by: Purple Madness

Disclaimer: I disclaim Facebook and iCarly.

A/n: Hello peeps! It's Purple Madness. This thing just popped in my head for no apparent reason after I saw the promo for iLost My Mind (can't wait to see!). Anyway, I wrote this like a month ago, I just didn't have the time to post it in here.

Well, I hope you like it! Please review after! :))

Chapter 1: iOMG

Carly Shay
Hectic schedule! First there's iCarly, our project for the lock-in and an English paper I haven't even started yet! I need muse!

18 minutes ago

Carly Shay, Wendy Hughes, Gibster Gibson, Freddie Benson and 29 others likes this.


.Wendy Hughes I know right? These teachers are driving me insane!
16 minutes ago * 9 likes

.Sam Puckett Gibby could be your muse! :D
14 minutes ago * 27 likes

.Carly Shay SAM! Quit it! And besides, I want my story to be about a teenage love life!
14 minutes ago * 4 likes

.Sam Puckett So cliché Carls XD
13 minutes ago * 11 likes

.Carly Shay It's not going to be cliché! Now quit bugging me and start on your own paper!
13 minutes ago * 4 likes

.Sam Puckett No can do Shay. I'm halfway through this chicken I took from your fridge and I ain't gonna stop till I'm done!
12 minutes ago * 7 likes

.Carly Shay What? Sam! That's for dinner!
11 minutes ago * 4 likes

.Sam Puckett Too late now
9 minutes ago * 5 likes

.Carly Shay SAM!
9 minutes ago * 2 likes

Brad Nichols is now friends with Freddie Benson, Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, Spencer Shay and Gibster Gibson

an hour ago

Freddie Benson
Brad's part of the iCarly team now! New friend, less work!

10 minutes ago

Freddie Benson, Sam Puckett, Carly Shay, Brad Nichols, Gibster Gibson and 13 others likes this.


.Sam Puckett Don't forget the fudge!
9 minutes ago * 10 likes

.Freddie Benson Oh yeah! The fudge makes it more awesome!
9 minutes ago * 8 likes

.Brad Nichols Thanks so much for hiring me! This is so much fun!
5 minutes ago * 8 likes

Brad Nichols
Going to see a movie with Sam and Freddie!

19 minutes ago

17 people likes this


.Carly Shay Why is Sam included? o_O
18 minutes ago * 2 likes

.Brad Nichols She asked if he could join us, then we agreed.
17 minutes ago * like

.Freddie Benson This is so weird
16 minutes ago * like

.Brad Nichols What's weird?
16 minutes ago * like

.Freddie Benson Sam is. And don't ask why.
14 minutes ago * like

.Brad Nichols Okay…?
14 minutes ago * like

Sam Puckett
Well, the movie went great last night. Now heading to Frednub's house to help with the project.

36 minutes ago

Brad Nichols, Carly Shay, Gibster Gibson and 14 others likes this.


.Spencer Shay You're helping Freddie and Brad on a project?
34 minutes ago * 5 likes

.Carly Shay Strangely yes. And take note, she OFFERED to help them.
33 minutes ago * 3 likes

.Sam Puckett Why? Is there something wrong with helping?
31 minutes ago * 2 likes

.Carly Shay I didn't say, something's wrong with it. It's just… strange.
30 minutes ago * 3 likes

.Brad Nichols Guys, my mom wanted me to do some errands and I won't be there till 5pm. Sorry guys.
28 minutes ago * 2 likes

.Sam Puckett It's okay
28 minutes ago * 2 likes

.Brad Nichols Thanks! :)
27 minutes ago * 1 like

.Freddie Benson So, I'm stuck with Sam for 2 hours?
26 minutes ago * 4 likes

.Sam Puckett Pretty much! XD
26 minutes ago * 2 likes

Brad Nichols
Tonight's the lock-in! Gonna make lots of fudge!

18 minutes ago

Sam Puckett, Freddie Benson, Carly Shay, Gibster Gibson and 13 others likes this.


.Sam Puckett BRAD'S FUDGE FTW!
17 minutes ago * 9 likes

.Freddie Benson Oh yeah!
16 minutes ago * 7 likes

.Spencer Shay Sadly, I'll be joining you in the lock-in 'cause Carly asked me to be her test-subject instead of watching 'Cops' with Socko's grandmother. :( So, can I get some fudge too?
14 minutes ago * 4 likes

.Brad Nichols Sure! I'd be happy to give more fudge for people!
14 minutes ago * 9 likes

.Spencer Shay Thanks Brad! :D
12 minutes ago * 3 likes

Gibster Gibson
Here at the lock-in! At some point, there's this weird dude (who's not me) went screaming and running around after Principal Franklin announced that the doors are locked. I hope Sam won't write anything on my forehead if ever I fell asleep. Anyway, I have to set up the 'Box' or whatever Carly calls it for Spencer.
PS: our mikes glow! Just sayin'

