Lately, I've been SO addicted to Pokemon White; because I just bought it. But as I played the game, I started to fall in love with the shipping N and White; 'FerrisWheelShipping'. So, I figured I wanted to write a few fan fictions about them! So, for this new fan fiction, I'll do an alphabet oneshot! I actually saw some Alphabet Oneshots, so I wanted to make my own!



"Touko! Try this new perfume I just bought." Bianca, a friend of mine, skipped over to me. Her blonde curls bounced all over the place.

"Bianca… You know I'm not all that keen on perfume." I sighed.

"Oh come on, Touko. All perfume doesn't smell that bad." She pouted slightly, holding an expensive looking pink bottle in her hands. "And I bought it for you."

"Why in the name of Arceus did you buy that for me; knowing I loathed perfume?" I raised a brow at her.



"I bought if for your date with N tomorrow!" Bianca squealed.

"I-It's not a d-date!" I choked on my soda.

"Touko, he formally asked you to meethim at the amusement park tomorrow. Every part of that sounded like a date to me." Bianca smiled teasingly. I blushed a deep scarlet color.

"Bianca… I think you should just return that thing." I sighed.

"Huh? Why?" She raised her brow.

"Well… I think my original scent might be more appealing to him. Since he's practically a Pokémon himself, he might keep holding his nose near me if the scent is too strong; and in a bad way." I pointed out. Bianca stood there; sighing. Suddenly, someone bumped right into her, causing the bottle to break all over me. Bianca stood there with her mouth gaped.

"Oh no!" She wailed.

"Oh my Arceus, this is strong!" I widened my eyes.

"Touko! We can't return it now…" She sobbed. "And it cost me so much!"

"What! How much?" I asked.

"Nearly 10,000…" She whimpered. I gasped. I pulled out my wallet. "Huh? What are you…" I flashed her 10,000 Poké.

"This should cover that stupid bottle. Next time, think before you buy." I sighed, my shirt drenched in that putrid perfume.

"How did you earn this much?" She gasped, staring at the money with amazement.

"Well, I win a lot of battles; and people give me a lot of money for my prize." I explained rather bluntly. "Now how am I going to get this stain out…?"

"You have to try taking a bath or something; and use some sort moisturizer that can cancel out the smell." Bianca offered. I nodded.

"And I'll have Oshawott sniff me if it worked or not." I added.

"Yeah, then call me tomorrow morning, okay? Cause I want to dress you up!" She smiled in glee.

"Nothing glittery and frilly or so help me, you're going to face the wrath of Zekrom." I hissed, sending out a deathly aura.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it, I got it." She weakly laughed.

With my cute, little baby Oshawott, (which I breeded with my Samurott and a Ditto) I bathed in a bubble bath; which spilled the smell of strawberries everywhere. Surely, this would cancel out the perfume's scent on my body.

"Okay, Oshawott, how do I smell?" I asked, extending my arm to her.

"Osha? Osha!" Oshawott pinched onto its nose and quickly turned its head away.

"What?" I screeched at the top of my lungs. "The smell worsened?" I gasped.

"What's wrong sweetie?" My mother came into the bathroom, only to be tackled by me.

"Bianca bought me a new perfume and it broke all over me… And when I tried getting the smell out from my body, I somehow managed to worsen the smell." I whimpered.

"Touko, you have to calm down. Maybe sleeping in your bed, which has a on it another scent on it, will help get rid of the perfume's smell." My mother comforted me.

"You think?" I mumbled, almost in tears.

"I know so." She smiled. "Besides, you should really go to bed right now."

"Thanks mom, good night." I smiled as I walked back into my bedroom. I switched my bath towel to my pajamas. I plopped onto my bed. My heart was racing at an uneasy speed. I clutched onto my chest.

I'm a little nervous for tomorrow…

. . .

"Touko? Are you almost ready yet?" My mother called out to me.

"Yeah! I just finished!" I replied, throwing my lip gloss into my pink bag.

"You look so cute, Touko!" Bianca cooed, as she played with my straight hair.

"Can't I just leave my hair up?" I begged.

"No!" She protested with a pout. "You look so much cuter with your hair down!"

"N-No I don't…" I blushed, standing up. Bianca forced me to wear a white off-shoulder shirt and a short plaid skirt. I took a necklace, with Zekrom's poke ball in it, and hung it around my neck.

"Touko, why do you wear Zekrom's poke ball around your neck all the time?" Bianca asked.

"I don't know… Ever since N gave me a necklace that can hook a poke ball, I just wore it." I muttered, playing with the necklace. Oshawott walked over and rubbed up against my leg.

"Anyway, Ms. White… You're all ready for your first date with N!" Bianca yelled.

"Shut it! It's not a freaking date!" I argued.

"But you want it to be." She grinned evilly. I widened my eyes in shock, unable to speak for a few seconds.

"S-shut it…" I growled, blushing red as a tomato.

"Come on Touko, you have to leave-"My mom came into my bedroom. "Aw! You look so cute!"

"Now you sound like Bianca!" I whined. "Well, I'm leaving now! Bye!" I yelled as I ran outside. I picked up Unfezant's poke ball, clicking onto the center. Unfezant stood in front of me, rubbing my face; purring. I hopped on its back. "To Nimbasa City!" I called out.

. . .

"Touko! Glad you can make it." N smiled as I landed right in front of him.

"Unfezant, return." I exclaimed, holding Unfezant's poke ball in front of me. A red light shot out, and the bird Pokémon in front of me disappeared in a second. "Hey N."

"You look very cute today!" He beamed a large smile at me, complimenting me. I blushed a red scarlet.

"O-oh, you think? T-Thank you…" I stuttered, playing with one of my exceedingly large pieces of hair. N walked all the over to me and lowered his head. I thought he was going to kiss me. I closed my eyes, bracing for his lips to crash onto mine.

"Your aroma smells very magnificent as well." He whispered, his hot breathing hitting my neck; sending chills all over my body. "I love your smell as well!" He drew back. My eyes widened.

"T-Thanks… I thought I stunk like a Stunktank…" I smiled sheepishly.

"No, not at all! You have an aroma that's like cotton candy and strawberry mixed together. It's smells quite extravagant." He closed his eyes, blushing only a little bit. "You ready to go on the Ferris wheel?" He asked, holding out his hand. I nodded, taking his hand.

"Yep." I smiled.

So that's the first chapter of Alphabet Love! The word for the letter A was 'Aroma'. The one who helped me choose this word for the letter 'A' was my friend. So I just wanted to say thanks to her!

If you want to send a suggestion for a letter, feel free to leave a suggestion in the review! I'll try my best to make a wonderful oneshot with the word you suggested!

I hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned!