It had been almost exactly a year.

A year since Professor Juniper had gifted him, Cheren, and Bianca with their first Pokémon. Twelve months since Bianca's enthusiasm over said Pokémon had destroyed his bedroom. Four seasons since the trio had taken the first step of their journey in unison. Three hundred and sixty-one days since Black had met the enigmatic teen now standing before him, a myriad of emotions flitting unhidden across his pale face.

"There... there's something I want to talk to you about," he beckoned for Black to come closer, then turned on his heel and led the confused boy deeper into the throne room. Down a long hallway they walked in silence before N stopped abruptly.

"It's about when I first met you. In Accumula Town. I was shocked when I heard what your Pokémon was saying. I was shocked because that Pokémon said that it liked you. It said it wanted to be with you." He hesitated and walked a bit further, fiddling with the Menger sponge at his side. Soon enough he stopped walking and plowed ahead with his monologue.

"I couldn't understand. I couldn't believe there existed Pokémon that liked people. Because, up until that moment, I'd never known a Pokémon like that. The longer my journey continued, the more unsure I became. All I kept meeting were Pokémon and people who communicated and helped one another. That's why I needed to confirm my beliefs by battling with you. I wanted to confront you, hero-to-hero. I needed that more than anything."

He started walking once again and Black wondered if the movement was simply excuse for N to collect his thoughts. The pair reached a set of stairs and N motioned him to stop while the green-haired boy continued on alone toward a large hole in the wall. Reaching the middle of the raised platform he turned to face Black, the dying sun's rays illuminating him from behind.

"There's no way..." he began, bowing his head. "There's no way a person like me, someone who understands only Pokémon- no..." N chuckled sadly. " I didn't understand them, either. No way could I measure up to you, when you were surrounded by so many caring friends, both human and Pokémon..."

He walked further and this time Black followed, concerned, as N seemed close to falling through the gap in the wall. The taller boy's toes rested on the edge as he stared out across the illuminated autumn landscape. "The Champion has forgiven me, and... what I do now is something I'll have to decide for myself." He tossed a Pokéball into the air, releasing Zekrom who greeted the outside world with a loud roar.

For the first time since Alder and Cheren had left with their prisoner, Black found his voice. "N... what will you do?"

N turned to face him again, smile brilliant but sad. "I don't know yet. But Black! You said you have a dream. That dream... make it come true! Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it will become your truth! If anyone can do that... I feel sure it's you." In an abrupt movement, he swung himself on to Zekrom's back. "Farewell, Black. And... thank you."

Black's eyes widened and he rushed forward. "No! N, wait!" he shouted. "You don't have to-" He stopped, mid-sentence. Already N was too far gone to hear him.

Black gritted his teeth and rocked back on his heels. The boy he had run into nearly as often as Bianca and Cheren, the man who had been integrated into his life, the enigma he had puzzled over far more than was warranted for the past year had just up and left, vanished into the Unova sky. The lanky teen hadn't even had the courtesy to tell Black where he was going or give him any sort of legitimate closure that he would be satisfied with!

Well, he wasn't the type to let things go. And there was still time to catch up.

"Reshiram!" The white dragon burst out of its Pokéball as if it had been expecting his call. Black had just positioned himself on the beast's back as Cheren appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "Black! What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm going after N!" Black shouted to his friend- his best friend, the boy he had known all his life. "I... I'll be back, Cheren! I promise you, I'll be back! Just wait for me!"

He leaned forward and spoke to Reshiram. "Please, follow Zekrom!" The dragon bowed its head in comprehension and took off, leaving Cheren in its wake. Black could hear him shouting what were probably obscenities as they flew away and bit his lip. He would be back soon enough, he was sure. Then his friend could rage at him to his heart's content.

They flew for what seemed like an eternity. Only a few times toward the beginning of the journey did Black catch a glimpse of Zekrom ahead of them, the rest of the time he simply had to trust that Reshiram had better senses than he. The temperatures at flying altitude were terribly cold; even burrowed in Reshiram's thick coat he felt it. Somehow, though, he managed to sleep through most of the night. When he woke it was to the hazy grey light of early morning, and Reshiram was approaching a small green landmass that Black previously had only seen in an atlas.

As he was craning his neck to the left to get a better view of the land below, a threatening roar erupted from the opposite side causing Black to whip around so fast he nearly fell off Reshiram's back. Before them hovered a massive green snake, coiling its body and lashing out, hissing aggressively. Reshiram stopped its advance into the region, hovering just in front of the monster.

"Reshiram," Black murmured, trying to keep as quiet and still as possible. "Can you start going down? Really, really, slowly?"

The dragon did not confirm that it understood, but Black felt it begin its descent toward the greenery below. He continued to watch the opposing beast warily, one hand cautiously undoing the clasp of his bag. If I can just reach Braviary's Pokéball... he thought. Reshiram seemed to be picking up speed; they were close enough that Black could pick out individual trees on the forested land. His fingers, still numb from cold, closed around the Pokéball he had engraved with Braviary's name. Triumphantly he jerked it out of the bag and-


Braviary's Pokéball slipped from his fingers and as Black lunged for it, his bag fell off his shoulder, spilling its contents into the nothingness below. The sudden movements provoked the sky snake into darting to attack Reshiram, who plunged quickly down toward the trees. Black overbalanced as the descent quickened and fell off Reshiram's back and into the forest, breaking the canopy and hitting a multitude of branches on the way down. He heard a couple of different things crack and suddenly- pain. Then nothing.

Author's Notes:

First, disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon.

Second: This is not a CaféMocha fic. Sorry, everyone. But this has been nagging at me for quite a while.

Third: This will be my first multi-chapter fic. Exciting, yeah? I hope I'll keep you all interested. :3

Fourth: I currently do not have a beta reader, so if you see anything wrong I do appreciate you nicely pointing it out so I can fix it!

Last: Thanks for reading! Chapter One should be around soon.