3 minutes ago

Gibster Gibson and 6 others like this


.Carly Shay It's a 'Controlled Sensory Stimulus Chamber' Gibby. I've told you a lot of times.
3 minutes ago * 1 like

.Gibster Gibson Nah, I still prefer 'Box'
2 minute ago * 2 likes

.Ran Dom-Kid Am I the weird dude you're talking about? 'Cause if I am, I have an explanation.
2 minute ago * like

.Gibster Gibson Yes Ran, it's you. Sorry! but I can't stay long, I need to go start the project.
a moment ago * 1 like

.Wendy Hughes You're project is so cool!
Ran Dom-Kid you have a really weird name and last name(Dom-Kid, where'd you get that?)! You're the weirdest kid I've ever known, well, next to Gibby.
a moment ago * 3 likes

.Ran Dom-Kid D:
a moment ago * like

Brad Nichols
Darn! There's something wrong with our project!

2 minutes ago


.Wendy Hughes How come? Didn't you test it on me and it worked fine?
2 minutes ago * 1 like

.Brad Nichols Yeah, I thought it was. We tested it on Sam, then Freddie said it's 'inconclusive', then he ran off to get tissues from Carly
a minute ago * like

.Wendy Hughes Weird
a minute ago * 2 likes

.Ran Dom-Kid Why is everybody so weird lately?
a minute ago * 2 likes

.Wendy Hughes Says the kid who has a weird name and screams and runs all around the school!
a moment ago * 2 likes

.Ran Dom-Kid I can explain okay! :((
a moment ago * 1 like

Wendy Hughes
Freddie's a liar! He said there's a two-headed frog outside, but we found NOTHING!

5 minutes ago

Ran Dom-Kid and 6 others likes this.


.Ran Dom-Kid Yeah! I really thought I'd see a two-headed frog! :(
4 minutes ago * like

.Wendy Hughes Shut up Ran!
3 minutes ago * 2 likes

.Gibster Gibson At least you don't have to clean Spencer's puke!
a minute ago * 1 like

Gibster Gibson

2 minutes ago

Gibster Gibson likes this.


Wendy Hughes You're weird
a moment ago * 1 like

Sam Puckett
Hunting for Carly Shay

2 minutes ago


.Carly Shay Sam! You're supposed to sort things out with Brad!
a minute ago * like

.Sam Puckett God Carly! There's nothing to sort out!
a moment ago * like

Brad Nichols
Has anyone seen Sam and Freddie? We're supposed to test the project again. Thanks! :)

a moment ago

Carly Shay
OMG! I just saw a really shocking scene!

A moment ago

Sam Puckett Carly Shay
Shay, you better step behind that WINDOW or else it's gonna break

A minute ago * like


Carly Shay How on earth did you see me when you're busy doing "stuff' with our best friend!
a minute ago * like

Sam Puckett You better watch it Shay
a moment ago * like

Carly Shay Well, you better have some explaining to do, Puckett! :P
a moment ago * like

Carly Shay Um… is Freddie dead?
a moment ago * like

Sam Puckett I don't know. He's just staring on a space.
a moment ago * like

A/n: That's all for iOMG. Thanks a lot for that cliffhanger!

Anyway, you noticed, during the lock-in, Sam, Freddie and Carly didn't post or commented much (Freddie didn't even post/commented on anything), it's always Gibby, Brad, Wendy or Ran(I included him here, 'cause in the stories I read about iOMG or post-iOMG, they didn't pay much attention to him. Just thought I should give him credit for the effort of running around like an idiot) it's because they're very busy helping Sam out with Brad and you know the rest. I'm just saying!

Please review after! I'll post iLMM soon. I'm still deciding if I'm go to make for the other three sequels (iDate Sam and Freddie, iCan't Take It and iLove You [based on Wikipedia]) but I don't know they're plots yet. If anyone knows, please PM me!

Question: On one nickelodeon promo, I saw Seddie being all lovey-dovey because they're dating, right? So do you think it'll be very weird and OOC for them to be like that (you know, being all lovey-dovey, I mean come on! They're Sam and Freddie)? Before, when I pictured them as a couple, I always thought they would still be Sam and Freddie, you know, always bickering, Sam beating Freddie up and still calling his names, just add the kissing (no need for flirty glance or something like that, they already do that before). So here's another question, what would you prefer, lovey-dovey Seddie, kissing more than once in one episode or the other Seddie I pictured before. So please, give me your opinion. I'm just intrigued on what they're relationship is gonna be, that's all.

That's all! Thanks for reading!

Peace, Love, Seddienesssss,

The Mad Purple,

Purple Madness