Time Warp

Summary: Everyone has been warped into different time zones- in different groups. Tsuna ended up with Hibari Kyoya and Rokudo Mukuro- which isn't too good when the other two where mortal enemies.


Chapter One.

Tsuna opened his eyes slowly to find Reborn standing over him, a 100lb hammer hovering over his head.

"Wake up Dame-Tsuna." cooed the evil baby, black eyes glinting in the morning light. "Or this is getting smacked across your face.

"HIEEEEEEEE!" screeched the Brunette, rolling off his bed just in time before a the hammer was smacked on his pillow, feathers scattering across the face. "Mom's gonna kill me!"

"Correction, Hibari will kill you since it's nearly time for school to start." said the baby, grinning. Tsuna looked at his clock and started screeching once more as he began quickly screeching as he put his uniform on.

"HIIEEE! I DON'T W-WANT HIBARI-SAN TO KILL ME!" he howled, running out his bedroom door and somehow managing to grab his school bag at the same time.

As he dashed out, Gokudera was waiting there, smiling and then in shock when his 'boss' just ran past him. He then remembered the time.

"Not this again…" thought Gokudera, chasing after him as fast as he could. "Judaime! Hold up!"

"I-I c-can't" stuttered Tsuna, running. "If I don't hurry u-up H-Hibari-s-san wi-will kill m-me a-again!"

Sure enough,. When they both reached the gate, Hibari was standing there, Hibird perched on his shoulder.

"You're late." commented Hibari, staring at the two Herbivore's before him before drawing out his Tonfas. "I'll bite you to death."

"A-Ah! W-wait Hibari-s-san… w-we can explain-" hold on, how was Tsuna meant to explain? Was he mean to go 'Well, I slept in and Gokudera-Kun waited for me'? he'd get bitten harder for that one. "U-Um… A-Ano…"

"Spit it out already Herbivore, my patience is dwindling."

"Don't talk to Judaime like that!" spat Gokudera, receiving a glare from Hibari who instantly lunged forwards, poised to strike. He was mildly surprised to see the Young Vongola Decimo's standing in front of him, receiving one hard smack to the face from a Tonfa.

"P-Please H-Hibari-san… I-its not h-his fault…" mumbled Tsuna rubbing at his face. "H-He was waiting f-for me…a-and I slept I-in… I-it's a-all my f-fault…"

Hibari smirked before raising his Tonfa slightly.

"Are you saying you're willing to take the punishment for him?" implied Hibari, an amused smirk crawling over his face. Gokudera scowled before glaring at Hibari.

"Like I'll let you harm Judaime! I'll take his punishment!" muttered Gokudera, appearing next to Tsuna and rubbing at his quickly bruised cheek. Tsuna looked at Hibari again to see him looking towards Gokudera distastefully. This was not going to end well if Tsuna didn't do something fast.

"G-Gokudera-Kun, go." whispered Tsuna quietly. "I-I'm taking the blame…"

"But Judaime-!"

"Go." he repeated taking a step away from him. Hibari glared at Gokudera and allowed his smirk to widen.

"You heard your 'boss'. Get going." said Hibari, raising his Tonfas once more. Gokudera was furious. If Judaime came back a state he would shove Dynamite so far up his ass he won 't be able to-

He shook the thought away and left as told, biting his lip as his hand hovered over his Vongola box but decided against it. After all, he would always listen to Judaime, even if It meant him being in terrible danger…

After Gokudera had left, Tsuna looked directly at Hibari who was still prepared to kill him. Hibari looked at him and felt an eyebrow twitch. Although he was the leader of the Vongola family, he still looked like an innocent little animal. although he wasn't going to admit it, he wouldn't be too harsh on him.

Tsuna was lying on the couch in the reception room, knocked out. Hibari did tell himself not to hit him too hard, but he must have lost control. He skimmed through some files and signed some files before he heard yelling from on the roof.




If the Raven could remember correctly, Lambo was that very irritating child fascinated with cows. He ignored it and continued looking through his files until the shouting began again.

"STUPID 'DERA! I'LL BLOW YOU UP!"Hibari frowned. Now he could remember, that little kid had dynamite in his afro like hair, he reached for his Tonfas and walked out of the Reception room, Kusakabe at his tail.

After reaching the roof, he instantly deflected a grenade and made sure it blew up in the sky to avoid damage to his school. Yamamoto and Gokudera looked towards him.

"Oi Bastard, what did you do to Judaime?" growled Gokudera, his hands now on his dynamite.

"Nothing for your concern." came the dull reply before turning his attention towards Lambo, "Why is there a child in school? This is not authorized."

"Oh about that…" said Yamamoto, grinning, "He was hiding in my bag the whole time!"

Lambo was still whinging. He had used the rest of his dynamite and was bashing his Ten-Year-Bazooka off the ground.

"I'll bite him to death if he doesn't stop that." stated Hibari coldly, staring at the crying idiot.

"LAMBO WILL MAKE YOU PAY!" he shouted, hurling the Bazooka at Hibari. The Raven stared at it blankly before stepping aside.


Hibari looked round quickly to see that the brown haired Herbivore had awoken and was now in head with the Bazooka.

"Pathetic Herbivore-" said Hibari until Ryohei ran up the steps and ran into him, shoving him forwards and into Tsuna. At the exact moment the Bazooka hit them, sending them into the future.


"I-Itai…" mumbled Tsuna his eyes closed until he heard a low growl from under him. Opening his eyes, Hibari was under him, and it appeared as if Tsuna was straddling him at their compromising position. "HIEEEE! S-Sorry Hibari-san!" mumbled Tsuna, scrambling off him and was surprised to see that Hibari hadn't moved. "Hibari-san?"

"This is meant to be in the future?" stated Hibari suddenly, sitting up and noticing the fires around d him. "It looks more like a world war."

"E-Eh? A world war?" said a shocked Tsuna, looking around. "B-But that can't b-be right… we prevented t-this w-war…"

Hibari looked down and scowled. There was a burnt newspaper next to him and the year date was still in tact.

'1941?' thought Hibari. 'Did that Bazooka… send us into the past?'

All the while, Tsuna was screeching his head off.


A/N: This is the corrected version of the Chapter ^^ Please point out any mistakes I may have missed

Rated M for Violence, Drama, Possible sexual situations and language.