A/N: Alright guys, I've done stories for all kinds of different books, but every Vampire Academy story I've done has been Rose X Dimitri. I think they're perfect together, but I love me some Adrian Ivashkov, ya know? So… I figured I'd do the man a little justice and write him a story as well. Also, I'd like to point out; this story is going to be based around a quote from the up and coming book 'Bloodlines'. It was one of those stupid teaser quotes they put out to make us freak out and want the book that much more? Yeah. So anyway… for all my Ivashkov lovers out there…

"She's all he see's when he closes his eyes.

No matter how much he tries to forget her,

No matter how much he drinks, she's always there

He can't escape her."

I sat at the bar, bottle in hand. The bar was slap full with people, moroi and dhampir alike. That's why I got here early, so I could stake my claim on a spot in the place before it got too packed. I poured some more vodka into my glass and downed it. The past week, the alcohol was all I knew. There was nothing else I could do to numb the pain, the betrayal I felt. She'd fucked me over, big time. But naturally, I blamed myself. I knew she didn't love me. I knew she was so far gone for Belikov, it could never and it would never be me. I was an idiot to let myself believe it for so long. I turned a blind eye, hoping maybe he meant what he said, hoping that his love really had faded for her, and she'd eventually get over it, and be able to love me the way she loved him. It was a false hope. I knew that. I was an idiot. I knew that too. I looked over at my guardian, Eddie Castille as he took the bar stool next to me.

"You haven't given that bottle a break, have you?" He asked. I looked at the bottle of Russia Vodka sitting next to my glass. It was almost empty and we'd only been here about an hour and a half. He'd been gone to the bathroom, and a good portion of it had disappeared in the time he'd been gone.

"Nope." I told him, popping the P.

"You know she-." I cut him off by shaking my head.

"What'd I tell you about talking about her, Castille? You're here to protect me, and make sure Strigoi don't try and eat me… not to give me life lessons." I told him.

"I wish you'd just listen to me for once in your fucking life, Adrian."

"What then Eddie? What is it you so desperately want me to hear?" I asked, completely annoyed at his presence. Eddie and I had gotten along well from the beginning, but it was in moments like this… moments when he tried to be 'helpful' that I sort of regretted agreeing to let him be my guardian.

"You knew it was going to come to this. You knew it was going to happen. So, I have yet to understand why you're drowning yourself in Vodka, and killing your liver."

"Whether I knew it or not doesn't make it hurt any less, Eddie." I snapped at him, shaking my head. The boy had no idea what he was talking about. He'd never been in love, never knew what it was like to have your heart ripped out and stomped on by the person you cared most about.

"I know it doesn't but-." I sighed.

"Eddie, look." I started. "I know you're trying to be helpful… but honestly, it's not doing a damn thing for me. If you understood what it was like, you'd get it… but you don't. Just… let me wallow in my own self-pity."

"I'm supposed to be protecting you." He said. I sighed.

"I'm very aware. That's what guardians are supposed to do." I told him, remembering back to all the times Rose had protected me, the evil things she'd protected me from, but in the end… the thing I needed to be protected from was her. Eddie shook his head at my tone.

"I give up man. You know what… wallow. I can't stop you. Your Adrian Ivashkov though. You have a reputation to uphold." He told me. He turned around on his bar stool, looking around the bar. "There are some nice looking girls here."

"Yeah… I know." I muttered, not turning around. I knew there were. It was very rare you stumbled across a moroi that was unattractive. We were all good-looking, some more than others. Although, I knew no moroi or dhampir could ever replace her. None of them would ever be able to capture my heart the way she did, and I'd make damn sure none of them had the opportunity to break it the way she did. I would never give anyone the opportunity again. I heard the clicking of heels approaching the bar. I didn't turn. I didn't exactly care who was approaching. I saw her to my right put her elbows against the bar, and called over the bar tender.

"I need a scotch please." She said. Her voice was sweet and very soft. Without my vampire hearing, it wouldn't have heard her at all. I turned to see she had dark auburn hair, curled in ringlets splaying down her back and shoulders. She caught me looking at her, and turned to me for a split second, meeting my gaze. She had bright blue eyes, almost the color of Christian's but brighter, more of an electric blue. She quickly turned back as the bar tender handed her the glass. She slipped her two dollars, and walked away from the bar, never looking back my direction. I turned and watched as she walked away from the bar. She was wearing a green shirt, and black dress pants with heels. I couldn't really tell from the back, but she was curvy and had a very cute figure, much like Rose did. From her build, I would say she was a dhampir, but I couldn't be for sure. Eddie slapped my shoulder.

"See, that's more like it." He said.

"I was just looking."

"It's better than staring at that Vodka bottle." He said, picking it up and taking a swig out of it. I snatched it from him.

"If you're going to drink it, at least use a glass. I don't know where your mouth has been." I snapped. He smirked.

"My mouth is clean. Yours, on the other hand… I'm not so sure of." He said, laughing. I rolled my eyes. I turned back to see the girl sit down in a booth with another man. He was a moroi. I could tell that much, even in the dim light.

"She's here with someone." I said.

"Who?" He asked. I jerked my head towards the booth she'd sat down in. He turned.

"He's a moroi. She might be his guardian." Eddie said.

"I'm not for sure she's a dhampir." I told him.

"Did you see her ass? She's a dhampir, no doubt. No moroi woman I've seen has ever had an ass like that." I just looked at him. "What?" I shook my head, and chuckled. It was the first time I'd laughed in days.

"It's good to know you can tell a moroi's and a dhampirs ass apart."

"It's good to know sometimes." He said. "Like now, for example." I rolled my eyes.

"Your something else Castille." I told him.

"I know, I know. I make a terrific guardian though. That's all that matters."

