Kendall's Lessons on Abstinence

Chapter 1

"I don't know. Maybe we should have called first." Logan mumbled as Kendall knocked on the door of their former apartment, 2J.

"No, my mom loves it when we come over." The blond reassured, wrapping him arm around his boyfriend's shoulders. "Plus, this will be a nice surprise for her." He grinned down at the shorter boy.

When no one came to the door, Kendall knocked again. "Maybe they're not home." Logan shrugged.

Kendall tried the knob, the door swinging open. "Well, someone must be home. They wouldn't have left the door unlocked." He walked in.

"Kendall!" Logan scolded, reluctantly following the tall boy inside. "You just can't waltz in like you still live here." Kendall rolled his eyes, a small smile appearing on his lips as the short boy continued to lecture him about proper visitor etiquette.

"Relax, Logie," The blond chuckled, interrupting the genius in the middle of his rant about the importance of respect for others privacy. "I'm just going to look around for a minute and then, if no one is here, we'll leave." He promised, going down the hall to look for his missing mother and sister.

Logan rolled his eyes, sighing heavily at his stubborn boyfriend. He occupied himself for the time being, walking around his former home. He smiled fondly at a few family pictures that sat on the shelves. He picked up one taken of all four of them right after their farewell concert. It felt like just yesterday they were taking the stage for the first time, but now here they were - a year after their last concert.

Logan found a school in LA with a great pre-med program and Kendall got into college on a hockey scholarship. James had gone solo, Gustavo surprising them all when he offered James the solo deal at the farewell party.

Carlos spent a lot of time wondering what his calling was - he had since matured since he decided he wanted to be a super hero - until he tagged along with a friend to an audition. He never even planned to audition but the producers liked his look and his attitude so they gave him one. Turns out Carlos loves acting and he was great at it.

They all moved out of 2J shortly after. Naturally, being the sickeningly happy couple they were, Kendall and Logan moved in together. James and Carlos decided to save money and rent a place together. Katie also got into acting so she and Mrs. Knight could continue paying for the apartment and wouldn't have to go back to Minnesota.

They all dropped in on each other once in a while, seeing as they all lived within close proximity of each other. Once Carlos and James decided to drop by Kendall and Logan's apartment. The two didn't call or let either half of the couple know that they were coming over. To make a long story short, Logan was so horrified by the incident he became obsessed with calling before coming over, to prevent that sort of thing from happening again.

Logan had to admit that the odds of something like that happening again were slim, but when someone called they were even slimmer.

"Oh my god!"

Logan looked up from the picture in his hand at the sound of Kendall screaming. "Kendall?" He questioned worriedly, placing the frame back on the shelf. Just then another scream was heard, this one sounding more girlish.

Before Logan could react, a shirtless, red-headed teenage boy came running out, yelling for help, Kendall following quickly behind with a hockey stick gripped tightly in his hand, yelling a string of "Get back here" and "I'm gonna kill you" mixed with swears as he chased the half naked boy.

Logan ran grabbing his boyfriend's arm, holding him back, allowing the boy to scramble up the swirly slide to the safety of the balcony. "Kendall, wait," The short boy tugged on the blond's arm, trying to catch his attention. "What happened?" He asked once he got it.

Kendall's nostrils flared. "This punk was...he..."

"Big brother!" Katie came running in wearing an a boy's shirt that looked over-sized on her small frame, it almost reaching her knees.

Logan's eyes widened, an amused smile creeping across his face. "I knew we should have called first." He snorted, cautiously letting Kendall go.

Katie rolled her eyes at the genius' laughter and directed her attention back to her angry older brother. "What are you doing here?" She demanded.

"What am I..." The tall boy laughed at the absurd question. "I'll ask the questions around here. Who the hell is he?" He jabbed his hockey stick in the direction of the still frightened boy standing on the balcony.

Katie sighed. "That's just Tyler."

"Tyler?" Kendall and Logan both questioned, looking up at the boy waving shyly at them.

Over the years their young friend had lost his baby weight, now replaced with muscle. He had a growth spurt since they had last seen him. He was almost as tall as Kendall. Tyler's freckles had to since faded leaving his face looking more mature. He almost looked like a completely different person. No wonder the two didn't recognize him.

"Tyler?" Kendall asked again. The red head waved shyly at the intimidating blond staring up at him. He whipped his head around to look at Katie. "What was this little shit doing in your room while mom isn't here?" Kendall demanded, crossing his arms.

"Kendall..." Tyler started.

"You shut your fucking mouth." Kendall glared back at the teenage boy.

