Ulquiorra walked through the door to his house, and immediately went to his dads' stash of beer and liquor. He pulled all them out and sat on the couch; he turned the TV onto a random channel and opened his 1st beer bottle.


"What was that about", Grimmjow's father yelled; he was pacing back and forth in his room.

Grimmjow just sat there on his bed, not even paying attention to his father as he rambled. He wanted to go to Ulquiorra, he needed to apologize.

"How could you embarrass me like this", his father yelled, "You are a disgrace",

"Dad", Grimmjow said quietly

But his father kept on yelling….."DAD", Grimmjow yelled,

"What", his father shouted as he turned to look at his son,

"Im gay", Grimmjow said…

His dad stopped pacing and looked at his son, "Stop your foolishness Grimmjow", his father said

"Dad im serious, the boy that was here last night…..he was my boyfriend", he said quietly,

Grimmjow watched as his dad looked at him like he just lost his mind or something. At first he couldn't tell what his father felt, but then he saw the look of disgust in his eyes.

"D-"Get out", his father shouted,

"W….What", Grimmjow stuttered in disbelief, after all the courage he built up to tell his father….and he tells him to get out.

"I will not have….have this filth in my house, I want you out", his father said again.

Grimmjow felt like his heart burned to ashes, he knew that his father was an asshole. But kicking him out because he was gay was a little too much. The feeling of loss was quickly replaced with anger; He got off his bed and walked to the door but before he left he said…..

"I don't know how mom married you, because I when I told her she said it was okay to be different", Grimmjow said quietly. "But it seems to like you can't take it", Grimmjow said before walking out his door.

He passed Orihime on the way down and apologized for all this confusing. After that he headed towards Ulquiorra's house, hoping that he would take him back.


Ulquiorra just finished the second bottle of wine he found in his fathers' room. He was still sitting in the living room with the TV on, when the doorbell ring.

He slowly got up and staggered to the door he opened it to see Grimmjow.

"OOO it's you", Ulquiorra said as he stared at Grimmjow with a drunken smile.

"U…..Ulquiorra can I come in", Grimmjow asked nervously

"Ulquiorra opened the door wider to let him in "C….Come on in, that bastard I call a dad left so no worries", Ulquiorra said.

Grimmjow walked into the living room to find beer bottles everywhere…was he drinking?

Grimmjow watched as Ulquiorra grabbed a beer off the table that was half full, and down the whole thing. What the hell?

"Ulquiorra you've been drinking", Grimmjow asked concerned,

"N….No shit, hmmm why are you here anyway", Ulquiorra stuttered as he took a seat on the couch.

"W…..Well I wanted to say sorry for everything", Grimmjow said as he looked at the floor.

Ulquiorra was confused…."The hell you talking about", he asked

Grimmjow almost fell off the arm of the chair, what the hell, does he not remember;

"Ohh right right, you fucking lied to me, threw me on the street while was on the verge of death", Ulquiorra shouted as he regained some of his senses.

"I wanted to come over here and say I was sorry", Grimmjow said hopefully.

"You lied to me…twice", Ulquiorra said quietly a tear rolling down his cheek,

"U….Ulquiorra pl-"You fucking lied to me Grimmjow", Ulquiorra yelled he got up shoved Grimmjow off the couch. They landed on the ground with Ulquiorra on top of Grimmjow; he was hitting him on the chest.

"I really liked you", Ulquiorra said, still punching Grimmjow but they started to lose its strength. "A…..And you messed it up", Ulquiorra said as he laid his head on Grimmjow's chest.

Grimmjow could feel the hot tears going through his shirt, now he felt even more like an asshole.

"Ulquiorra im so sorry…..when you left i….i told my dad", Grimmjow said hoping that Ulquiorra would give him a chance. Ulquiorra slowly lifted his head up to look Grimmjow in the eye to see if he was lying.

"Really"? Ulquiorra asked. "Y….Yah and boy was he mad as hell", Grimmjow said with a sad smile.

"S….Sorry", Ulquiorra said quietly, Grimmjow turned his back to look at Ulquiorra twirling his hair around his finger.

"Yer doing it again", Grimmjow said as he twirled his own hair. Ulquiorra stopped and looked at Grimmjow…..

"Do you forgive me", Grimmjow asked seriously,

Ulquiorra thought about it for minute, Grimmjow did say sorry twice. He really liked Grimmjow and there is no way he could let him go. Seeing how desperate Grimmjow looked Ulquiorra got an idea.

"Hmmm I don't know Grimmjow, maybe a kiss will convince me", Ulquiorra said casually.

A kiss that's all he wants, just to forgive him…..Grimmjow laugh to himself this is easy. He switched positions on the floor so Ulquiorra was on the bottom. (Like hell Im being Uke) Grimmjow thought to himself.

He leaned down and kissed Ulquiorra passionately on the lips, the taste of alcohol flooded over Grimmjow's tongue. He must have been really pissed off to drink that much. Ulquiorra brought Grimmjow closer by tugging down on his long blue hair; he then wrapped his arms around his neck.