"Sure, sure." I muttered. I would have much preferred Rose as my guardian, no doubt… but she had Lissa, so I got stuck with Eddie. I could have ended up with Dimitri, but Christian got stuck with him. I was extremely happy to not have to look into that cradle-robbing, ex-strigoi, Russian, sorry son-of-a-bitches face every day. I wondered how Rose was doing. She'd been shot. She was healing considerably before I left, and she seemed to be almost one hundred percent when I went to her room to speak to her. Regardless of the shit she put me though, I still worried about her. It was sad, really sad that someone could treat me like dirt, walk all over me, use me, and then I still cared about them, still worried about their safety. I didn't used to be this way. I used to be own person. I didn't care about anyone but myself. I wished I was still like that. I wished I didn't give a shit about anyone else but myself… but I couldn't lie to myself. I cared about her. I cared about her more than I ever planned or wanted to. I sighed.

"Come on… don't start that shit again. You were doing so well. Quit thinking about her." Eddie said.

"Easier said than done." I stated simply. He sighed.

"I have to pee. I'm going to the bathroom."

"That's why I don't drink beer." I told him.

"No… you don't drink beer because it's cheap, and would make you look trashy." He said.

"Well, that too." I said. He chuckled, and started towards the bathroom. I was in dire need for a cigarette. I hopped off my bar stool, with my glass in hand, and stumbled my way out the back door and into the alley. I pulled the pack of cigarettes out of my pocket, and lit one. I hadn't been outside for more than a minute when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to find a man walking towards me. He was pale… but to pale to be moroi. As he approached, the red rims in his eyes became visible. I stepped back.

"Oo, royal blood." He said, sneering at me. I took a few more steps away.

"Fuck my life." I muttered. It was hard to believe this was how it was all going to end. I felt like a complete idiot for walking out here alone. I should have known better. You think I'd have more sense than this. He crouched down, ready to lunge and go for the kill when the door opened and someone attacked him, taking him to the ground. He fought back, but had definitely been caught off guard. They had him staked within a minute. When they stood up, and I took in what they were wearing, I realized who it was. She turned to look at me, allowing me to get a good look at her face. Eddie had been right. Definitely dhampir.

"Look, I really don't mean to be rude, but what the fuck were you thinking coming out here alone. You know this city is full of strigoi at night. You, of all people should know you don't walk out the back door of a bar alone." She said, voice hard and obviously annoyed. Her electric blue eyes shined in the dim light from the street light down the alley. She had high cheek bones and full lips. She was definitely beautiful. "I promised myself I wasn't going to get blood on this shirt, either." She said, looking down at herself.

"I'm… I'm so sorry." I told her.

"I'm sure you are. Get back inside with your guardian, please." No sooner had she said that, the door busted open, and Eddie stepped out. He looked at the ground, the girl, and then me.

"What the hell happened?"

"Your genius moroi here decided he'd come out here alone… all for what? A cigarette?" She asked. I was embarrassed at how stupid of a move I'd made. Regardless, she shook her head. "Idiot."

"Are you both okay?" Eddie asked.

"I'm fine." She muttered. I nodded.

"I'm good." I said, my eyes still on her.

"Jeez, moron." Eddie said, approaching me.

"Shut up, Eddie." I looked up at the girl.

"What's your name?"

"Guardian Merlon." She answered.

"First name." I said, as if it should have been obvious the first time.

"Sabrina." She snapped at me. She was feisty. She reminded me a lot of Rose in more ways than one.

"Look, let me buy you a drink. I owe my life to you." I said.

"I can't drink. I'm on duty." She said. I looked at Eddie, him narrowing his eyes at me. The door opened again, and out stepped a moroi man.

"What are you doing out here?" He snapped at her. Her face softened a little as she turned to him.

"I was just saving a dumb ass moroi that doesn't have enough sense not to walk into an alley in the middle of the night." She said.

"Get your ass back in here… now." He said, face looking slightly angry. She nodded.

"Yes sir." She said, as if he was her master. It kind of made my blood boil, the way he'd just spoken to her, and even more so the way she'd answered. "Stay with Eddie, Ivashkov." She walked back inside, following the man who had been standing in the door. I stood there, staring at the door.

"She's fucking hott." Eddie said.

"No kidding. Was it just me, or was that guy a complete dick."

"Definitely a dick. It could be the alcohol." He said.


"We should go back to the hotel." I nodded. We walked around the back to the car, and got in. Eddie drove obviously. He'd had much less to drink. As I sat in the driver's seat, I started thinking about her. She'd been a bad ass, just like Rose had. She had an attitude, just like Rose had, but Rose would have never, ever let someone speak to her like that without staking them. Eddie had been right, she was absolutely gorgeous. When we got back to the hotel, I poured me another glass of Vodka, and sat down on my bed. Rose consumed my mind once again. I hadn't been at court since Rose and I had last spoken. I couldn't stand to be there, knowing she was there, knowing they were in the Royal quarters where my Aunt had once lived, sleeping together. The thought made me ill. I wondered what she was doing, if she'd even noticed I hadn't been there. I wondered if she was worried. Of course she was. We were friends before we were a couple. Good. I wanted her to be worried; I wanted her to feel horrible for what she'd done to me. I wanted her to suffer… but at the same time… I didn't. I wanted her to be happy…. I just wanted her to be happy with me, not him. I downed the last of the vodka in my glass and collapsed onto my bed. Eddie had already passed out on the bed next to mine. Boy couldn't handle alcohol for shit. As I slowly fell asleep, I thought about going to her, about dream walking on her just to check and make sure she was doing okay, but I refrained. By doing that I was as weak as she said I was. I wouldn't be that weak again.