A/N: My first slash fanfic, dedicated to 2spiffy! So, of course, it had to be Drarry! Anyway, read and review!

I was in the bathroom, the one with Moaning Myrtle, crying.

No, not crying, sobbing.

Like a weakling.

"Look at the mighty Draco now." I sneered at my reflection, "I wonder what Potter would say. If he saw you like this. Probably nothing. Potter isn't one to make fun of people."

Perfect Potter. Everyone loved him. He was The Boy Who Lived. The slayer of Voldemort. Well, they thought he was.

"But he's back." I muttered, "And he chose me." I scowled at this. I had been chosen by Voldemort. I was just as important as Potter. Even more so, now that the plan was coming together.

But, I wanted out.

I wasn't a killer. I didn't want to watch people die. I didn't want to be the cause of their death.

At this realization, my sobs gained force. They echoed through the room, a sound of agony.

Suddenly, I heard a small sound behind me. I whipped around, wiping my eyes, and there he was.

Potter himself.

"Malfoy?" He raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I snapped, my voice wavering. I cursed silently at how weak I sounded.

"Are you alright?" I saw a flash of concern in his eyes, and then it was gone.

"Of course." I scowled.

"You don't look alright. Besides, you're in a girls bathroom." He pointed out.

"Well, I'm fine." I frowned, willing him to leave.

"Are you sure?" He prompted and I exploded.

"Why do you even care?"

He thought for a moment "I don't know. Why do I?" With this, he slid closer.

"You tell me." I slid back, bumping into the sink.

"I don't honestly know." He slid even closer, forcing me to slip into a corner.

I was trapped.

But, I didn't think he was planning on killing me.

"Well..." I stammered, my back against the wall.

"Well." He grinned slightly and my heart stopped momentarily.

"You should go." I stuttered and he grinned even wider, moving so close I could feel his breath on my face.

"What if I don't want to?" He whispered and my heartbeat sped up.

"You don't have to." It slipped out before I could stop it.

"Really?" Harry smirked and laughed, "You wouldn't mind?"

I started to answer, but he stopped me by kissing me, lightly, on the lips. I didn't even consider what might happen or who might find us, I just kissed him back. After a moment, he pulled away.

"You're crazy..." I murmured, but meant it in a good way.

"Of course." He turned and walked away, leaving me to wonder what had just happened.

And if it might happen again.