Exclaimer: I dun own Dragon Ball Z, I just like to use the charecters ^-^;;

Author's Note: Well Well, Krillin sure had a rough  time there o.O; hhmmm let's just hope he doesn't go through with the whole killing Goku and Vegeta..hmmm well let's read n' find out!! ^-^


Chapter 3- Krillin's Revenge

            After Goku and Vegeta had finally recovered, Gohan and Krillin tried to explain the android situation. It was not a easy task. With Goku's head injury, it seemed he was dumber then before, and Vegeta, well if Goku didn't understand-he didn't.

            When Goku and Vegeta wouldn't understand anything, ChiChi and Bulma decided it would be best if they trained them to be themselves before they trained them to fight the androids. Gohan and Krillin agreed-for their own personal reasons. Gohan wanted his dad back, and well Krillin wanted them to stop calling him baldie. The whole time they were at Capsule Corp., that seemed to be the only thing they knew how to call him. Sure, they called Bulma, ChiChi, and Gohan by their names, but when Krillin came up, it was 'Baldie this' and 'Baldie that'. So ChiChi, Goku and Gohan left that night after dinner. It was very hard to do-since Goku was screaming that they were going to take his brain out and kill him-which got Vegeta upset-but they did finally get Goku home.

            "Alright Vegeta, are you ready?" Bulma said after Gohan, ChiChi, and Goku had left.

            Vegeta turned around to face Bulma and frowned. "What are they going to do to Kakorot?!" He yelled.

            Bulma smirked, "The same thing that I'm going to do to you. Now first thing, your not suppose to care about Gok-"

            "Kakorot..." Vegeta corrected.

            Bulma sighed. "Kakorot...that much. Your suppose to want him dead."

            Vegeta's eyes grew wide. "YOU ARE GOING TO KILL HIM!?"

            "NO!" Bulma yelled. "Stop saying that!"

            Vegeta growled.

            "Anyway, We're going to make you and him get your memories back!" She said proudly.

            Vegeta glared at her. "And how are you going to do that?"

            "Oh believe me Vegeta, I have my ways." Bulma said.

            Vegeta grew silent. Bulma sounded if she was some kind of witch....maybe she was! He and Goku had seen her lab before and found it very suspicious. Vegeta looked in the direction of the lab. *Kakorot was right....they are going to kill us..* He gulped.


            "Okay, now, Gohan will be back soon with a few pictures. I want you to identify whom you see in those pictures." ChiChi explained to Goku.

            ".......Okay....." Goku said quietly.

            Gohan came in the room carrying a big box of pictures. "Here we go!" He said placing them on the table in front of his mother.

            "Good job, Gohan." ChiChi said. "Now, Goku..." She said looking through the box. "Here." She pulled out a picture of Gohan when he was five and a half years old. "Who is this?"

            Goku looked at the picture and scratched his head. "Erm...uuuuhhhh......hmmm...Am I aloud to get any clues?" He asked.

            Gohan slapped his forehead. "Urgh!" Then something occurred to him. "You wanna clue? I'll give you the biggest clue in the world!" With that he ran out of the room and into his.

            ChiChi and Goku blinked and looked at eachother-both wondering what the little child was up to.

            After a few minutes, Gohan came out wearing the same clothes that he was wearing in the picture-his yellow vest, red hat, and all the other stuff. "Now, who is in the picture??" he asked.

            Goku looked at him, then back at the picture. He looked back and forth about 12 times and then frowned.

            "What's wrong??" Gohan asked.

            "I...I...I...don't know! I mean! It can't be you!" He said pointing to ChiChi. "Or you!" He moved to Gohan.

            Gohan blinked. "Why can't it be me?!"

            "Well, your sorta wearing the same clothes...but he has a dragon ball on his hat, you don't..." Goku explained pointing to the dragon ball in the picture.

            "B-B-B-B-B-But...."Gohan's mouth dropped. "I AM THE PERSON IN THE PICTURE!!!!" He yelled jumping up and down.

            "Really?! Wow! I should have known!" Goku said.

