Disclaimer: Nothing~
Notes: This is purely fictional. I was in an angsty mood and felt like doing this. Don't get me wrong, Skull is my favorite character and I love him to bits. I also realized there were no fics based on him, so...

Rating: T - M
Warning: Abuse, Violence, Blood, Angst, Language, Ooc, Etc.

Skull planted himself onto a small rock, hiding before a tree. Reborn and the others were at a meeting, but he was late. He might as well not even go. Why would they need him anyway? He was an ex-Arcobaleno now. He had his memories- memories he'd rather have never kept. Studying his body, he thought he shouldn't have done that last stunt. He was aching everywhere and his eyelids were getting heavier.

He took this chance to lean back and reminisce. There had always been a reason he was such a crybaby. Yes, he'll admit it. He was a crybaby. He couldn't help it; it was purely habit. A habit that had hit him in the ass so many times, it wasn't funny. Not to mention his loud mouth got him into as much trouble as his tears did.

Shall we take a glimpse into his past?

He was a six year old when he was living with a happy family. Mother, father, and maybe a sibling. He had forgotten, so he wasn't really sure. He'd been playful and energetic; much like he still was- only now, it was just a reassurance towards himself. He'd been happy, the family was happy, and everything was just great.

He was about to turn seven when everything turned wrong. His father was killed, and Skull had been hidden in the cabinet. The crack in said furniture allowed him to see everything, though. When his mother found out, she had screamed, and cried. She'd lost herself, and started blaming Skull for the man's death. She stopped calling him 'darling,' and started to beat him, all the while screaming about how useless he was.

At the end of his beating, he'd be pale with bruises decorating his skin. If it was a bad day, he'd been bloody. Enough to leave a large metallic red puddle on the floor. The same spot he'd have to lay for hours- trying to regain the energy he lost. How he survived was beyond him. It was around that time he started becoming anti social to the kids around him. How could he trust anyone, if he couldn't trust his own mother?

He was later introduced to the Mafia, when a Hitman came to his home. He was eight, and already training in fighting techniques. He'd never had the guts to raise a hand to his mother, though. The mafioso was screaming at his mother, demanding money she didn't have. When she said she didn't have it, she was killed. Even after all he went through, he still loved his mother. He got revenge by killing the man. He honestly didn't mean to. His finger on the trigger of the shot gun his father had, slipped.

Mentally scarred, he was sent to an orphanage, where no one wanted to take him home. He'd spend his time hanging out in the junk yard, or the library, reading books on how to fix things. He'd found a machinery book on how to fix motorcycles. He was interested, since then. One day, when he hit the age of fifteen, he found his very first motorcycle in the junk yard.

It wasn't new, but it certainly wasn't old. He'd fixed it right up- it becoming the same motorcycle he still has today- and instantly took a liking to it. He'd learned how to ride with the multiple training sessions he forced upon himself. As he became older, and more skilled, he started preforming stunts. He received his helmet from the only person who cared about him. He called him, 'Grandfather,' who later was known as the Carcassa Family's former boss.

Said Grandfather isn't alive no more. Suffered a heart attack during one of Skull's performances, causing the teen to crash. Despite his injuries at the time, he had managed to crawl towards the dead man, and had cried on his body. He treasures the helmet and motorcycle more then anything in the world, which is why he secretly gets peeved at Reborn when he abuses his helmet.

The helmet has saved his life on more then one accounts. He was glad for it, really he was. Thus, later he became a member of Carcassa. He'd later gained strength, and grew his way up the ranks. He'd obtained his Armored Octopus, and was quite glad.

One day, he was accepted as the Cloud Arcobaleno. He'd lost many things. On more then one account has he questioned why he did it. On more then one account has he regretted not being able to feel the wind on his body.

Before anyone asks, his hair is completely natural. The piercings, make up, and clothing styles were all his idea, not to make him more flashy. They were comfortable. The bandages are to hide some of the facial scars his mother had left behind, so he was not reminded of it.

He was shaken from his memories, eyes returning from their glazed over look. Uni was sitting in front of him, next to the others. She had tears in her eyes- Skull dully noted he felt dampness on his own cheeks and figured he'd been crying too. "You wouldn't respond for five minutes, and you're really injured. I thought you were damaged in the head," Uni cried softly. Skull hesitated, before scratching the back of his head. "I was asked to preform an extra stunt. I crashed, but I'm alright. My helmet saved me," he raised a thumb upwards.

But even the action was forced. It took all his energy to stay awake, much less raise a thumb. Instead, the action came out awkward. He dropped it onto the ground next to him with a dull thud, eyes slipping closed. He vaguely remembered a cry of surprise, and arms catching his slumped form.

For now, he'd let everything return to how it was. He wouldn't talk about his past, wouldn't ask the other's about theirs. For now, he'd let himself live in the delusion of happiness, as he unknowingly slipped further into depression- from lack of care from the others, and only further abuse. But the mafia wasn't kind.

It'd only be a matter of time before he was found out, the scars covering his body to be found.

So sloppy. It was written at 2:55. Anyway, if you want a sequel to how everyone reacts to Skull's past, let me know.