I heard the rusted gates slowly creak open before they slammed against the fence. As I walked out into the cool autumn evening, I turned back once to look at the place I had been locked away in for the past two years. Shuddering slightly, I quickly turned back and began taking my first steps as a free man.

My euphoria was short-lived when realization hit me. I had no money, no food, and no home. Worry filled me and I wondered where I could go at this hour. Suddenly, I remembered one person who didn't have the heart to turn down anyone in need, not even if that person had almost destroyed London. I did regret what I had done. I regretted deceiving those who had trusted me, ruining all those innocent lives, but most of all, for some strange reason I couldn't fathom, I felt worse for what I did to a certain girl than anybody. Flora Reinhold. She was so kind, and I probably shattered what little trust she had in others. Pushing away those thoughts, I nodded my head decisively. I would go to the Professor and ask to stay with him, until I could get back on my feet.

It was well into the night when I reached the house. Everyone must've been asleep, since no lights illuminated the building. I debated whether or not I should wake them up, but quickly made up my mind. My needs were much greater than their need for sleep. I rapped against the door loudly. A light from the upstairs flickered on, and I heard light footsteps pad up to the door. It inched open, and a tired looking Flora poked her head out.

"Is there anything I can help you wi–" she started in a sleepy voice before cutting herself off abruptly. Her dark brown eyes widened with shock as she recognized me. "C-Clive!" she gasped.

"Hello, Flora. Is the Professor available? There's a matter I need to discuss with him."

"No, he's not." she replied tersely.

"What do you mean? Look, I know we're not on the best of terms, but this really can't wait until morning."

"I don't mean he's asleep and doesn't want to be disturbed. I mean he's not here. The Professor and his apprentice have gone on another one of their adventures. I don't know when they'll be back." I wouldn't have thought Flora could say anything with as much scorn as that.

"Ah, I see. Well, then perhaps I could discuss it with you."

She sighed. "What do you want, Clive?"

Seeing that she was going to listen, I straightened up. It was business time.

"I just got out of prison, and I've no where to go. I really don't want to impose, but–"

"Fine. You can use the guest room. We can talk more in the morning, if you want, but you can stay as long as you need." Flora stopped leaning against the doorway and began going inside. I blinked. Grabbing her shoulder, I turned her around so she was facing me.

"That's it? 'Fine'? Don't you want a bunch of reasons why you should even bother letting me stay? Aren't you mad at me? I kidnapped you, for God's sake!"

Flora looked at me in surprise. "I know you feel bad for what you did," she began quietly. "I know what it's like to lose everyone, to be left behind. I can't say I would have done anything as drastic, but Clive, I do understand. And I made up my mind a long time ago to forgive you. So when I say it's fine, it really is." She gave me a small smile. "Now, can you come inside already? I'm quite cold."

Dumbfounded, I followed her in. Maybe I should've been focusing more on what I was going to do to get my life in order. But as Flora showed me my new room, and even as I began to drift off, only one thought ran through my head.

She understood.

A/N: Well, here's my first story ever. There's basically no Clive and Flora stories, (and pretty much no PL stories either). I'd really appreciate reviews. Let me know what you think!