Day 7: Secrets

Characters: To many to list. So I'll just say the gAang and Mai. 'Cause Mai's not part of the gAang.

Author's Note: This is by far my favourite. And the funniest, in my opinion. Though it's a close tie with Day 2.

Mai had just come from a therapy session (her parents had begged and pleaded her to go, and Iroh had agreed it would be better for her mental health), and was happily skipping down a lovely, sunshine-filled street in the Fire Nation capitol. Her therapist had given her "homework", so to speak, and she couldn't deny that she was looking forward doing this homework. Her therapist had told her she should tell every secret she'd ever kept, as it would apparently make her feel better. Mai just wanted to see everyone's reactions.

So she skipped merrily to an old poetry school her parents had made her go to back when she was in her early teens. She barged through the door and announced, very loudly, to everyone in the building, "I HATED GOING HERE! And yes, Miss Otaku, that dress DID make you look fat!" she skipped through the main hall, searching for the teacher in question, and instead found her buddy Sokka, sitting in on a class. "Hey Sokka!" Mai said with a wave "guess what? Toph loves you!" and with that, she ROFLMAO'd. Sokka sputtered and fainted, and the class erupted in giggles and whispers.

Katara was called up to take them home, but she was busy making out with (insert whoever you like to pair her with here). So she got Toph to go instead, with the promise of free booze. So Toph picked them up. And Mai, through her very uncharacteristic giggle fit, managed to scream "SOKKA AND TOPH, SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" before going into another laughing fit.

When they got to the palace, Toph dumped them at the foot of Zuko's throne and said "you got any idea what's going on here?".

"Not a clue. About Sokka, I mean. I payed Mai's therapist 100 gold pieces to drug her."


Peace, Love, Tokka

Love, Ashee (insert heart here)