I can't believe this story is finally finished! I never thought that I would EVER write a love scene for these two because Dave's heart (IMHO) belongs to Em. Anyway, I took this story on as a challenge to see if I could do it. Sorry if it isn't smutty enough, but if I should ever go down this road again, it will take time to build up to smut. Thanks to all who have reviewed and/or alerted.

Song prompt: "One Kiss From You" by Britney Spears

One Kiss From You

Pen's mouth dropped open in shock and surprise. "Kiss me? Are you crazy?"

"I've been called that a couple of times," Dave replied evenly. "Mostly by my ex wives."

"I can see why!"

Dave's eyes flashed with humour. "What's wrong?"

"You! Here we are trapped on an elevator in the middle of the night and you make a pass at me! JJ was right!" Pen shot back.

"JJ was right about what?" he asked evenly.

"That you're the reason behind most of the fraternization rules at the FBI," Pen said confidently, but the second the words were out, she bit her tongue.

Dave stared at the tech analyst for a few seconds before he threw his head back and laughed.

"What is so funny?" Pen asked.

"I wondered when that was going to come up in conversation."

"So, you're denying it?"

"Not denying it, Kitten, but I may have to correct you on a few things."

Her eyes narrowed at the older agent. "What few things? That you nailed more women than what is on the books? That three ex wives is just the starting point of a few more we don't know about?"

Dave grinned broadly. "No, the three ex wives are just that. No more. No less." He shifted his weight. "As for the dozens of women I supposedly nailed during my first tour at the Hoover Building…let's just say that my reputation precedes me."

"Oh?" Pen's heart beat fast.

Dave shrugged. "I don't even think the number hit a dozen."


"Scuttle butt around the water cooler can really boost a man's ego…" He bit his lip thoughtfully. "It can also destroy it, too."

"But you are the FBI Lothario," she protested. "You raised the bar for everyone else to crawl under."

"Trust me, there were agents out there with more tarnished reps than mine."

"So, what happened?"

"I got caught."

"By Strauss?" she joked.

"Actually, it was with Strauss."

"The Ice Queen?" Pen shrieked.

Dave winced. "That was my ear, Kitten. And yes." He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. "She was young and I was stupid, and somewhere in there we got caught up in lust."

"I don't think I want to hear any more," Pen begged.

"Well, if I leave out the raunchy details, there isn't much else to tell. We broke up and I got a letter of reprimand in my folder. Shortly afterward, I wrote my first of three books, got married, and then retired," Dave replied.

Pen soaked in his confession. "That's all?" she blinked. "That's all?"

"That's all…for what?" He was confused.

"I thought it was more sordid than that!"

"Like how?"

Pen nervously wrung her hands. "I don't know. Maybe some office orgies, or late nights in the broom closet. Or the wife of the Director."

"Well…" Dave looked sheepish.

Pen sat up straight. "You didn't!"

"I'm not saying that I did, but I'm not saying that I didn't," Dave replied.

"Agent Rossi…"


"Agent Rossi," Pen repeated. She couldn't think of him as a man. She could live with the reputation and the larger than life legend, but knowing he was a living, breathing, real life man was too much for her to deal with.

"Can I ask you a question?" Dave replied.

"Sure. Am I going to like it?"

"I don't know," he confessed, "that is why I'm asking."

Pen swallowed nervously. "Okay."

"Why have you and Derek not 'hooked up'?" He made the motion with his fingers to hit home his point.

"Honestly?" she asked. Dave nodded. "Because I love him too much."

Dave paused. "Let me get this straight: you and he tease each other to the point of setting a room on fire, but when it comes down to actually crossing the line, you can't because you love him too much?" Pen nodded in agreement of his assessment. "Tell me that I heard that wrong?"

"I love him like a brother."

"You have brothers."

"How do you know about my brothers?" she whispered.

"There's nothing I don't know about you. I know that your father died when you were two and your mother remarried a man who had four sons. When your parents died, you dropped out of high school and ran away. Then you taught yourself code while living underground. Things get sketchy, but I think I can figure out what happened during those years." He reached out and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

"What else do you know?" she asked on a shaky breath.

