Disclaimer: I dun own Dragon Ball Z, I just like to use the characters ^-^;;

Author's Note: Okays so this is muh first story...I would understand if it sucked...I'm just testin' if imma good humor writer -.- which I highly doubt i am..... but oh wells...read read read! please enjoy! and please tell me how you like it! ^-^


Chapter 1- The Accident

            "So we have three years..." Gohan said to himself as he landed on his front lawn. "I hope we'll be able to get strong enough to defeat those androids..."

            Goku landed behind Gohan and started heading for the front door. He reached for the door knob and then stopped, noticing his son's absence and quickly turned around to face Gohan. "What's the hold up, son?" Goku asked grinning.

            "Huh?" Gohan said looking up from his trance. "Oh! Sorry about that, dad." He said.

            Goku blinked and arched a brow with a bit of confusion. "What's on your mind?" He asked.

            "Nothing..." Gohan began. "It's just- Oh gosh!" Gohan said jumping up.

            Goku jumped up to, startled by Gohan's abrupt rise of voice. "Huh??"

            "What about mom?!" Gohan yelled. "What are we gonna tell her?! I mean, she'll be all happy to see you, but then we still have to tell her about the androids!!!" Gohan explained.

            Goku scratched his head, still a bit confused. "Yeah. What's the problem?"

            "She'll never let me train!! She's gonna make me study!!!" Gohan said jumping up and down.

            Goku stopped grinning and held his chin in his hand, in thought.

            Gohan starred at his father, *What could he be thinking?! He knows very well there is   NO possible way to make mom change her mind! It's all ruined!!!* Gohan thought to himself.

            After a few long and agonizing minutes, Goku finally talked. "Gohan..." He said with a very serious look on his face.

            Gohan jumped again. "Hm?"

            "I...I think I have an idea." Goku said.

            "What?" Gohan asked.

            "I'll just ask her!" Goku said proudly. "If we explain how important the situation is, I'm sure she'll let you train!"

            Gohan's jaw dropped. *You have GOT to be kidding me!*

            Goku looked at the expression on Gohan's face. "What's wrong?"

            Gohan looked at his father, and just starred. "Dad....?"


            Gohan kept starring at his father, his eyes fixed. "About your 'idea'.." He began.

            "What about it son?" Goku said, a big happy smile on his face.

            Gohan, still starring at his father, stopped. He couldn't do it. His dad was so proud of himself. Looking at that big smile on his face, Gohan just didn't have the heart to tell his father, who had spent atleast seven whole minutes in thought, that his idea wouldn't work  "I think we should go inside now, don't you think? It's getting late."

            Goku blinked. "Oh yeah, right! Let's go!"


            At Capsule Corp., Vegeta, after almost killing Dr. Brief ordering him to make him a space pod to train in, leaned on a wall with his arms crossed as everyone at dinner.

            "Are you sure you wouldn't like something to eat, Vegeta? I have some nice little cakes in the refrigerator that you could eat." Mrs. Brief offered.

            Bulma looked up from her dish of food and humphed. "Don't even bother talking to him mom. He doesn't care. If he doesn't want to eat, he doesn't have too."

            "Yeah, it's best just to leave him alone. I assure you." Yamcha said.

            Vegeta grunted. "Will you bakas shut your traps?! I'm in the room!"

            "Now, now, Vegeta. If your not going to eat, you might aswell go get some sleep. The pod wont be ready for a while." Dr. Brief said.

            Vegeta glared at the Dr. "What do you mean by a 'while' old man?"

            "Hm..well it took me about two-three weeks to create Goku's...." Dr. Brief said.

            "Three weeks!?" Vegeta yelled. "I'm not going to wait three weeks!"

            Bulma stood up. "Hey Vegeta! That's the best my dad can do! You should be grateful he's doing this for you at all!"

            Vegeta growled at Bulma. "Shut up woman! What do you know!? And why should I be grateful!? If that old man wasn't around to create this darn pod I would have killed you all by now! So you all should be grateful that your not in a million pieces!"

            Bulma fell silent. Then, knocking Yamcha out of his chair, stomped to her room and slammed the door.

            *Pfft, stupid woman.* Vegeta thought and walked out of the kitchen, heading for his own room.

            Yamcha blinked on the floor. "Wow, those two are so alike...."


            "No! No! No!!!!" ChiChi screamed, as she threw a pot at Goku. "Gohan has to study! I let him go to Namek like you wanted! And now he has to study! There's no way I'm going to let him fall behind AGAIN!"

