" Serena asked as she looked on at Nate skeptically

"Nothing. I have no secrets, now can we drop it" Nate exclaimed

"Then explain Asher. Explain why you're association to Asher" Serena replied quickly "Ever since our deal with Damien, you've been linked to Damien's people. Anything involving Damien is bad, and I'm here as your friend, who's trying to help. I just want to help Nate" she told him

"You can't help, not on this" Nate said as he began to pace the floor

"Nate, what does Damien have on you?" Serena questioned as she looked on with concern at her friend.

My God, amazing how we got this far

"Okay, so let's lighten the mood a bit because I have news" Blair said after accessing the tension that was her parents, T.W., and Dan as they all sat around the table "Dan and I are moving in together" she then declared hoping that it would excite her parents.

"I really don't think now was the time to bring that up" Dan muttered to Blair as he put his napkin down on top of his plate

"I think now was the perfect time to reveal that news. Anything exciting would be better than this gloom fest that is surrounding this table" Blair reasoned "I mean what other news could top that?" she asked

"T.W. is your brother" Harold quickly replied causing Blair to sit stunned while the tension in the room slowly began to deflate. Looking at T.W., the reporter as she came to saw him as, Blair looked at him skeptically before looking back at her mother and father.

"Dorota, I need a drink, scotch or anything that will numb family drama!" Blair called out

"Blair" Eleanor sighed

"Nevermind, give me Jack Daniels, I need something to erase the visions of my parents having sex more than once" Blair quickly followed

It's like we're chasing all those stars

"Don't be silly, I'm more than anxious to get to know my newfound brother" Blair said as she took her seat across from Tyler while he stirred his coffee "You seem very, very, very…" she said struggling for words as she looked on at his attire to find something to talk about with him

"Middle class" Tyler blurted out

"Exactly….wait, no. That's not what I meant to say" Blair said before realizing what she had said

"Don't let the clothes fool you, I tend to spend my weekends on yachts and golfing…you can't miss me with a good golf range" Tyler told her

"Really?" Blair asked a bit impressed with his interests

"Nope, still middle class" Tyler replied, bursting her bubble of hope that they'd have something in common.

Who's driving shiny big black cars

"Don't do this" Jenny exclaimed as Eric stopped dead in his tracks. Gripping on tight to his bags, Eric tried to find all the strength he could to keep walking to get into the limo but found that his legs wouldn't allow him to move "Please. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you, but don't go" she pleaded as tears came down her face

"It's always the people you never intend to hurt that get in hurt in the long run" Eric said as he slightly turned to look at her

"You're my best friend. I never lied about that" Jenny cried

"It's all a little too late" Eric replied before he looked down at her hand to get yet another dagger to his heart "And that…that would be the conclusion of us" he told her as he turned to grab his bags

And everyday I see the news

"It's perfectly normal. Dan, just come out" Blair said as she rested her head up against the door.

"This has never happened to me before" Dan exclaimed from within restroom

"I know, but that's not what tonight is about. We can do other things" Blair told him

"So you don't want to have sex?" Dan asked as Blair squirmed as she was torn from saying the truth or lying.

"We could cuddle" Blair suggested before Dan groaned loudly in frustration. "Sorry" she called out as she couldn't help but feel for him in his weakening state.

All the problems that we could solve

Dropping the box as he entered the apartment town home, Dan stood in awe of the place he was about to call his home. It had been a frustrating couple of hours, but Dan was more than prepared to move on to something that was far less complicated, his relationship. Though this was a tad bit out of his price range since he had quit working for Eleanor, but Dan was determined to make it work. Blair loved the place, and he wanted to give her this, so if Dan had to pick up extra shifts at the bar to cover his half of the rent then he was sure that he would do it. Coming in behind Dan, Blair smiled happily as she could see that the place was growing on Dan more and more by the minute.

"You like it" Blair smiled as she walked up from behind him to wrap her hands around his waist

"I do. I like it" Dan laughed as he rubbed her arms

"Good because I can see so many memories being created in this place. I mean we could have a dining table here, a fabulous designer set of furniture, and then upstairs could be your office…" Blair went on to describe

"You do" Dan said before he turned to kiss her

"Then the kitchen. Oh, I love that we have a big kitchen…" Blair began to describe

"You don't even know how to cook" Dan reasoned as he continued to kiss her while backing her over towards the staircase

"For Dorota" Blair laughed as she broke the kiss

"I'm preferably more interested in the bedroom" Dan said as he looked her dead in the eyes to show that his only concern was the bedroom with them being clothed in the process.

And when a situation rises

"Serena van der Woodsen linked to Jason Phells, that sounds like a TMZ magnet waiting to happen" Blair teased as she took a sip from her coffee

"Stop, it was just dinner" Serena replied as she plaid down her link

"S, it was just dinner always leads to it's just a few dates then it was just great sex" Blair laughed "Jerena or Sason. Those sound like plausible names for the tabloids. You know, for when you jet off to Portugal for the secret wedding" she continued to tease

"Blair stop it" Serena laughed as she couldn't help but blush

Just write it into an album

"My bag. Where's my bag?" Dan asked nervously as he looked around in the back

"Last I saw of it, it was out on the counter" Dan's co-worker told him as Dan began to panic even more

"Okay, who? Who was the last person out there?" Dan began to ask as he ran his hand, nervously through his hair.

