Oh Mah Gosh! I feel like a piece of crap right now. You see, all this drama happened and I couldn't update. We had to visit relatives and I couldn't update. Epiphanies happened and I couldn't update. And THEN, when I could update, the stupid computer broke down and I practically cried! I am sooooooooo sorryy! I truly wonder if I could be forgiven. *pouts* Im sorry!

Disclaimer: I no own

They walked hand in hand down through the park. The sun was shining brightly. Apollo must be in a good mood today, she thought. She watched mortals run through trees and play games and laugh to their hearts content. She wondered what would happen if one day, the gods were gone. Would the sun still shine, would it still light up their enormous world? Would the moon rise at night? Would there be thunder? Would the sea still churn? Where would the deceased go?

"Heather, baby," she was pulled out of her thoughts. She looked into clear blue eyes with the crinkles on the side.


"What are you thinking about?" John tightened his grip on her hand.

She smiled. "Oh, you know. The reugular."

"And….what would that be?"

"The origins of the universe, where life came from. How the world began." It wasn't a lie, really.

He laughed and she had to remember to breathe. His smile was enough to light up the whole universe. The emotion he put into it. It nearly killed her. (In a good way, of course).

"Maybe you should ask me." He wrapped his arm around her waist. "Maybe I know more than you do," he teased.

"Possibly," she replied. "But I might know more than you," she tapped his nose.

John scrunched up his face at her. "Maybe I know more."

"Maybe I do."

"Maybe I do."

"I know a lot more."

"I might know more."


He held his hands up. "I do know one thing though."

She looked up at him through her lashes. "What is it?"

"We should go get something to eat." He tapped her nose.

Hera gasped. She tackled him to the ground as he laughed.

"John," she said assertively.

"Yes," he replied, breathless.

She looked down at him. Blue eyes met brown. Her breath hitched. She leaned down and took his lips with her own. It was as if time stopped. It was only the two of them. No others and no other things. She felt his body underneath hers and felt his hair tickle her forehead. This man. What has he done to her. Enamored a woman, no, a Goddess. A goddess that never truly loved. He does things to her heart. Makes her smile at the dreariest of times. Laugh at the most mundane of things. She didn't think she could ever feel this happy. This….content with herself.

John made her feel loved and free. She wasn't insecure anymore. And as they got up from the ground, flushed and smiling, she couldn't imagine having gone through her divorce's fallout without him. He was there for her and she wants to be there for him.

But, she wonders, is she truly with him when her life is a secret from him. When her true being is hidden away. Instead of being her true identity with him, she lies to him. The excuses she makes to get to Olympus, to do her duties as a goddess. It makes her cry. And then she thinks, this is what I put the other gods through. Oh, why?

She was, no is, selfish. She has to tell him. But maybe, first, they should go get something to eat.

Sorry for the short chappie. Anyway, Hera is seriously putting off telling john. What will happen to their relationship once the truth is revealed? What will happen to everyone once the relationship is reveale? I….. don't know. Jk, I do. ;D