Hey, so this is my first story, so please NO FLAMES! I wanted to combine two of my obsessions, 1) Harry Potter! And 2) Rock Music! Into one story. So here it is I hope you enjoy and review!

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING, NO CHARACTERS, NO SONGS! :( Wish I did though

Synopsis: Hermione and Ginny are sent back in time by a potion accident at the Burrow due to Fred Weasley (FRED WILL NEVER DIE!). They end up at Hogwarts with Severus and The Marauders, but nothing is as it seems. Lily is a Bitch, Severus is a lovesick schoolboy, and Sirius is a Kurt Cobain wannabe, and in a rock band with James and Remus. Hermione and Ginny Join and love and jealousy ensue.

Chapter 1

The Accident & Introductions.

"Fred, what are you doing!" Hermione squealed as she and Ginny entered the Burrows huge kitchen. The kitchen was empty apart from the cheeky looking Fred Weasley and the smoking cauldron in the centre of the table, surrounded by potions ingredients and books.

"Well, Miss Granger, I believe I am making a potion" Fred said sarcastically, not unlike the dower potions master of Hogwarts.

"We can see that Fred, but what potion..." Ginny started but was distracted by the overflowing and frankly out of control cauldron that was about to explode!

"GET DOWN!" Screamed Hermione, but it was too late as she and Ginny were covered in the foul smelling brew. The black goo covered every possible inch of skin and clothing the girls were wearing as a bright light surrounded them.

"NOOOO..." The girls chorused as the sickening feeling not too unlike a portkey caused them both to dissapear in time.


They both landed with an audible thump in a cold and abandoned hallway, both confused and scared, they huddle together.

"'Mione, where are we?" Ginny whispered as she hugged

Hermione close to make sure she wasn't alone.

"I don't know Gin', but lets find out" Hermione said using all the Gryffindor courage she could muster. As they walk out of the cold ,dark corridor, torches illuminate the walls, casting familiar

shadows to Hermione and Ginny alike.

"Gin' does this remind you of somewhere?" Hermione asked as they walked.

"Yeah, but it can't possibly be..."Ginny was interrupted by the sound of laughter and running footsteps coming towards them.

"Hey, You two Okay, you seem lost" a tall boy with long black hair asked as he eyed up the two strangers " Who are you anyway? haven't seen you around Hogwarts before"

"So we are at Hogwarts then?" Ginny asked, feeling a little safer now that she was in familiar territory.

"Yeah, but who are you?" The tall boy asked again, his friend now behind him. Ginny gasped and pointed at the boy to the right of their founder, he looked exactly like Harry, only he had bright blue eyes, instead of Harry's green ones. "This Must Be James Potter Then" Ginny Thought.

"I'm Hermione, and This Is Ginny,we got lost looking for the Headmasters Office, we transferred here today" Hermione explained as she held out her free hand to the tall yet strangely familiar boy.

"Oh right, I'm Sirius, its nice to meet you both, but why is you friend pointing at James as if he's something special" Sirius asked with his usual cocky demeanour as he shook Hermione's hand. Hermione had to laugh here as she remembered Sirius in the future and his attitude to women. "Oh some thing never change" Hermione thought as she explained about Ginny's reaction..

"Oh he must remind her of our friend from back home, he has an uncanny resemblance to our Harry, doesn't he Gin'?" Hermione asked, shaking Ginny from her stupper.

"Oh yeah he does"as she looks round Sirius to greet him," Hi I'm Ginny, and you two are..." now realising there are two people stood behind Sirius.

"Hi, I'm James Potter, and this is Remus Lupin", James explains, as he greets each lady with a formal, but comical bow. Each girl laughs as the all get to know each other.

" Hey, not to sound rude or anything, but would you mind showing us the way to the Headmasters office, we really need to meet them and get our uniforms" Hermione asked politely.

"Sure follow us we were on our way to see Dumbledore anyway" Sirius says as he takes Hermione's and Ginny's hands and dragged them with him to see Dumbledore.

A/N: This chapter was just a start, there will be some music in the next chapter hopefully!