Disclaimer: I don't own YUGIOH


Téa smiled as she looked down at her hand, it had been five years since she had said I do, and every time she caught a glance of the beautiful ring on her finger she realised how fortunate she was. Her husband was a strong man, a kind and caring man to those he chose and a loving and passionate man to those he held most dear.

The ring symbolised so much to her, it wasn't a rock on a band of gold plated metal that defined her as a married woman but to her it symbolised love, adoration, commitment and most of all family.

"What you doing?" a voice behind her asked and she turned to smile at the very man all those things surrounded around.

"Just looking," she said quietly with a smile as his arms wrapped around her waist, his head rested on top of hers and she relaxed into his embrace.

"Looking at what?" he asked rubbing a hand over her heavily swollen stomach.

"My wedding ring," she replied before placing both her hands on to his. "She's definitely going to take after you!" Seto chuckled at Téa's words as he continued to rub her enlarged stomach.

"Good because Jacob is very much like you," he said, "that boy doesn't sit still,"

"Neither does your daughter, she spends half her unborn life kicking me. She's almost as annoying as you when you've had very little coffee." She replied cheekily, Seto frowned and pinched her side causing Téa to shriek.

"Very rude Mrs Kaiba, and when did she become my daughter? She was ours last night?"

"Yes but then she found immense entertainment it kicking me for most of the night while her daddy slept soundly beside me," she said and Seto grinned.

"Already a daddy's girl," he chuckled and Téa nodded.

"Though I hope she takes after me in appearance, Jacob is your double," she said and Seto smiled.

"Handsome boy we have there then!"

Téa rolled her eyes but she agreed, her son was the most handsome little boy she'd ever seen, though she knew she was automatically biased she still felt if he wasn't her son she'd think the very same.

"Have you thought more on a name for her yet?" Téa asked as she removed Seto's arms from around her waist, she waddled to the chair in front of her dressing table, she could see Seto reflection in the mirror, and his face was filled with amusement at the way she walked. She huffed and sat down.

"You're adorable when you walk like that," he chuckled and she turned and glared at him, Seto continued to chuckle causing Téa's expression to harden. He knew he was heading into hot water and quickly held up his hands.

"Stop scowling, it makes your nose wrinkle up and that's really cute," he said walking towards her, Téa continued to scowl at him but she laughed as he reached down and rubbed his own nose against hers.

"What happened to that cold hearted basted that once owned Kaiba Corp hmm?" she asked as she cradled his face with her hands. Seto's smiled dropped and he looked into her eyes.

"He relived his childhood with an angle." He whispered before leaning in to press his lips on to hers.

"Ewww!" cried a voice from behind and the two adults sighed and pulled apart. Seto turned to see his miniature standing in the door, wearing a pair of Red eyes Black dragon pyjamas. He could very well kill Wheeler for persuading his son that Red eyes was better than Blue eyes. "That is yucky!" he declared with his hands on his hips, "you got to stop kissing mummy daddy!"

"And why should I do that?" he said with a smirk reaching down to kiss Téa on the lips once again.
"No!" Jacob yelled running to where his parents were stood. "Daddy, stop it!" he said, Téa had to bite her lip to stop her from laughing. Her son really was his father's mini even down to the way he scowled. Seto was scowling back at him in the same way and their faces were identical.

"Okay buggerlugs, we'll stop kissing." She chuckled and Jacob's face lit up, he reached out for hug and Téa scooped him on to her knee.

"Hi mummy, hi baby!" he said kissing Téa on the lips and then kissing her swollen belly. "Are you coming out to play today?"

"Not quite yet buddy, another few months until then." Said Seto running his hand through his son's hair.

"Daddy, did you have to wait this long for when Uncle Mokie was in nanny's tummy?" he asked and Seto nodded.

"It seemed forever until he arrived and then suddenly he was hear…"

"…and he followed Daddy everywhere!" said another voice from the door.

"Uncle Mokie!" Jacob screamed hopping down from his mother's knee racing to his Uncle.

"Hey kiddo! Nice Pjs," Mokuba said with a smirk.

"They got Red Eyes Black Dragon on them, Joey says that Red Eyes is the bestest dragon ever!" Mokuba grinned and looked over at Seto whose face had quickly formed into a scowl.

"And what does Daddy say about that?" Jacob sighed and shook his head.

"Daddy thinks Blue eyes is the bestest but what does Daddy know Uncle Mokie! He'll learn that Joey is always right about these things!" said Jacob in all seriousness, completely unaware how hard both his Uncle and Mother were trying to hold in their laugh.

