A/N: I owe all of you a huge apology! No excuses for my absence, other than life really kicked my ass. BUT I have more free time now. And I do plan on continuing!

Thank you to everyone who's been reading and reviewing! I hope you continue to. This chapter is kinda short, I sorry. But a Sub-Zero POV chapter is next.

And some of you have been asking about Smoke... Yes, he will return to the story soon. (: Well, relatively soon. Er, my point is he's coming back. And I'll try to give him a POV of his own somewhere down the line...

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Don't sue! I'm only playing with things that don't belong to me!

I hesitated before knocking on Johnny's front door.

I couldn't believe I was actually in Los Angeles, but the higher-ups agreed I deserved a vacation.

Hopefully I didn't forget anything, I thought as I glanced down at my little black suitcase. I was only going to be staying for a week. And right now that sounded like forever.

I reached out and knocked lightly against the door. Why was I so nervous? This wasn't how I usually acted—especially around guys. A small voice inside my head warned me that I must really like the obnoxious actor, and more than I wanted to admit out loud.

But Lt. Sonya Blade is not some prim and proper little lovesick brat. I pulled my hair out of its usual ponytail and tousled my hair until I felt it looked messy enough. To hell with what Johnny thought of it! He could deal with it.

Sub-Zero opened the door and raised an eyebrow at my disheveled look, but I was too happy to see him to care or be disappointed that my sort-of-boyfriend didn't answer the door himself.

I let out a small laugh as I pulled Sub-Zero into a tight hug. He was polite enough to return it.

"You're still alive," I said as I pulled away. "I didn't think there'd be anything left of this building by the time I got here."

"We manage okay," he smiled. It was really nice to see him loosening up.

He carried in my luggage for me and I took a brief moment to glance around the apartment. I spotted the ex-dead guy sitting on the couch and cleaning one of his swords.

When he looked my way I gave him a short nod, and he returned it with one of his own. I didn't feel like talking to him, but I was willing to make an effort for Sub-Zero's sake. Later.

I had to admit, it was a lot harder to hate the guy when he looked so…human.

"So I see you got your things in the mail," I said as I turned back to Sub-Zero.

"Yes, thank you for sending them." He pointed down the small hallway. "Johnny has been holed up in his room for days."

"Doing what?"

"Writing a script."

"What? He never told me anything about that." I didn't know Johnny had it in him to write anything.

Sub-Zero shrugged. "He'll be happy to see you."

"Okay, thanks." I grinned at him. "We'll talk more later… About anything I may have missed…"

The icy ninja narrowed his eyes at me and shot a nervous glance at his counterpart on the couch—who was oblivious to anything that wasn't his sword.

"Really. I want to know about everything. But later." I gave him a chipper smile as I headed down the hallway to bother Johnny. Since he was apparently too busy to come out and see me.

I pushed open his door to find him lying sprawled out on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I groaned.

"I'm thinking," he replied casually. "I think better when I'm lying down."

I tapped my foot impatiently. "Couldn't make it to the bed that's five feet away from you, hmm?"


"Couldn't think to be a little more excited to see your girlfriend who just flew six hours to be with you, hmm?!"

He popped his head up. "Girlfriend?"

I wanted to wipe that stupid smile off his face. I was kind of hurt that he wasn't fawning over me like I expected he would— Oh, shit. I said girlfriend.

Johnny laughed. "Of course I'm happy to see you! This writer's block has just been kickin' my butt." He walked over and gave me a careful hug. "I'm sorry."

I didn't hug him back, but damn it if it wasn't difficult to stay mad at him when he smelled so good. "Yeah, well, okay. What is it you're writing?"

His face lit up. "I'm going to make a movie about Mortal Kombat! Genius, I know."

I could only stare at him in shock. Was that really a good idea…?

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll make sure some badass actress plays your character. Not that any woman could ever compare to your beauty…"

I shook myself out of my daze. "My character?"

"Yeah. I'm including everyone." He walked over to his desk and sat down, turning on the laptop that was placed there. "I'm changing names, of course."

