Longest chapter to date for this story. Thank you so very much for all of your encouragement, gentle pushes towards bringing these two together and all of your feedback. I really feel honored.

Please enjoy…


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With an "ooof" she tackled him to the ground and begin to roughly maneuver his hands behind his back. Getting them cuffed, she quickly began the pat down on the squirming perp.

"Geez lady what are you trying to do? Kiss me or something," the sarcastic voice asked her.

That was all it took for her anger to reach its boiling point. She yanked the hoody back revealing a head of dark hair and roughly tried to turn the assailant over so she could get a glimpse of his face before she began using her own snarky comments on him.

The brown eyes that peered back at her almost sent her flying backwards. There was no possible way that she could have done this twice, and to the same man to boot. Andy suddenly felt dizzy as she exclaimed, "Sam!"

He smirked at her clearly enjoying having caught her by surprise. "Say it a little louder sweetheart, I don't think they heard you down at the station."

After Sam's remark, Andy merely blushed and swallowed. She knew saying his name could blow his cover and that was the absolute last thing that she wanted to do. Andy let her eyes wander around the alley way to make sure that they were alone, then she searched the windows of the building to make sure that no one was overly interested in a police officer taking someone down in the alley way. When she was satisfied that no one was looking, Andy made the decision that she wasn't going to blow his cover this time. Andy would play the part and figure out a way to make sure Sam got out of this with his cover intact, even if she have a little wounded pride to do.

"You do know that I can actually hear you thinking," Sam teased at her with a smirk on his lips despite the fact that he was still laid out on the ground with Andy practically sitting on top of him.

She narrowed her eyes at him just as he wiggled beneath her causing her eyes to widened at his blatant innuendo at this extremely inappropriate moment. Normally she would have played along with him, but right now, Andy wanted to cry. She couldn't believe that she had not only tackled Sam twice now, but that she had been with Oliver, and ruined his UC op for what could be the second time. She wasn't exactly sure what bad thing she had done in her life, but she was definitely unlucky.

Andy was trying to get Sam to stop joking around while she thought of a way to get him out of this in case anyone was watching. Footfalls behind her caused her to spin, pivoting on her knee that was pressed into Sam's back, causing him to grunt a bit, but she determine he'd get over it later. Seeing Oliver jogging up behind her she set her mouth in a grim line and looked at him in an amused manner that gave him a bit of pause as he holstered his gun.

"Whatcha got there McNally," he asked closing the distance between them. He had also noticed that she wouldn't meet his eyes.

"A pretty major problem."

Oliver merely raised an eyebrow at her in a questioning look as he bent down to help her get her suspect standing. As Oliver reached for the man's shoulder, his head whipped around and Oliver saw the face of his best friend staring at him, mischief in his eyes and a dimples in full view.

His shock was momentarily written across his face until he let out a whistle. "Well, well, well McNally. It seems you have a knack when it comes to catching your man."

While Oliver laughed at his own joke, Andy stood up mortified, as she helped him get Sam to his feet.

"This isn't funny. Boyd's going to kill me!"

"McNally," Shaw leered at her with a grin. "This is hysterical. It could only happen to you. Look at it from my perspective you just made my whole week!"

"You let me chase him," she countered clearly exasperated at his having found humor in this situation. "You seriously think I'm the only one who's going to get reamed out for this?"

Sam's grin was getting bigger listen to Andy argue with her temporary partner. As they were standing there, he remained silent, but his grin was taking over his features. He loved antagonizing Andy a little bit, seeing her get all worked up about his UC kind of made up to him, just a little bit, for all the times she made him worry about her. But his grin wasn't so much from the tables being turned as from Andy not realizing where they were all standing at the moment. This was going to make it that much more interesting.

Sam had missed a few words of their exchange, but Andy's exasperation at Oliver broke him out of his own thoughts as he watched the dynamic play out between Andy and his best friend.

"What?" she questioned clearly annoyed at the look Oliver was giving her.

"You know what." Short sweet and to the point. Sam's eyes were volleying between the pair.

"You let me," she huffed.

"I didn't let you do anything."

"You told me to go after him," she counted.

"You don't listen to Sam!" Oliver put his hands on his hips. "Why would I ever believe you'd actually listen to me!"

"Because you're the senior officer," she counted still maintaining a firm hold on Sam.

"Ha!" Oliver snorted and glared at her tugging Sam a bit more towards him. They had gotten so into their argument that they had practically forgotten that it was Sam that they were playing tug of war with.

"Senior officer my ass McNally," Oliver exclaimed leveling his best "dad" glare. "Right now it's not really Boyd that I'm worried about. I think you're trying to get me killed."

