A/N: The following fic is brought to you in Spooky Vision. Be warned, all To Be Continued's will be accompanied by pictures of Barbra Streisand. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

"Good evening Students." Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister and his drone in Hogwarts said to the student body in the Great Hall after dinner.

"Good evening Professor Umbridge." The hall chanted back.

"You ugly toad." Harry whispered to Ron and Hermione who snickered.

"I have in my possession a book of Harry Potters deepest, Darkest secrets." Umbridge sneered. "It appeared on my desk this afternoon. Naturally I thought dark magic was afoot, but after examining it closely I determined there was nothing dark about this book."

Harry glared up at Umbridge. Why couldn't she leave him alone? What would the Council have to say about this? What would Master Kulde have to say?

"I shall read the first chapter-"

BANG! There was a burst of smoke and Sirius and Remus appeared. Wands where drawn and aimed at Sirius.

"NO!" Harry shouted using his dragon chi to protect Sirius as spells and curses where fired at him. "Anyone wants to hurt Sirius you'll have to go through me!" His eyes opened again and they where slitted.

His dragon eyes. He means business. Hermione thought.

Those who didn't know about Harry's dragon powers where confused about his eyes.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore's voice quieted the waves of protest. "No one will shall harm another person in this Hall."

"But Professor!" Ernie Macmillan protested.

"None shall be harmed." Dumbledore said firmly and Ernie backed down.

Harry hugged both Sirius much to the surprise of the Students and Remus. The two then sat next to each other at the Gryffindor table.

"Will you please begin Dolores?"

Umbridge, furious at having been bested, began reading.

"Chapter 1: The Awakening of Hidden Blood." Umbridge read.

"What hidden blood?" Malfoy asked curiously

"You'll see Malfoy." Harry said with a smile, proud of being a dragon. Though not proud of who his ancestor on his father's side was. Though he had destroyed the Dark Dragon last year shortly after Cedric's death, the battle was still fresh in his mind.

Quirrel snapped his fingers and ropes bound Harry. "Now stay put Potter, I must examine this interesting mirror."

Harry perked up and looked where Quirrel was staring. It was the Mirror of Erised. Harry tried to get a closer look. Without Quirrel noticing him doing so.

"Use the boy...use the boy..." Harry heard a faint hiss like whisper that chilled his blood.

Harry shivered. Though he had faced worse than Voldemort, this still shook him.

"Who else is there? Where are you?" Collin asked.

"You'll see." harry said again.

"Come here Potter!" The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher demanded. "Now!"

The ropes unbounded Harry and he walked over cautiously. He was roughly placed in front of the mirror. He saw himself holding the stone and smiling.

"What?" Ernie asked in confusion.

"It shows your hearts desire." Harry explained. "My desire at the time was to find the stone, but not use it."

His mirror self put the Stone in his pocket, and Harry felt a lump inside his pocket in real life. Somehow, incredibly, he'd gotten the stone.

"Brilliant idea by the way Professor." Harry called to the staff table and Dumbledore chuckled.

"What do you see?" Quirrel asked sharply.

"I-I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore." Harry lied. "I've won the House Cup for Gryffindor."

"Believable lie." George nodded.

He was shoved aside angrily and Quirrel examined the mirror again.

"He lies...he lies..." The voice hissed as Harry started to leave quietly.

"Damn." George swore.

"Come back here! Tell the truth! What do you see?" The madman demanded with fury in his eyes.

"Let me speak to him, face to face."

"Master you are not strong enough!" Quirrel protested to the voice.

"I still can't believe it was Quirrel." Ron said. "He was such a wimp!"

"I have strength, enough for this." The voice insisted and Quirrel obediently turned around so the back of his head was facing Harry. He started unwrapping his turban, and Harry froze in fear. A horrid face was protruding out of the back of Quirrel's skull. With red slitted eyes and slited nostrils.

Hannah Abbott screamed out loud.

"Harry Potter." The thing hissed. "We meet again."

"Voldemort?" Harry asked in shock.

"HE'S DEAD! THIS BOOK LIES!" Umbridge shouted so desperately that many questioned her sanity.

"Yes, you see what I've become? See what I must do to survive? Live off another, a mere parasite!" Voldemort said angrily. "Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it can't give me a body of my own. You saw faithful Quirrel drinking it for me in the forest that night Harry. But there is something that can. Something that funnily enough, lies in your pocket."

Harry suddenly broke into a run.