"Oh, of course."

"And I'll be the lead, of course."

That comment forced me to release any irritation I had for him as I laughed. "I'm not really surprised."

"I know Liu was really the hero," he smiled sheepishly. "But c'mon, Johnny Cage has to be the star in a Johnny Cage movie."

I supposed it couldn't hurt to support him in this. An actor had to know about making movies, right?

I gave him an encouraging smile. "I'm sure it'll be a hit."

But I didn't know if I would be able to watch it. I still had nightmares about some of the things that happened in the other realms.

Johnny began to type away quietly. Not quite what I was expecting from my first visit here, but I didn't want to bitch at him too much.

As if sensing my disquiet, Johnny smirked at his computer screen. "I promise I'll be done here soon and you can have me the whole week to yourself. We can do whatever you want."

"Really? Whatever I want?" That came out more sensually than I meant it.

Johnny immediately turned toward me with a hopeful look on his face.

I blushed. "I didn't mean that."

He deflated and turned back to his writings.

I gazed over at his unmade bed. Johnny was more important to me than just a fling. And my heart almost stopped when a thought hit me. A thought that I somehow overlooked.

"Johnny, where am I sleeping?"

He spun around again in his swivel chair. "You're not gonna share a bed with me?"

"I guess I assumed I would get the guest room…"

"I'll keep my hands to myself, I promise! Besides, I'd feel bad about kicking Sub-Zero outta there. It's slowly starting to become his domain…"

"I guess it's not a big deal," I muttered. It would just be a great test to the strength of my self-control.

"Please, Sonya. It would make me so happy."

I could feel my face start to turn red again. "Oh, alright. Jerk."

"You were just waiting to say that."

"What is it?" I asked when his face suddenly turned thoughtful.

Johnny's brows furrowed together. "It's just you reminded me of something…"

"Spit it out." I motioned for him to continue.

"Well, a few nights ago Scorpion had this…meltdown or something. He woke Sub-Zero and I up from some kind of nightmare he was having. And I mean he was screaming and kicking—the whole deal."

I blinked in surprise. That sounded horrible.

"So, I figured it wasn't too bad, because he seemed fine later. I mean we all have nightmares from time to time, right? And I thought it probably wasn't a problem for a ninja." Johnny said the word 'ninja' with some reverence. I sighed. "He's been sleeping on the couch, too. I'm sure that could induce some weird dreaming. But anyway, the other morning when I was leaving my room to make some coffee, I saw Scorpion leave Sub-Zero's room to use the bathroom."

My mouth twitched as I fought not to react. "Go on."

"So I thought, 'Okay, maybe Subs is on the couch, then.' But nope. Sub-Zero came out of the same room a few minutes later. Weird, huh?"

Hoo-boy. Sub-Zero had some explaining to do.

"Did either of them see you?" I asked nonchalantly.

Johnny shook his head. "I don't think so. I just kind of stood there not knowing what to do. If they did, they didn't say anything."

Poor, confused Johnny.

"They were probably just talking in there," I said, acting unimpressed. "Talking about ninja things, and not wanting you to overhear."

My kind-of-boyfriend nodded slowly. "Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. Them ninjas…being all sneaky-like. For a second I was thinking maybe Scorpion was too afraid to sleep by himself." He laughed, dismissing the obviously silly idea.

Silly, my ass. It seemed like I missed quite a bit.

Johnny broke me out of my thoughts of how to corner Sub-Zero. "Now, about this 'girlfriend' business…"

"Oh no," I crossed my arms. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Aw, c'mon," he patted his lap. "Come sit and we'll discuss this."

"Very funny."

"You brought it up."

"That was just a slip of the tongue!" I argued.

"Come here girl, and slip me some more of that tongue."

"Get away from me, you pervert!"

He gasped in mock surprise.

"I mean it, Johnny. I will kick you so hard."

"Thy scourge on my heart only strengthens my will to love thee! Hurt as it may!"

"Johnny!" I laughed.

