It was an uneventful day for the team. The teens had woken up, gone to school,then returned back to Mount Justice,and were greeted by training with Black Canary. Now,with no missions,and no adults, the young heroes had time to relax. After learning that they had to day to let loose, the speedster and the boy wonder immediately ran to the living room to play video games. Aqualad was sitting in a chair behind the two,and had gotten comfortable with a nice book,but occassionally glanced at the boys who squabbling over who was beating who in their virtual car race. Superboy was doing push-ups in the corner of the room. Artemis was 'supposedly' writing in her notebook,when she was really stealing glances at Superboy;this Kaldur also noticed. Miss Martian was happily baking cookies in the kitchen beside them. There,she had full view of Artemis and Superboy and was trying her best not to pounce on the girl.

M'gann released her clenched fists as she heard the ding of the timer. "Cookies are ready!" M'gann exclaimed,expecting everyone to come running in,like she had seen from watching Earth television. She frowned as there was no response. "I said-"

"Yeah, we heard you M'gann," Robin dismissed, without taking his eyes off of the television screen.

M'gann sighed,sometimes Robin could be hurtful,eventhough he didn't know it,or bothered to think about it. M'gann knew Robin was just too busy playing Earth games,but still,those sunglasses he wore made him seem cold,indifferent. M'gann knew that that was the opposite of who Robin was. Robin was energetic, immature, and at times,a smart ass,but his glasses hid all of that. They hid everything about Robin,all M'gann knew (which wasn't much) and all she didn't know. But that's what the sunglasses were for,right? there were meant to hide his identity from the team. That was Batman's orders. But why,M'gann thought at times. Why couldn't they be trusted with the real Robin? Robin was hiding something about him, but why did he feel like he had to hide it? They were a team right? And teams are built on trust.

She wondered what Robin had to hide. More importantly,why did he have to hide it from his friends? Sometime M'gann wondered what would happen if those glasses just slipped a bit,just so she could see his eyes. Then,maybe his secrets would be revealed.

M'gann smiled as she lifted the cookie tray out of the oven. "They came out really good!"

In about a second M'gann found Wally beside her. "I'll be the judge of that," Wally said. He carefully looked over the tray and without thinking picked one up.

"Careful they're-"



Wally quickly dropped the cookie and rubbed his burned fingers. Artemis chuckled. "He may have super speed,but he definitely doesn't have super intelligence."

Wally pouted. Robin laughed. "So true."

Artemis smiled then walked to the kitchen. She delicately picked up a cookie and blew on it. Then placed it in her mouth. "Mmm."

"You like it?" M'gann asked hopefully.

Artemis nodded. She went to pick up another,but saw that they were all gone,and rested in Wally's arm. He smirked. "They're mine!"

"Hey!" Artemis reached for one,but Wally quickly ran out of her reach and into the living room.

Kaldur lifted his head out of his book. "Wally,be careful!"

Wally looked at him smugly. "What? I'm f-oof." Wally lifted his head off of the floor to look at what he just crashed into. His eyes widened at what he saw.

Kaldur froze,Superboy had stopped his push ups,and Artemis and M'gann stared at the sight.

Robin rubbed his chest where Wally had just ran into. "Ugh...Watch where you're going next time. I just lost my game." He opened his eyes to see his team staring at him. "What?"

"Robin," Kaldur said slowly.

"Am I bleeding?"

"No," Superboy responded.

Robin looked around the room,and still saw that all eyes were on him."Then what is it?"Robin rubbed his head,then came to a horrible realization. He quickly stared at the floor to find his sunglasses sitting comfortable beside him.

"Rob." Wally stood up and reached out a hand to his friend.

Robin knit his brow. His jaw was clenched;his fists tightened. He quickly slapped the hand away and picked up his glasses.


After putting his glasses on,Robin stood up,back towards the team. There was an extreme amount of anger flowing through him.

Wally stared at his friend. He screwed up,he got it,but...How could he be so mad? He stepped forward and grabbed Robin's hand. "Hey-"

Robin twirled around and kicked Wally in the stomach,making him fly across the room and land on the floor with a loud,echoing thud.

An alarmed Kaldur stood up. "Robin! I realize you're angry,but that's no reason to-"

Kaldur was interrupted by Wally,who was ramming Robin and pinning him to the wall. "You're overreacting."

Robin kicked him again,which landed him on the table and broke it.

"Ugh." Wally wiped of a drop of blood from his lips,and sprawled on the floor. His chest was burning from the hit. He could barely breathe. He had little time to recover before Robin was lifting him in the air.

Wally froze in shock as he saw the immense anger behind Robin's glasses. But there was something else too, something was broken in him.

"Robin!" Kaldur ordered. "Stand down."

Robin sighed,then dropped Wally. "None of you are to tell Batman." He turned to Wally. "And you,I'm done with." Robin turned around,and left the room,punching a wall before exiting.

There was silence in the room. Artemis shook her head. "You're such an idiot,Wally."

"I'm not the one who overreacted!" Wally yelled,clutching his chest. It still hurt. Wally didn't understand it. Robin had already trusted him enough to tell him his secret identity,why was he so protective of the others finding out? And why was he still trusted with nothing more than a name? This had been only one of the very few times Wally had seen his friend's eyes.

Kaldur put a calming hand on Wally's shoulder. "Wally,you fail to remember that Robin's disguise helps him put a barrier between us. Without that barrier Robin feels vulnerable and unprotected."

"But he us to protect him!" Wally yelled angrily.

"Maybe so,but growing up with Batman,Robin has been isolated to rely on no one,so having to rely on us would be something entirely new to him. Letting him keep on his masks makes him feel safer. So to make him feel comfortable,we must allow him conceal his true identity."

Wallt angrily threw his hands up in the air. "So that's it then? We're supposed to just allow him to keep up this...disguise!"

Kaldur sighed. "For the time being,yes. Just until he is ready to open up to us."

M'gann walked up to him. "But Kaldur,when will that happen?"

Kaldur sighed again. "I don't know." He gave her a optimistic look. "Hopefully soon. For now,we should forget this incident ever happened."

M'gann nodded,but she still didn't think it was fair. For some reason,she agreed with Wally. She stared at the hole Robin had left in the wall. The image of Robin's bare face didn't escape her mind. "His eyes are blue," she muttered to herself.

Part one of the three-shot over. I'm aware that Robin's real name is Dick,but I like using Robin for this chapter. Tell me what you think in a REVIEW! Please! :P