Hi, This is my first ever fanfic and its based off of the characters from CP COULTER's 'Dalton' story, so if you haven't read that yet this won't make much sense. Other than that let me know what you think. All criticism is welcomed. I'm not as talented writing these things as some others are, but I've read a hell of a lot of stories and really wanted to write this as a one-shot as you guys call it. I read through it a few times trying to perfect the grammar the best I could. I'm not totally in love with the ending, I started losing inspiration for it, but seen as its my first one and I really wanted to post it I thought what the hell. Please review it anyways, thank you.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, full rights go to CP COULTER.


Logan Wright was having a bad day. One of his many bad days.

He sat in his room searching for something to do but nothing could distract him from the argument he just had with his father. It replayed over and over in his mind like a bad song.

It was the usual fight about Logan not taking his medication regularly. Yet somehow no matter how regular these fights were, they always made him just as angry.

He sat at the window seat in his room that he shared with his best friend Derek Seigerson.

Other Stuarts, Windsors and Hanovers were walking around the grounds in casual clothing, a strange sight to see when 5 days of the week all boys would look the same in their blazer, dress shoes and behave themselves, except the Windsors as usual.

The sun was just setting and he sighed as people where leaving campus to go about their antics. Logan was cold, angry and.. alone. Completely and utterly alone.

He sighed pulling at the hem of his button up black shirt with matching black jeans, and running a hand through his blonde locks trying to compose himself.

All of a sudden Derek storms in. The door flies open with a loud bang making the blonde come out of his own little world and jump a little startled. Derek's flushed and looks like hes about to strangle someone.

The Stuart Prefect doesn't bat an eyelid when the door slams shut and he turns back to fixating on the scenery out the window, when Derek clears his throat, standing a few feet away with his arms crossed over his chest.

'Whats the matter? no date on a Friday night? wow shocking.' The Prefect commented, with his usual smirk as his green eyes glared at Derek.

The Athlete scoffed. 'Actually Logan my problem is with you and how much of a dumbass idiot you are'. He smirked, he knew that'd catch Logan's attention.

'What are you talking about?' Logan glared at him again, turning to face him.

'Hmm let me see.. the fact that our best friend Julian is leaving Dalton and you're sitting here looking out a freaking window?' Derek's brown eyes shot daggers at Logan as he raised his voice.

'WHAT? Why?' Logan looked at Derek with a shocked expression.

'Yep. I'm guessing you don't care or else you would have been trying to stop him, seeing as its your fault hes leaving anyway.' Derek sat down on his bed, putting his elbows on his knees and his face into the palms of his hands running his fingers through his hair when he exhaled loudly. Logan stood up and marched up to him.

'I didn't know he was leaving. And how do you figure its MY fault?' Logan snarled, a flash of anger streaming across his eyes, mixed with confusion.

Derek looked up. 'Well go talk to him then' he replied at a low but athorative tone.

'Not until you tell me how the hell you think this is my fault!' Logan snarled again, glaring at Derek wildly, getting more worked up by the second.

Logan and Julian were friends. It was a messed up relationship. They argued, insulted each other, fought, glared at each other, and the odd time It'd get physical and Derek would have to step in. Its never a peaceful night in the Stuart dormatory common room when the Hollywood primadonna and the Prefect would get riled up and start going at it. But in the end they were some breed of friends.

The Prefect couldn't deny that the Actor was a good friend at times when at other times he simply wanted to snap him in half or stuff a sock down his throat just to shut him up. They fought, but he didn't want him to leave.

Logan couldn't understand how this was his fault. What had he done? What had he said? sure he hasn't been the best company lately but surely Julian won't leave him now.. he can't.

Derek sighed. 'Look Logan, Julian is leaving to do some movie but theres some crazy stalker threatening to kill him if he does' Logan's eyes widened, but Derek continued. 'He says he doesn't care, and that he just wants to get away from Dalton and...' Derek went quiet.

'And what?' The Prefect stared, awaiting his answer.

'and away from you.' Derek replied finally looking up at Logan.

'What? Why? Who knows?' Logan said in a tone that sounded hurt and annoyed at the same time.

Derek was annoyed now. 'For gods sake Logan, every Stuart knows, and maybe even Windsors. Just go fucking see him, I'm not telling you anymore'.

Logan's expression was unreadable. Hurt, anger, worry and confusion all flashed over his eyes, and something else unreadable, something that seemed so deep that Derek couldn't figure out. Lust? Love? Sorrow? Care?

Logan was quiet for a moment until one emotion stuck. Anger. He turned on his heels and stormed out of the room and down the long hallway. The Stuarts that were there parted like the red sea. Nobody wanted to be in the firing line of Logan's wrath and they felt sorry for the person on the receiving end.

Usually Derek would have chased after him to stop him from going phychotic on Julian, but he felt he needn't do it this time.

Logan arrived outside Julian's door where he could see the light drifting out from underneath the door and shining on the floor. He didn't stop to knock, since the door was opened enough to not need a key card.

He barged in, the door nearly falling off the hinges as it hit the wall loud startling Julian who dropped a pile of clothes onto the floor. His suitcase was on the bed and the walls that were once covered in posters & pictures of the trio from their first day was gone, completely bare..

'LARSON' Logan snarled, storming into his once, decorated dorm room, slamming the door shut securely behind him so hard that the entire wall shakes.

'What, Wright?' Julian hisses back, picking up the clothes he dropped and placing them in one of three suitcases he has nearby.

Logan can't help but notice the puffiness of the actors eyes, and the tear stains down his flushed cheeks.

Julian obviously notices when Logan is staring at and viciously wipes his cheeks and turns away.

'What the hell do you want, Logan?' Julian spits viciously.

'Why the hell are you leaving? Why am I the last to know of everyone in Stuart? And why didn't you tell me you were getting death threats? We're supposed to be best friends. Or does that mean nothing to you? Derek told me one of the main reasons you're leaving is because of me, again I ask WHY?' Logan basically roared as he paced the floor, his fists clenched tight causing white knuckles.

Julian turns to face him, his eyes still puffy. 'I'm leaving because I signed a new movie deal. Why you're the last one to know, I don't know. And friends? Please.' Julian scoffed and continued. 'We never really were friends, were we? Why the hell do you care if I leave anyway? I didn't think you would notice.' He paused for a second and spoke again before Logan interrupted. 'Why Derek told you I'm leaving because of you, I don't know.' Julian said in a low voice, eyes staring at the floor.

'You're lying.' Logan replied, matter-of-factly. 'We have a twisted friendship for sure, and you're a pain in the ass diva but that doesn't mean I wouldn't have noticed that you were gone. The peace and quiet would've given it away.' He glared viciously at his friend, noticing the silent tears falling. 'I also don't believe you saying that I'm not one of the reasons you're leaving. I don't know what I've done differently in the last three years we've known each other, Jules'.

Julian's head snapped up, the tears stopping, as if something had just set an alarm off in his head. 'You're so stupid, Lo, just leave me alone. I'll be gone in the morning and you won't ever have to see me again or deal with my Diva ways.' Julian went to his closet to take out more clothes.

Logan was really pissed off now. 'I'm not leaving until I get the damn truth, Jules, you're not crying for no damn good reason.' There was some sort of sincerity in his voice, it was an odd thing to hear from Logan Wright, the blonde with the temper that can charge on you at any given moment if not medicated, which obviously he was not.

Julian ignored him, packing more clothes and his necessities until Logan walked towards him, eyes blazing.

Logan gripped him by the wrists by his side and slammed him into the wall with a loud thud that hurt. He searched for the Actors eyes but he turned his head to the side.

The Prefect was shocked to see that Julian had his eyes closed shut with silent tears running down his face again, and then he noticed his body was trembling against the wall.

The blonde was now more worried then angry, but still annoyed that Julian wouldn't meet his eyes or talk, so he spoke. 'Jules, tell me whats wrong, please'. he said in a low, but demanding tone. His hot breath on Julian's neck sent shivers down the actors spine.

Julian tried to hold back his tears, and also tried not to focus on how Logan was in his personal space. He'd fantasized about this many of times where Logan slams him against the wall and kisses him with passion, but no. He can't think like this, he needs to move on from Logan although he knows one look into those glimmering green eyes and hes a goner.

'Julian' Logan hissed.

Julian doesn't open his eyes or look at him, but Logan can feel him tense. 'Get. Away. From. Me. Now.' Julian says in a demanding tone, trying with all his strength he can muster up to wiggle free from Logan's grip, but its no use. Logan is taller and stronger than he is.

'Not until you tell me whats really going on here.' Logan response somewhat calmly.

Julian puffs out a breath and his eyes snaps open, he stares intently into the green ones in front of him now. ' Are you really that fucking stupid, Blondie?' Julian snaps.

Logan tries to stare him down, but its not going to work this time although he feels Julian tense more. 'I'm warning you Logan, let me go right now.'

'Not a chance.' He replies with a smirk, somewhat challenging Julian.

Julian thrashes against him, doing his best to get Logan to release him, but its just no use. He has an idea. Lie.

The actor takes a shaky breath and closes his eyes as if to compose himself. 'I'm just stressed about my stalker, okay? now please.. just please let me go.' he replies in a begging tone.

'I know thats not all it is, Jules, I know you're lying about something, or hiding something from me, and I will keep you pinned up against this wall as long as it takes to get it out of you, and you know I will, Julian, so stop wasting time and just spit it out.' he says in a low but serious tone. Julian stays quiet and looks away from the piercing green eyes until hes pulled away from the wall and slammed up against it again.

'What are you running from, Larson? What are you hiding from? You're acting like a dog thats got its tail between its legs, this isn't you.' he says calmly.

'I'm not running away from anything.' Julian replies, probably with too much emphasizes on the word 'Thing' as Logan caught on.

'From someone then? Is someone else giving you problems here at Dalton? Is that it?' Logan asks, somehow inching closer.

'The only person giving me problems is you, Logan, right now. Just let me fucking go.' Julian hisses.

'You know I get what I want, Jules, theres no chance you're moving until-' hes cut off by Julian.

'Guess what Logan? I don't care anymore, I don't give a damn about you, about Derek, about this whole freaking school, I am done, I'm tired of you, I'm tired of all your drama with your boyfriends, I'm tired of being there all the damn time picking up the pieces after you, making sure you take your meds, trying to calm you down when you get riled up. And for what? to be pinned against a fucking wall because I want to keep some things to myself.' Julian's words drip with venom. He takes a large shaky breath. 'Its like I'm there when you want me to be, Logan, when you don't need me you don't even look at me.' He says in a whisper.

The Prefects eyes are wide, realization sets in. 'What do you mean I don't 'look' at you?'

Julian's eyes widen as he realizes what hes just said. 'I- um' he stammers, dead give away.

'Are you gay, Jules?' Logan asks in a soft tone. Shit, Julian thinks.

'NO'. Lie.

Logan pulls him away from the wall and pushes him back again, yet not as hard this time.

'Well which one is it then?' Logan asks with a slight smirk.

'What do you mean, which one is it?' Julian replies, very confused.

'Blaine, Joshua, Kurt? Its obvious the someone you're running away from is someone you have a crush on.' Logan says with sincerity.

'Come off it, Wright, its none of them, I'm not even gay, now let me go.' Julian snarls, getting angry again.

'Defensive I see. Since you said its none of them I'm guessing its someone else you like.' The prefect replies casually.

'I don't like anyone, I'm not gay.' Julian says, exasperated.

'Bisexual then. And if you don't like anyone then why are you acting so prissy and leaving?'

'Don't call me a priss, Wright.'

Logan smirks. 'Oh why? what are you going to do about it? last time I checked I was the one who has you pinned up against the wall because you're being a diva who won't tell me what the hell is wrong with you.'

'YOU'RE WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME LOGAN, YOU'VE ALWAYS BEEN WHATS WRONG WITH ME.' Julian shouts in his face and turns the other way, red with anger and embarrassment. 'Shit' he hisses to himself. 'This only is going to lead to more questions' he thinks to himself.

'What have I done thats always been your problem?' Logan asks and doesn't seem fazed by whats just been said to him, yet his eyes are glittering dangerously.

'You and your stupid problems with your anger, boyfriends, family, everything thats about you Logan.' He uses the things that he knows will hurt Logan.

'If you were so annoyed with me, why did you still keep hanging out with me?' Logan hisses, his jaw clenched.

'I felt sorry for you.' Julian replies with a smirk.

'Bullshit, Larson, and you know it.' The Prefect pauses for a moment. 'I also know you're lying about being gay.'

'So what if I am? Whats it to you anyway?' Julian says, looking anywhere but the venomous green eyes piercing into his brown ones.

The fact that I actually have a chance with you now that I didn't know these past 3 years since I've had a crush on you? Says the voice in Logan's head.

'Just tell me the god damn truth.' Logan snarls, becoming impatient again.

'You couldn't handle the truth, Wright.'

'Try me, Larson.'

'Oh what the hell. I'm in love with you Logan, I have been since we met 3 years ago and you never noticed. You where always looking at Blaine or Joshua or even freaking Kurt. I was always just the best friend and nothing more.'

Logan was stunned. He couldn't believe this. 3-fucking-years? and he didn't say anything? what the hell? Logan was even more shocked to notice silent tears dripping from Julian's eyes again.

'Jules' Logan said softly

'Wha-mfp' Julian couldn't finish what he was saying.

Because Logan was attacking his mouth viciously with his lips.

Is this real? am I dreaming? I'm going to wake up soon, I'm sure of it. Julian thought in his head.

After a couple of seconds of shock the Actor responded eagerly to the kiss as the Prefects hands where running up and own his muscled chest.

Logan broke the kiss, still having pinned Julian to the wall. His forehead against Julian's and heavy panting from the both of them.

'Straight my ass, Larson. You're as gay as they come.' Logan smirked, biting his bottom lip and pulled away slightly.

'Why did you do that?' Julian snapped.

'Just to test the waters of curiosity, to see if you were gay and to see how much of a good kisser you are.' Logan smirked again.

He seriously did that to lead me on? just to tease me into wanting more? Oh man my head hurts.. Julian's brain was running a 100 miles an hour.

'You only kissed me for your own sick fucking game?' Julian said, hurt.

Logan's eyes widened as he saw tears trickling down Julian's face. Guilt.

He closed the space between him and Julian. Grabbed Julian by the face and kissed him soft and passionately. Logan could feel the tears against Julian's cheek.

Julian pulled away. 'Why are you k-kissing me I-if you don't love me back, Logan? Stop playing me like this, I'm leaving Dalton.' Julian said hurt, more tears coming down his face.

Logan grabbed his wrist and started to wipe away the tears gently. 'You're not going anywhere because you didn't give me a chance to talk, Jules. What you don't know is I've had a major crush on you since we first met but I always thought you were straight so I tried not to dwell on it. The only reason I put up with your diva self is because I think you're hot and theres something about you that just makes me go wild. Blaine, Joshua and Kurt where just distractions from you. You're not leaving me, Julian, no way in hell.'

'Y-you mean that?' Julian asked wearily.

'I really do, Jules.'

'I-I don't believe you. I've been in love with you for three years and you've never noticed me or caught on to the obvious hints I was giving you.'

'Thats because I believed you were straight, Julian. But now that I've kissed you I can tell you're as gay as they come.' Logan smirked.

'Give me one reason why I shouldn't just walk out of Dalton right now and never look back, Logan.' Julian said, in a serious tone.

'Me. Give me the chance to show you that I care about you Julian, give us a chance, this relationship.' Logan replied.

Julian hesitated until Logan brought him closer to his chest, wrapped his arms around the smaller boys waist and put their foreheads together.

'Do you really want to miss out on what we could have, Jules?' Logan asked in a husky tone sending shivers down the Brunets spine.

'Okay.' Julian breathed, looking up fearfully into Logan's green piercing eyes.

Logan smiled against Julian's forehead and brought his lips down to meet the Actors in a soft, gentle reassuring kiss.

Logan was Julian's now, and Julian wasn't leaving Dalton, or letting go of Logan.

'You're mine now, Julian, we're going to make this work, I promise.' Logan whispered.

Julian nodded and held Logan close, as they knocked the suitcases off the bed and Julian laid on the Blondes chest as he played with the Brunets hair.

'Logan' Julian whispered.

'Yes?' he answered calmly.

'I love you, Lo'

'I love you too, Jules.'

They fell asleep in each others arms that night.