I had an overwhelming desire to go write smut so I decided to start writing a story. :I I'm sorry to all my fans who were reading my drabble. :/ It got deleted because my computer is a b*tch ;o;/commits suicide

anyways Seto has a wet dream XD

If you don't know who it was about then you either clicked a random fic off the list and need to go back and read the summary for my warning NOW or you're pretty dense. o.o

Anyways there is like immediate smut, and then all that romance crap and the fidgeting, and the confessing, and the fluff and the cuddling crap comes later. Then guess what? MORE SMUT~ XD -is a total perv today ...or rather tonight since I've gone nocturnal- :I

And who else would I have but Joey would also have a wet dream on the very same night as someone else was dreaming about him, and have that very same person be what his dream is about...did that make sense? .


Me-...OK THEN! moving on...

Seto POV

Seto groaned smirking as he looked down at the blond head bobbing up and down, hypnotically on his member.

He wrapped his hand in the boy's soft messy hair and pushed his head down gently telling him to go deeper, as he was unable to talk at the moment. He closed his eyes and frowned when the boy stopped then looked down at him with a questioning glance.

His eyes were twinkling mischievously and Seto didn't even have time to wonder what he was going to do before the boy began to hum. Seto's head fell back and he bit his lip gasping. God the vibrations felt so...perfect...

Joey came up and licked the head of Seto's member lucratively, giving a suggestive smirk that he always gave Seto when they fought and he began to win. Joey climbed up over Seto's form showing him his own erect member for the first time. He Seto grabbed the boy by the arms and flipped them over.

Joey's face showed his surprise but then he smiled. "Seto~" he whispered cupping the brunette's face in his soft, gentle hands. "I want you inside me~" he whispered his eyes beginning to glaze over.

Seto smirked and leaned down, nipping at Joey's ear. "As you wish." he whispered positioning himself at Joey's entrance.

Joey moaned a long drawn out moan as Seto entered him and he clutched at the man's shoulders, as he looked the man in the eye with his dull lust filled amber orbs.

Seto chuckled when the boy's moan finally ceased and he was fully encased in the boy's heat. He began to move, slowly at first but speeding up quickly as Joey moaned seductively with every thrust.

Seto licked the boy's ear as he pounded into him at full speed and watched the boy's face as he usually did. The boy's lips seemingly frozen in a o form as he moaned Seto's name, his amber eyes wide, and his cheeks a lovely red color. His hair was strewn about all over his face, sticking to his cheeks and forhead. Seto groaned as he looked downward at the boy's beautifully toned, and tanned body writhing with pleasure beneath him.

Suddenly Joey's grip tightened around Seto's arms and Seto knew he'd found something.

"Seto! There!" Joey cried and Seto smirked hitting the spot again. Joey tightened around him and cried out grinning with pleasure, not thinking of anything besides what they were doing right now.

Seto leaned down and captures the boy's lips mid-moan with his own, enforcing a ruthless and hot kiss.

Joey cried out into the kiss and curled his toes.

Seto finally broke the kiss feeling winded both from the lack of breath and the activity at hand. He thrust ruthlessly into that same spot from before over and over again loving the sound of Joey's voice calling out his name. "Fuck! Seto I-I'm gonna..." Joey cried throwing his head back.

Seto groaned once again as joey suddenly tightened around him and a hot liquid splattered over his and Joey's stomachs. He came abruptly and gasped as his fluids flew out of him.

Gasping Seto sat up in bed, drenched in sweat, his hair sticking to his face. He blushed and frowned turning his bedside lamp on and pulling the covers back.

He sighed and fell back in bed. Now he would have to secretly clean his underwear, pajamas, and sheets before the maid had a chance to.

He got up and started at doing just that.

Yay~ XD Seto had an accident~

Anyways I feel better after writing that. Next chapter is Joey's dream and them both going to school, the initial awkwardness and whatnot. A few squabbles, maybe a little chaseshipping humor. :3

Don't expect an update every day, though I will try to at least get one in every three days.

I'm going to try this new method for getting readers now. As soon as this chapter gets a review I'll go write chapter two and post it. as soon as chapter two gets a review from a different person I'll post chapter three and so on and so forth. If I don't get a different reviewer withing three days I'll go ahead and post the next chapter anyways because there's no sense in punishing the few fans I might actually get in an attempt to get more.