"Good." Fred nodded. Though they where Gryffindor's they knew when to run away. Like when Snape was smiling for instance.

"STOP HIM!" Voldemort demanded and a soon as Quirrel snapped his fingers black flames blocked his path.

"Don't be a fool. Why suffer a horrific death, when you can join me? And live." Voldemort suggested. "Your parents died begging me for mercy."

"That's a lie." Harry hissed, some smoke coming out of his nose much to the confusion of the students.

"LIAR!" Harry shouted. His blood boiling with rage. A fire within him had awaken.

"Dragon fire." Harry whispered proudly.

"Bravery." Voldemort said cooly. "Your parents had it too. Your mother needn't have died, she was only trying to protect you. Tell me, Harry, would you like to see your mother and father again? Together, we can bring them back. All I ask, is for something in return."

Harry seriously considered this option. Then decided against it. No spell can reawaken the dead. "YOU LIAR!"

"But the Scarab beetle can. " Harry muttered.

"You considered it?" Sirius asked, smacking him upside the head. "James and Lily would rather burn in hell than be revived by Voldemort."

This also confused the students. All their parents said that Death Eaters called him the Dark Lord.

"I know that now." Harry said. "I was eleven." He defended himself.

"KILL HIM!" Voldemort ordered and Quirrel flew at Harry and grabbed his throat.

"NO!" A first year protested then blushed remembering Harry was still alive.

Elsewhere, a tall, black and purple dragon with yellow eyes felt something. A pulse. He grinned. "At last, there is someone worthy of my blood."

"The Dark Dragon." Harry glared at the mention of his ancestor.

"Who?" Ernie asked. What did dragons have to do with anything? Weren't they just mindless monsters?

Harry felt something surge inside him. Like a roar of fury. Perhaps he only imagined the cries of "Harry, Harry!" As he let loose star filled emerald green flames from his mouth. Burning Quirrel to cinders.

"Woah." A first year said in awe.

Harry smirked, proud of his unique dragon fire that was filled with stars. His grandfather told him extremely powerful dragons had unique dragon fire. He was half right. Though Jake had normal dragon fire he was still stronger than Harry. Though this took many years of training.

And then there was blackness. Down and down and down he went. Suddenly, he saw something gold. The Snitch! He tried to catch it, but he couldn't lift his arms. They where too heavy.

"Good afternoon Harry." Professor Dumbledore's face came more into focus. Too much focus. Harry struggled to sit up on his elbow and felt his face. He wasn't wearing his glasses but, he could see perfectly.

"Sir, what happened to the Stone?" He asked.

"You weren't even concerned about your health?" Madame Pomfrey tsked.

"Why did you stop wearing glasses?" Sally Anne-Perks asked. "Did you get contacts?"

Harry merely smiled mysteriously.

"Relax my dear boy, the Stone has been destroyed." Dumbledore assured him. After a lengthy discussion, including Dumbledore's refusal to tell him the truth as to why Voldemort wanted him dead, he finally asked about his sight and the fire.

"Madame Pomfrey sent some blood work to Sr. Mungos." Dumbledore told him. "Apparently your situation awakened a long hidden line of dragon blood passed down through the Potter line, and oddly enough, your mother's line. Apparently she wasn't who we all thought she was."


"Your school?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Last I checked Albus Dumbledore was still Headmaster. And you have no grounds on which to expell me. Do you need to go to St. Mungos Madame Umbridge?" He asked not using the title of Professor because she didn't deserve it.

"I...what...Dragon?" Ernie sputtered, flabbergasted.

"What?" Harry asked in confusioin. "Dragon?"

"There are two types of dragons in the magical world Harry." Dumbledore started explaining. "Feral dragons, which are seen in reserves and in the wild, and dragons that can shapeshift into human form." Harry gaped.

"Cool!" A Gryffindor dragon enthusiast second year said. His dorm mates groaned. He had dragon posters, fantasy novels, even a few plushies on his bed.

"And I have this, shape shifting dragon blood?" He realized."

"Apparently so. And, I have particularly good news for you. We have found your mother's family."

Harry's heart leapt. "Where are they?"

"New York City."

"You live in America now?" Malfoy asked curiously.

"Yep. My cousin is the American Dragon." Harry said.


"It'll probably be explained." Harry said.

"I'll read." Sirius said and he levitated the book over to himself with his brand new wand that Ollivander made for him free of charge. "Chapter 2: End of the Year."


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Dean the Cuddly Fox