"Okay, okay, fine. We can talk about the label stuff later. But right now—come here."

I coyly took a step closer. "Why?"

"I just want to squeeze you a little."

The four of us went out to dinner that night at one of Johnny's favorite bars.

I hadn't had a chance to talk to Sub-Zero alone yet, but I was having fun making him uncomfortable just by winking at him and throwing some subtle head-motions in Scorpion's direction.

Johnny ordered a round of beers for us while the conversation turned to the likelihood of the ninjas getting real jobs.

"They don't have to," Johnny shrugged. "I don't mind playing host for a while."

I gave Johnny a look, then turned to stare at the ninjas seated across from us. "And how long is a while? Do you guys have any real skills? Y'know, pertaining to the usefulness in normal society?"

Scorpion scoffed. "I have more important things to focus my energies on."

"Like what?" I frowned.

"I'm going to hunt Quan-Chi down and kill him."

"I'm going to help!" Sub-Zero chimed in, already on his second beer.

I took a swig from my own beer, to keep from rolling my eyes.

Johnny put his arm around me. "It's really not a problem, babe. I can't tell you how many people I've mooched off of when I started my acting career. I'm sure our friends here will pay me back. And even if they don't I won't resent them for being lazy, lazy leeches."

Sub-Zero's tone was flat. "Thanks, Johnny."

I shifted in my seat, letting most of my weight lean into Johnny's side. He really was a good guy. All the more reason I didn't want him to be taken advantage of. But, I couldn't really imagine Scorpion or Sub-Zero in regular blue-collar jobs either. The former being unpredictable and hot-tempered, and the latter being a bit spoiled and arrogant.

More beer came and went as I filled them in on the situation with Sindel and our almost-finished home-grown portal.

"Looks like we'll be going back to Edenia soon," Johnny commented. I couldn't tell if he sounded excited or not.

I nodded slowly so as not to make myself dizzy. I felt warm and sleepy, having had a little more to drink than I originally planned on.

Scorpion shook his head. "I'm not going."

The muscles in my neck immediately tightened in frustration. "What do you mean you're not going?"

Sub-Zero nearly pouted. "Why not?"

"Why should I?" came the ex-dead guy's response. Bastard.

I leaned forward. "To help Kitana. To see our friends—Oh, that's right. You don't have any."

"Hey," Johnny pulled me back a little. He looked back to Scorpion. "C'mon now, what if we need your help with something? What if Tarkatans attack?"

"It has nothing to do with me," Scorpion stated matter-of-factly.

See? I wanted to tell Sub-Zero. THIS is the guy you're so lovesick over.

But the ice-powered assassin was already scowling at Scorpion. "You are going to Edenia. If it weren't for Kitana you'd still be locked up in that cell, being nothing more than a plaything for Mileena. Until she grew tired of you, or worse."

Scorpion's face was nothing but hard lines.

"And," Sub-Zero continued. "If it weren't for Kitana, her healers would never have worked so urgently to heal your wounds. How unfortunate would that have been—if the fearsome Scorpion died a second time from such unworthy injuries, unable to fulfill his quest for vengeance? You ARE going there with us, any time we are called upon, either by Kitana OR Lord Raiden, and you ARE going to shut up about it!"

Johnny and I were frozen, staring dumbly at the small scene in front of us. If I had been sober I would have probably noticed the worried looks from the other patrons in the bar, but as it was all I could do was hold my breath and hope to God that Johnny and I wouldn't have to intervene in any bloodshed that was most likely about to happen.

I was completely stunned when all the tension in Scorpion's large frame suddenly dissipated, his shoulders drooping, followed by grumbling. After a moment of brooding he said, "Fine. I'll go."

Sub-Zero nodded, looking absolutely pleased with himself. He turned to give Johnny and I a smirk that said There. That wasn't so hard.

"Whatever," I mumbled. Even if Scorpion was a great fighter, I didn't think we'd need him really. Or that attitude of his.

I glanced his way to find him staring at me. "What?" I snapped.

"I assume you've kept up with your training," he said.