"Don't talk to him like that!" Katie glared at her older brother. "Logan!" She called desperately for the genius to help her calm down the tall boy.

All this time Logan was sitting back, trying not to get involved. He knew from experience that you didn't want to get caught in the cross fire of a Knight confrontation. The Knight family were known to be stubborn leaders. It was their way or no way.

They would argue with a stop sign if it got in the way of how they wanted things done. (1)

Which explained Logan's hesitance to get involved when Katie turned to him. "Uh..." He directed his gaze to his fuming boyfriend. "Don't you think you're over reacting...just a little, Kendall?" He asked cautiously.

Kendall gaped at the short brunett, while still managing to keep his death glare in tact. "Over reacting? Over reacting? Logan, this..this...this butt-muncher," He screamed pointing at Tyler. "Was about to do know...with my sister! My baby sister! The bastard is lucky to even be alive right now!"

"He has a point, Katie." Logan tried to rationalize with the brunette teen.

"I'm not a baby anymore, Logan." Katie glared slightly at her brother's boyfriend. "I'm sixteen and mom trusts me to be alone in the apartment with Tyler."

"Obviously she shouldn't." Kendal cut in. He directed his gaze back to Tyler, flashing a humorless smile. "I'm so disappointed in you Tyler. You used to be a kid I could trust."

Katie rolled her eyes with a scoff. "You sound like mom." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Speaking of mom," Kendall moved his attention back to his sister. "How do you think she would would feel if she knew her teenage daughter was having sex while she wasn't home?" The blond crossed his arms also, beginning the infamous Knight stare down.

Logan shifted his eyes from one sibling to the other knowing they were both too stubborn to back down any time soon. At one glance, the brunet could tell Tyler felt the same awkward tension he did - but that could be from standing half naked around this many people for so long. Finally, the silence was broken by Katie breathing heavily. "I don't see what the big deal is." She continued to glare at Kendall.

"The big deal is that you're sixteen and too young have sex." Katie rolled her eyes dully as the tall boy continued to lecture. "You should be older - much older - and married!"

There was a short pause as the teen thought. "You and Logan were having sex when you were sixteen." Katie pointed out with a small smirk. "And I know you're still having sex now're not married." She shrugged.

Kendall gaped at his little sister, her response obviously catching him off guard. The blond turned to his boyfriend for help only to find he was also stunned as well as embarrassed, a small red tint dusting his cheeks. "'s different." He sputtered.


"It just is!"

"You're being a hypocrite, big brother." Katie was still smirking at the flustered couple.

"I-...You know what? So what if I am? The point here is I'm your big brother. I'm supposed to look after you! And if I let you sleep with him, then what kind of big brother am I?"

"A cool one?" Katie stated. Though it wounded more like a question.

Kendall groaned. "No, a bad one! You're not sleeping with him. I won't allow it. As long as I'm your big brother, it's never gonna happen."

"Well, you don't live here anymore, so you won't be around all the time. You can't stop me." Katie crossed her arms defiantly.

Kendall twisted his face into what Logan has now come to call the 'stink face.' He only made it when someone got him frustrated enough to silence him but he still too stubborn to back down. Katie was obviously right about Kendall not being able to stop her from having sex as soon as he left. But he could damn well try to prevent it. "Okay, baby sister, I'll make you a deal." The blond smiled at the idea forming in his head. "You won't have sex with him," The tall boy sent a glare up at Tyler, who cowered back in response. "and I won't have sex with Logan."

"What?" Logan and Katie exclaimed.

"Yep, we'll be abstinent together." He smiled. "I'll set an example for you as your big brother to wait until you're married to have sex."

The teen thought for a moment. "You're really not gonna have sex?" She raised her brow.


"At all?"

"None." Kendall shook his head.

She thought for a while longer, seeming to weigh her options. "Fine, but if you do have sex and I find out, and I will, I'm having sex with Tyler." She stated firmly, placing her hands on her hips.

"Katie..." Tyler chuckled nervously from the balcony.

"Shut up, Tyler." The brunette glared.

Kendall shot a glare toward the red-head as well before turning back to his sister. "That seems fair." He gritted out.

Katie grinned, extending her hand. "You've got yourself a deal, big brother."

Kendall grinned as well, shaking his sibling's hand. "Great, now everyone is happy." His smile dropped upon seeing the furious look on his boyfriend's face.

1) My parents, teachers, and friends say this about me all the time and I think it's hilarious.

So, this will have more Kogan in it. I promise. This is just a starter plot that's going to drive us into a deeper plot and then bring it all the way back. I don't know if any of you followed that, but good job if you did :)