Note: This story is VERY AR, so please bear with me. It's set after Aizen's capture. And warning, I will be using both the English and Japanese versions for the names, because some of them I don't like, but some I do. get the idea.

Chapter 1: The Heir of Hueco Mundo

Ulquiorra Schifer blinked, unsure as to where he was. "Am I in hell...?" He asked himself, looking around. Hell was depicted as a fiery pit, rather than a square white room with a lone, small, white pillar in the middle. Ulquiorra walked over, and stood in front of it. He took his hand, which he had found in his pocket, as if he had been just standing idly, and traced a sharp edge on the stone.

A blue light passed directly through the pillar, before a single line started crawling up the side, outlining numerous circles. Curious eyes lowered to the largest button, which was on the bottom right part. He smoothed his palm over it, feeling the coolness of the stone, as if it had been made from marble. He heard a click, and looked up, unsurprised at what he saw.

Multiple holographic screens hovered against the far wall, showing various parts of what he remembered to be Hueco Mundo. 'So this must be the main control room..." He thought idly, inspecting each screen carefully. He noted bodies scattered, rather sloppily, along the ground. There was a depiction of Yammy Llargo's body, eyes wide, now reverted back to Arrancar form, along with Grimmjow Jagerjaquez's body. It even showed the inside of some towers, such as Aaroniero Arruruerie's, and what used to be Szayelaporro Grantz's tower.

He sighed. Imbeciles, the lot of them. Who had they fought to destroy them so? Well, other than Grimmjow. Grimmjow, he could slightly understand, seeing as Ichigo had also defeated himself. A familiar memory went through Ulquiorra's mind, one of him attempting to lock hands with the woman he'd stood guard over. What was her name again...? Inoue. Inoue, Orihime. That's what it was. She had kindled his interest, for some reason. He must find out why. But first, how had he himself gotten here?

Ulquiorra pressed that same large button, causing the screen's to disappear. He looked at another, curiously pressing it, raising his green eyes to the wall in front of him slowly. Unfortunately, that had done nothing. Green eyes narrowed as he looked at the button board again, pushing one at the top right. He heard a clicking sound, as the wall in front of him opened the door. Ulquiorra put his hand back in his pocket, as he walked out of the room, into another large chamber.

The new chamber was blank, aside from the fact that it looked as if a large skull was jutting out of the wall opposite the doorway, a pair of horns raising from both sides, not unlike Ulquiorra's own on his mask fragment. The eyes were empty, a stripe leading down from them to where the jaw-bone would have been, also like Ulquiorra's.

As Ulquiorra stepped into the room, that same blue light passed from where his foot had touched, making what had been invisible lines, now bright blue. There were even lines going to the top of the back wall, behind the skull, that came down onto the back of its head and went into its eye sockets, stopping there.

A tremor passed through the ground, as the light in the eyes slowly grew brighter. Ulquiorra took a step back, to find that there was no longer any door there. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously, looking around for any way out. When he found that there was none, he leaned against where the doorway was, watching the skull in a bored manner.

Meanwhile, In Hueco Mundo

Bright blue eyes blinked open in surprise, before closing as the searing sun burned his cataracts. He waited a few moments, before opening them slowly. He looked around, seeing rubble and destroyed building all around him. "Where the hell am I?" he growled to himself, looking down to see that he was no longer in his resureccion form. The man slowly pushed himself up onto his feet. "Damn...dying hurts like a bitch." he muttered, looking around. No sign of anyone.

What was he doing alive? He thought that cheap-powered punk had killed him. Either way, the fact of the matter was, that he was alive again, and depending on who else was in Hueco Mundo, he could become King. He looked to his zanpaku-to, noticing that it was still at his side. 'Good,' he thought. 'I may need it for battles to come.'

He looked to the direction of Hueco Mundo, before beginning his short walk. He could sense another powerful reiatsu, although he wouldn't admit it, it was far more powerful than his own. "Ulquiorra..." he said, a grin coming to his face. "Now we can finally decide who is the victor." Grimmjow said with a feral tone.

Back To Ulquiorra...

Ulquiorra looked unfazed as the light illuminated the whole eye-socket, giving the skull a whimsical appearance. "Ulquiorra Schiffer." An echoing voice called out, which made Ulquiorra, in turn, look at the skull, his eyes slightly wide. "I am the Deity of Las Noches. I go by many titles. You may call me Dios," the voice called. Ulquiorra nodded, overcoming his initial surprise.

"You may be wondering what you are doing here...Well, I have summoned you here as rightful heir to Hueco Mundo." The voice called, which made Ulquiorra's eyes widen visibly this time.

"Allow me to tell the tale, and explain in the process..." The voice began.