            "Ack!" Goku yelped, ducking the pot. "But ChiChi! Gohan has to! This is to change the future!!!"
            "Goku! How many times do I have to say it!? NO! I'm not going to change my mind about it! NO! NO! NO! NO!! End of story!" ChiChi yelled.

            Gohan crawled out of bed and listened to his parents argue at his door. *I knew this wouldn't work....* He looked at his desk, which was filled with a large tower of books and papers. He held his head, and listened again. There was nothing. The house was silent. Gohan sighed and headed back to his bed assuming that the fight was over. His father had lost. But just as he was about to cover himself with his warm blanket, he heard someone knock on the front door. Then it opened. And then he heard the most traumatizing, and disturbing thing he could ever had heard in his life.


ChiChi: Oh, hello there Vegeta. What brings you here in the middle of the night?

Vegeta: Let me talk to Kakorot woman.

ChicChi: Goku? Why?

Vegeta: Just get him over here!

ChiChi: Fine, fine. Goku!!!!!!! Vegeta is here to see you!!!

Goku: Vegeta?................VEGETA!!!!


Vegeta: Kakorot! Get off of me!

Goku: Oopse, sorry. What's up?

Vegeta: Let's go into private....

Goku: Private...?  Why private?

Vegeta: Grr....Kakorot, just come outside!

Goku: Okay...


            Gohan turned pale. *Okay, I did NOT just hear what I think I just heard. There has to be a simple, nonsexual, explanation to all of this...* Gohan thought to himself. "But I guess I'll find that out tomorrow morning. I'm to tired to go investigate right now...." The sleepy Gohan said as he crawled back into his bed and covered himself with his nice, warm, blanket.


            The next morning, Gohan awoke with his father at his bed side, shaking him a bit. Gohan looked up at him and smiled. "Hi daddy. What time is it?" He asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

            Goku thought for a moment, then looked at Gohan's clock next to his bed. "Erm...that?..." He said pointing to the clock.

            Gohan turned his head and looked at it. "Eight forty-two." He said.

            Goku smiled, "Yeah. Well get up now kiddo, your mom just finished making breakfast for us." Goku said as he headed out of the room.

            "Alright, I'll be out right after I get dressed!" Gohan said jumping out of bed. He ran over to his closet and looked inside. He looked at all of the clothes he had, for all sorts of occasions. But then his eyes shifted over to the far corner in his closet, where he had his gi hanging. It was the one he wore on Namek. It didn't fit him anymore, but he kept it for all the memories it held. *Hmm maybe I should make a new one...* Gohan thought to himself.

            "Gohan! Hurry up! Your breakfast is getting cold!" ChiChi yelled from the kitchen.

            Gohan jumped at the sound of his mother's voice. *Or maybe I shouldn't...*

He grabbed one of his outfits and dressed himself.


            When Gohan arrived in the kitchen he smiled. There, eating his heart out, was his dear father. *Wow, it's been so long, I almost forgot how much dad really ate....*

            Goku looked up at the dazed, smiling, Gohan from his dish of food and arched a brow. "Hey Gohan, you just going to stand there all day?" He asked.

            Gohan blinked. "Hm? Oh no! Ofcourse not!" He said running to take a seat next to his dad.

            "Yes, you better eat up Gohan. You have to get to your studies." ChiChi said as she did the dishes.

            Gohan stopped stuffing his face and began to sink into his seat. He wanted to train with his dad and Piccolo. He had enough of studying, and enough of his mother.

            Goku starred at his son and thought to himself, *Hm, poor kid. He's been studying his whole life, and one of the smartest people I know, but yet he seems to be missing something..*

            Gohan finished his food and walked out of the kitchen to go to his studies.

            Goku watched. 

            After Gohan left, ChiChi turned to Goku. "Goku, shouldn't you hurry up? Piccolo is waiting outside." She said pointing to the window.

            Goku looked out only to see Piccolo leaning agents one of the trees with his arms crossed over his chest. "Yep, okay, I'll go then. See you later tonight hun." Goku said.

            "Oh! One more thing before you go!" ChiChi said, stopping Goku in his tracks.

            Goku looked back, "Yeah?"

            "Bring back some fire wood, we're running low." ChiChi said.

            "Okay! Sure thing! Bye ChiChi!" Goku called.

            "Come back safely, Goku." ChiChi said as she turned back to her dishes.


            Goku walked outside and to Piccolo. "Sorry about the wait, heh, you know ChiChi." Goku said rubbing the back of his head.

            "It's alright." Piccolo said. He walked away from the tree and looked at Goku. "Where is Gohan?"