It was starting to become difficult to hold myself upright. "I workout everyday."

Scorpion hummed in thought. "We've been slacking off. If we are expecting to fight, we should begin training. Tomorrow, preferably."

Sub-Zero seemed to agree. Big surprise.

But Johnny made a face. "I don't wanna. Besides, it's the weekend, Sonya's here, I'm writing a screenplay…"

"We've been idle long enough." Sub-Zero took the beer bottle in his hand and proceeded to freeze it to the tabletop, a puff of frost ghosting over my hand. "And drinking enough."

"Hey! Not in public!" I whispered sharply. Then, to Johnny, "What does he mean?"

My sort-of-boyfriend leaned back against his chair in exasperation. "Oh, c'mon, Subby. We haven't been drinking that much."


Scorpion let out a bark of laughter.

Ignoring Sub-Zero's new nickname, I poked Johnny in the ribs for more of an explanation.

"So we've been going out a few nights a week." Johnny said dismissively. "What's the big deal?"

"You two have been going out more often than not," Subby pointed his finger accusingly. "I don't always have the need for alcohol."

Johnny frowned. "So you don't drink as much as we do. Again, not seeing the problem here…"

I was only a little concerned that Johnny and Scorpion were suddenly drinking buddies. But they were adults, and I told myself only to really worry when it was apparent that one of them had a serious problem. The one being Johnny, especially.

"Could be using that money for food," Sub-Zero grumbled.

I looked at the former Lin Kuei. "Hmm?"

"There's next to nothing in his fridge," he explained.

Johnny let out an exaggerated sigh. "You know I don't cook! And I don't see you volunteering!"

Sub-Zero's face turned slightly pink. "I never said I could, short of roasting an animal on a spit. Just…somebody should."

Men. So helpless.

Johnny coughed. "Well, now that I think about it, we do have a cook in the family… Scorpion…"

Said man jumped when he heard his name—apparently busy daydreaming only to find the three of us staring at him.

"What?" he asked, wary.

"You're always boasting about how great a chef you are!" Johnny accused. "Cook for us!"

"Wha-? No, I don't!"

"Yes you do," Sub-Zero agreed.



I slammed the palm of my hand down on the table. "Okay, okay! Enough!" I turned to Scorpion, giving him my best 'you-better-not-fuck-with-me' look that I could in my condition. "So, we'll buy some real food stuff tomorrow, and you can cook for all of us."

Scorpion looked at all of us in turn, finding no sympathy.

"All right, fine," he growled. "I'll make the best damn meal of your lives. Be prepared to have your asses handed to you on a…plate of… Forget it."

I couldn't remember how we got back to Johnny's place that night. But the next thing I knew he was carrying me to his bed.

He laid me down gently and I grabbed his wrist before he pulled away.

"Thank you," I murmured, half-asleep. For what, I didn't really know. I just had the feeling I should say something. My eyes slowly began to flutter close as I felt him place a soft kiss to my temple.

I smiled and snuggled peacefully into the pillow. Thank you.

A/N: I'm a sucker for Johnny/Sonya. Hope you don't mind.

Now, I think it's time I answered some reviews since I've been away so long!

Your Failing Epicness: Don't die! I have more fluff planned! And I've been debating on whether or not to go full-blown(haha) smut in later chapters or just tastefully hint at it...maybe both. We'll see.

HavenRose: Thank you! I hope you weren't too disappointed that it took me forever to update.

Nightwing: Thank you so much! I'm improving...hopefully. Right now I'm a bit rusty but I want to give you guys the best I can right now. Oh and Smoke will come back, I promise!

Krazzykitteh: You're too kind, thank you! Haha, Smoke used to be one of my faves growing up. I can't leave him out for too long...but the gang is still gonna be in Earthrealm for a few more chapters I think. I try to plan things out ahead of time, but when I start writing the characters kind of take me somewhere else.

And thank you to everyone else that reviewed! And lurked! If even one person reads this story I will be happy to continue writing it. (:

Thanks again, cheers~