            "Uuummm...okay Goku, maybe that was a little to hard for you. Uh, what about this one?"

            ChiChi said showing him a picture of Krillin and him when they were fighting at the world martial arts tournament when they were little.

            Goku starred at the picture for a minute. Then his eyes lit up. "Oh! Oh! Oh! I know! I know!"

            "Who???" Gohan asked eagerly.

            "ME!" Goku said proudly pointing to the little him.

            "Yes! Your right!! Now Goku, whose that!?" ChiChi asked.

            "BALDIE!" Goku yelled.

            ChiChi and Gohan were silent.

            "Erm..yeah, do you know what his real name is?" Gohan asked.

            Goku shook his head.

            "Oi.." Gohan mumbled.


            Back at Capsule Corp., Bulma-after bribing Vegeta with everything she knew how-had strapped Vegeta down to a stretcher, which would slide into a big machine.

            Vegeta grunted. "Tell me again woman, what is this thing suppose to do?"

            Bulma looked up from the controll panel and sighed. "I already told you ten times Vegeta!"

            Vegeta frowned. "Well then tell me again!"

            "Urgh...okay..." She began. She walked over to Vegeta's side and sat down on a stool. "It's not going to hurt you or anything, your most likely not even going to feel it.." She looked at the ceiling and thought for a moment. "There will be a big blueish, greenish light that you will have to look directly at-you can't blink once or it will ruin the test. After that, the light with go through your eyes, and into your brain-"

            Vegeta's eyes grew wide with horror. "Your going to take my brain away!!!!! Just like Kakorot said!!! HE WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!!" He yelled-struggling to get loose.

            "Vegeta stop that!" Bulma yelled as she stood up again. "I'm not going to take your freaking brain so quit saying that! Urgh! Your acting so childish!" She yelled.

            Vegeta looked at her and was quiet. "You can go on with your explanation then..." He said quietly.

            Bulma rolled her eyes. "Okay then...aannnnyyywwaayyy....It's going to go through your brain to see what you know...and maybe it'll say what you forgot." She explained.

            Vegeta gave her an obnoxious look and humphed. "Why doesn't Kakorot have to go through all of th-"

            "WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP ABOUT GOKU!?" Bulma screamed.

            ".....Kakorot..." Vegeta corrected again.

            Bulma growled. " I don't care if his name is Einstein! Just shut your trap about him!"

            Vegeta glared at her and then grabbed one of the straps-ripping it off. Then he ripped off all the others.

            "Vegeta...what are you doing?!" Bulma panicked.

            Vegeta stood up and glared at her. "I'm not going through with this! Baka! Never refer that fool to the smartest earthling alive! He's never going to be that smart!"

            Bulma looked at him-backing up a little. "Really Vegeta, you have no idea what your saying..." She muttered.

            "What was that!?" He snapped.

            Bulma jumped a little. Then frowned-pointing to the exit door. "I said go! I don't care anymore! When those androids come, I hope they kill you!" She yelled.

            Vegeta walked over to the door and then looked back. *Why is she get so upset when I talk about Kakorot..? Is she.....jealous of him?....* Vegeta thought as he watched Bulma take out and then light a cigarette.

            Bulma put the cigarette in her mouth and then looked over at the door where Vegeta was still standing. She took the cagarette out and glared at him. "What are you doing!? Are you just going to satnd there, or are you going to go!?" She barked.

            Vegeta shivered and ran away. *Okay, maybe I'll just stay away from her...* He thought to himself. When Vegeta reached the front door, he thought of whether or not her hsould leave, or stay around. He looked outside-then inside-then back out. "I think I'll go see what Kakorot is up to." Vegeta said walking ouside. "That should be better then sticking around here, with the witch.." He said to himself.


            "No!!!!!!!" Gohan cried. "ME!!!"

            Goku held his head. "Sorry!! It's just...you look so different..."

            "So what, I have a mushroom haircut...I DON'T LOOK THAT DIFFERENT!!" Gohan yelled.