"Back when the World of the Living, the Soul Society, and even Las Noches were new, humans populated every planet. There was one tribe that stood above the rest, known as the Head Hunters. There was a tribe of them on each planet, each one successful in their conquests. Until one day the leader of the Las Noches tribe, Austero, realized that they had grown too powerful, and that the balance of all things good and evil were being thrown into chaos.

Austero and his tribe found a way to cross the gap between all three worlds, and tried negotiating with their tribesmen from the different world, but to no avail. El Que Llora and his own tribe had no choice but to kill their kinsmen. They started with the Earth tribe, before moving onto the tribe that lived on what is now called the Soul Society. Each battle, more lives were lost, with each death, Austero shed tears for the fallen, earning him the nickname, El Que Llora.

After each tribe was vanquished, El Que Llora's tribe faded into the sands of Las Noches. An empty gap had grown in El Que Llora's heart, where he fed all of the sorrow, so it would stop plaguing him. Soon, even his happiness, anger, and every other emotion he'd had was pulled into that hole. He went through the violent transformation into being a Hollow, due to the negative power of Las Noches. He was shifted, both physically, and mentally, into a killer. He devoured all of his tribesmen, both those on Las Noches, World of the Living, and Soul Society, which spawned the vampire myth. Not that foolish man, Vlad Tepes.

Realizing what he had done, El Que Llora became twisted with grief, and wandered the sands on his own. That is, until he found one remaining member. She had flowing orange hair, and bright eyes. For some reason he could not fathom, El Que Llora did not feel the urge to attack this female. She traveled with him for many years, until they came upon the Forest of Hollows. It was there, she was attacked and fatally wounded. After losing the remaining happiness he had accumulated, El Que Llora went on yet another rampage, devouring all of the hollows in the Forest. By doing so, he quickly rose to the rank of Vasto Lorde, retaining green tear-shaped marks running down his face to show his many years of grief. It was then, that he was found by the Soul Reaper, Sosuke Aizen. There, you were born, as Ulquiorra Schiffer..."

Ulquiorra stood in slight shock at the news. He was the true ruler of Hueco Mundo...? This was all a big shock. "Ulquiorra Schiffer, place your zanpaku-to upon my lower jaw so I may impart upon you a portion of my knowledge." Dios commanded, the maw to the great skull opening slightly, revealing an area where he could set the zanpaku-to. He took out Murcielago, placing it upon the front teeth on the lower jaw. The moment he did, a large reiatsu, infinitely bigger than his own, starting flowing into him for a moment, blowing his hair back slightly with the force.

Ulquiorra took a step back, looking at his charred fingertips, which were healing rapidly. He found it odd he was healing so quickly, and he wasn't even in his Segunda Etapa. He stood at attention when the Hollow-God, Dios, spoke again.

"Claim your blade, Ulquiorra Schiffer, claim the power of being King, and with that, claim the castle of Hueco Mundo that rightfully belongs to you. " The Hollow-God said, which prompted Ulquiorra to walk over, before slowly reclaiming his zanpaku-to. He could feel the rush of Reiatsu as it flowed from his zanpaku-to into him, making him stronger by an unknown degree. He placed Murcielago back in the sheath, before turning back to the Hollow-God.

"Leave now, gather up your now-revived subjects, and show all how a true King would rule." He said, as the door behind Ulquiorra opened up again. It was moments like this where Ulquiorra didn't know what to say, so he merely bowed, and said, "I thank you for the power you have seen fit to bestow upon me." With that, he turned and left, only to find himself back in what he now knew to be the control room.

Without any hesitation, he pressed a button off on the side, which opened a door to the side of the room. He walked through that, and found himself in what he figured used to be Aizen-sama's personal quarters. He looked around, noticing the ex-Soul Reaper had nothing in his room besides the bed, a desk, with multiple plans upon it, and the door to his personal restroom, which was ajar. Ulquiorra sighed, before walking out, to where he had brought Orihime Inoue after first kidnapping her. This also happened to be the room where they created the arrancar.

At the moment, Ulquiorra was standing upon a balcony, shocked to see dozens of arrancar and Espada both below him, standing in that very room, all Espada in their chamber. Ulquiorra looked down upon all of these arrancar. What had they been waiting for? Had the Hollow-God revived them, as he did himself? With these questions in mind, he watched Arrancar leave, more recently-deceased appearing in their place, now alive. As if Hueco Mundo were repopulating itself.

"Very well...I shall rule as I once did, with my tribe of men." Ulquiorra said, turning his back on them, and walking downstairs. He was shocked when there waited somebody, waiting to confront him.

"Hello, Ulquiorra." The gruff voice said, a rather angry tone to it.