"I don't know" Dan's co-worker replied trying to calm him "Is there something particular that's got you looking?" he asked

"Yes, something very important. Something that I need to find" Dan sighed as he massaged his forehead

Send it straight to gold
I don't really like my flow, no, so

"I just think we need to draw the line. What you are privy to is access into the inner circle of the Manhattan, I just want to be sure that what is said or discovered won't be leaked to the press" Blair said

"Why would I do such a thing?" Tyler asked as he leaned on the banister

"Because at the end of the day, you're a reporter. You getting access to any breaking news on anyone closest to me would be your big break" Blair replied

"We're family. You should trust me a bit more" Tyler told her

"Yes, we're family, but I find that even family sprouts a Judas. I'm just trying to determine which role you come in as" Blair said as she looked on at him with much intrigue

"It's killing you, huh? Not knowing where I stand. Am I good? Or am I bad?" Tyler replied

"I don't care where you stand or what role you play, if you go after someone I love, family or not…I will make it my mission to take you down" Blair told him as they stared on at each other for a few seconds before Blair made her way towards Tyler "Thanks for listening…big brother" she said as she patted him on the chest before making her way over towards the elevator.

Tell me what you want to hear

"You may not want my help, but I'm going to give it to you" Bart said as he slammed his hand down on the desk

"I don't want you're help!" Dan yelled

"Because working at a bar is a fascinating career" Bart quickly replied

"Yeah, well I'm not your son…I don't run off to foreign countries at the drop of a dime. I live in the real world…." Dan replied

"Which is why I want to help. You think I don't know what it's like? I know exactly what it's like to worry about a bill" Bart said as Dan just stood, gritting his teeth at the man "A man's pride can be his best and worst feature. I'll let you decide which one it'll be for you, but don't be stupid and turn down my offer because of it" he said.

Something that will light those years

"How is that? Having a relationship?" Bex asked as she leaned back in her chair

"It's good" Blair replied a bit confused as to why Bex was asking

"Do you love him? I mean were you high school sweethearts?" Bex asked as she played with a candy wrapper

"Yes, I love Dan. I wouldn't say we were high school sweethearts from the beginning, but he's my first real love" Blair replied still a bit confused as to why Bex was asking such questions

"In this business, to be a career woman, you have to make choices. You come in with that real love relationship that makes you think you can move mountains, and then reality sets in" Bex told her as she sat up in her chair "Relationship will fade. The love will be there, but so will the thrill of jetting around the world at any given time" she said

"So what are you saying?" Blair asked

"I'm saying hold on to the real love for now because it probably won't be there two months from now….and that's just reality in this business. Welcome to the real world Blair" Bex said as she tried not to be too harsh with Blair.

Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

"You've got yourself a goldmine with that. Entrust it in the wrong hands, and it will ruin lives" Tyler said as he sipped on his glass of champagne while Carter just looked on at the book

"I take it you're the insider with a scandalous tell all book that you're trying to shop around" Carter sighed

"No, no, no. I just happen to know that this anonymous author seems a bit familiar. I've got interest in the book…" Tyler began to tell him

"I will pay whatever. I want the book" Carter said "This can't get leaked" he said sternly

"Oh, but it will. It's just a race to see who lays claim to be the author of this book" Tyler said "Clearinghouse has a few acts that are going to impress the media with their knowledge of "Insider" but I think it won't last long until that case will be cracked" he said

"So then why call me?" Carter asked

"Because the author is familiar" Tyler replied as the two shared a stare for a moment before Carter laughed in disbelief

"You're a son of a bitch, you know that, right?" Carter asked as he dug into his pocket to pull out his checkbook "I don't have much, but I'm willing to offer you anything else" he sighed as he began to write out a check

"Be the author" Tyler quickly suggested

"I didn't write this, and you should know since you're familiar with the author" Carter replied

"It doesn't take me long to decipher things. This book will have the whole Upper Eastside in a frenzy, it will be the talk of Manhattan and beyond. Whether you like it or not, this book will get published. So by you claiming it, you can direct the chaos that will ensue with the little secrets of the socialites of Manhattan" Tyler told him as Carter just studied him for a moment

"Just who exactly are you trying to screw over? I mean it's a bit unclear" Carter questioned

"I'm a reporter" Tyler said as he got up from his seat to finish off the last of his drink "I screw over everyone" he then added before he walked out of the restaurant.

This time, don't need another perfect lie

"Humphrey, what are you doing here?" Chuck asked as he walked into his father's office to find Dan dressed in a suit and tie.

"Didn't you hear?" Dan asked as he turned to look at Chuck "I work here now. Bass Industries latest hire along with yourself" he said

"You can't be serious? What is this a joke?" Chuck asked Bart in disbelief

"No, I'm not joking. You two need my help, and I intend to give it to you both" Bart said before he buttoned up his jacket "I've got a meeting. Try not to kill each other while I'm away" he told them before he made his way out of the office

"You know Humphrey, I never pegged you for the corporate type" Chuck replied after a moment of silence came between them

"I'm not. I just figured the best way to screw you over, was to start here" Dan said as he walked towards Chuck "Feels good to be working with family" he said as he stared Chuck down.

Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away