            "Gohan sweety...calm down, your father is doing the best that he can.." ChiChi said.

            "But every picture that has me in it, even recent ones, he doesn't know!!!" Gohan whined.

            "But he said he saw you once, didn't he?" ChiChi asked.

            "That was when he saw Piccolo, mom..." Gohan muttered.

            ChiChi sweatdropped. "Weeellll...umm..." She looked over at Goku. "Hunny, why don't we take a break?"

            Goku looked up at her. "Okay."

            Gohan held his forehead. "Okay, daaaaddd?" He asked.

            Goku looked over at him. "That's me, right..?"

            Gohan nodded. "Uh yeah, Umm can I ask you a question?"

            "What is it?" Goku aked.

            "HOW COME YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM!?" Gohan screamed.

            With that, Goku fell out of his chair. "Ack! I'm sorry Go-....Go-.....Goooo......umm..." He looked up at the young boy. "What's your name again?"

            Gohan fell over. "GOHAN!!!!!!"

            Goku rubbed the back of his head and laughed. "Oh yeah! I knew that!"

            Gohan stood back up and sighed. "I'm going to do my studies..." He said heading for his room.

            ChiChi looked at Gohan with shock. *Gohan actually wants to do his school work?*

            "Hey, uhhh so what are we going to do durring this break..?" Goku asked acratching his head.

            ChiChi shook her head, out of thought and turned to Goku. "Well, what do you want to do?"

            Goku shruged.

            "Hmm....well I guess you could-" ChiChi was cut-off but a knock on the door. "Who on Earth would come this late at night?..." She thought aloud.

            Goku stood up and watched her open the door.

            "Vegeta, hello. What are you doing here?" ChiChi asked-a small sweatdrop running down the side of her face.

            Vegeta looked-or atleaset tried-over ChiChi's shoulder. "Where's Kakorot?"

            Goku, after hearing his name, ran up behind ChiChi. When he saw Vegeta, his face brightened up with joy. "Veggie!" He chirped-pushing ChiChi aside.

            Vegeta smiled. "Kakky!"

            ChiChi starred at them-a twisted and desisted look on her face. "You two gave eachother....pet names?..."

            Goku put his arm around Vegeta and nodded. "We've always called eachother by those names!"

            "No...you haven't." ChiChi said quietly.

            Vegeta lifted Goku's arm off of him and moved a step aside. "How would you know woman?" He said sternly.

            ChiChi frowned. "Because he is my husband Vegeta!"

            Vegeta humphed and began walking away from the house. "Common' Kakorot, let's go."

            "Mmm...okay!" Goku said following Vegeta.     

            ChiChi growled as she watched the two try to escape. "Where do you think your going?!"

            Goku turned his head and looked back at her. "Who me?"

            "Yes you!" She said angrily.

            "With Vegeta?" Goku asked.

            "WRONG ANSWER!" ChiChi snapped.

            Goku backed up uncomfortably. "B...B...But...I.."

            "Your staying right here!" ChiChi growled.

            Vegeta glared at ChiChi. *Hmm...is she jealous aswell?* He thought and then stood in front of Goku. "He's comming with me woman!"

            ChiChi glared back and said-taking one of her *^famous^* frying pans- "YOU WANT TO TELL ME THAT AGAIN?!"

            Vegeta's eyes grew wide with horror. "Ack! Kakky!" He whined. "HEELPP!!"

            Goku blinked. "Uhh....run!" He said as he grabbed Vegeta's arm and flew off in the other direction.

            ChiChi ran a few steps out of the ohouse and waved the pan in the air. "GOKU-SAN! YOU COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!" She screamed.


            "Mmmm! That was good Vegeta!" Goku said as he rubbed his stomach.

            Vegeta wiped some of the blood from his mouth and grinned. "Yes it was. Much better then that 'thing'." He said eyeing a dead deer.      

            Goku looked up at the starry sky. "Should we head back now?" He asked.

            Vegeta looked at Goku and thought. "Do you want to go back yet?"

            Goku shruged. "I guess we should..."