Grimmjow broke the kiss…."Forgive me now", Grimmjow asked. Ulquiorra pondered the thought for a while. Grimmjow could tell that Ulquiorra was thinking about it….shit if he didn't forgive him, Grimmjow didn't know if he could take it.

~Ulqi~ Grimmjow whined,

This brought a smile to Ulquiorra's lips; hearing Grimmjow whine, and get all nervous was very amusing. He sat up with his arms still around Grimmjow's neck; leaned into his ear to make sure he could here.

"If you fuck me….then maybe I can forgive you fully", Ulquiorra whispered to Grimmjow in a seductive voice.

Grimmjow's eyes went wide….THAT was a definite turn on; who knew Ulquiorra could be kinky? Grimmjow thought.

With a smirk place on his face Grimmjow carried Ulquiorra to his room. He walked through the door and soon as he did he started to take Ulquiorra's clothes off. Ulquiorra brought him into a hot kiss as they staggered to the bed, when he felt the bed on the back on his legs; they both fell there kiss never breaking.

Grimmjow moved from Ulquiorra's lips and to his neck…."Im sorry", he whispered before every kiss and lick he made down Ulquiorra's neck. He moved closer to his throat….

"Ah, there", Ulquiorra moaned as he moved over so Grimmjow could have more room. Grimmjow bit down on his throat making the smaller one cry out.

Grimmjow lower his head, his tongue going over Ulquiorra's pink nipple. That must have been a turn on because he felt Ulquiorra's body shudder completely.

"Ya like that Ulqi", Grimmjow droned out as he bit Ulquiorra nipple with his sharp teeth. "Ahhhh, G….Gri", Ulquiorra cried out. Ulquiorra knew that Grimmjow was doing this on purpose so he started to play dirty to. He bucked up his hips; rubbing their erected members together.

He heard Grimmjow groan loudly, "Serves ya right", Ulquiorra said, a pleased smile on his face.

Grimmjow opened his eyes to see the smirk on Ulquiorra's face, that bastard did that on purpose. Grimmjow sat up his legs on each side of Ulquiorra; he brought a hand down and pinched Ulquiorra's nipple…..hard.

"Ngh b…..bastard", Ulquiorra stuttered.

Grimmjow chuckled to himself before getting in between Ulquiorra's legs he looked down.

"Yer pretty big for someone so little", Grimmjow said as he lowered his mouth to blow on the head; he then encased the tip with his mouth.

"Ahhhh Grimm-s…shit", Ulquiorra muttered as he threw his head to the side. He started to move his hips but Grimmjow stopped him.

"G….Grimmjow", Ulquiorra rasped out; Grimmjow looked down to see Ulquiorra looking at him with lustful eyes. "Please", Ulquiorra said.

Grimmjow was turned on even more to hear Ulquiorra beg like that. He took it all in for minute; his raven hair splayed out on the pillow, his lips parted and pink, his body slick with sweat, his legs spread wide offering Grimmjow his everything.

~Grimmjow~ Ulquiorra wined as he moved his hips back in forth enticingly, but Grimmjow stopped him.

"You're so damn cute", Grimmjow huffed as he turned Ulquiorra over onto his stomach. He leaned into his ear…."Do you want it", Grimmjow asked teasingly as he pushed up against Ulquiorra's entrance with his hard cock.

"Mm Grimmjow, i…i. want i…it… please", Ulquiorra stuttered as he pushed back on Grimmjow's cock.

"Hmmm beg some more and I just might put it in", Grimmjow purred,

Ulquiorra was starting to get irritated with this foreplay, I mean honestly Grimmjow could be such child; but he did what he was told.

"P…Please G….Grimmjow", Ulquiorra begged; "Some more", Grimmjow said again as he dragged his teeth down Ulquiorra's pale back.

"D…..Danmit Grimmjow ju-Ahhh fuck". Grimmjow shoved his cock all the way in, interrupting Ulquiorra's sentence completely.

Grimmjow pulled back to the head and then pounded back in. He grabbed Ulquiorra's hip to steady himself also to let Ulquiorra get used to it.

"M…Move", Ulquiorra said as he pushed back on to Grimmjow.

Grimmjow started up a slow pace as Ulquiorra rocked his hips back and forth.

"F….Faster", Ulquiorra wined as he looked back over his shoulder; his eyes pleading.

"Ya like it rough huh", Grimmjow asked as he picked up the pace. "S….Shut U….Up", Ulquiorra said.

"Ahhh Ahhhh, s…shit" …"Harder Grimmjow", Ulquiorra moaned.

Grimmjow thrusted into Ulquiorra faster and faster; the feeling being swallowed whole by Ulquiorra's tight entrance was pure bliss. Grimmjow hit a certain spot that hit that made Ulquiorra's arms go out; his face pressed into the pillow. Seeing the reaction he got out of him, Grimmjow tried to hit that spot again and when he did, Ulquiorra cried out to hit that spot again…so he did.

Ulquiorra reached down to jerk himself off, he didn't know how long he could hold it in. Grimmjow was pounding into him, hitting a bundle of nerves which sends Ulquiorra off the edge. He started to stroke himself faster and faster.