Out of everyone Mokuba had changed the most, in the years that Seto and Téa had dated Mokuba had grown from a child to an adult, he was now taller than his elder brother, still slim and his hair had remained the same but now it was slightly shorter than before. He had out grown his boyish face and he'd matured into a handsome young man.

"When I get bigger Uncle Mokie, I gonna get me a Red eyes plane and fly it really high in the sky," said Jacob, "and I'm not going to let the baby drive it!" he said with a firm nod of the head.

"Best plan that, you should be weary of women driver's kiddo." Jacob nodded and Mokuba grinned cheekily at a now scowling Téa, Seto's face had turned from a frown into a grin at the comment of Téa's driving, though she's never crashed both Kaiba's refused to get in the car with her, in the names of their lives being too important to die at the hands of a crazy female driver.

"Uncle Mokie, come and see what daddy bought me," he said tugging on his Uncle's hand. Mokuba rolled his eyes but allowed his nephew to drag him out of the bedroom to his own.

"Wait," Téa and Seto heard him cry before they heard footsteps heading towards their direction. Jacob poked his head through the door and pointed to Seto.

"No kissing Daddy," he said and waited for Seto to nod his head before he took off back down the corridor to his laughing Uncle.

Téa was laughing as she looked back up at Seto who was shaking his head. "Cock blocked by a five year old," he said with a chuckle. Téa grinned and pulled him down for a hard kiss. Their lips melted together, but a sudden pain from her torso forced her to pull away, she glanced down to her belly and rested her hand over the kicking foot.

"Make that an unborn baby girl as well," she said with a chuckle, Seto sighed and rested his head on Téa's.

"We're never going to get a minute's piece again are we?"

"Don't think so," she replied pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Haven't you got work to be going too?" she asked and he nodded.

"It gets harder to leave every day," he admitted as he helped her up from the seat. "I actually look forward to my days off now." Téa wrapped her arms around his neck. "Spending time with you and Jacob, and soon to be this little devil, is the best part of my day,"

"Ours too, have you thought more on a girl's name? After all it was my idea to name Jacob after your previous surname. I thought it'd be fair if you got to pick her name."

"I've thought of a few," he admitted as he slid his hands down her waist to the curve of her bum. "Ariel, Ruby, Madeline, Serena and even Evangeline."

Téa stood and thought for a several seconds before she nodded. "What about, Serena Ariel Kaiba?" Seto smiled and nodded, he knelt on to his knees and pressed a kiss on to her stomach.

With a smile Téa ran her hand through Seto's hair. "I'll say goodbye to Jacob and then I'll be heading into the office, I won't be home until eight, if you need me ring me." Téa nodded and with a final kiss to the lips Seto walked out of the bed room.

Téa stood where she was and rubbed her stomach, her baby girl, her Serena Ariel had remembered what her feet were capable of once more but she didn't let that bother her. She walked to her side of the bed and smiled at the picture of hers and Seto's wedding day, it had been one of the best days of her life.

"Mummy, fudge wants breakfast," said Jacob from the door. "Daddy and Uncle Mokie gone now," he said as he pushed himself on to the bed. Téa smiled down at her son, he truly was a replica of his father, and she looked from her baby to the bear held tightly in his arms.

Seto's deaging had been so important for both of them, for him he had learnt to love and be happy and for her it gave her someone to love and be happy with. Together they made a beautiful pair and she was entirely grateful for her the all the time she had spent with her three year old Seto.

The End

Well that's it... it's officially finished and I don't know about you but I'm feeling a lot of mixed emotions right now. Excited and happy that I've completed it and it's another story that I can tick off but also the same time I'm gutted it's over. I so loved writing this story even if I struggled in the middle but now it's done I'm just feeling weird.

I do hope this chapter rounds it up perfectly for you all, I actually struggled with how I wanted to write it and I just went screw it and and I just ended up writing this from the start this evening. Naming their first child and their son Jacob was something that came to me several days ago but the little girls name, I just came up with several girls names on the spot and went with what sounded the best.

I really wanted to include Mokuba in this and at the same time mention Joey as he was such a big character to this story.

Now on to the final thank yous! And I have a lot of people to thank for reading and reviewing this story, for adding it to your favourites and alerts list, if it wasn't for all of your kind words and interest in reading this story then it'll have never got finished. I truly appreciate everything. I'm currently on 198 reviews, if I can hit 200 then this story will have been a major success and it'll be a great achievement for me, though 198 reviews is still pretty cool :)

So for the last time, this me signing out and wishing you all a very Happy Easter (which happens to be tomorrow) please do keep an eye out for future stories and if you've enjoyed this then take a look at Star Crossed Lovers my other Yugioh story currently on the go and let me know what you think... but until the next time I hear from any of you! Lottie...