            "Kakorot?" Vegeta asked sitting up.

            Goku sat up and looked at Vegeta. "What?"

            "About those...women..." Vegeta mumbled.

            Goku arched a brow and starred at Vegeta. "What to you mean?"

            "Haven't you noticed how protective they are about us? I think their jealous.."

            "Jealous? Hmm.." Goku thought. "Weelll....ChiChi was pretty upset when you were taking me away..." Goku said.

            "And Bulma got upset when ever I talked about you." Added Vegeta.

            Goku blinked. "You talked about me?"

            "......." Vegeta thought about what he had just said. *Kakorot....Don't you dare go gay    on me...* He thought getting a bit nervous.

            Goku tilted his head a bit. "Hm? Well?"

            Vegeta sweatdropped. "Yes.." He muttered-turning his head away.

            Goku smiled. "Why aren't you looking at me anymore? Your not ashamed-are you?" Goku asked.

            Vegeta grunted. "Ofcorce not...it's just.." He looked back at Goku.

            Goku looked back. Vegeta's eyes were soft and big-Not like the usual hard and cold eyes that Goku was used to seeing. This was a new side of Vegeta that he had never seen before-Goku liked it. Standing up, Goku streatched his arms out and yawned.

            Vegeta stood up aswell and looked at Goku. "I guess we should go. You look tired-and so am I." Vegeta said.

            Goku nodded after rubbing his eyes and started to float.


            Vegeta and Goku separated when they got to West City. After Vegeta had left, Goku headed back to his house. There- was only one problem though-Goku forgot which way was home!

            "Okay, Vegeta and I just came from that way soo.." He studdered, "No wait..Maybe it was that way.." He said turning around. Goku held his head. "Awww man! Where do I goo!!??" He whined. Goku looked all around-and then frowned. "Oh now this is juusssttt great!" He sighed as ahe slumped down to the floor. The Goku's eyes lit up. "I know! I'll just look for-....for......fooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrr......umm.......that little boy's ki!" Goku exclaimed.

            Goku concentrated his energy-his mind focused on finding Gohan's ki. It took a few minutes, but Goku finally found the ki and was able to get home.

            When Goku arrived home, the house was dark and quiet. As he walked in, he looked around and shut the door quietly behind him. "Hm..I guess they all went to sleep.."  He said to himself. Goku smiled. "I guess that means I should go to bed to!-Wait..." Goku said as a sweatdrop rolled down his cheek. "Where do I sleep???" Goku held his forehead. "Aw geez! I haven't had to think this much in my whole entire life!" Goku sighed and looked around again. He walked over to the wall and flipped the switch-which turened on the living room. He slumpped down on the couch and sighed. "Well I guess I could just sleep here for the night..." He said as he fluffed up one of the pellows and rested his head on it. "Im sure ChiChi won't mind..." And with a last sigh, Goku closed his eyes and went in to a peaceful dream.


            Krillin hummed happily to himself as he approached the Son house. "This is going to be so great!" He nickered to himself. "Goku won't know what hit em'!"

            When he reached the house, Krillin looked around cautiously. "I should check the windows and see if their all in bed...I don't want to get caught!" Krillin thought aloud. "Now.." He said as he walked over to Gohan's bedroom window. "Good. He's asleep." He then slid over to the kitchen window. "Clear..." Moved over to Goku and ChiChi's room. "Goo-Heeeyyyy! Where's Goku!? I only see ChiChi!" Krillin looked around again. "He has to be here somewhere.."

            He slowly went up to the front door and opened it slowly. Peeking his head in, he thought *Now where could he-* Before he could finish, Krillin was interrupted by a snore-and it came from the living room! Krillin snickered evily. "Ah, so there you are. Well, thank you for telling me your hidding place!" Krillin said cheerfully as he walked up from behind the couch. He grinned evily at the body lieing there-and slowly raised the knife. "Good-Bye, Goku...."


Author's Note: O.O Dear Kami no!!! HE'S GONNA KILL MEEE! . please, Reveiw, tell me whatcha thought! ^-^