Andy opened her mouth to counter Oliver with a biting retort when Sam interjected into the conversation.

"What the hell could Andy have possibly done to get you killed by anyone other than Boyd?"

Both mouths simultaneously shut as their heads whipped to face Sam. Sam looked at both sets of widened eyes and guilty looks before narrowing his eyes at them. Andy worried her bottom lip a bit as a blush crept to her face while Oliver's had drained slightly of color.

"Spill it," Sam deadpanned looking between them.

"Nothing to worry about," Oliver told him evenly. "She hasn't gotten so much as scrape or hair out of place."

Sam snorted and Andy glared at Oliver but begin getting a nervous fidgety air about her.

Oliver looked at Andy and then back at the buildings and let out a sigh. He certainly recognized where they were, but clearly McNally hadn't yet in her astonishment and trying to keep him quiet. Please, as if he'd actually spill that secret to Sam. Oliver wondered to himself just how Sam was going to manage to pull this off, but he knew he needed to give him a little space to work his magic.

"Let's get out here before someone actually starts paying too much attention to what we're doing." Oliver stated nodding towards the cruiser at the end of the alley. "McNally, give me a minute to radio ahead so we can keep Jerry about of the car port. Don't want any accidently revealing that Sammy's a copper again." Oliver smirked at Andy's blush and Sam's dimpled grin. "Of course, that's if you're not magically going to slip out of those cuffs and take off Sammy?"

"Nah," his grin got a bit more cocky. "I'm good. McNally caught me fair and square. I deserve this." His eyes slid over to Andy before he continued, "Give me a minute?"

"Sure," Oliver quipped. "Take five."

Sam and Andy watched Oliver head back towards the cruiser, cell phone already in hand trying to call the station to alert everyone that they had Sam. Or so Andy thought at any rate.

Sam turned to Andy with a smirk and saw her looking around for signs that anyone was watching this ridiculous scene unfold.

"No one's watching Andy," he stated with just a hint of amusement in his voice.

Her eyes shot over to him the question already written on her face. She didn't even have to ask him. One of the things he loved most about her. He could always feel what she was thinking. Sam took a step towards her.

"Op is over Andy. Ended this morning," he clarified for her.

She jumped in reaction to his comments and looked around. "Then why did you run?"

Sam smirked at her and honestly loved that she hadn't put the pieces together yet. "Take these cuffs off and I'll tell you."

Andy hurried reached behind him to release the hand cuffs from his wrists. She looked at him in confusion and took a step back from him as she watched his face.

Sam rubbed his wrists and gave her a lazy smile. "Do you know where we are McNally?"

Andy looked around and at the alley way and out of the building. She shrugged and looked at him clearly annoyed. Andy wasn't finding this game of twenty questions very amusing. "Should I?"

He grinned and wrapped his arm around her shoulders pulling her closer. "See that window you chased me out of," he pointed and looked at her face. "That's where just over two years ago this over eager rookie on her first day chased me down the fire escape after kicking in the door with a crappy lock. Then, she actually had the nerve to tackle me and ignore me when I told her I was on the job. She hauled me in to the station proud as a peacock, where my best friend ruined 8 months of undercover work."

Andy bristled against him and tried to pull away. She couldn't believe that she didn't remember that building or this alley. It was such an eventful day how she could ever forget or not realize where she was at the moment was kind of astounding.

"I get it," she said dejectedly. "I screwed up again."

"Nah," Sam teased brushing her face lightly. "Best day of my life. Didn't realize it at the time, but I was going to fall in love with that over eager pain in the ass, trouble attracting, danger magnet of a rookie."

Andy gasped and turned to look at him. His face was serious, but his eyes were shining. "So arranged this didn't you?"

Her only answer was a wide grin on his face. "You did all this to tell me that you're home," she asked incredulously.

"Nah," Sam smiled and leaned down to get on his knee in front of her. "I did all of this ask you to marry me in the place where you effectively barged into my life and changed it forever."

Andy let out a gasp as she watched Sam pull box out and look up at her expectantly. She couldn't find a single doubt in his eyes and at that moment she knew her answer without a doubt, because the alternative was too painful.

"Yes," she whispered her eyes tearing a little bit.

A grin over took Sam's face as he beamed standing up to place the simple emerald cut white gold engagement ring on her finger. "You sure McNally," he teased. "You don't sound all that sure of yourself."

She looked into his eyes with a new resolve and happiness. "I'm sure."

