Me: Miss us?

Finn: I know you did.

Me: Give us a hug!

Finn: Through the computer screen?

Me: … it's possible.

Finn: Who knows with you.

Me: Exactly! So anywho, KKPJ begins!

Finn: I'm betting on eighteen chapters!

Chapter 1

Percy POV

"Ha!" I stabbed and slashed open the straw dummy. Poor thing couldn't fight back. "Hiya!" I said loudly. Then, I realized that everyone was sleeping and I should be quiet. Eventually I got tired of beating up a defenseless dummy and went to the beach. I always likes the beach, maybe because I was a Poseidon kid. No, Percy, that's definitely not it, I said to myself sarcastically. I was out after curfew, which meant if harpies found me, I was going to be eaten, which I wasn't too afraid of because I have faced a lot of worse things. I jumped in the ocean and swam far out. I keep forgetting that I can breathe underwater and I almost started to surface for air. Silly me. I dove down deeper. I felt something brush up against my leg. I looked down and almost had a heart attack when I recognized it as a man-of-war jellyfish, one of the poisonous ones. I was freaking out and having a spazz attack when I realized that it wasn't going to hurt me.

Your father needs you, Son of Poseidon! Oh, yeah, did I mention that I can understand fish? It seemed cool at first and then whenever I ran into a single fish, while swimming, or just at the pet store, they screamed at me 'Son of Poseidon!' It was cute and now it's just plain irritating. But if they say that my dad wants to see me, I was on my way to his magical kingdom. I swam in and the hammerhead shark guards let me through. His throne was empty, but the room was not. His stupid son Triton, a three-tailed merman, wiggled around the room smugly.

"Hello, Perseus," he said in a challenging voice. I wanted to tell him that I don't speak Stupid and if he could repeat that in English, but my dad came in carrying a boombox and a gold seashell.

"Triton! Your mother wants you," he said.

"Go to mommy," I said softly. He heard me, glared at me, then swam away.

"Which do you like better for the game room?"

"Umm, dad, didn't you need to…"

"Answer me! Which one do you like better?" Poseidon exclaimed. I sighed.

"The boombox, I guess."

"Okay! The gold seashell it is!" He threw the boombox over his shoulder and it crashed into a wall of coral. I gave him a puzzled look.

"You needed to see me…?" I started.

"Oh yes! Follow me, boy." He went off into one of the coral rooms. I guessed it was a bathroom by the shower curtain made of seaweed. After a while, he lead me into this polished marble room and sat down in a chair made of brain coral.

"My thinking chair," he explained.

"Ah," I said, suppressing a smile. He actually thought the brain coral chair was going to help him think?

"I called you down here because I received a disturbing message from…" he shuddered. "Florida."

"What's wrong with Florida?" It's a sunny state there, and surrounded by the ocean.

"Disney World," my dad said.

"What? What's wrong with Disney World?" It would be amazing to finally go to Disney, but of course, that's impossible in my world.

"It's much too happy, singing mice and ducks, and whatever the heck Goofy is," he said, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"I think he's a dog," I pitched in.

"But he talks! Why isn't Pluto talking, hm? So many things wrong with that place. Anyway, I heard the Oracle left Rachel's body, and inhabited an elder man's body to inform someone of a prophecy." First of all, the Oracle left Rachel's body? That's news to me. But no one really ever tells me anything. And second, a man? The Oracle always inhabited a female, I know, random, but whatever.

"Was the prophecy for new demigods in Florida?" I asked.

"No, so be prepared for random 'guests' to show up," Poseidon said. I sighed and it was quiet for awhile.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Hmm?" Poseidon opened his eyes wide and looked startled at me.

"Yes, you're still here?" he asked. I sighed again.

"No, goodbye father," and I swam out towards the surface of a Camp Half-Blood lake, where random visitors would show up. Entertainment, always a presence in my life. Lots of sarcasm.

Finn POV

I chewed on some gum as Willa tried to pop her ears, which freaked me out because I always imagined someone's eardrum exploding. I shuddered.

"Do you need gum?" I asked her.

"What?" Maybeck said loudly behind me, probably blasting Green Day on his iPod or something.

"Nothing," I said. I looked at Willa and was about to repeat the question.

"What?" Maybeck yelled louder, destroying the blissful silence on the plane. I felt everyone staring at us. Charlene, who was sitting next to him in the row behind us, ripped out his earbuds.

"I'm not talking to you," I said.

"Oh," he said in a lower voice. He went back to his music and I asked Willa again.

"Sure, that would help," she said. I gave her a piece and she chewed it, relieving myself of the eardrum exploding situation. Amanda, who had the window seat next to me, pointed out the window.

"Look! You can see everything from here!" I leaned over and saw nothing but a bunch of white clouds.

"Wow, thanks for showing me the sarcasm," I said sarcastically. She smiled and went back to some book.