            "ChiChi wouldn't let him train..." Goku said looking at Gohan's window.

            "Hm, well there goes one fighter." Piccolo muttered.

            Goku nodded, looking down at his boots.

            "Hrm, well let's get a move on. We're running out of time." Piccolo said.

            Goku nodded in agreement and flew off with Piccolo.


            From his window, Gohan watched them fly off. "Okay, now, here we go..." He said to himself. "The fate of the world is much more important then my studies." He smiled tugging on his gi. "I'm surprised it still fits." He opened the window and crawled out. "I'm sorry mom..." He said and flew off after his father and teacher.


            "Where were you, Vegeta?!" Bulma yelled.

            "IT'S NON OF YOUR BUSINESS WOMAN!" Vegeta growled.

            "NO! YOU WERE GONE UNTIL 4:00 IN THE MORNING! NOW TELL ME WHERE YOU WERE!!!" Bulma yelled again.     

            Vegeta raised his fist angrily. "If you don't shut up woman, I will punch you into the Next Dimension!" Vegeta threatened.

            Bulma backed up a bit, a little uncomfortable. Then growled and stomped out of the room.

           Vegeta grinned with victory. Then headed outside. "Alright Kakorot, I'm not going to like this, but it's my last resort." He said to himself. "Now, where are- ah, there you are. Hm, your with the namek....and.....the boy. Well, that's no big problem. I can despose of them easily." Vegeta said, and flew off towards the three ki's.


            "Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!" Goku said shooting a huge kamehameha wave at Piccolo.

            Piccolo sent one of his own energy attacks at the beam to reflect it. "Ha, please tell me you can do better then that Goku." Piccolo mocked.

            Goku grinned competivly-he was enjoying this. It had been so long since him and Piccolo fought.

            Piccolo appeared by Goku and jabbed him in the side, but there was no affect at all.

            Goku was about to attack back, when he felt a ki coming. "Piccolo...stop." Goku whispered trying to figure out who this ki belonged to.

            The ki was strong, and felt like his own-but not as strong.

            Goku looked over at Piccolo. He could sense it aswell. Who ever the ki belonged to, they were coming right for them. Goku's eyes widened. There were two! "Piccolo! There's two now!" Goku warned.

            Piccolo smiled. "Don't worry Goku. If you were concentrating more, you would have noticed that one of those ki's belong to your son, Gohan." He explained.

            Goku stopped and concentrated. Yes, it was true, one of them was Gohan. Goku smiled, *Hm, somehow the kid was able to make it out. I wonder how he did it.* He thought.

            Piccolo turned to the direction where Gohan was coming from and starred. "There, he has arrived." He announced to Goku.

            Goku turned around and saw his son land in front of Piccolo.

            "Hey you guys!" Gohan said. "Surprised to see me?"

            Piccolo smiled warmly at the young boy. "It's good to see you, Gohan."

            Gohan smiled. "Good to see you too, Piccolo."

            "How'd you do it?"

            Gohan and Piccolo turned their attention to Goku.

            "Do what, dad?" Gohan asked.

            "Escape your mother. When I tried, she almost killed me with her pots and pans!" Goku said rubbing a place on his head that had an encounter with a large pot.

            "Well...I sorta snuck out. She doesn't know I'm gone yet.." Gohan muttered.

            "She doesn't know?!" Goku asked with panic in his voice. "Do you realize what she'll do to you once she finds out?!"

            Gohan nodded.

            Piccolo starred at them with confusion. They were talking as if ChiChi would actually kill them. He hoped that wasn't what they meant-he just couldn't imagine ChiChi killing the two of the strongest people in the universe. "Let's continue with our training now." He said, trying to get off the topic.

            "Okay." Gohan chirped.

            The three warriors trained and trained until sunset.

            Goku landed and took a deep sigh. "Okay, I think that's enough for today." He said whipping a large sweat drop from his face. "I'm pooped."

            Gohan landed next to his father. "Don't forget, mom told you to bring back some fire wood." He reminded him.

            "Oh, that's right! Thank you Gohan. You and Piccolo go ahead and go, I'll go get the fire wood and meet up with you later." Goku said.         

            "Alright." Piccolo said.

            "Okay...I just hope mom didn't find out that I was gone.." Gohan gulped.

            Piccolo and Gohan flew off to Gohan's house and left Goku. Goku smiled as he watched them disappear, then turn to face the forest. "Alrighty, now to find a good big tree!" He said happily and ran into the woods.