It was a beautiful sight to see Ulquiorra jerk himself off, while Grimmjow pounded into him.

"G…..Grimm….im…gonna….c", Ulquiorra stopped in mid-sentence; Grimmjow felt his body go ridged and then he came all over his hand. After seeing Ulquiorra come all over the bed, Grimmjow completely lost it and filled Ulquiorra up with semen.

Grimmjow fell over onto the side with Ulquiorra beside him. Grimmjow opened his eyes to find Ulquiorra fast asleep. He smiled at the sleeping form before going to sleep himself.


Ulquiorra woke in the morning to see blue…..just blue everything. He realized that his face was buried in the crook of Grimmjow's neck. He slowly got up and looked at the time on the alarm clock…..7:00. Great they had to go to school.

"Grimmjow wake up", Ulquiorra said as he got out the bed, he heard Grimmjow mumble under the sheets.

Ulquiorra walked over to the side Grimmjow was sleeping on and slapped him…."Grimmjow", Ulquiorra shouted.

Grimmjow sat up in the bed, wiping the sleep from his eyes. He looked over at Ulquiorra with annoyed look, "What", he asked groggily.

"Come on and get up we have school, and we have to go back to your house to get your clothes", Ulquiorra said. "And that means we have to leave early", Ulquiorra said again before walking into the bathroom. Grimmjow just shook his head yes.

After the two finishing cleaning up themselves from last night activities. They headed to Grimmjow's house, so he could get his clothes.

"Your very vocal", Grimmjow said with a smirk as he opened the door to his house; he hoped his father wasn't here, he thought.

Ulquiorra looked over at Grimmjow confused…"What do you mean", he asked as they climbed the stairs.

"Last night", Grimmjow replied. Grimmjow laughed when he saw the huge blush across Ulquiorra's face.

"It's not funny", Ulquiorra yelled as he sat down on Grimmjow bed, his lips poked out into pout.

Grimmjow walked over to him "Yer so cute Ulqi", Grimmjow said before he kissed Ulquiorra on the lips. Ulquiorra pulled away "Hurry up before we are late for school", he whispered.

"Yah Ya", Grimmjow said before he started to pack all his clothes. "So are you sure you want me to stay with you…..what about your dad", Grimmjow said,

"Yah its fine, and don't worry about my dad, he left me A LOT money so im pretty sure he won't be back for a while.

Grimmjow just shook his head yes. When he was done they both walked down the stairs….and just when Grimmjow reached for the doorknob somebody already opened it. His father staring at him in the face;

"D….Dad", Grimmjow stuttered.

"What are you doing", his father said his face showing nothing but disinterest; this made Grimmjow mad, why should his father care where the hell he goes?

"You're the one who told me to get out so I am", Grimmjow said curtly,

"Oh, and who are you staying with", his father asked amused,

Grimmjow turned to Ulquiorra who was twirling his hair nervously, "With Ulquiorra….my boyfriend", Grimmjow stated boldly.

Ulquiorra was shocked that Grimmjow was so forward; I mean he knew that he told his father already but still.

Without another word the 2 of them walked back to Ulquiorra's house to drop off Grimmjow's clothes.


"Grimmjow you really are something else", Ulquiorra said as he sat in front of the easel with a paint brush in hand.

Grimmjow looked up from where he sat with his guitar in hands…."What do you mean", Grimmjow asked.

"You surprise me every day with everything you do", Ulquiorra said as he painted the long strand of blue hair that fell over Grimmjow shoulder.

"Is that a compliment ", Grimmjow asked

"Yes I suppose", Ulquiorra said

Grimmjow just smiled, Ulquiorra could be really nice when he wanted to.

"Im done if you want to see", Ulquiorra announced

Grimmjow got up to see the painting…..it was beautiful…."Ulqi this is awesome, you are definitely going to win", Grimmjow said.

"Hmm you think cause im not really sure", Ulquiorra said unreassuringly, Grimmjow set down his guitar by the stool. He ruffled Ulquiorra's hair,

"Don't worry you'll win", Grimmjow said his smile big.

They both heard the art teacher telling everyone to drop their paintbrushes; the teacher began to look at everyone's painting and sketches.

"Alright", the teacher yelled the winner is…..

Ulquiorra started to twirl his hair; he actually really wanted to win. He took pride in his artwork, and to boost that pride was to win.

"Ulquiorra and Grimmjow"! She yelled,

Grimmjow had a huge smile on his face, while Ulquiorra eyes went wide. Still twirling his hair they both went up to take their picture so it would go in the school newspaper.

"Yer doing it again", Grimmjow whispered,

"I…I can't help it, I didn't honestly think we would win", Ulquiorra said as he look up at Grimmjow.

Grimmjow grabbed him by the waist…"I told you, you would win", he said before kissing him on the lips.

They were so caught up in kissing that they didn't see the faint flash of the camera, or the sound of the click.

FINALLY! Im done with this story, hope you all enjoyed the ride =} ahah


I kind of need some time to think for an upcoming sequel im going to do….so hang in there =D

Review guys (this is the last chapter ya know…..make me proud =D ).

Yours truly,

Love U Ulquiorra