*Last Day Before Summer Break*

"Can you please go with us, Haru-chan?" Hunny whined.

He had asked her a million times before and it seemed he wasn't going to give up.

" You know I don't have a passport Hunny-sempai." Haruhi stated for the sixth time today.

" And you know we'll get you one. Won't we, Takashi?"

" Hmm."

Haruhi stared at the large teen. His face was unreadable as usual. She couldn't tell if he really wanted her to go or if he was just going along with Hunny.

"Please, Haru-chan?" He clutched Usa-chan to his chest and gave his best puppy dog eyes possible.

It only took five seconds for her to break.

" Fine! I'll go. Just don't use that face again."

" Deal. Yaay. This trip is gonna be soo fun! I can't wait. How about you, Takashi?"

" Ah."

Haruhi glanced up and noticed a small grin on Mori's face.

So he did want her to go after all.

And surprisingly, she was excited as well.