Alfred watched in disgust as he watched the Kirkland twins sit there in the meeting room. He never thought that a brother and a sister could be so god damn close before in his life - and yet, it seemed somehow possible.

Alfred wouldn't say he was jealous, because that was just stupid - but also, he couldn't deny the fact that he was. He just couldn't believe that two people could be so goddamned close!

Sure, they were twins of the same damn country; the United Kingdom, but that didn't mean they had to spend every freaken' minute with each other. What about him? Alfred was sure Arthur wanted to be around him more than his blonde bitch of a sister anyway. Alfred said nothing through-out the entire meeting until he felt everyone's eyes on him. Snapping out of his thoughts as he came back into reality.

"America, are you okay? You've been quiet through-out the meeting." The same pair of emerald eyes looked over at him when Arthur spoke. He didn't mind that Arthur was looking at him - the problem was, Alice was, too. Those eyes he couldn't stand. Why did she have to share everything with the man he loved?

Everything about Arthur, reminded him of Alice; his hair and eye color, the snobby, cocky attitude, even their god damned names sounded alike! Alfred felt his insides burning with the thoughts of taking Alice out right there in the room - but he had another plan come to mind that made him calm down and force a smile, trying to at least convince everyone that he was perfectly sane

"Hahaha! Sorry dudes! I have nothing new to report." Alfred faked everything. His laugh and smile included as he rubbed the back of his head. Germany simply nodded his head and adjourned the meeting for lunch break. It went smoother than normal; that was good. However, Alfred's blood lust, wasn't.

As all the other nations left, except for Alice and Alfred. Arthur wasn't there since he had to talk to some other nations about upcoming dates, Alfred was glad. He didn't want Arthur around when he was speaking to Alice - when she's around him, the sunny blonde has to be as polite as possible and hope that she won't wring his neck. However, when Arthur was gone, Alfred enjoyed nothing more than to crush Alice to the dirt. He enjoyed seeing fear in those emerald orbs.

Nothing brought him more pleasure than to see the one person who was separating him and Arthur groveling in the dirt like a lowly worm; begging to be squished.

"Hey, Alice, why don't I take you out to lunch~?" Alice guided her eyes away from the outside world provided by the window to look over to Alfred's ice blue ores. By the smirk on his face, Alice didn't seem very comfortable around him.

"That's very sweet of you, Alfred, but I have to wait for Arthur." Alfred gritted his teeth as he stood up, making his way across the room so he could get over to Alice's small form. Compared to America, Alice was only half of the United Kingdom, without Arthur she was weaker than the average women her age. Alfred wasn't going to take no for an answer as he grabbed Alice by her arm and pulled her out of her seat.

"But Ali, Artie's busy and it's not polite to keep a woman waiting." Alfred grinned as he pulled the sandy blonde female out the door behind him, much to her protests. Luckily, the meeting was held in New York, Alfred knew his way around his own cities, but Alice didn't, which meant he could put his plan into action once they got on the busiest street in the whole city: Times Square and 42nd street.

Managing to guide Alice out of the building where the meeting was held, Alfred quickly made his way through the crowds of people, pulling the poor female nation behind him. Once they got to a hot dog stand, Alfred ordered one for himself since Alice said she wasn't hungry. Once he was finished eating, he decided to play around with the female.

"Hey, Al, you don't mind waiting do you? I have to go to the bathroom."

"Now? You bloody idiot, we have to get back before the meeting starts without us!"

"Haha~don't worry! I'll be quick!" With that said, he rushed off in a random direction. Alice sighed as she waited on a bench for the blonde to return.

Part one of his plan, complete. Now, only to get back at the meeting before it started. Alfred grinned with delight as he simply ditched the older female and went in another direction that would take him back to the building where they were meeting at.

Alice had been waiting there on that bench for no more than fifteen minutes. That idiot said he'd be quick! What if he forgot where she was? Did he lose his way? Well, that is possible since they were in the one place where it's simply crowded with people.

"Where is he? He said he'd be quick.." Alice sighed as she got off the bench and felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Taking the pink and black device out of her pocket, she opened it to reveal a text message from Arthur.

Alice, where are you? The meetings going to start soon.

The blonde bit on her bottom lip as she hastily typed on the small keyboard. I know..I'm just waiting for America to come back.

Without missing a heartbeat - Arthur replied. America? He's here at the meeting hall. He said he hasn't seen you since you left for lunch.

Rage filled Alice as she gripped her phone tightly in her hands. That fucker! He ditched her! What the bloody hell was he thinking? Alice didn't know her way for shit in this city! Growling, she angrily sent a reply and put her phone back into her pocket. Alice only had a short amount of time to get back to the meeting hall before they started without her - she had to go. Now.

Without missing a breath, she started to run as fast as she could through the large crowds of people. Some gave her glares, some pushed her side and even some screamed at her. As Arthur had taught her to be a lady to everyone, she didn't have the time. Running into the street-she started to remember something's from the way that Alfred had brought her and was sure she was close to the building. Except….

….Alice didn't see the bus nor the car that were going as fast as they could in her direction…

All that Alice remembers before blacking out on the pavement is the intense pain that over took her body. She couldn't move her legs. Were they broken? Her breathing became labored and she started to feel light headed. Looking up at her hair since it wasn't in it's normal pig tails and saw blood covering her golden strands and the tar that was underneath her. Alice noticed her vision becoming unclear as people started to crowd her, all of them screaming "Call an ambulance!" and "Call a doctor!"

Well no shit, what were you going to leave her there to die? People are so stupid. Those were the last thoughts to go through Alice's head before she passed out.


In the meeting room, the meeting was starting, everyone was taking their seats. Arthur sat there worried about Alice since she still hadn't shown up. Before the meeting, he asked if anyone had seen her, they all said no. It concerned him. Alice wouldn't just leave and not tell anyone where she was going. Maybe she got lost and was trying to find her way back now?

As the meeting went on, Arthur felt his legs cramp - as if someone had twisted them in a way he couldn't imagine. His head started to feel light and his chest felt heavy - like someone was standing on it. Everyone took note of Arthur's strange behavior and started to worry.

"Angleterre, are you okay?" France asked in concern as he placed a hand on his shoulder, wanting to know what was wrong with his friend, but Arthur simply laughed and waved everyone off.

"No, no, I'm quite alright. I guess I'm a little worked up about Alice, that's all."

Alfred couldn't help but grin as the blonde spoke. Although he didn't know what happened to Alice, but he didn't think that would matter as he just went back to listening to the meeting.


Back at their home, Wales boredly switched through the channels on the TV as Scotland drank whiskey and North was just watching - wondering when something interesting was going to come on.

Then, North's ears perked up as he heard the announcer say something about an accident involving a twenty-three year old woman from the UK.

"Wait, go back a bi'." Wales sighed as he flipped the channels back to the news. North leaned forward on the couch as the woman on the screen was talking, Wales and Scotland just sat there; unimpressed.

The accident occurred sometime between 12:45 and 1:00 this afternoon, the drivers of the vehicles were not harmed, but there was a victim who was severely hurt. The Police and Paramedics identified the female as twenty-three year old, Alice Jane Kirkland of the United Kingdom.

By the time the three brothers heard their little sisters name - they started to panic. Scotland dropped his glass, North looked like he was going to be sick and Wales, who was the closest to Alice besides Arthur, clenched his chest as if he could feel her pain.

North quickly grabbed the TV remote and turned it off. They weren't going to listen to what happened to their kin anymore. It was too painful.

The three quickly got off the couch and ran out the door - knowing exactly where to go and what to do. They were going to New York and tell Arthur.