            While flying, Gohan started thinking about what he would say to his mother if she did find out he was gone. He knew he would be dead meat. He tried not to think about it, for it only made him feel scared. So he tried to make conversation with Piccolo. "Soo...uh, are you going to join us for dinner?"

            Piccolo shifted his eyes to Gohan. "I don't think so. What's the point-I only drink water." Piccolo said.

            "Well yeah..I guess your right." Gohan said in agreement.

            "Why are you and your father so afraid of your mother?" Piccolo asked. He was so curious-he just needed to know the truth.

            Gohan was silent for a while as he thought. "Well, let's just say she can be, erm, a bit 'harsh'." Gohan said softly.

            "Harsh?" Piccolo asked.


            "What...exactly does she do?" Piccolo asked a little scared of what Gohan meant.

            "Well, she could starve us....or worse..."

            Starve? Worse? What did that woman do to them? Piccolo was about to go insane with curiosity.


            As he was getting deeper into the forest, it seemed to also be getting darker. Goku was getting impatient-since it was close to winter time, there weren't that many big, big trees like he usually gets. So Goku was reduced to getting a small one. As he was about to chop one down, Goku was stopped. He wasn't alone. There was someone with him-behind him. Goku turned around slowly, and there, standing right in front of him, was Vegeta. "V-Vegeta? What are you doing here?" Goku said, rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

            Vegeta grunted. "Do you not remember what we talked about last night Kakorot?!"

            Goku rubbed the back of his head and smiled. "Yes, I remember." He said. "But right now?"

            "Yes you baka! Right now! You said you would spar with me!" Vegeta yelled.

            "I know, I know! But..er.." Goku mumbled.

            "But what!?" Vegeta barked.

            "ChiChi wants me home..." Goku mumbled more.

            Vegeta was silent. Then finally said, "Who cares what that damn woman wants!? We're sparing NOW!" He yelled.

            Goku backed up a bit. "Bu-"

            "No more but's Kakorot!" Vegeta growled. "If you won't fight me, I'll make you!"

            Goku starred at him. *You'll make me? What are you thinking?*

            Vegeta lifted up his arm. "If you don't spar with me like you promised....I'll blow up the closest town from this point!" Vegeta threatened.

            Goku's eyes grew wide. Then softened. Goku knew Vegeta, and he knew he wouldn't. But not ready to take any chances, Goku finally gave in. "Alright. We'll spar."

            Vegeta grinned and put his hand down. He was very proud of himself. First he was able to get his way with the woman, and now Kakorot. "I'm glad you have come to your senses, Kakorot. Now let's go." Vegeta said flying up into the sky.

            Goku sighed with relief and flew after Vegeta.

            When they got high enough, Vegeta stopped and starred at Goku. "Alright, Kakorot. Let's go." He said as he went into his fighting stance.

            Goku sighed again and shrugged. "Okay..."

            Vegeta grinned and disappeared. It was pretty pathetic, since Goku could see everything he was doing-but Vegeta wasn't thinking that straight at the time. He appeared in front of Goku and punched him in the face.

            Goku looked at Vegeta and moaned. "Common Vegeta! If you wanna spar, then use your all! I don't have time to play!!!" Goku whined.

            Vegeta's eyes grew wide. *PLAY!? DARN IT! HE'S TOO STRONG! THIS IS MY MAX!!!!!*

            Goku looked at Vegeta with a little concern in his eyes. "What's wrong, Vegeta?" He asked.

            Vegeta growled. "You stupid baka! Nothing is wrong!" He said as he began forming a large energy beam.           

            Goku watched as the ki ball grew larger, and larger.

            "Alright, Kakorot! Make your best ki blast! NOW!" Vegeta yelled.

            Goku shrugged once again and did what he was told-thinking if he did what he was told, he could go home quicker.

            The two saiyans made huge ki blasts, and prepared to blast them at each other.

            "Kaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Goku began.

            "Fiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn" Vegeta began.





            The two blasted their blasts at one another. The earth began to shake at the enormous power serge. Vegeta was struggling to deflect Goku blast-for he was fighting a super saiyan. Goku was surprised that he was having so much trouble with Vegeta's blast aswell, but then realized that he was still in his normal power level, and never thought to power up at all. That was a mistake that he had regretted. The two were sent flying deep into the forest going opposite directions-both not able to control themselves, and unable to stop. Vegeta was sent crashing-head first-into a large bolder, and was knocked unconscious. Goku was hurled into many, many large trees, and then sent crashing to the ground, hitting a large, sharp rock-and was also knocked unconscious.