"You were arrested for hacking into the IBM headquarters and planting a Trojan in the system. You were given the option of prison or the FBI…either or which are about the same….you don't have relationships. You wear your individuality on your sleeve so people will shy away from you before getting too close. You adopted the team as your family and you feel deeper than anyone I know."

"Wow! You are a great profiler!"

"Profiler my ass," he scoffed. "I read your file."

"What?" She blushed at the thought of David Rossi delving into her personal life.

"I wanted to find out more about the woman who had stolen my heart."

"Wait! What? Stole your heart?" she squeaked. "When?"

"It's a toss up between seeing you in the hospital bed after you were shot and when I was interrogating you."

"I hated you then," she confessed. "If I had had a gun, I would have shot you for doing that to me."

"I think Derek would have given you his service weapon if you had asked him," Dave joked. He paused. "I hated do that to you. But I had to."

"I know that now. I still have moments where I want to shoot you."

"Stand in line, Kitten."



"My name is Penelope. You can call me that."

"No, I can't."

"Why not?" she breathed. He hadn't moved an inch, but suddenly he seemed so close and the box seemed to grow smaller by the second.

"Because if I do, everyone will know that I'm in love with you. Listen," he ordered in a low tone. "Penelope." The word seemed to roll off his tongue in a way that defined seductiveness. Her mouth went dry. Twice she tried to swallow.

She licked her lips. "I…"

Dave moved in closer. "Say my name, Penelope," he murmured as his head ducked toward hers.


Capturing her lips with his full ones, Dave relished in the moment of feeling her against him. Moving softly, he took his time discovering every single inch of her lovely mouth. Using his tongue, he traced the seam of her lips over and over until she opened her mouth and let him in.

Pen groaned as her tongue mated with Dave's in a dance as old as time. He tasted of cigars and the scotch he had had earlier and her body melted against his. So, this is what all the fuss is about, she thought as Dave wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss.

Suddenly the elevator shifted and a loud hum permeated the air. Dave pulled back and looked at the woman in his arms.

"The elevator is moving," he observed.

"It is," Pen affirmed.

"We better stand up before we get caught."

"I've caught things happening in this elevator that would throw your Lothario rep out the top window," she teased.

"And we're sitting on the floor?" Dave asked. His voice was full of disgust. Gingerly, he pulled himself to his feet. Extending a hand, he helped Pen up.

"Well, I did tell you that I didn't want to sit down."

"Good point."

"But you also said that I would call you 'Dave' by the end of the night," she breathed.

"We were both right."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened. Slowly they walked to Pen's apartment door. As she inserted the key into the lock, an uncomfortable silence fell between them.

"So, I guess this is good night?" Dave wondered a loud.

"Not if you don't want it to be," Pen replied and turned to face the man who had given her first real kiss.

Dave leaned against the door frame. "Are you inviting me in?" he drawled.

"And if I am?" she shot back but her eyes twinkled.

"I'm honoured." He looked her over from head to toe and back. "I heard that not many people are invited in."

"Only the really special ones are."

Dave's eyes darkened. "How special am I, Penelope?"

"Very special." Her eyes flicked up to his.

Taking his hand in hers, Pen guided him into the apartment and closed the door.

"When will Esther be ready?" Dave asked as he took Pen into his arms.

"Another week…or two…depending on when they can get the part and I can scrounge up the money for the repairs," she admitted breathlessly. His cologne was filling her senses and making her light headed.

"So, that means that I will be giving you a ride home every night?" he asked.

"And a ride to work every morning," she joked.

"What ever you want, Kitten." His hand cupped her soft cheek.

"You also made me a promise."

"What is that?" he asked.

"You said that if I said your name, you would kiss me," she breathed.

He arched his eyebrow in question. "Oh?"

"Dave. Dave. Dave. Dave. Dave…" she chided before his mouth covered hers to effectively cut off her chant.

Five Daves. He figured that could take the rest of the night to make up in kisses.

And it did.


(Hope you enjoyed the story, but please don't alert this story because it is over, done, complete, and finished. Thanks!)