"What're you reading?" I asked.

"It's about mythological monsters and stuff. Really cool! They also show you a bit of martial arts, on how to do a perfect headlock, or stomachbusters." I didn't really want to know what a stomach buster was. She punched the air and moved her arms around that was supposed to disarm the enemy, but all it did was knock over my water cup. Willa handed me a napkin and I wiped up the spill.

"Hey," someone tapped my shoulder. I looked and it was Philby, showing me the screen of his laptop.

"While we're in New York, we can see The Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, and oh! Central Park!" he said.

"Umm, that's sounds fun Philby, but I think we're going to have our hands full with half-gods," I said, hating to rain on his parade. He frowned and went back to his laptop. I sat back in my seat, with nothing to do, but wait for the plane ride to be over. Willa poked my shoulder.

"What?" I asked.

"The girl on the aisle across from us, with the punk-style hair, gave us a weird look when you mentioned half-gods. And she's also about to rip off the armrests off her chair," she whispered. I looked and I saw a girl with black hair and dark blue eyes glaring at us.

"Well, it's not like half-gods are mentioned a lot around here," I whispered back.

"She's also wearing all silver, like a statue or something." I turned to the others behind us and pointed her out to them.

"Meh, her clothes don't go with her hair. They… clash," Charlene said.

"I'll keep a Philby eye on her! Wazaa!" Philby made a karate-chop on his tray table and sent his water cup spilling.

"What?" Maybeck said loudly. I sighed. This is going to be a long flight.

"Hooray! Off the plane!" Willa said cheerfully.

"There's your bag," Charlene pointed to a dark green suitcase rolling around the conveyor belt. Willa dashed off to retrieve it.

"Where's mine?" Philby whined. We scanned for a black duffel bag with clothes and other items but couldn't find it.

"There it is!" Maybeck said.

"My bag? Where?" Philby asked.

"No! I found a song that I lost on my iPod!" he exclaimed. I didn't know you could lose a song. Philby frowned. Then, we saw it hiding behind Charlene's pink suitcase. We went out into the smoggy air and stepped in an awaiting taxi. Willa handed the driver the address of our hotel. He sped off, slamming us to the back of our seats, hanging on for dear life as he zoomed in and out of traffic. He made a sharp right turn and everyone was sent flailing to the right, smushing Maybeck into the window. Then he suddenly jerked left and everyone was sent flailing to the left, smushing me into the window. Cars honked and the city flew by. Charlene tried to take pictures, but we went by too fast and with all the swerving, it was hard to stay put. She eventually gave up. Twenty minutes later, we reached our hotel. We gave him the money and got out as fast as we could. Maybeck stumbled out of the car and tripped over the curb. Willa helped him up.

"That was terrifying," Amanda said as the taxi sped away.

"Agreed," Philby said. We checked in and gave us a suspicious look at our group of crazed teenagers without parental supervision. Wayne got us a suite because he said he had 'friends in all the right places'. It vaguely reminded me of a One Republic song. I didn't know who this friend was, but it worked. We were sent to a three-queen bed suite., with a pull out couch, room service, and a flat screen TV. It had an awesome view of the New York, New York skyline, so Charlene was snapping pictures constantly. I arranged the bed schedule accordingly. Philby and Maybeck on one bed, Willa and Charlene on the other, and I was NOT sleeping with Amanda so she slept on the pull out couch and I made a comfortable bed on the floor. Amanda and I would rotate through the nights we were here.

"Look at that dude! He's jogging in his pajamas!" Maybeck laughed. I got up to see, and sure enough, a man with pajamas and slippers was running through the sidewalks and no one seemed to care. I studied the streets and saw the black haired girl from the plane.

"What the heck?" I said. As if she heard me, the girl looked up, twenty floors away and smiled at me. Nothing like being stalked in New York, the city of passion.

Me: Thalia's stalking you!

Finn: I need a thinking chair.

Me: I know you want to sleep with Amanda.

Finn: NO I DON'T!

Me: Don't get so defensive! It's just a story!

Finn: But you have some strange power to bring it to life.

Charlene: -appears- Smile! –takes Finn's picture- -disappears-

Me: OOH! You have fangirls now! Look out the window!

Finn: -looks out the window-

Fangirls: FINN! FINN! FINN!

Finn: That's… weird… wait, why is Philby down there?

Me: Well that's the first chapter of KKPJ!

Finn: And Maybeck! Oh, probably getting girls. –opens up window- MY FANGIRLS! NO FLIRTING MAYBECK AND PHILBY!

Fangirls: FINN! FINN! FINN!

Me: Someone's defensive of their fans! I knew you liked them.

Finn: Maybe… until they do that at two in the morning.

R&R? Or fangirls (or guys) will wake you up at two in the morning. Yuck.