"Good," he said cockily to her as he leaned in to kiss her. "I'd hate to have to take this ring back and try again with Monica or someone-"

Sam was effectively cut out by her reacting and taking his knees out from under him causing him to crash into the ground, but not before maneuvering to take her down with him. They landed with a thud, Andy elbowing him in the gut on the way down. For a moment spots danced across his vision and he felt her weight on his chest. When his vision cleared, Sam saw his very angry fiancés face and knew that she didn't find him too funny.

"Sam," Oliver yelled at him. "What do you think you're doing you could have hurt her or the-"

"Shut up Shaw," Andy's terrified voice said as she whipped her head up to look at him pleading with him to be quiet. Under normal circumstances, Sam might have laughed at this ridiculousness, but the way that Oliver was worrying over Andy and her sudden bought of assertiveness in silencing the senior officer gave Sam a bit of pause.

From his vantage point on the ground under McNally, Sam was starting to get worried about her, and when he worried about her, he got angry. "I could have hurt her or the what Ollie?"

Andy looked down at him guiltily. Oliver just stayed silent.

"Sam, you love me right," Andy asked trying to look anywhere but directly at him.

"Yes McNally," he countered unamused. "That very expensive ring I just put on your finger is tangible proof that I do and that I want forever with you."

"Okay," she drawled out clearly not confident.

"You're getting heavy McNally," Sam's controlled voice belied that he was actually getting annoyed.

"Well I hope you don't mind overly much right now," she countered looked at him. "Because I'm going to be getting a lot heavier soon."

Sam looked at her pointedly clearly not understanding where this was going. Oliver chuckled a bit realizing that his friend was about to have his world totally tip sideways but that he'd be so overjoyed he'd be bound to do something that would give him ammunition for a few weeks.

"Sam, I'm, um," Andy struggled and took a deep breath. She looked into his eyes with a slight smile that told just how scared, unsure, but happy she was at this moment. "I'm pregnant."

Sam merely blinked a few times and looked at her face. A megawatt dimpled grin broke out over his face as the realization that he was going to be a father came to him. He pulled Andy's face towards him for a passionate kiss before breaking it to rub his nose against hers, "Really?"

"Really," she smiled. "Are you happy?"

"Ecstatic." He grinned at her. "Best day of my life."

Hearing Oliver sniffle a little bit, Sam turned to face him and then moved to get up and leaning down to help Andy.

"You knew," he accused his friend. "When I called you yesterday, you knew?"

Oliver shot his hands up in surrender. "Yeah, but I'm her partner. Plus you made me promise to take care of her."

"Thanks brother," Sam extended his hand to shake his best friend's hand and pulled Andy closer planting a kiss on her forehead."

Just as they were about to head towards the cruiser, Best's voice crackled over the radio. "Shaw, McNally, Report."

Oliver grinned at his two friends who didn't know that back at the station, everyone was anxiously awaiting the outcome. Bets had been placed, and Oliver knew that they were all waiting to know who got told what news first.

"Andy's got a Bohemian Rhapsody here," Oliver quipped grinning at the pair. "Sam too."

There was a momentary pause before an amused Best came back over the radio. "Congratulations. See you at the barn."

The trio headed to the car laughing and making jokes. Oliver enjoyed telling Sam that he'd have to ride in the back, because there was simple no way he was letting a uniformed officer sit back there. At Sam's glare, Oliver laughed and opened the door for him. Halfway to the station, Sam noticed a new piece of equipment on the dashboard and decided to ask about it, he was separated from this fiancé and the mother of his child by a cage after all.

"Hey Ollie," he asked curiously. "What's with the new do-dad on the dash?"

Andy's shoulders started shaking and Oliver grinned widely looking in the rear view mirror. "Oh that?"

"Yeah," Sam rolled his eyes at him.

"That's the new dashboard camera that Frank wanted to test out. McNally and I drew the short straw, had it a couple days now."

Sam narrowed his eyes at his friend and leaned forward. "When does it record Shaw?"

"Whenever the car is running." Oliver's reply was simple, but Sam could hear the teasing note to his voice.

"You caught it all didn't you?"

"Yep Sammy boy, I did," Oliver teased. "Now we're all going to get McNally take you down for the second, and well the third time. Tough guy my left nu-"

"Oliver." Andy admonished.

He grinned and looked at Andy. "You know what I'm thinking right now?"

Sam and Andy looked each other momentarily and then spoke bored voices in unison. "Bohemian Rhapsody."

"Yes!" Oliver said excitedly. "Best operation phrase ever!"

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An epilogue may follow. But only on demand. Thanks for sticking with me on this crazy ride.